Ace Taxis Evesham

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Ace Taxis Evesham Good People, Good Cars, Good Service, Everytime. Good People, Good Cars, Good Service


Morning friends,

Just a quick note to say the phoneline is back in operation, thank goodness… I think 🤔. Sorry if you’ve been able to reach me, but we’re all sorted now 👍👍👍

I will hopefully see you soon



Good afternoon friends,

I hope you are all well.

I’m really sorry but because of technical issues (EE have screwed up) I am unfortunately without my phone for about 24 hours. This means that I cannot receive or make any calls. You can still get me on email as long as I have a Wi-Fi signal, but as a temporary measure I can be contacted on (07726) 667443.

I apologise about this, and I will message again once I’m up and running properly.

I hate new phones!!!

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and sorry if you’ve been unable to get through.


Big Reds little sister took part in her first wedding job today, and didn’t she look good 😊 Welcome to the Ace family.Al...

Big Reds little sister took part in her first wedding job today, and didn’t she look good 😊

Welcome to the Ace family.

Also, congratulations to the happy couple, and thanks for allowing us to be part of your very special day.

See you soon guys
Rich & Debs 😎😁


Good afternoon friends,

I hope you are all okay and keeping safe.

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the retirement of our Jaguar XFS after nearly 7 years of very loyal Service.

Over that time this car has taken many brides to their weddings, excited students to proms, has transported countless people to business meetings, conferences, rock concerts, airports and seaports, and I can honestly say I have enjoyed almost every single one of the 220,000 miles we have done in this car.

She has been very loyal, and she will be missed, although I will not miss the repair bills, nor the fuel bills either 😁

However, this means I now need to replace it, but what with? Do we go down the route of buying something electric? Do we buy something smal and hopefully cheaper to run, do we buy another big Red?

Decisions, decisions…

So after a great deal of thought, and shopping around, we decided to stick with what we know…and bought another Jag, and it’s red 😊

We have got another announcement to make concerning a potential new driver,, but we’re keeping that one to ourselves just for now.

Watch this space…

Take care guys, and we hope to see you all soon.

Best wishes,
Rich and Debs


Good afternoon friends,

I hope you are all doing well, and for those of you still playing Whamaggeddon and are still in, I salute you for all of your bravery and wish you good luck with the final push towards the finish. The end is indeed in sight, but it's still quite a long way off.

Unfortunately, I myself fell early this year, getting Whammed by the radio station which I was under the impression was a safe house! Alas, it proved not to be the case, and I unfortunately took a Whamming with both barrels from Absolute 80's whilst sat in Big Red doing paperwork - thank YOU Chris Martin (The DJ, not the Coldplay guy).

Still, it's not all bad in Whamhallah, the fires are warm, the ale is fine, and there's plenty of friends up here to swop stories with and plan out 2024 campaign.

We at Ace will still do our best to support those who have yet to fall, and endeavour to keep our cars as Wham free as possible, but please do be warned... I thought I was safe too, and I'd hate to be responsible for accidently Whamming one of you good people.

Until next time good friends, and until we meet again, farewell...

Rich (now partying up in Whamhallah 😎)


Hello everyone,

It's Gabby here on dad's behalf, he has asked me to let you all know that on the happy run up to this Christmas season we must once again enter the whamageddon arena and fight the good fight. While I am sure many of you will prematurely enter whamhalla (your bravery was inspiring) we would like to let you know that 9 times out of 10 an ACE taxi is a safe zone for those fighting the good fight.... that is unless you're in mums car as she tends to listen to her own music.. enter at your own risk.

I'd like to wish you all good luck and have a great christmas


Good afternoon guys,

I hope you are all well.

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted but we’ve been very busy during the summer, and the autumn has been quite brisk for us all too, but things look like they MAY start calming down a bit for us now.

Therefore, and apologies for the last minuteness of this announcement, but both Deb and I are having a long weekend break, starting this Friday (3rd November).
So it means that we will not be operating until 8:00am on Tuesday 7th November - I have actually got a booking for Monday but that’s the only thing I plan to cover.

This means that my colleagues at KLA Taxis have very kindly offered to cover my existing commitments - thanks Chris, Kelly, Eilef and the team - so all pre arranged contract work will be covered as usual, l but by KLA instead of Ace. Of course, you can always call them directly if you need a ride, they’re all very nice, and their number is 01386 362007.

Thanks again for all of your continued support guys, and we will hopefully see you all very soon.

Best wishes
Rich & Debs😎😇🚗


Hi guys

I hope you are all doing okay.

