Steve Pope's Barbel Fishing Adventures

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Steve Pope's Barbel Fishing Adventures Guided Days on the River Severn.


Have to say I’m looking forward to the coming season although I have serious concerns about the health dangers, the pollution of our rivers is now extremely serious.

Leaving that aside my fishing now is probably different to most.

It consists of my own personal quest and my guiding.

The guiding aspect will play out on the Trent, Severn and Wye while my own fishing will take place in Wales.

I’m determined to land a fifteen plus from the high reaches of the Severn, I know it can be done and I just need Lady Luck to be on my side.
I’m expecting plenty of blanks but each of those will be a step closer to the holy grail 😀
My tactics will be simple, fishing under my rod top, rods level or pointing down, centrepin reels and attracting the barbel to where I want them to be, I won’t be changing from that general principle.

And that’s it for me, I have no personal interest in anything else, I’ve ticked those boxes over the past fifty years 😀

I’ll be posting on here but the waxing lyrical will be in the Barbel Fisher magazine and on my website.

Whatever your own personal quests are enjoy the journey because that’s what it is and in reality it has no end ……..

I’ll be signing off the next magazine this morning, I’m very happy with the content, just wish there were more people wi...

I’ll be signing off the next magazine this morning, I’m very happy with the content, just wish there were more people willing to write.
Here’s the cover which I absolutely love and big thanks go out to Bob Dellar who sent me this along with a brilliant article and not forgetting the cover star. - Indy!


Been taking it easy after a busy couple of days.

Yesterday’s show went really well, I thoroughly enjoyed it, catching up with old friends and making some new ones.

The venue at the Notts County Football Club was very good indeed and I’m sure we will return.

All the feedback I received was positive and after 29 years believe me when I say that’s music to our ears.

From a personal perspective I always welcome the opportunity to remember those we have lost and whose memory always fills the halls, without them we wouldn’t be here .

And to get to sit and talk ( Not much from me😀) to Des Taylor was not just a privilege it was a true life highlight.

I’ve always liked Des, we’ve known each other a long while now, he’s a good friend and put quite simply he is The Main Man!

I knew that before yesterday but spending time with him more than confirmed my view and he has gone up even more in my estimation.

We are practically the same age and I’m in awe of how he maintains such a wonderful passion, more power to his elbow and long may that be 👍👍👍

Not long to go now, I’m expecting plenty of barbel in the first week so fingers crossed!

Good luck to you all, hope you catch plenty and I’ll be searching out my Welsh Severn monster 👍😀🎣


Just been watching the birds on my feeders and I’m reminded of the great tip my dear old pal Fred Crouch used to promote.

Feeding the birds is similar in many ways to attracting barbel.

Empty feeders- no birds.

Refill - takes a while for the birds to readjust.

Full feeders after a day - lots of birds happily feeding.

It’s simple but it’s true and you can see how the birds react over a week, it’s fascinating and makes you think which is often the key to successful fishing 👍🎣👍

Not long now 👍🎣😀

Not long now 👍🎣😀

Next Sunday sees this show taking place at the Notts County football stadium. It’s the first time there and I’d recommend all serious river anglers in the area to visit as it’s a great show.
We’ll be there to talk you through our various bits of barbel gear, including a brand new sliding float. This new product is going to be massively popular with anglers wanting to catch barbel on the float so come and see us to find out more!
See you there!

Don’t forget to tune into Des’s Tackle Den tonight, he’s joined by James Robbins who is a very special angler.They will ...

Don’t forget to tune into Des’s Tackle Den tonight, he’s joined by James Robbins who is a very special angler.

They will be at The Barbel Show, not to be missed 👍🎣👍


Counting down the days till the Barbel Show.

Really looking forward to sitting down with the one and only Des Taylor and talking through some of the highlights of his illustrious fishing career.

Des is right there at the top of this game and it’s a huge personal honour and privilege to chat with The Man.

I’ve known Des for a long while and he’s a good friend, it’s going to be worth listening to him recount many of his wonderful stories.


Been thinking about the Barbel Show in Nottingham on June 9th, not that long to go now!

Hope to see some of you there, let me know if you’re coming along 👍🎣😀


Not long to go!

This coming season I have a few guiding sessions lined up and a handful of visits to the Trent.

My own fishing will be totally focused on the upper reaches of the Severn, well into Wales.

