We have a limited number of point of lay hens available for this month and September.
Orders also being taken for 2025.
Bulk discounts avaliable from as little as 30 hens.
18 breeds/ varieties ✅️
Up to 7 egg colours ✅️
All comphrensively vaccinated with a warranty ✅️ Delivery by our own licensed drivers and vehicles ✅️
To order please email, [email protected] or Call 01752 426499
1st batch of pure breeds for 2020
It's that time of year again! Our first batch of comprehensively vaccinated, guaranteed pure breeds are ready.
We are the only company in England to vaccine at all our birds to a commercial standard - don't be fooled by partiality vaccinated birds, always ask to see what vaccines they have been given.
If we don't have a stockist near you then we can deliver direct for as little as £10.
We have the following bantams - Silkies / Showgirls (10 colours) , Polish (8 colours) plus frizzle, Pekins (6 colours) plus frizzle, Salmon Faverolles and Wyandottes (4 colours).
Large Fowl - Cochins ( 3 colours), Brahma (4 colours), Rumpless Araucana and French Coper Maran.
Only 17 weeks til Easter! 🐣⏳🐥