As some of you are aware, I have a quite a significant birthday this weekend. (Yes, I’m going to be 21 again ), so to mark the event I am having this weekend off! Fingers crossed we may have a bit of sun as we have made some plans which will hopefully involve fish and chips, the seaside, and cheese!
There may possibly be a beer or two as well🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

I’m afraid this means that Ace will not be operating from midnight, Friday 11th August right through to 7:30 am on Monday 14th August, my first weekend off since New York in February!!!

During the weekend all of our regular contract work is being covered by my colleagues at KLA Taxis, and they can be contacted on 01386 362007.

As I mentioned, we will be back in the saddle, 7:30 am on Monday the 14th.

Many thanks people, and I wish you all a good weekend too.

Hopefully see you soon,

Look who’s been busy this morning….A massive thanks to Marc, Lisa and the team at Evesham Ink .I will be seeing you guys...

Look who’s been busy this morning….

A massive thanks to Marc, Lisa and the team at Evesham Ink .

I will be seeing you guys again in the future.

Rich ❤️🙏😎 guys…I don’t normally do this kind of thing but I’m making an exception here….Have a list...

Hi guys…

I don’t normally do this kind of thing but I’m making an exception here….

Have a listen but be warned, it’s quite powerful and moving….

The official music video for "1916" by Sabaton. Taken from the music EP "Stories From The Western Front".➞ EXCLUSIVE MERCHANDISE:


Hi guys

I’m very sorry about the short notice but I’m afraid Ace is not running tonight (Sunday 16th April) as I’m going to my first rock gig in nearly 10 years!

We’re seeing Sabaton plus support in Cardiff, so if I’m a bit hard of hearing next week I apologise now…

Normal service resumes at 07h30 tomorrow (Monday 17th April).

Thanks guys, and I hope you’re all keeping well.

Rich 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

Good afternoon guys,I hope you’re all doing okay.We are now firmly back up and running after my recent special birthday ...

Good afternoon guys,

I hope you’re all doing okay.

We are now firmly back up and running after my recent special birthday trip and I’m just gonna say thank you to a couple of people.

Big thanks to Cousin Steve from S & J Taxis for helping with the smooth running of Ace whilst I was away, and a thank you to the team at KLA Taxis for helping fill in the gaps too.

Dominic at Eveshsm AutoBody shop for doing a cracking job on getting Big Red back on the road ready for me going away, thanks Dom.

The boys at Vale Tyre, Exhaust and Service centre, you guys know what you do…

Thanks to my travelling buddies, Jordan Perry and Dave Perry who didn’t moan TOO much when my directions took us a little bit of course, and before anybody says that Manhattan is all in a grid, making it impossible to go wrong, it’s a mess at the bottom on the island so there!!!

A few people helped make this “special birthday” trip happen for me so it’s a big thanks to Sandra (mother in law), Mum and Dad, and of course my darling wife Deb.
You did great babe - thank you.

Finally, thank you to the people of New York for making our trip so enjoyable, even the crazy lady in the subway!!! If anyone is even THINKING of a trip my best advice I’d go!!!! It’s absolutely brilliant..

I’ll leave with a couple more photo highlights of the trip, but they really don’t do the place justice.

Thanks again guys, hope to see you soon


Mysterious UFO spotted flying over New York!!!

Mysterious UFO spotted flying over New York!!!

Where to boys…?

Where to boys…?

Day one in NYC highlights…What a city!!!

Day one in NYC highlights…

What a city!!!


Good afternoon friends,

I hope you are all keeping well.

My forthcoming trip to the Big Apple is getting very near now (we leave Tuesday morning), so I just wanted to let you all know that Ace will be an a partial shutdown starting from 6:00pm this evening (Sunday 19th February).

Deb is covering the contract work we have booked in, and other work booked in will very kindly be covered by Cousin Steve @ S & J Taxis. I will be covering a couple of little job’s tomorrow daytime, and Steve will be covering from tomorrow evening.

However, we will NOT have our phone on after tonight, and I will not be checking messages or emails until I’m back at work on Monday 27th February.

Steve can be contacted on 07989 198283 - and he’s a good bloke so give him a call😁

Thank you all for your continued support and best wishes, and I will hopefully see you all upon my return.

Best wishes


Good afternoon friends

Firstly, a very happy new to you all, and let’s hope it’s a good one for all of us🤞

Now, some sad news I’m afraid…

I’m afraid we’re having to say goodbye to Kelvin, who has been with us since September 2021, who is off to pastures new.