It’s very much a mission, I don’t expect to catch huge numbers but I will be dreaming about that one special fish that will book end my barbel journey.

I’m very fortunate, I’m not after known fish, very much the opposite, the barbel I’m after do not get caught very often and they are stunning specimens.

I’ll share my exploits, there will be plenty of blanks but that doesn’t bother me at all.

I’ve caught plenty from the lower, pretty much bypassed the middle and now I’ve found my natural home on the upper reaches of the upper river.

Looking forward to it ….

I’m hoping to be doing this with some of my fishing clients this coming season, it really is a super place 👍👍

I’m hoping to be doing this with some of my fishing clients this coming season, it really is a super place 👍👍


Not that long to go before the start of a new season and while I’m looking forward to guiding and continuing my upper Severn quest I’ll be ever mindful of looking after myself and my clients as best I can.

Our rivers have become a dangerous place with regard to our health.

Also I’ve just become aware of something that has made me think although it’s been a long time since I had any trouble, it’s something that perhaps those who engage in being less than civil on forums and social media should bear in mind.

Someone who I had great respect for as a writer but also someone who gave me endless grief is no longer with us.

His passing made me revisit past history and boy did we have some ding dongs back in the day. Places like Fishing Magic and BFW became battlegrounds rather than open forums!

My position in the Barbel Society made me almost a constant target.

The bottom line is that it isn’t worth it, nothing to be gained and much to lose - self respect for one thing.

It’s alright to disagree but it’s wrong to do that in an offensive way or with a hidden agenda.
I’m still around, still committed to a cause that I’ve believed in for thirty years.

I’ve always been thick skinned and was always able to deal with it, others are not so fortunate and I’ve seen good people suffer abuse when that should never have happened.

Be mindful, be kind, be courteous, be humble - none of us are right all the time and most definitely no one is here forever……..


A question for you all.

How concerned are you in regard to your personal safety when it comes to fishing again on the river this summer?
There are horror stories appearing on a daily basis and it really does cause us to worry.

The Barbel Society has put together an advisory list which might at the very least help focus our minds.

Worrying times…….

Potential Risks associated with fishing rivers.

High concentration of faecal bacteria in our rivers ,

If contaminated water gets into your system you could suffer gastrointestinal disease, diarrhoea etc.

Be aware of storm overflows where you fish.

Concentrations of bacteria in small rivers can be high when it rains

Look out for sewage litter.

Be super aware when fishing flood conditions as the potential risk is higher.

Risk assess each session.

Make sure to have good quality anti bacterial skin wipes and cream in your tackle bag and disposable gloves.Make it a habit.

Clean hands with good quality anti bacterial agent before eating on the bank.

Be aware that wet tackle and clothing may transmit disease.

Elderly anglers have a weaker immune system.

Be aware of water borne diseases and symptoms and seek medical advice if you are at all concerned.

Clean hands after handling any fish to be on the safe side.

Your car can be contaminated by wet nets, potential pet danger. Cats and dogs.

Consider wearing disposable gloves when handling fish and nets etc and ensure they are properly disposed of.

Install “ The What 3 Words” app on your mobile phone.

Make sure any cuts and abrasions are covered, this advice is put out for weils disease and holds true for the current pollution risk.

This is germ warfare and we are being asked to swallow it.

Be aware, be safe and enjoy your fishing.

This came up as a memory, thirty years ago!14-08 if I recall and a huge fish back then caught from the Severn.Mike Burdo...

This came up as a memory, thirty years ago!

14-08 if I recall and a huge fish back then caught from the Severn.

Mike Burdon came down and took the photos.

I won the biggest fish trophy from the Barbel Catchers Club.

Still searching for Severn monsters but many miles away from where this one was caught.

I look very young in this photo, time waits for no one 😀


As I’m getting old 😀, 74 on June 16th, I’m cutting back on travelling for my fishing and guiding.

I’m not looking to be out every day either so availability is very limited.

I already have a few dates in the diary and I’m particularly keen to push the summer time night fishing on the Severn.
No bivvies or bedchairs, I’m talking actively fishing through those short warm nights in July and August.

This would really suit anyone who is new to fishing through the night, the venue is perfectly safe and the barbel can be very active.

If you fancy it get in touch and the session can be built around your requirements.


[email protected]


Among many other things I also put together the Barbel Fisher magazine.
This goes out to Barbel Society members.

