
Travelized Bilingual travel and lifestyle blog by London based Lithuanian Justina. Travel plans, ideas, tips.

Vasaros mėnuo, kuris nesutelpa širdy Summer month which made my heart explode with love and gratitude. So many memories ...

Vasaros mėnuo, kuris nesutelpa širdy

Summer month which made my heart explode with love and gratitude. So many memories made.

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IKI…dėkingumo, kad galiu visa tai nors trumpam patirti, kurti, o dabar ir prisiminti.

Hello summer, how long are you staying for?

Hello summer, how long are you staying for?

🇬🇧🖼️🎨Somerset house, Courtauld gallery. 14-20th century paintings of famous artists and a temporary London street photog...

🇬🇧🖼️🎨Somerset house, Courtauld gallery.
14-20th century paintings of famous artists and a temporary London street photography exhibition.
In the summer evenings once a month they do summer lates - open from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm - where you can get yourself a drink and walk around the gallery appreciating all exhibitions while listening to DJ. 💸£14 for entry plus whatever you spend for drinks. For reference, a can of beer costs £7.

🇱🇹🖼️🎨Courtauld galerija. Vieta: Somerset house, London. 14-20 amžiaus žymiausieji tapytojai ir laikina gatvės fotografijų paroda apie pokarinį Londoną.
Vasaros mėnesiais jie atidaro galeriją po darbo valandų nuo 18:30 iki 22:30, o tada meną galima apžiūrėti su gėrimais ir besiklausant DJ. Įėjimas £14 plius gėrimai(jei norėsit). Orientyrui - maža skardinė alaus kainuoja £7.

Day 2 in Northumberland. 2 diena Northumberland’e.Slow rainy morning with full english breakfast and getting out of the ...

Day 2 in Northumberland.
2 diena Northumberland’e.

Slow rainy morning with full english breakfast and getting out of the hotel after 12 pm (rain stopped us a bit) and a late afternoon walk to Hareshaw Linn waterfall.
💦Waterfall trail starts in Bellingham village and is well signposted. Walk is about 1 hour walk on an average pace.
🍜Ending the day with a beautiful local meal - lamb and crab at the Cheviot hotel in Bellingham.
If you ever find yourself in or around a village of Bellingham in Northumberland I can’t recommend the Cheviot Hotel restaurant enough! Best meal we had while in Northumberland.

Welcome to Northumberland - a county in North East of England bordering Scotland.Sveiki atvykę į Northumberland - Anglij...

Welcome to Northumberland - a county in North East of England bordering Scotland.

Sveiki atvykę į Northumberland - Anglijos šiaurės rytų regionas besiribojantis su Škotija.

🏨 Staying in Riverdale Hall hotel.
🚗Exploring Northumberland national park (Kielder forest), Kielder Water and Bellingham village.


What 17 days of mindful eating, more outdoors and sun look like.

Kaip atrodo 17 dienų sąmoningo valgymo, daugiau lauko ir saulės :)

What I ate in Spain travelling but being on the diet? Very difficult task but not impossible! During 5 day holidays I: -...

What I ate in Spain travelling but being on the diet?

Very difficult task but not impossible!

During 5 day holidays I:

- packed fruits and nuts for flight
- had 2 -2.5 L of water daily - kills the hunger
- 1 espresso in 5 days (used to have 2 coffees a day)
- 2 alcoholic drinks (1 glass of wine and the other day 1 espresso martini), other days I had 0.00% beer or 0.00% gin.
- 2 slices of bread.
- no other coffee
- 1 slice of cake
- for breakfast I had natural yoghurt with loads of fruits and seeds and 1-2 fried eggs with vegetables (no bread except for once)
- for main meals, I would get fish or seafood + salad (in Spain you always have to ask for salad instead of potatoes because all main meals come with potatoes).
- I didn’t have any other diary except for burrata cheese which was in the salads and yoghurt in the morning( hotel didn’t have any dairy free stuff….)
- I didn’t have any pancakes, pastries, cookies etc…
- I have tried new foods - scallops and cuttlefish, andalusian calamari which fit great in this diet as they are proper protein!
- I had fish soup and tomato soup
- I didn’t have any potatoes (except for 4 potato fries 😅)
- everytime I wanted a drink I would look for alcohol free alternatives or ask for water with ice/ lemon and mint almost like virgin Mojito!😀

I didn’t manage to stay 100% on the diet as you can see but for someone who has never limited herself especially when travelling all these are huge wins! So many wins.
I didn’t have coffee and croissant in the mornings you can imagine what that felt like! 😅

So.. the conclusion.. it may not be possible to stay on AIP diet 100% while in Spain but you can definetely find ways to eat more balanced and nutritious food travelling!