We wish him every success in the future, and would like to thank him for all his hard work and commitment to Ace Taxis for the last 15 months.

Also, we are unfortunately also having to say goodbye to our very loyal Skoda Octavia, who is going into retirement after nearly 6 years of service. During this time she has clocked up over 200 000 miles and never let me down (well, ALMOST never). She’s been a brilliant car and will be sadly missed.

Now, this does mean that we are going to be a bit more limited in our availability due to being a car and driver down, but Deb is going to take more on, so between us we will hopefully be able to cover most runs as requested. If we can’t get to you, then we apologise, but we have no immediate plans to expand just yet. Like a lot of people and businesses, we’ll wait and see what happens as the year progresses.

Finally, I’d just like to thank all our loyal friends and customers who supported us through what was without a doubt a very horrible 2022, but we’re still here, and we plan to be here for a while yet…

Thanks again guys, and we hope to see you all very soon.

Best wishes,
Rich & Debs


Good morning friends,

Just a very quick post this morning to say my old phone number is back up and working!!

There… told you it was quick!!!

Thanks guys


Good evening friends

I’ve got a problem with my mobile phone at the moment and I’m using a temporary SIM card. This means that I cannot receive incoming calls or texts to the mobile number BUT I can collect calls made to the landline.

Therefore, if you need to contact us from tonight onwards can I ask that you please phone 01386 442228. This will divert to me and I’ll be able to hopefully help. If I call YOU back it will be on a different number. I’m not sure but this might apply to WhatsApp too.

Currently the mobile number is not responding, but we hope to get this back up and running very soon.

Once everything has been sorted I’ll post again.

Sorry guys, really didn’t need this, but thanks for bearing with me.

Hopefully normal service will resume shortly 🤞🤞

Take care
Richard @ Ace Taxis


Good evening friends,

I hope you are all keeping well and looking after each other.

We have now finalised the arrangements for our Dads funeral, and although it will be published in this weeks Evesham Journal, I wanted to share it with you all on here too as I know a lot of you wish to attend.

The funeral service will be held on Monday 30th May at St. James Church, Badsey at 1:30pm.

This will be followed by a brief service at the Vale Cremation in Fladbury at 3:00pm.

Following this there will be a celebration of Dads life, which will be held at Badsey Sports and Social Club (aka Badsey Cricket Club) at Brewers Lane, Badsey straight after the Church service.

All are welcome to attend.

I know there are people who would like to be there on Monday who are unable to, but thank you for your kind wishes and messsges of support, and in true Dad style, we’ll have a drink to his memory at a later date🥃

Needless to say, we will NOT be operating any services at Ace at all on Monday 30th, but we will resume operations on Tuesday 31st May, it’s what Dad would expect us to do…

Finally, we’d like to again thank you all for all of your kind messages, love and support you’ve shown not only us, but to our family, and especially our Mum.

Thank you guys, so very much🙏

Rich & Debs❤️


Hi guys

Just a very quick note to say a massive thank you for all your messages and kind wishes in regard to the sad passing of our Dad. We’ve been really touched by the kindness you’ve all shown to us and we thank you one and all.

Love to you all❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rich & Deb

Good afternoon,Following on from my earlier post a couple of days ago I regrettably have to inform everybody that our Da...

Good afternoon,

Following on from my earlier post a couple of days ago I regrettably have to inform everybody that our Dad, Geoff Perry very sadly passed away this morning.

The next few days and weeks will undoubtedly be quite trying for us, but we will endeavour to keep Ace Taxis running as smoothly as possible whilst we adjust to the loss of our Dad and continue to support our Mum at this difficult time.

Judging by all the messages, comments and offers of support we have received from everybody just goes to prove what we always suspected, that our Dad was indeed a top bloke.

He will be so very much missed.

Thank you all for your kindness and support, and we’ve will be in touch in due course.

Rich & Deb❤️


Good morning guys,

We just wanted to send a bit of an update of our circumstances. My Dad, Geoff (aka Ron) Perry is very poorly in hospital at the moment so we are concentrating on supporting both him and our mum at this difficult time.

This means that we are running a slightly restricted level of service at present. We’re sorry if we haven’t been able to help out in our usual manner, or if we’ve had to cancel or change bookings at very short notice. We are trying to run as normal service as we can, but as you can probably appreciate, this isn’t always going to be possible, at least short term.

Any future bookings we have will continued to be fulfilled, and we are trying to cover all of our regular work as before. There has been a lot of love and support for us, and to our family from you guys, and we are very grateful for all your love and good wishes.

