This Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is occuring on the 16th May 2022, in the deep dark, shadowy emotional underworld of the Fixed Water sign Scorpio. It is happening at the 25 degrees 17' point at 05:13hrs UK time, it will be different in other locations, so check out the timezone for wherever you are situated. If you have any planets or points from the 17~29 degrees 59' of any of the other Fixed signs, especially, where the Sun is in oppostion at 180 degrees of Ta**us, or Square at 90 degree angles of Aquarius, & Leo, this Total Lunar Eclipse, is going to to have a major effect on your lives over the next 06 months. It will also be hitting to a lesser degree the follow on Mutable signs, at the 0~01 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, & Pisces, although anyone in Pisces with anything at the same degrees of the Fixed signs between 17~29 degrees 59' are also under this Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio spotlight. As are those with anything in the early degrees of Cardinal signs Aries, & the later degrees of Capricorn, so definitely check out your own personal natal chart, for the House placements of all those signs & degrees I mentioned as this is where the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio, is going to show itself for you on a personal level. For the collective however it is going to be experienced & felt hugely intensely in the 08th House of Scorpio, which governs s*x, the genitalia, the reproductive organs, the creation of life, & the destruction of life. It also rules over poisons, toxins, corruption, betrayal, secrets, other peoples money, taxes, tyranny, dictatorships, & ultimate power. These are all themes we are going to be seeing & hearing a lot about over these coming 06 months, from now until November. Which I believe is going to set off a whole set of dominoes, which will continue to carry us through into 2023 until the South Node leaves Scorpio. These Pluto themes are all very much a part of this Total Lunar Full Moon Eclipse, as Pluto the ruler of this Eclipse is also being very strongly highlighted at this time.
This Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is occuring on the 16th May 2022, in the deep dark, shadowy emotional underworld of the Fixed Water sign Scorpio. It is happening at the 25 degrees 17′ poin…