🇪🇸I am in the region of Murcia, Spain and I am sharing my travel adventures completely differently this time. Sharing ga...

🇪🇸I am in the region of Murcia, Spain and I am sharing my travel adventures completely differently this time. Sharing gastronomical side of the country mainly through someone’s who is on a diet and wants to eat healthy while travelling eyes!
If you would enjoy this kind of content you can find it all on my stories daily!

🇪🇸Esu Murcijoje, Ispanijoje, ir šį kartą savo kelione dalinuosi visai kitaip. Dalinuosi gastronomine šalies puse, bet per žmogaus, kuris laikosi/bando laikytis dietos ir nori sveikiau maitintis bekeliaujant. Jei jums tokio pobūdžio turinys būtų įdomus, viską rasite Travelized storiuose kasdien.


I embarked on a trip around the AIP world! Not sure what I mean? All explained in Day 1 video!

Mano sveikata iškeliavo į kelionę aplink AIP pasaulį! Nesupranti ką tai reiškia? Viskuo dalinuosi 1 dienos video :)


Have a beautiful weekend all! Hope you find some time for yourselves!
Gražaus savaitgalio visiems, suraskit laiko sau!


🎬Trumpametražis filmas “Kai atvažiuoja mama”
Short film “ When mum comes”

(Mama nepyk, o pasijuokim😅)

Žinau, kad esu gera dukra, bet mama tai dar patvirtino:) su gimimo diena, mamyte!suorganizavau mamai, kuri lanko mane Lo...

Žinau, kad esu gera dukra, bet mama tai dar patvirtino:) su gimimo diena, mamyte!
suorganizavau mamai, kuri lanko mane Londone, gimtadienio pusdienį kartu ir buvo labai faina. Jokių atsikalbinėjimų, jei kažkas jums sako, kad kažko daryt negalit, nes iš anksto nesusiplanavot, visada galima kažką rast paskutinę minutę! Mano planas buvo sukurtas tą pačią dieną kai jį vykdėm😀

I know I am a great daughter but mum confirmed it once again☺️. Happy birthday to my mum!

I took my mum who is visiting me in London out for her birthday yesterday and it was a great day out.
All was planned last minute ( literally on the day) so no excuses when someone says you cannot do something because you haven’t booked something ahead

🎨🖌️- Digital art and AI exhibition “Illusionaries” in Canary Wharf.

🦀🍹- dinner and drinks in Big Easy Canary Wharf(their seafood is amazing!!!)

🎸- live music in the Troy bar for Jazz night in Hoxton( it’s totally free by the way)

Sunday out in London city 📌Brunch at the Ivy Asia in St Paul’s📌 Walk around London bridge  📌 Clink prison museum in Sout...

Sunday out in London city

📌Brunch at the Ivy Asia in St Paul’s
📌 Walk around London bridge
📌 Clink prison museum in Southbank

It can be a little more difficult to find things of interest in a place you live because sooner or later nothing becomes as exciting as visiting first times but you just have to find less explored things or change the mindset 💡


Nobody asked but I brought back a recipe from Bangladesh and I am sharing it with you.
I learnt how to make a black milk tea Bangladeshi way the way it was made for me whilst there. I filmed the recipe in a state, unshowered and from home but it’s not about me here - it’s about sharing a new recipe from my travels.

Nors niekas neprašė, parsivežiau iš Bangladešo naują receptą - arbatos virimo būdą “bangladešietiškai” ir taip kaip man ten ją gamindavo namų sąlygomis. Filmavausi šiandien visiškai bet kaip, nesimaudžius ir nepasidažius, bet esmė čia ne aš, o šis naujas receptas iš mano kelionių 🙂

Bangladesh where rules are: if you want it you can have it. Someone saw how much I was in the awe of little goats freely...

Bangladesh where rules are: if you want it you can have it.
Someone saw how much I was in the awe of little goats freely roaming around the garden, cutest little things. They brought one inside the house and gave it to me to hold and pet while I was just chilling on the bed 🤣
This would never be ok in Europe but here it’s all fine

Bangladešas, kur viena iš pagrindinių taisyklių: jei nori, tai ir galima.

Kažkas pamatė kaip aš aikčiojau pamačiusi mažus ožkiukus laisvai lankstančius kaime po kiemą ir atnešė man ožkiuką tiesiog į namus, į lovą, pasidžiaugti 😂
Europe tai tikrai nebūtų priimtina, o čia visiškai nieko tokio.

- when is the train coming, can we walk here? (Kada atvažiuos traukinys, ar galim čia vaikščioti?)- no problem, they wil...

