Calm Yorkshire Birth

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Calm Yorkshire Birth I am Hannah Robertson, Mum of two and am deeply committed to my family and spend the rest of my time as a childbirth educator and doula. Dr. John H.

I have a strong belief that women need to feel safe and be informed; to birth in their chosen way. Traditionally across the world, women have given birth supported by female relatives or friends but nowadays many of us have moved away from our grass roots and live without the networks of extended family. A doula has undergone preparation and time reflecting on her practice with a mentor so she is

in a 'place' where she can put her own experiences and thoughts to one side; this enables her to support you to birth in your chosen way. Having a birth doula means when a woman is having the support of the NHS she knows that one of her supporters has female experience, knowledge and ultimately knows what she wants. This gives a feeling of safety and can help her to relax knowing she has this continuity. If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it. Kennell

Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers ~ strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength. Barbara Katz Rothman

You are constructing your own reality with the choices you make ... or don't make. If you really want a healthy pregnancy and joyful birth, and you truly understand that you are the one in control, then you must examine what you have or haven't done so far to create the outcome you want. Kim Wildner - Mother's Intention: How Belief Shapes Birth



Meet the woman who started the natural birth movement on a hippie commune in Tennessee.


It is coming up to 10 years since I started my doula journey. Feels I need to mark this. What would you do to celebrate?

MAMA AWARDS 2017 you can nominate your midwife, doula, antenatal teacher etc for a mama award. 💝

MaMa Conference began with a vision of providing a platform where mothers and midwives could explore, challenge and recognize current issues, as well as achievements, in maternity care. While we... you can nominate your midwife, doula, antenatal teacher etc for a...
28/02/2017 you can nominate your midwife, doula, antenatal teacher etc for a mama award. 💝

MaMa Conference began with a vision of providing a platform where mothers and midwives could explore, challenge and recognize current issues, as well as achievements, in maternity care. While we...


✨Pay Day is in sight✨

Wipe out those January Blues and book yourself something to look forward to and benefit from a ✨£50 Discount✨ when you book by the 30th January 💝

Start enjoying the Calm Birth School MP3s when you book and get access to the Calm Birth School facebook community!

Sign up to the next Group Course and you will get 👇🎁💖

2 Days of Antenatal Education, learn breathing techniques, benefit from hypnosis techniques, massage and lots of info to help you make informed choices in your pregnancy and birth - with the opportunity to meet other couples and eat cake 🍰☕

A one to one session to consolidate your learning and enjoy a prep for birth hypnosis session as you approach your guess date 👩👩

A goody bag with some bits for you 🎁

The Calm Birth School 📔 & 5 x Calm Birth School MP3s 🎶

A useful folder with additional stuff to help you in your preparation

Get in touch if you need to know more or visit to sign up


Miracle in the Making - HypnoBirthing York

✨Pay Day is in sight✨

Wipe out those January Blues and book yourself something to look forward to and benefit from a ✨£50 Discount✨ when you book by the 30th January 💝

Start enjoying the Calm Birth School MP3s when you book and get access to the Calm Birth School facebook community!

Sign up to the next Group Course and you will get 👇🎁💖

2 Days of Antenatal Education, learn breathing techniques, benefit from hypnosis techniques, massage and lots of info to help you make informed choices in your pregnancy and birth - with the opportunity to meet other couples and eat cake 🍰☕

A one to one session to consolidate your learning and enjoy a prep for birth hypnosis session as you approach your guess date 👩👩

A goody bag with some bits for you 🎁

The Calm Birth School 📔 & 5 x Calm Birth School MP3s 🎶

A useful folder with additional stuff to help you in your preparation

Get in touch if you need to know more or visit to sign up


For the first time in 6 years I am NOT on call over Christmas and new year. Thank you to the babies for coming early and giving me time with family 👪👨‍👧🎄☃️🍾


Miracle in the Making - HypnoBirthing York

✨I wanted to offer you a little early Christmast Present 🎄🎁 so if you've been thinking 💭 about booking on a course, but haven't done it yet...NOW is the time✨

Book your place before 30th November and get £50 off 🎉👇


✨I wanted to offer you a little early Christmast Present 🎄🎁 so if you've been thinking 💭 about booking on a course, but haven't done it yet...NOW is the time✨

Book your place before 30th November and get £50 off 🎉👇


I love this time of year. Our country looks so beautiful with the autumnal colours. I think giving birth to my first two children at this time of year as well as having family birthdays around now just underpins what abundance the fall brings.


