Hello and welcome to HypnoBirthing Bliss in Hemel Hempstead; HypnoBirthing is a complete birth education program that teaches simple but specific self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques for a better birth for you and your baby. I am a fully qualified HypnoBirthing Practitioner which is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and have had a successful birth myself using Hypnosis – du
e to medical conditions I was not allowed any form of anaesthetic so I researched into holistic methods of pain relief and came across HypnoBirthing. The whole experience for me was incredible and I wish to share this amazing technique with you. HypnoBirthing is much more than just self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy for childbirth, with HypnoBirthing, you’ll discover that severe pain does not have to be part of your labour. You’ll learn how to release the fears and anxieties you may currently have about giving birth, and how to overcome previous traumatic births as well as discover and experience the joy and magic of birth. HypnoBirthing doesn’t mean you’ll be in a trance or a sleep - rather, you’ll be able to chat, and be and in good spirits, totally relaxed but fully in control. You’ll always be aware of what is happening to you, and around you. It doesn’t require any particular belief system or prior experience. HypnoBirthing can be used in conjunction with medical help such as Gas and Air and other methods of Pain Relief but ideally it is for a complete natural birth. Many women find HypnoBirthing successful for labour pains and then with birth they may need further assistance – others solely use HypnoBirthing throughout. It is a great tool to aid a woman in relaxation, as when you are relaxed your muscles are soft, your body is open and your mind is free to think things through carefully and calmly. HypnoBirthing can also be a state of mind – staying relaxed is one thing but also having the knowledge around what is happening to your body during labour and birth is vital in understanding the feelings you may be having physically and emotionally. With this course you will learn the Anatomy of birth as well as many facts on preparation for birth, all types of birthing positions, your options surrounding where you birth your baby and get the opportunity to meet other expectant couples. Come to my classes & enjoy an easier, more relaxed pregnancy. You will feel calm, confident & really looking forward to birthing your baby! Thank you for visiting – I hope we can help you and your baby enjoy labour and birth in a calm, relaxed and tranquil way.