- when is the train coming, can we walk here? (Kada atvažiuos traukinys, ar galim čia vaikščioti?)
- no problem, they will honk. (Jokių problemų, papypins 🤣)
When in Bangladesh…😀🇧🇩


Rickshaw ride through the old Dhaka or Puran Dhaka as locals call it. It’s an absolute madness and experience of a lifetime too!
It’s not easy to watch some things that you will see here but we are showing you all as it is!


Bangladesh series🎬🇧🇩

Vlog 3 - spending the day in a city with population density of 1, 180.60 people per square kilometre. Can you imagine what it feels and looks like?

Days of weird outfits but in a culture which is conservative and has strong religious beliefs it’s the only way to feel ...

Days of weird outfits but in a culture which is conservative and has strong religious beliefs it’s the only way to feel comfortable being “different”. You got to do what you got to do.

Keistų aprangų dienos, bet kultūroje, kuri yra konservatyvi ir stipriai religinga, tai vienintelis būdas jaustis patogiai būnant “kitokiu”. Kai reikia, tai reikia :)


Bangladesh series 🎬
Vlog 2 - first night in Dhaka, hotel in one of the best areas of Dhaka, Malai cha (tea) and what £37 accomodation in Bangladesh looks like


Craziest country I have ever been in and adventure starts here…

Vlog 1 London - Jeddah - Dhaka 20 hours travel.


Not everyone can travel but most of us can travel through culinary experiences and sometimes there is no better way to get to know the country than knowing their cuisine.

I filmed a little vlog of me trying to learn to cook my husbands national food - Hilsa fish curry so I am inviting you to take a look and maybe you will find it useful or interesting!

It took me hours putting the subtitles on so I will greatly appreciate all the support!


Packing a bag when going to a cold country you have never been can be a bit of a headache? Taking this headache off you by sharing my tips.

What I packed for mountain holidays, what worked, what didn’t? Video is in lithuanian.

‼️If you don’t understand the language below is key information.

🛄mountain holiday packing list:
- don’t bring too many warm clothes if you are planning on spending an active holiday
- It’s not as cold as it looks
- check what sports if any you will be doing in the mountains and plan your outfits accordingly
- thin thermal layers is key
- waterproof and windproof jacket is a must
- cotton trousers, leggings, no jeans or leather
- waterproof trousers if going sledging or mountain skiing
- A few thermal turtenecks/ thermal socks
- Sunglasses/ beannie hat/ gloves/ thermal cup
- Winter boots/hiking boots with a good grip sole
- Face creams and spf against cold and sun damage
- No fancy clothing or heels
- No heavy makeup unless you want to stand out. Everyone in the mountains is super casual
- money saving tip: if staying in self catering accomodation and coming by car buy non perishible food in countries where it is cheaper. Example, we crossed a few countries so we did our food shopping in UK and in France as it is cheaper than Germany or Austria.

Happy packing!

ℹ️Circular walk around lake Eibsee in Southern Germany which is classed amongst most beautiful lakes in Germany. - locat...

ℹ️Circular walk around lake Eibsee in Southern Germany which is classed amongst most beautiful lakes in Germany.

- located in Bavarian Alps lake sits at 973 m elevation and lake’s shore lenght is 8 km.
signs indicate it’s 1h 45min circular walk however it took us 2.h45 min to complete.
- parking is payable. 4 hours of parking €8.
- no snow on the trail on January 2nd 2024.
- lake sits at the foot of Zugspitze (highest mountain in Germany).
- from the car park you can take cable car to take you up to the Zugspitze peak but don’t forget the mountain is of 3.5 km height so it’s not for someone who is afraid of heights. Zugspitze cable car overcomes the world’s largest total elevation gain of 1,945 metres.

🇱🇹Takas aplink Eibsee ežerą Vokietijos Bavarijos Alpėse. Ežeras yra laikomas vienu gražiausių Vokietijoje. Teliuškuoja jis 973 metrų aukštyje, tačiau pati trasa yra gana lengva, vos su keliais įkilimais, o toliau tiesiog lygus ėjimas takeliu palei ežerą. Nors ženklai nurodė, kad pats ėjimas nuo starto iki finišo turėtų trukti 1val 45 min, mes trukom viena valanda daugiau. Keli sustojimai pailsėti, suoliukai, būtina turėti vandens ar termosą ir užkandžių, nes trasoje nėra nieko. Net ir tokioje gamtoje parkingas yra mokamas ir nepigus, galit tikėtis mokėti iki €10 eurų už pusdienį ir €1 už vieną apsilankymą tualete, kuris yra tik vienas trasos pradžioje. Ežeras yra vos kelios minutės nuo keltuvų, kurie kelia į Zugspitze, aukščiausią Vokietijos viršukalnę, tačiau tie keltuvai netiks bijantiems aukščio. Nuo apatinės stotelės kur įlipsite iki viršūnės uždarose kabinose lynu kilsite 1945 m kol atsidursite ~3 km aukštyje.

