🌟 Half term fun! 🌟
🎭 The actors spent last week entertaining you at Shakespeare's Birthplace on your fabulous days out.
🎉 They had a lot of fun performing for you and exploring the incredible female characters that helped the Bard to become internationally known as one of the best playwrights ever to have lived.
❤️ They'll be back to start the season proper in mid April, but work starts today on something very exciting for Shakespeare Weekender - of you want to be updated on that you know what to do!
#entertainment #shakespeare #shakespearesbirthplace #stratforduponavon #theatre #outdoortheatre #actors
🌟 A few days ago, these Shakespearean actors were asked to perform for the Coach Tourism Association's annual conference in Stratford-upon-Avon, Birthplace and home of William Shakespeare himself. This event was held in the fabulous Crowne Plaza!!
🎭 If you were lucky enough to attend, after each course of food you were treated to a performance of some of Shakespeare's best bits, with sections of Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night's Dream and a 20 minute retelling of Romeo and Juliet!
✨ Perhaps you would be interested in seeing or hosting something like this? There's no time for you to waste - send a DM today!!
💫 It really helps us to spread the work if you interact with these posts - so even if you're not ready to DM, a like, a share or a follow would be really handy!! Thank you so much!!
#livetheatre #liveperformance #dinnertheatre #corporateevents #reels #shakespeare #stratforduponavon #theatre #events #cta #tourism #uktourism #england
🌨️☀️ RAIN OR SHINE! ☀️🌨️
🎭 At Shakespeare's Birthplace, your actors are a hardy lot. They perform all day for you, in all weathers. Here are Chris and Kaylie working really hard to entertain you in their brand new, purpose built theatre!
🌟 Being an actor is not all glamour. The thing is, these actors love what they do, performing Shakespeare's best work in the grounds of his own house, and so they will brave a bit of weather for you.
❤️ You can see the actors all this week at Shakespeare's Birthplace in Stratford upon Avon, and then they will have a couple of weeks off before returning to perform for you over the Easter holidays!! Hopefully it will be a bit warmer by then!!
✨ If you are interested in heritage sites and our journeys across the land entertaining people at them, please don't delay - drop a follow! If you would like some entertainment for your event or venue - send a DM. Don't forget to tag us in your posts when you have seen us!!
#Shakespeare #reelsinstagram #reels #shakespearesbirthplace #stratforduponavon #entertainment #theatre #outdoortheatre #performance #actors #history #heritage
🌟 Today is the first day back at Shakespeare's Birthplace in Stratford upon Avon! The actors are ready to go and really looking forward to performing for you in the garden there.
🎭 With a focus on Shakespeare's greatest female characters, this is going to be an excellent day out, and if you are really into your Shakespeare and your theatre, it's a pilgrimage you have to take!!
✨ The actors will be performing for you all this week, then they will have a few weeks off before returning over Easter. You can then see them every weekend and school holiday until Halloween!!!!
❤️ Can't wait to see you there! You can follow this account to see all of our adventures!!!!
#Shakespeare #shakespearesbirthplace #reels #reelsinstagram #entertainment #actors #theatre #outdoortheatre #liveperformance #livetheatre
🎭 Well, almost. From Saturday, you will be able to see the Shakespearean Actors performing for you again at Shakespeare's Birthplace in Stratford upon Avon!
❤️ This year, the focus is firmly set on the amazing female characters that Shakespeare wrote. You can expect some wonderful imagery and some strong women as you still through the garden - where the actors have more material to work with than ever before!!
✨ Regular performances will take place from Feb 15th until 23rd. After that, there will be a bit of time for us to digest what's happened and get back into the rehearsal room before a return in earnest at Easter!
💫 There's something very special in the pipeline for Shakespeare Weekend in March, but if you want to know more about that you'd better follow along!
#shakespearesbirthplace #shakespeare #warwickshire #entertainment #reels #reelsinstagram #actors #outdoortheatre #theatre
🎉 It was such a great honour and privilege to act as Celebrant AND Toastmaster for this wonderful wedding last weekend. R & H are such a lovely couple, and it is just wonderful to be able to help such lovely people to navigate such an important moment in their lives.
⛪ The ceremony took place in The Chapel on the Hill in Kimberley, a lovely, intimate, early Victorian chapel on a hillside, overlooking the countryside of both Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
🍺 Next was the reception venue - @theoldcoldstore at @crbrewery ! This is normally a music venue, but this fabulous couple had used their incredible vision to transform it into the most incredible, quirky wedding venue!!
