What an amazing year we've had, here's a recap of 2024 in 24 seconds.
Shaun the Sheep x Natural England_ The Countryside Code!.mp4
The Countryside Code, a very important topic but maybe not the most exciting to teach. Here's our newest instructor giving his take on it. Let us know how you think he does. We think he is baariliant!
#respectprotectenjoy #countrysidecode #baarilliant
Out of the office, keeping the skills fresh.
Are you looking for an Open Expedition this year, why not join us in one these incredible locations?
Book now at www.nolimitsdevelopment.co.uk/courses
#dofe #dofebronze #dofegold #dofesilver #dofeuk #dukeofedinburgh #dofeleader #dukeofedinburghaward #dofeleaders #dofeexped #golddofe #capturingtheday #getoutside #peakdistrict
Every year we offer a unique selection of open expeditions which are truly amazing adventures and remarkable experiences. These off the beaten track expeditions provide the ultimate experience…. But importantly are achievable by all.
If you are looking for something out of the ordinary that will truly challenge you whilst visiting a unique area of the UK – this is for you!
#dofe #dofebronze #dofegold #dofesilver #dofeuk #dukeofedinburgh #dofeleader #dukeofedinburghaward #dofeleaders #dofeexped #golddofe #capturingtheday #getoutside #dukeofedinburghsaward
Are you looking for an Open Expedtion this year, how about trying something new and doing it in a canoe?
Book now at www.nolimitsdevelopment.co.uk/courses
#dofe #dofebronze #dofegold #dofesilver #dofeuk #dukeofedinburgh #dofeleader #dukeofedinburghaward #dofeleaders #dofeexped #golddofe #capturingtheday #getoutside #dukeofedinburghsaward
The recipe for a perfect expedition!
#dofewithadifference #dofe #dofebronze #dofegold #dofesilver #dofeuk #youngphotographer #dukeofedinburgh #dofehampshire #dofeleader #photography #dukeofedinburghaward #dofeleaders #photohgraphyskills #dofeexped #golddofe #capturingtheday #getoutside #dukeofedinburghsaward
Its Wellness Wednesday at NLD. Here are some of our favourite moments in nature over the last month. How will you get your daily dose?
When treated to a morning like this the laptop just has to wait…..
#buxton #solomanstemple #nolimitsdevelopment #dofeexpeditions #getoutdoors#buxtonridingschool #smudge
Fun in the sun this week with Explorer Camps, Dofe Expeditions and Staff Training