Call for volunteers:


Volunteers needed both online and in-field. Are you interested in lactation support, childbirth, refugee health, nutrition, and mother support? We need you. Join our amazing team. We are working camp by camp empowering mothers and supporting families.

Our successful projects are growing quickly and we need both virtual and in-field volunteers. Join our amazing team working around the globe protect the health of mothers and children fleeing war and terror.

Email: [email protected] TODAY


Call for volunteers:


Volunteers needed both online and in-field. Are you interested in lactation support, childbirth, refugee health, nutrition, and mother support? We need you. Join our amazing team. We are working camp by camp empowering mothers and supporting families.

Our successful projects are growing quickly and we need both virtual and in-field volunteers. Join our amazing team working around the globe protect the health of mothers and children fleeing war and terror.

Email: [email protected] TODAY

Breech birth!

Breech birth!

Every birth is wondrous – what our bodies are capable of is truly mind-blowing. And then there are women who labour against incredible odds, that leave us in complete, jaw-dropping awe. These are some of the most breathtaking vaginal breech birth photos we’ve ever seen, proving

My book to read today 😍

My book to read today 😍

Nurture Project International

Amazing project. I know the woman who runs this and she needs more and more support!

Nurture Project International believes that safe and supported motherhood is a human right. We respond to the refugee crisis in Europe and the Middle East.


Amazing project. I know the woman who runs this and she needs more and more support!

Nurture Project International believes that safe and supported motherhood is a human right. We respon


Please share :) not many women know about Mizan but it is a really therapeutic treatment for digestion, menstrual pain, fertility and so much more. The womb is the creative centre for all women... time to connect and find balance.

***********Special offer*************

I am a big fan of this time of year. Days start to get a little shorter and lots of transition as Autumn starts to set in.

In celebration of Autumn Equinox (22nd September), I am offering any appointments booked before 31st October at 20% off. That includes my 3 session package of Mizan therapy.

So a first treatment of 2/2.5 hrs is reduced from £70 to £56, Subsequent treatments from £55-£44 (1.5 hours)

A course of 3 treatments from £150 to £120.

So whether you are ready for some self-love (always needed but in particular as seasons change and life settles to a new pace), you want to support your fertility, tacklet menstrual challenges or healing journey, this is the treatment for you.

Benefits of Mizan Therapy:
• Mizan increases the circulation to reproductive organs, i.e. the uterus, the ovaries and the fallopian tubes, which helps to promote hormonal balance
• It helps to reposition a misaligned uterus, which itself helps to increase circulation of blood, lymph, nervous system and qi
• Cleanses the body of any toxic build up from congested circulatory systems
• Helps to break down scar tissue
• Aids the digestive system to be more efficient which then removes and prevents toxic build up in the body and enhances the immune system
• Helps women to connect with their wombspace

Copyright Bushra Finch

Please call me for more information- Hannah 07909 835327 alternatively email me on [email protected]

Please share :) not many women know about Mizan but it is a really therapeutic treatment for digestion, menstrual pain, ...

Please share :) not many women know about Mizan but it is a really therapeutic treatment for digestion, menstrual pain, fertility and so much more. The womb is the creative centre for all women... time to connect and find balance.

***********Special offer*************

I am a big fan of this time of year. Days start to get a little shorter and lots of transition as Autumn starts to set in.

In celebration of Autumn Equinox (22nd September), I am offering any appointments booked before 31st October at 20% off. That includes my 3 session package of Mizan therapy.

So a first treatment of 2/2.5 hrs is reduced from £70 to £56, Subsequent treatments from £55-£44 (1.5 hours)

A course of 3 treatments from £150 to £120.

So whether you are ready for some self-love (always needed but in particular as seasons change and life settles to a new pace), you want to support your fertility, tacklet menstrual challenges or healing journey, this is the treatment for you.

Benefits of Mizan Therapy:
• Mizan increases the circulation to reproductive organs, i.e. the uterus, the ovaries and the fallopian tubes, which helps to promote hormonal balance
• It helps to reposition a misaligned uterus, which itself helps to increase circulation of blood, lymph, nervous system and qi
• Cleanses the body of any toxic build up from congested circulatory systems
• Helps to break down scar tissue
• Aids the digestive system to be more efficient which then removes and prevents toxic build up in the body and enhances the immune system
• Helps women to connect with their wombspace

Copyright Bushra Finch

Please call me for more information- Hannah 07909 835327 alternatively email me on [email protected]

So important to know what you are consenting to!

