Hello my Lovelies!
Just want to reconnect...
Big Love.
T xx
Welcome to this wonderful community of like-minded and amazing women, who are being fully confident, know their strengths, living lives of self trust, self care and self compassion.
This 3min video tells you a wee bit more.
With love, T xx
Your Personal Planet of Great Boundaries
Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others. We can't base our own worthiness on others' approval.
Only when we believe, deep down, that we are enough can we say "Enough" [Brene Brown]
Welcome to your Personal Planet of Great Boundaries.
A Seasonal Tip for You
Hellooo! I've decided it's time to relaunch my video-ing on the world, and the ship sets sail in public today!
I'm taking part in a video training/ challenge, and today's challenge is to post my first 'Tip' on this page. It's a seasonal tip about stopping to breathe in the sounds, scents and colours.
I'd love your comments / thoughts/ views.
Many thanks!
A seasonal tip about stopping to experience the sounds, scents and colours of the season.
Evening - a 'thankyou' to everyone who has connected here, viewed, liked and shared - Thankyou/1
A Huge Wish - and thankyou - for you on IWWD2018.
In grace and gratitude, T xx
Let's create some Peaceful Personal Moments at this time of busyness......
Welcome to this community of amazing women who are being fully confident, fully themselves, living lives of choice, self-trust and contentment. This video will give you a short intro to what I offer.......
Guess what? It's near-impossible to be angry and grateful at the same time.....being grateful flips a switch inside that takes the sting out of negative feelings you'd been swimming in a few minutes earlier....
Intention is the starting point of every dream...the creative power that fulfills all our needs, whether money, relationships, peace and contentment, spiritual awakening or love.
Transform your Life - Nurture your Self Trust
Self-Trust - the bedrock of everything.