The 6th Beacons Ultra on 15th November 2014 takes place once again within the stunning Brecon Beacons National Park. This Likeys race, which is organised by Ultra Runners for the benefit of Ultra Runners, threads its way through some of the best countryside the British Isles has to offer. The route is a real mix of picturesque canal towpath, ancient mining tramroads and high mountain passes.
The event will see competitors attempt a challenging 45 mile course, designed to be navigational friendly, yet providing the opportunity to experience safely some fantastic mountain terrain.
Visit www.beaconsultra.com for more information......
La 6eme édition du Beacons Ultra aura lieu le 15 Novembre 2014 dans le magnifique parc national de Brecon Beacons. Cette course Likeys, qui est organisé par Ultra Runners au profit des coureurs d'ultra, se faufile à travers certains des plus beaux paysages que puissent offrir les îles britanniques. Le parcours est un mélange de pittoresque chemin de halage , de voies pour d'anciennes exploitations minières et de cols de montagne.
Les concurrents pourrons se confronter à un parcours de 45 miles, offrant la possibilité de vivre une journée fantastique en terrain de montagne.
Visitez www.beaconsultra.com pour plus d'informations ......
The Beacons Ultra is a mere 46ish mile mixed trail/mountain/canal/road run around the magnificent Brecon Beacons in the middle of November, when climatic conditions can vary quite considerably. In the events 5 year history the race has taken place in everything from sparkling Sunshine through to min…