Brilliant week of @british.canoeing @canoewales Advanced canoe courses. Advanced open water / whitewater leader assessments and advanced open water coach training. Great team of people and wonderful mock students. Thanks @sidsinfield , @adventure.beyond for the process and a pleasure to be on the water with you @rhys_greenideas , @beanboating and thanks for your time @rachlette_b @lukasjf @skapades_ @rhodarnold @wildotterapp @nrsweb @nrseurope @freefallpaddles @bpm_whitewater @vepaddles @venturecanoes @sweetprotection
Which tips and tricks do you use when getting on to the front wave at the Bitches? Ramsey sound is such a magical place. @phseakayaks @vepaddles @nrsweb @nrseurope @astralfootwear @sweetprotection @canoewales @british.canoeing #seakayakcoaching #seakayaking #seakayakinguk #seakayakingadventures #bitches #ramsey #ramseyisland #pembrokeshire #sîrpenfro #cymru #discovercymru #pembrokeshirecoastalpath
Our last @british.canoeing @canoewales Advanced sea kayak leader training course until the Autumn. We have plenty of courses in the diary so check out our website for the next up coming skills or qualification courses. @phseakayaks @nrsweb @nrseurope @vepaddles @sweetprotection @astralfootwear @palmequipment
Gudni from @seakayakiceland nailing getting on the front wave at the bitches whilst assisting/observing us on our @british.canoeing @canoewales Advanced Sea kayak leader training course. Interesting watching the swell surge through the flow. What a place. Thanks @sigurjonm for the footage. @phseakayaks @kokatatusa @nrseurope @vepaddles @palmequipment @astralfootwear
Always great to introduce paddlers to our amazing tidal flows. Some lovely trips snuck in between the autumn gales. 10 points if you can make the spot. @phseakayaks @canoewales @british.canoeing @nrseurope @nrsweb @astralfootwear @kokatatusa @palmequipment @vepaddles #pembrokeshire #seakayaking #seakayakingadventures #seakayakinguk #seakayakingwales #cymru #sirpenfro #seakayakcoaching
Some great conditions for practicing rescues during our @british.canoeing sea kayak leader.
Laura thinking outside the box. Great stuff.
@phseakayaks @vepaddles @nrsweb @nrseurope @kokatat @sweetprotection @british.canoeing @canoewales
#sea #seakayaking #seakayakinguk #seakayakguides #seakayakcoaching #cymru #visitwales #cymru #sirpenfro #pembrokeshire #qualifications
We had a great time last week running a @british.canoeing @canoewales sea kayak leader training course for 4 highly motivated future Leaders. We had some lovely conditions. It's a real privellige to be part of people's journeys to becoming inspirational sea kayak Leaders/guides and coaches.
@phseakayaks @vepaddles @nrsweb @nrseurope @kokatat @sweetprotection @british.canoeing @canoewales
#sea #seakayaking #seakayakinguk #seakayakguides #seakayakcoaching #cymru #visitwales #cymru #sirpenfro #pembrokeshire #qualifications
West side of Ramsey (the wild side).
@phseakayaks @nrsweb @nrseurope @vepaddles @canoewales @british.canoeing
#seakayakguides #seakayaking #seakayakcoaching #seakayakinguk #ramseyisland #sirpenfro #cymru
Great fun around Ynys Dewi/Ramsey Island last week, small tides with a bit of wind and swell made for some bouncy conditions on the west side.
We are starting to see some little white sausages (seal pups) on the beaches around the coast.
@phseakayaks @nrsweb @nrseurope @vepaddles @canoewales @british.canoeing
#seakayakguides #seakayaking #seakayakcoaching #seakayakinguk #ramseyisland #sirpenfro #cymru
Great to have some swell and wind on the North coast of Sir Penfro today. Our British Canoeing Personal performance award course really enjoying the conditions.
@phseakayaks @canoewales @british.canoeing @nrsweb @nrseurope @kokatatusa @palmequipment @vepaddles
#seakayakguides #seakayaking #seakayakcoaching #discovercymru #visitwales #pembrokeshire #sirpenfro
Probably the best place to be in s heat wave. Ramsey sound truly is a wonder. It's amazing to feel the power and energy in our tidal cycles. Not a bad office.
@phseakayaks @vepaddles @nrsweb @nrseurope @canoewales
@british.canoeing #seakayakguides #seakayaking #seakayakcoaching #seakayakinguk #ramseyisland #pembrokeshire #sirpenfro #cymru #visitwales
Peter giving it the beans to try and get on the front wave at the bitches. It's a great play spot on neap tides for sea kayaks. Slightly more challenging on springs 😬
@phseakayaks @nrsweb @kokatat @vepaddles @canoewales @british.canoeing
#ramseyisland #thebitches #seakayaking #seakayakcoaching
We had a great day introducing a father and son to Ramsey sound.
As you can see the bitches at the end of the flood is a very friendly place.
@phseakayaks @vepaddles @nrsweb @nrseurope @palmequipment @canoewales @british.canoeing
#seakayakguides #seakayaking #seakayakcoaching #seakayakinguk #pembrokeshire #visitwales #cymru #sirpenfro #marinebiology #thebitches
What a great few days with a lovely couple.
Perfect weather for getting to grips with Ramsey island and sound. The bitches on the ebb is such a good venue for developing moving water skills.
If you fancy some bespoke coaching around the amazing Pembrokeshire coastline drop us a line at [email protected]
@phseakayaks @nrsweb @nrseurope @palmequipment @vepaddles @wernerpaddles @kokatatusa @canoewales @british.canoeing
#pembrokeshire #seakayaking #seakayakguides #visitwales #wildlife #cymru #sirpenfro #seakayakcoaching
We’ve had a great couple of weeks with families and some leader training. This seal encounter probably tops it all though.
So curious.
This is a super important time of year for our seals with pupping season really getting going. We need to be mindful of our interactions with these incredible marine mammals. This one was really interested in us.