🏈📣Calling all football fans! 🏈📣
We now have tickets for ALL the NFL Games in London this year!
To keep everything in order we will only be reserving tickets by email.
Ticket Categories for Oct. 6th Jets v. Vikings AND
Oct. 13th Jets v Bears are as follows-
Category 2 priced at $215
Category 3 priced at $185
Category 4 priced at $161
Category 5 priced at $137
*Sections, Rows, and Seat Numbers TBA*
Ticket Categories for Oct. 20 Jags v. Patriots are as follows-
Level 1, Category 1 seats in Section 124, priced at $229.00 each
Level 1 Category 2 seats in Section 140, priced at $193.00 each
Level 1 Category 5 seats in Section 113, priced at $127.00 each
Shuttle Coach is available for $23.50pp, please request a seat when booking!