Trudy Arthurs, The Woman's Confidence Specialist

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  • Trudy Arthurs, The Woman's Confidence Specialist

Trudy Arthurs, The Woman's Confidence Specialist I offer coaching, training and development in transformational confidence, especially relating to yo You may or may not be familiar with my work.

Hello – and you're very welcome here in this growing community of women who are being fully themselves – confident, alive and loving life.. If you’re looking for Transformational coaching and development to enhance your confidence, boost your self-trust, self-care and communications and create sustainable personal and professional changes, you’re in the right place. I offer coaching, training and

development in transformational confidence, especially relating to your wellbeing, self-compassion and communications. A confidence gap in any one of these causes a dip in the others. Confidence is a vital ingredient for personal and professional success and happiness. When we feel good about ourselves, we are calm, at peace, in the flow – life seems possible. Visit to explore what’s on offer. You will find 1-1 private coaching, group workshops, highly experiential online courses, and lots more besides. And through this page you will also be able to access regular FBLives – have a look at the videos to see if they might be of interest. Looking forward to connecting here with you! Toodles, T
Tel: +44 7810 511 600

It's never too late for a Mark Nepo loving wisdomHuge Love to whoever sees this....

It's never too late for a Mark Nepo loving wisdom
Huge Love to whoever sees this....

"I've learned that loving your self requires a courage unlike any other. It requires us to believe in and stay loyal to something no one else can see that keeps us in the world - our own self worth." 💗

Happy Valentine's Day, my friends. Sending you all love, today and always.

My lovely friend Katrina Newell said we need more tulips in our lives just now....Agreed.Happy Tulips Day. 💜💜

My lovely friend Katrina Newell said we need more tulips in our lives just now....
Happy Tulips Day. 💜💜

One of my favourite poets and deep-thinking authors.Beautiful. Big love, T ###

One of my favourite poets and deep-thinking authors.
Beautiful. Big love, T ###


When you've lost something dear, and you can't stop hurting, and everyone around you is full of light, let the lightness they carry soothe your sore heart. Even though you don't want to be touched in your grief. And when everyone around you is hurt, or lost in their grief, or near death, just as you've landed in a small patch of joy, don't feel guilty. Just touch whatever they might touch, without judgement, leaving a trail of softness and acceptance. In time, our grief and our softness find each other, the way light fills every crack. We must not resist either, but open before each other, and fill each other every chance we get.

- from Things That Join The Sea & The Sky

Simply wonderful.Just do it now.With love.  T ###

Simply wonderful.
Just do it now.
With love. T ###

As a Gesture of Care, we are offering you free access to the Add Heart Course during the month of December. Uplift your life and the lives of others.
This self-paced video program guides you through six learning modules, deepening your own heart connection while learning how to share specific HeartMath techniques and science with your colleagues, friends and family members.
Our world needs more heart – we can all be part of the solution.
We invite you to help people around the world learn and apply the HeartMath skillset to “Be the Change.” Share with your colleagues, families, communities, personal interest groups, churches, and humanity as a whole.
Click to access,

Good morning to you!I want to share something very precious with you all.  And I feel like the wee bird on the twig belo...

Good morning to you!
I want to share something very precious with you all. And I feel like the wee bird on the twig below – stepping off one twig, across the gap ……… Here goes.

You’ve probably guessed already from our time here in this community - I love helping women like you and I to re-step into their own confidence and strength. You know me well enough at this stage to know that this has been my Big Passion for quite a while now.

I’ve looked at a few different ways to help, and I know now that the best ways to do this are on an ongoing basis, month after month.

For a long time, I’ve wanted to create a community where we can continue the experience not just for 10 weeks (as in my recent Soul-Deep Confidence Adventure Programme) but all year long. I see it being a place where we connect, support, collaborate, have a bit of craic, exchange ideas, challenge ourselves, even do some coaching(!) to become more authentically confident. Step into our lives as the women we were born to be, in every life area.

So I’m planning to launch a membership community that does exactly that and more. I’ll be launching it in late August and I cannot wait to get started.
In fact, being a bit of a nerd, I want to learn everything I can to make this an absolutely incredible, life-changing experience for my members. I’ve joined a programme that will teach me to do exactly that. I know without a doubt that this training will help me serve you even better.