Finally, a massive thank you to our driver Kelvin, who has really helped and stepped up to the plate during this period, and a big thanks to Cousin Steve @ S & J taxis for helping us all out.

Thank you all, and we will keep you all posted.

Rich & Deb

Hi guys,Ace taxis had a very proud set of parents today as we watched our eldest daughter Gabriella at her graduation ce...

Hi guys,

Ace taxis had a very proud set of parents today as we watched our eldest daughter Gabriella at her graduation ceremony where she collected her degree - a 2:1 with honours in Psychology, criminal psychology and criminal justice, as well as the Deans prize for notable and outstanding achievement. We are very VERY proud of her!!!

I know we all joke about the student lifestyles, but we’ve got nothing but massive respect to her, and all of her fellow students who struggled through extraordinary circumstances with the lockdown and the pandemic, and still came through with the goods!

We’re off to celebrate her achievements tonight at a nice dinner (don’t tell her - we’re of to McDonalds 😁) so we’re offering a limited service tonight, but we’re all back to normal tomorrow morning.

A big thanks to my main man Kelvin for covering for us both today, even whilst he was not feeling himself, and a big thanks to cousin Steve for covering for us tonight too. Both are top blokes!!

Take care all, and we will hopefully see you soon.

Best wishes,
Rich & Deb


Hi guys,

It’s been a while since we’ve last posted but I just wanted to mark the occasion the Ace Taxis Evesham is 5 YEARS OLD TODAY!!!

It’s been quite a journey to get to this point, and to say we’ve had some challenges is a bit of an understatement!

I’m not going to go on in my usual manner, but I’m just going to say thank you one and all who’ve supported us through these start up years. We haven’t always been able to be there for you, and we haven’t always got it right, but you’ve all stuck with us, and it’s because of you guys that we do what we do.

So I’m signing off with a massive


…and here’s to the next 5 years..

Rich 😎


Good morning guys

I just wanted to let you know that Deb and me are away for a short break from Monday 22nd November through to Thursday 25th November inclusive.

This means that Ace Taxis will be running a slightly reduced service, but still very much operational. The main telephone line and email will be unmanned until Friday 26th, but for immediate assistance we can be contacted on the following numbers:

Kelvin - 07342 986287
Steve - 07989 198283

Kelvin works directly for Ace, and although still relatively new to the business, he’s proving a very valuable member of the team, and we’ve been working alongside Steve for a couple of years now, so we’re leaving you in safe hands. We will continue to take bookings up to and including Sunday evening, and any current contract or existing bookings are already allocated into our schedules.

I will leave this information on my email “out of office” reply, and again on our main line answerphone, but I just wanted to give you all a heads up too.

Thank you all again for all your continued support, and let’s hope we all have a great Christmas season, and hopefully a more prosperous New Year

See you all very soon

Rich & Debs


Morning friends,

I hope all is good with you guys.

Just a quick note to say that Deb and myself are away from today (Sunday 25th July) until Wednesday 28th July as ITS DEBS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!🎂🍻🥂

Cousin Steve had very kindly offered to step into the breach for us and cover, and he’s a top bloke.

You can reach him either busy calling our usual number, or directly on 07989 198283.

It all returns to normal on Wednesday @ 7:30am for us, but until then take care everyone, and we’ll see you all very soon

Best wishes,
Rich @ Debs @ Ace Taxis.


Hi friends,

Just a quick note to say that on Sunday night (11th July) Ace will not be operating after 6:00pm - We’re gonna join the party and cheer on our boys in the final!!!!

Usual service will obviously resume Monday morning at 7:30 (we’re not going THAT wild now) but to all of you following the football, let’s all have a great night… and maybe we’ll have something to celebrate!!!!!

Stay safe everyone - and COME ON ENGLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Rich & Debs 🍻 🍺

… but there are a few perks from time to time….Stay safe guys!RichPS. It was DIET cake, and nearly no sugar (only 1) in ...

… but there are a few perks from time to time….

Stay safe guys!

PS. It was DIET cake, and nearly no sugar (only 1) in the coffee. I gotta watch my figure now….

Sometimes this job is really, REALLY hard….

Sometimes this job is really, REALLY hard….


Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 23:45
Tuesday 07:00 - 23:45
Wednesday 07:00 - 23:45
Thursday 07:00 - 23:45
Friday 07:00 - 01:00
Saturday 08:00 - 02:00
Sunday 09:00 - 23:45




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