Windy night on the Pacific Coast of Chile
After a truly magnificent day in the Chilean Fjords yesterday, we headed out into the Pacific Ocean to continue our journey north bound. The Captain told us all to batten down the hatches as we were in for a rough ride due to an area of very low pressure. He wasn’t wrong, I have lost count of how many cruises we have done and this was the one an only time I have ever felt scared at sea. Felt like we were a cork in a washing machine, the boat pitching and listing in all directions in the pitch dark, with the wind battering us. The video below is simply the sound of the wind against our cabin door at 3am this morning!!
Thankfully this morning the winds dropped a bit, although we were still rocking and rolling a little bit until we entered the Darwin Channel at 2.30pm this afternoon to explore some more of the Fjords and can now follow this channel right up to Puerto Montt in Chile where we will hold at anchor and tender ashore from 8am tomorrow, a much calmer night together and hopefully might get some sleep as got virtually none last night. Thankfully I do have very good sea legs however, and Cameron miraculously slept through it all!! (Or should I say I drugged him with Dramamine before he had a chance to feel ill)
Blustery Day in the South Atlantic
It’s been a rather blustery day with big sea swells as we navigate the bottom of the South Atlantic. Finally heading towards the Magellan Strait and onwards into Puerto Arenas in Chile, so both the sea and the winds are much calmer - time to do some walking!
Coast of Uraguay
Good Morning from the coast of Uraguay. We were due to dock in Montevideo early this morning, but another ship had to unexpectedly return to port due to a medical evacuation and understandably took our spot at the pilot station. So we are now holding muster on the coast and hopefully will still get into port about 3hrs later than scheduled but will also now depart 2 hrs later, so not much time lost over all. It’s a beautiful day and the sun is shining, but the water is very murky (just as well we were not planning on swimming!) but just shows the amount of sediment washed down from various rivers & deltas etc
Nothing beats a sunset sailaway!
MS Oosterdam sailing away from Buenos Aires on 6th March 2024, beginning her 31 night South American Voyage from Buenos Aires to Fort Lauderdale.
Sandyport Beach - Nassau
I am a water baby. I am always at my happiest when I am either in the water, on the water, or under the water. When we arrived here 4 days ago though the water was COLD (and I don’t do cold water), some windy weather drew down some colder waters from the Atlantic. Very happy to say that the gorgeous weather has now warmed the sea again, so all is good in my world and very content to spend the day either in the sea, or lying on the beach listening to the waves gently lapping the shore. Island life at its best.
Today we leave Chattanooga after an amazing 10 days. Cameron had the most incredible time at Railroad Camp (Senior Engineers Camp) at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum last week, and it was well worth all the time and money getting here (although thankfully we all had so many avois points thanks that we got free flights!).
It’s a shame for many British kids that the American school holidays start so much early as these programs are truly phenomenal, so we are thankful that Cameron’s world schooling, combined with online schooling at Kings Inter-High gives him the freedom to travel and learn.
This really has been a life affirming few days and educational in so many ways. Cam has discovered a new found interest in American Civil War history in addition to making new friends.
He is already eager to come back again next year, so time for Mum to start working extra hard again as we already have 6 weeks in South America & The Falkland Islands booked for Spring 24, but with rapidly rising mortgages and general cost of living ‘things ain’t what they used to be’ !! 😭
#railroad #railfan #summercamp #Tennessee #chattanooga #youngengineers
Looking out for Whales!!!
Beach fun, Kite Beach, Dubai
For big ones or small, Dubai has it all
It’s SO good to be travelling again and even better to be up in the air in the expert hands of the crew of Emirates. HELLOOO DUBAI, it’s great to be back. #dubai #uae #expo2020 #businesstravel
Anthem of the Seas, Sailaway from Southampton
Sad as it is, I am literally buzzing with excitement!!!
Cruising is back 🙏🏻🚢
Someone is a little excited to be back sailing