15 incredible days around Europe!🇧🇪Bruges Christmas Market🇫🇷Christmas at my mum’s🇫🇷2nd Christmas day visit to Ribeauvill...

15 incredible days around Europe!

🇧🇪Bruges Christmas Market
🇫🇷Christmas at my mum’s
🇫🇷2nd Christmas day visit to Ribeauvillé village in France
🇫🇷Best €3 hot wine in another magical village in France called Eguisheim
🇧🇪Very foggy and rainy trip to Black Forest in Germany
🇧🇪Climbing up ruins of a castle in Badenweiler, Germany
🇧🇪Thermal spa with mum (no pictures)
🇦🇹Roadtrip to Austria Tyrol region
🇦🇹Staying in the camping surrounded by Alps
🇦🇹Visit to Seefeld town Christmas market up in 1180 m altitude
🇦🇹Tasting Austrian fruit punch and kiachl (fried dough bread)
🇦🇹2 days of trying cross country skiing
🇦🇹Magical New Years Eve high up in the alps in thermal spa under the stars whilst it snowed (no pictures)
🇦🇹January 1st morning walk in winter wonderland
🇧🇪Hike around lake Eibsee in Germany
🇦🇹Night ski lift and sledging down the mountain.
🇧🇪Random stop at a village of Langenargen with not one tourist around with some palace overlooking the Lake Constance

🟰3032 km or 1883 miles roughly in total.

💰£ 300 for petrol
£ 150 car ferry to and from France
£ 85 for road taxes, vignettes, tolls
£ 400 for 4 nights in Austria camping Leutasch
£ 50 ski rent for 2 people for 2 days
£ 10 2 sledge rent
£ 28 for night sledging event with skii lifts included.
£ 20 for thermal spa in Germany all day ticket for 1.
Food - we didn’t count how much but that’s where most money went🙈
McDonald’s in Austria for 1 is around €15.
Restaurant meal for 1 in Austria is €50 minimum.
Luckily my mum lives in France so we only had to rent a room for 4 nights in Austria and other nights it was free for us cosy at my mum’s.
Cheapest petrol of all countries we found in Austria and Leichtenstein.
Toilets are €0.80/ €1 in Germany everywhere. Free in other countries.
We met no English tourists at all, none. No GB cars. Main foreigners are Germans and Dutch.
Weather temperatures in the mountains were 6 below celsius at night and -1 during the day.


Can’t wait to go there next weekend!

Playing tourist in London. Today I did something in London which I think isn’t advertised enough but it’s a really cool ...

Playing tourist in London.
Today I did something in London which I think isn’t advertised enough but it’s a really cool thing to do and I bet quite a few of you haven’t been there yet.

If this picture gets some reactions😊I promise to make a video so that you can discover what I discovered!

I forced husband out of the house for an evening walk by the river and for food (couldn’t find any places open in the ci...

I forced husband out of the house for an evening walk by the river and for food (couldn’t find any places open in the city after 10 pm) so turkish takeaway at home it was 😁

Playing with camera and edits in Durdle Door, England. Durdle Door on Jurrasic Coast in England refers to a huge arch in...

Playing with camera and edits in Durdle Door, England. Durdle Door on Jurrasic Coast in England refers to a huge arch in the sea. The world “durdle” itself comes from an old english word which means to “pierce” as the sea pearced through the limestone shapping an arch over the years. Geologists predict that due to natural erosion over the arch will erode away over the years. It looks invincible right but even a huge rock like this is surrounded by much stronger forces.

Mano žaidimai su kamera Durdle Door pakrantėje Dorset grafystėj pietų Anglijoje. “Durdle Door” arba lietuviškai “Išgraužtos Durys” 😄 (čia artimiausias vertimas, kokį galiu sugalvoti) taip vadinama uola, kuri buvo suformuota jūros ir natūralių geologinių procesų. Pats žodis “durdle”yra kilęs iš senovinio angliško žodžio, kuris reiškia persmeigti/ pradurti, nes jūros vanduo tarsi persmeigė uolą ir suformavo tokią arką. Geologai prognuozuoja, kad po kažkiek metų neliks ir šitos arkos, nes jai gręsia natūrali korozija.



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