🎵 Guests arrived to sausage rolls, mulled cider and the sound you can hear on this video - The Jelly Rolls Jazz Band! It was really lovely to work alongside @victoriabeddoesphoto and @thesocialweddinguk
🌟 What a day! If you need help executing your wedding day plans, know that we are here for you! If you need a celebrant to conduct your perfect, bespoke wedding ceremony, or an MC to keep your day going as it should, please don't hesitate to send a DM!!
#wedding #celebrant #toastmaster #nottingham #weddinginspo #citywedding #reels #reelsinstagram #chapel #brewery #castlerock
❤️ It's National Wear Red Day! ❤️
🏮 As it's National Wear Red Day, here are a selection for you of some of the red costumes you might have seen us in over the last year or so!
🎀 You might have seen these costumes on singers at amazing party nights, or maybe you saw them on actors delivering Shakespeare in his own garden. You might have been taught to swordfight by a knight or a warrior princess wearing red, or maybe you suspected a lady in a red dress of a terrible crime over dinner! A lot of our archery teachers choose to wear red as they take you through your first try with a Longbow!
🖍️ Other coloured costumes are available - but today you will see us in red!
#reels #reelsinstagram #nationalwearredday #costume #red #reddress #knight #entertainment #actors #singers #shakespeare #performance
♥️ There were no performances last weekend, so you may have noticed that we've had a bit of a social media break for a few days. This week it's back to normal, performing for you in all sorts of places, and culminating in a very special event on Sunday evening!
💫 Here you can see some highlights of yesterday's rehearsal for that special event. You'll probably need to follow to find out what it is - and there's plenty to see before then too, with a jam-packed schedule of entertainment for you.
❓ Do you have an idea for a themed event? Perhaps you would like some entertainment for your guests! Follow along and send a DM to learn more!
#rehearsal #entertainment #behindthescenes #rehearsalroom #reels #reelsinstagram #Warwickshire #themedevents #actors #swordfight #shakespeare #stratforduponavon
✨ A lot of you know that my boys are members of a choir, at St Mary's, Warwick. This choir performs to a very high standard, and it was the featured church on BBC1' Midnight Mass show this Christmas.
💫 Every January, they visit another Cathedral and join forces with their choir - and this year it was Hereford Cathedral. As this month is normally a bit quieter here at HQ, it's a great opportunity to have a day out, take in some culture and heritage, and also hear the combined efforts of two amazing choirs.
🎵 The music you can hear was sneakily recorded in the rehearsal before evensong in this fabulous, historic building which has it's roots in the 7th century!!
♥️ Right. Back to planning another fabulous year of entertainment!! Follow along for updates on our adventures!!
#cathedral #hereford #choir #warwick #stmarys #history #heritage #music #churchmusic #choralmusic #stainedglass
💫 Recently, all you have seen from this account is singers and actors creating fabulous themed events - but the origins of EFH lie way back in medieval times, when Englishmen picked up their longbows and went off to war!
🏰 OK. Full disclosure - this is also for themed events - but since 2011 you have been able to visit us and have the experience of shooting a medieval longbow, or you could indeed be entertained by these skilled and knowledgeable archers.
❤️ You can follow along so that you can get updates on where this is happening for you, and when! If you think that this is something you might want for your event, then please do send a DM - there's nothing for you to lose!
🎯 This activity is fully insured, of course, and a careful and thorough assessment of the site will take place before anything takes place. Safety is the utmost concern!!
#archery #Longbow #traditionalarchery #tradarchery #archerygirl #knight #medieval #castle #englishheritage #nationaltrust
❄️ WINTER ❄️
❤️ Sometimes it's worth just taking stock of the wonderful surroundings you are in. I'm very fortunate to work in places like this - and I really appreciate the beauty of them. It's easy to forget, especially when you are busy - and it's easy to get used to these places when you are there a lot - but check out these scenes at Coombe Abbey this morning.
🌟 This is such a beautiful place to be, to celebrate your special occasions, to have your work conferences or to stay for fun. It's a pretty good place to work, too. There will be so many special events here over the course of the year - let everyone know in the comments if you are planning to come along at some point - and if you are new here, follow along to see what's going on!!
#coombeabbey #coombeabbbeyhotel #winter #snow #history #heritage #countryhouse #hotel #reels #reelsinstagram
🌟 December is always a really busy and varied time, where you can see a huge array of the talent on the EFH roster.
🎉 From Festive Afternoon Tea with Carols, all the way to raucous party nights and Medieval Banquets, with Hollywood Glamour musical parties and Murder Mystery Dinners along the way, and even hosting Carols at Warwick Castle, you were sure to have found something you liked to get your Christmas started!!
💫 January is a time for regrouping and planning. Really looking forward to entertaining you over 2025!! If you are interested in what we have to offer, give us a follow - or even better, send a DM!