I can’t take credit for the filming. I was too busy watching, crying, grinning from ear to ear and taking photos. Thanks to my wonderful husband for capturing a life changing experience.
So much gratitude. I actually saw a bear catch a salmon. Many bears! Beyond happy.
Dreams coming true. Filmed by my wonderful husband on our first proper bear hunt. Warming up with black bears before we head further north to find grizzlies next week.
My wonderful husband has made a video of the entire Dino build. Shots from rehearsals coming soon, but here you are for now.
Dino testing. (2nd video in comments) Few snags but nowt major. Pretty chuffed with movement. Huge shout out to my heroic husband for his huge contribution of time and power tools.
Here’s my lovely husband with a dino update for you. Almost at the point where I am back in my comfort zone and can start modelling the outer skin.
I LOVE my starlings so so much. My own personal murmuration. Nothing better than having a brew at the studio door and watching their antics. The noise they make also helps to drown out the neighbour’s barking dogs, which is a bonus.
Dancing puppets made from scrap materials make a lovely clicking sound with their bottle top feet!
My incredible husband has perfectly created the dream in my head and made me a fish swimming pool. I especially love it at night when the fish are super chilled and hang out at the surface. Inspired by a visit to Cornish artist John Miller’s studio as a child.
2000 eggs are now installed on Avenham Park. Can you find yours? Happy Easter everybody!
1000 decorated eggs! A huge thank you to Rita and everyone who got involved in this project and a special massive thank you to my wonderful husband and son for their help in installing the work on Avenham Park. Happy Easter everybody!