As the battle continues across Europe, new items of tech are being found from the early parts of the great war, some of which could change the course for one of the factions. Resources are now running low and this endless fighting its taking its toll on weapons and equipment.
This battle sees the factions fighting over an abandon weapons factory whose vaults are still unbreeched. Its not known which faction once owned this complex, but the treasures inside could be vital.
Battlefield Europa is an endless battle of attrition, supplies and control. Three factions battle is our over two days. Saturday has admin from 8am and briefings at 9.30 with game starting around 10.30 once everyone is deployed and finishing at 4pm. Then kick off Sunday at 9am, finishing at 1pm.
Each faction has as command HQ, Command radios and a huge list of objectives. Check out the rules here
There will be 3 teams for this event. Those teams are:
The Read Drakes of East Europa
Red Faction of the Drakes MUST wear an element of RED in their load-out and no other.
The Blue Hammers of West Europa
Blue Faction of the Hammers MUST wear an element of Blue in their load-out and no other.
The Dark Faction -At this time unknown.
The Dark Faction MUST wear a Purple element to their load-out and no other.
Each team is split into 3 classes:
This is the largest of the classes, making up the bulk of the team. Assault players are allowed 1000 rounds, and may not use any weapons above 350fps (i.e. snipers). The play type and missions aimed towards large engagements, taking and holding critical areas, and full on warfare.
This class follows more Tactical style of play. Limited to 600 rounds, and unable to use a support gun, Tactical players will be performing missions such as VIP extraction or es**rt, and retrieving key items. Expect a lot of fast paced action.
The smallest and most restricted of the classes, Recon players will be limited to 100 rounds, capable of using a sniper rifle, pistol and knife. Recon will be performing missions such as gathering critical intelligence, locating targets and objectives, and assassinations. Recon is heavily focused on a MilSim style of play, requiring sneaking behind enemy lines, choosing your engagements and getting away undetected.
All of the classes will be working together in the team throughout the weekend, relying on help from the others to complete their missions. The missions given to you will also depend on the success or failure of your team to complete objectives, so teamwork is critical.
Class roles for EUROPA
As with all GI weekender events, each team is broken down into 3 class units who each have a dynamic and each ‘Class’ has strict rules of engagement and varied styles of play.
Recon elements are the eyes and ears of the force.
Ammo limit: 200 loaded in mags
Clothing: MUST wear gullie suit or civilian clothing.
Role: to observe enemy movements, to obtain intel from the enemy and take out HVT. (High value targets)
Special: If in Civilian clothing and unarmed can entre enemy positions that are NOT under attack to gather Intel.
Can Arm an enemies Mcom station.
Can set up a Personal field/regen rucksack.
Tactical elements are the brains of the force.
Weapons: Any Single shot weapon up to 350fps. (0.2 bb) Can also have one LMG (1sec burst Full Auto) per 6 rifleman in a squad.
Ammo limit: 600 loaded in mags
Clothing: BDU/Team appropriate
Role: A force is made up of moving parts but NO tactical objectives including CP areas being captured (Team flag raised) or objective drops can be picked up, moved or interacted with unless it’s tactical.
Special: Tactical are the only unit that can pick up and es**rt objectives, the only unit that can capture CP locations and if they control the centre communication relay, can listen in on enemy radios using the radio at the station.
Can use Assault field/regen rucksack but cant move them?
Assault elements are the muscle of the force.
Weapons: Any Full Auto (1 Sec Burst) weapon.
Ammo limit: 800 loaded in mags
Clothing: BDU/Team appropriate
Role: This is the force that deals with all main Threats. No Assault can be stated on a fixed location objective with this unit involved. Even if it gets exhausted on the way in the Assault may then continue.
Special: Assault squads get the benefit of using field/regen packs to help sustain them in the field.
Can Arm an enemy Mcom station.
Field packs are the mobile regens for a force. This allows troops to re-load mags, remove bandages and regen if no enemy is with 100m of it or can spot it.
The bag has a flag in it, to deploy it, just pull out the flag. To move it after at least 60 seconds of being deployed, just put the flag back in the bag and move it somewhere else. To destroy an enemy field pack, just put the flag back in the pack and leave it where it was found. To regen a field pack, just take it back to the relevant forces HQ. Hard Regen.
NO reloading magazines in the field unless its at a hard regen or a friendly field pack.
Airsoft rules for Europa
· When shot, a loud call of ‘HIT’ should be made and the player is considered out of game. The player must place a ‘HAND’ in the air to show they are no longer live and immediately fall to the ground calling for a team ‘Medic’.
· A hit is anywhere on the body or the gun and ricochets must also be taken; if you think you’ve been hit take it.
· Dead and wounded players ‘DO NOT TALK’. The only exception is to use the ‘DEAD MAN WALKING’ or ‘MEDIC’ calls - anything else is considered cheating.
Getting back in the action
· If a live team mate can get no less than 1 metre but no more than 2 and calls ‘Cover’, you can bandage yourself to become live again.
· All bandaging must be stationary and if either player is hit during the Medic or move, both must take a KIA a must head to a regen.
· If no one gets to you within 2 minutes, or both your bandages have been used, you have bled out and are KIA.
· If a medic hasn’t got to you after 30 seconds, you may try to crawl to a live player. Take down your hand and you MUST CRAWL. If shot whilst crawling, you are KIA. You must keep calling out for a team medic during the crawl and once committed, you can’t stop the crawl.
· You can take an immediate KIA only if you’re wounded in the middle of a fire fight and you can't avoid being shot! Otherwise stay on the ground for your full 2 minutes, calling for a team medic.
· KIA means returning to a fixed regen. Running out of bandages, bleeding out, Knife kills, and shot during medic/moves/crawls are all KIAs
Pyro Effects
· Inside - Whole building or structure is wounded
· Outside - 5m radius – Cover has no effect. If an explosive gr***de lands within 5m of you, you are going to take a hit when it goes off - running away and blowing up spectacularly is optional, but always looks more awesome than just falling over
· Outside only - 5m radius area denial. If an incendiary gr***de goes off within 5m of you, it's time to run away before you burn to death. Don't worry where the smoke blows, you just need to stay out of a 5m circle around the pyro until it has finished smoking.
Whilst in field all players must:
· Carry 2 bandages
· Carry 2 gr***des max, can re-arm at field pack or HQ
· Recon Soldier - Only have up to 200rnds worth of ammo loaded in mags
· Tactical Soldier - Only have up to 600rnds worth of ammo loaded in mags
· Assault Soldier - Only have up to 800rnds worth of ammo loaded in mags
· Players must NOT take into the field any more MAGS than their ammo limit!
· You can only reload at a controlled re-gens, (this includes BFGs), unless you push/drop the bbs in your mags by hand (no loading tool/pouring into high caps).
· You may carry only 3 standard loaded Pistol mags. Any more must be included in your ammo limit.
SIN BIN!!! Anyone found repeatedly breaking any of the game or site rules will be removed from the game for 5 mins and if this continues will be asked to leave the site.