If you have any writing aspirations please feel free to contact me, there’s always room for new authors and there appears to be a real dearth at the moment.

2000 words and a few photos and your work will be in a high quality magazine.

Look forward to hearing from you 👍👍

Decided to get out for a few hours.No one here, it’s very windy.Twenty droppers in , one barbel will do ! 👍😀🤞🎣

Decided to get out for a few hours.
No one here, it’s very windy.
Twenty droppers in , one barbel will do ! 👍😀🤞🎣


Decisions, decisions!

Should I stay or should I go?

A last few hours on the river, it will be muddy but there’s a chance for a fish.

At my age and after thousands of barbel on the bank the desire isn’t the same, I would be lying if I said otherwise.

I am looking forward to some tench fishing close to home though!!

All the best if you’re out for a last few hours 👍👍🎣🎣

Times running out so a few hours today and perhaps on Wednesday.Different swim, a mate is in my usual spot but there are...

Times running out so a few hours today and perhaps on Wednesday.
Different swim, a mate is in my usual spot but there are a few swims here that I’m confident in.
Hoping for a sixteen plus because I know there’s one here but any barbel will do and that’s why I love the upper Severn.
It’s quiet, very still, the calm before the barbel storm?🌊
Hope so 😀😀🎣

I’ll be doing my usual bits plus looking forward to sitting down with Des Taylor and getting him to tell us some of his ...

I’ll be doing my usual bits plus looking forward to sitting down with Des Taylor and getting him to tell us some of his fantastic stories from a lifetime as an angler, this will be special, Des is the consummate entertainer 👍

THE BARBEL SHOW 2024💥💥We’re very excited to be able to share the speaker line up at this years BS show…… first up we hav...


💥💥We’re very excited to be able to share the speaker line up at this years BS show…… first up we have James Denison 🎣👍 who is part of the exclusive Drennan team of high calibre anglers. James has set himself the target of catching a double figure barbel from 40 different rivers!! He will be telling us some of his many tales on his journey so far…👏👏

Again.A few hours before it rains.Fingers crossed.


A few hours before it rains.

Fingers crossed.

We go again.The river is higher, perfect.If there’s a barbel about we should find it over the next five or six hours!

We go again.
The river is higher, perfect.
If there’s a barbel about we should find it over the next five or six hours!


Luck and what role does it play?

Probably not as much as one might believe.

It’s not that we make our own luck more that we constantly learn, adapt, use our experience to reduce the element of chance.

At this moment and for the past week conditions for catching barbel are as good as it gets.

We know that from shared experience telling us when the water is up and the temperature is favourable the barbel will feed.

Our expertise will tell us where they are and how to attract them to the exact spot we want to catch them. For me that means as close to my bank as possible.

Things like bait and rigs is all down to whatever gives you the most confidence.
My choice is always to keep it as simple as possible.

Then it’s just a matter of being there, for me that’s a few hours in the day, I know I can catch them then because I have total confidence in my methods.

Yesterday I managed two barbel in a session for the first time on the venue, now I’ll be looking for three!

This is a hard venue because the density of barbel is pretty small but I have complete confidence that I will catch because I’m slowly putting the pieces together.

This is what inspires me, I have no interest anymore in just catching, it’s all about the challenge.

Have a great weekend 👍🎣👍

Sometimes you just know, 11-12.👍👍Four garlic pellets.

Sometimes you just know, 11-12.
Four garlic pellets.

Back again and more confident as I remembered the dropper rod and twenty droppers of h**p and small pellets have been de...

Back again and more confident as I remembered the dropper rod and twenty droppers of h**p and small pellets have been deposited in ten feet of water under my rod top.
The two spare rod rests are for safety as it’s pretty slippery and this swim is certainly one of the safer ones.
Have a feeling I might get one today 🤞🤞

We’ll see.

Managed to get to the river.Realised I had forgotten to pack my dropper rod and that’s bad!!!Old age 😀😀No one else here....

Managed to get to the river.
Realised I had forgotten to pack my dropper rod and that’s bad!!!
Old age 😀😀
No one else here.

Faith in some flavoured meat and garlic pellets and pva bags.

This time last year I got lucky, perhaps again?

We will see 😀🤞🎣


Exciting News.

Barbel Show 2024

June 9th Notts County Football Ground.

Everything is falling into place and we will soon be announcing the full line up of speakers and trade stands.

Make a note of the date and new venue.

Hope to see you there.



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