So important to know what you are consenting to!

Parents-to-be love looking at pictures of their developing child, but ultrasounds carry risks, which is why they're supposed to be used only when medically necessary. What every pregnant women should

Dr.Jack Newman

Dr.Jack Newman

The first few days after birth. Why so many problems?

Watch the attached video. This baby is 24 hours old and is drinking very well from the breast. Better than most babies of his age. How do I know? Because of the pause in this baby’s chin as he lowers his chin to the maximum. That pause in the chin says to an observer “I just got a mouthful of milk”, and the longer the pause, the more milk the baby got. The opposite of this is a baby who nibbles, who sucks but shows no pause in the chin. The baby in this video is nibbling only and getting very little if any milk. So, the bottom line is that if one knows about the pause in the chin, one knows when a baby is getting milk and one knows when the baby is not getting milk. A baby is not getting milk simply because he is latched on and sucking. Unfortunately, too many of our health professionals don’t have this simple knowledge. And neither do most mothers. And so we get the following problems arising in the first few days, not because breastfeeding cannot work or because breastfeeding is hazardous, but because most mothers don’t get good help and most health professionals don’t how to help. And we end up with:

1.The mother having sore ni***es: Breastfeeding should not hurt. If it does, then something is wrong. Here’s an anecdote. A few months ago, I was called to see the daughter of a friend. She had just given birth and when I saw her 36 hours after the birth, the mother had started to get sore ni***es and the baby never settled after a feeding. It took me a couple of minutes at most, to help the mother latch the baby on better. This resulted in the mother having no pain. And I then taught her how to know the baby was getting milk or not and if not, to use breast compression to increase the flow of milk to the baby. For a video showing breast compression being used in a 2 days old baby, see For the first time, the baby was satisfied. And now, at 5 months of age, the baby is still exclusively breastfed and gaining weight beautifully.

2.Dehydration: Dehydration during the first few days is due to the baby not getting milk. Why does it happen? Because too many health professionals think that if the baby is latched on and sucking the baby must be getting milk. So the mothers are reassured. But if the baby is nibbling only, the baby is getting very little milk. In many cases, luckily, the situation turns around when the mother’s milk comes in. But not always, because some babies get sleepier and sleepier, since at this young age many babies fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk is slow and soon many do not wake up on their own. This is not a problem with breastfeeding, that somehow breastfeeding cannot work; it is a problem with how mothers are helped immediately after birth. And too often they get poor help.

Incidentally, % weight loss is not a good measure of how well a baby is breastfeeding. To begin with, in many Western countries, women often get large amounts of intravenous fluids during the labour and birth. Some of that fluid goes to the baby who starts to pass urine and loses weight, which is a reason that a lot of wet diapers does not help you know if the baby is getting enough from the breast. Secondly, mistakes are often made while weighing or the answer put incorrectly into the chart. But there is an issue with the intravenous fluids. And that is that many women get significant swelling with fluid including swelling of their ni***es and areolas, which makes it different for the baby to latch on and thus get milk well. This problem is not recognized as often as it should be because treatment is not difficult and if initiated early, the baby will then be able to latch on well and get milk from the breast. Watch this video This 3 day old baby is drinking lots of milk (in spite of a less than perfect latch), but the mother is under pressure from the nursing staff to give formula because the baby is 10% below birth weight. Luckily, the mother received good help from a lactation consultant and did not supplement and mother and baby both breastfed exclusively with no problems. On the other hand, this baby, see, is hardly drinking at all.

3.Jaundice: Higher levels of jaundice in the first few days after birth are usually due to the baby not getting milk and thus is often combined with dehydration, but not always. The prevention and treatment is the same as with dehydration; in other words, let’s make the breastfeeding work well and make sure the baby is drinking milk well.

4.The baby does not latch on: There are several reasons for this occurring, including medications the mother got during the labour and birth and affected the baby. Yes, drugs given in the epidural/spinal do get to the baby and may result in the baby being too sleepy or having his ability to latch on interfered with. Again, fluid swelling of the ni***es and areolas may also play a role.

After all is said and done, the problems are not due to breastfeeding, but how mothers’ breastfeeding is interfered with and how those who are supposed to help the mother do not know how to know a baby is breastfeeding well or not and/or do not know how to help. I am not saying this is true of every health professional, but it is very common.

And finally, millions of babies have not died in the world because of the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, but rather millions of babies have died in the world because they were not breastfed. I have worked in Africa and I know this to be true.



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