Coming from a background in fine art and design, I had a very clear image of the tattoos I wanted. Turning to the internet, I began my search which was to be the start of a very long and drawn out process. Firstly, I wanted to find an artist within my own country and, secondly, I wanted a style which matched the images in my head. I soon realised it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. More of
ten than not, when I did finally find an image which was similar to what I wanted, it was exactly that, just an image. Trying to find the artist behind the piece was nearly impossible and, once found, the artist usually turned out to be in another country. It also became clear that information on the web was not up-to-date or that artists had changed their locations or were merely guest spotting for a short period of time. Frustration ran high and the search continued…
…and that’s when the idea for Tattoo Central was born! Our aim is to provide:
- An up-to-date site where tattooists’ work can be sourced and compared with that of other artists
- A realistic and bespoke overlay function allowing people to see how a particular design would look on their body before committing to the real thing
- A site where artists can showcase their work on a global and up-to-date platform, enabling them to raise their profile, making it easier for potential clients to find them
- A royalties scheme which allows artists to finally realise a justified return from their past work, not unlike how the music industry operates