I will be writing to you next week with the official invitation to join me on this journey and become a Founder Member. As a thankyou for being part of this community you are being offered this Founding Member price.
I’m only opening up a limited number of lifetime spots into my membership when it opens. This means that you’ll get to be a Founder Member for the life of the membership without ever having to pay an increased fee, as long as you remain a member in good standing.

One of the big benefits of joining at this stage is that you get in at the lowest price this is ever going to be PLUS you’ll be able to help shape the membership as it grows, giving your ideas and insights as it develops. Helping to co-create the whole thing.

The membership Launch Party happens officially in late August. Once you’ve become a Founder Member, I will be in touch with you on a regular basis, asking for your ideas, input and thoughts and offering updates and behind the scenes looks into the implementation.

So if you’d like to join me in this, send me a message by Monday July 11 to let me know you’re interested and I’ll make sure to send you the information. Either in the comments below, or DM me here on Messenger or [email protected].

Thankyou again for your support, and I can’t wait to have you as a Founding Member in this journey with me and your Future Self.
With love,
T xx

Test-run of new social media platform sender-outer

Test-run of new social media platform sender-outer

Thought you might just love this one!

Thought you might just love this one!

Inspiring words from the "Phenomenal woman" Maya Angelou.

To help instill the importance of loving yourself in your Mighty Girl, regardless of your size or shape, we've shared 20 empowering books for children and teens in our blog post, "20 Body Image Positive Books for Mighty Girls," at

To introduce young people to this masterful poet and author, we highly recommend the new biography for ages 8 to 12, "Who Was Maya Angelou?", at -- or for a youth-friendly introduction to her work, we highly recommend “Poetry for Young People: Maya Angelou” for readers 8 to 15 at

Adult readers may also appreciate Maya Angelou's inspirational book of essays, "Letter to My Daughter," at

Hello there - How would life be for you when you feel grounded, stable, self-assured?When you know you can trust yoursel...

Hello there - How would life be for you when you feel grounded, stable, self-assured?
When you know you can trust yourself to be You in any given situation – and not have waves of self-criticism washing over you?
Knowing how to be how YOU want to be in any situation without fear or panic? Or worrying what others will think of you?

This is all possible. I believe it starts with creating and drawing on a strong inner and outer self-care strategy. Knowing we can depend on ourselves gives us a strong confident, attractive energy.

One which allows you to be fully Enough as who you are.

It all starts with the inside job. Creating a robust inner self-care plan.

One which I began to create for myself some years ago when I was in recovery from cancer, following years of people-pleasing, perfectionism and massive self-criticism. And I’m not saying I’m clear of all those slippery habits – I just know better how to manage myself in these situations.

This is the focus of my new Soul-Deep Confidence Adventure virtual programme. We start our journey on Tuesday April 5, 12.30pm. Details of the whole two-month experience in the link below.

Twenty years of supporting women gives me the experience to offer this programme with my hand on my heart – this stuff works.

There are just a few places left. You can book directly from the link. Once you’ve booked your place, you’ll receive the opening details……

This is being offered at the mad price of £97 for the whole programme, which includes two 1-1 private coaching sessions, group work and lifetime access to materials. Why? It’s a first-run beta-test offering. At the end I would love your feedback and suggestions for change and enhancement.

We start our journey on Tuesday April 5, 12.30pm. Details of the whole two-month experience in the link below.

Or if you have any questions at all, simply DM me here or email [email protected]. I’m here to help.

FYI, 10% of the programme proceeds will be donated to UNICEF/Ukraine.
With love, T x


Here's a thought:
What you think of me is ….. None of my business.

How does that statement land with you? How do you feel when you read it?

Many years ago at the start of my coach-development journey, those words totally stopped me in my tracks. Took my breath away.

I had lived as an inveterate people pleaser, putting others’ stated and unstated needs and agendas ahead of my own, never having an honest conversation about their true needs. To the detriment of my health and mental wellbeing, many times building up resentment, anger and self-hatred for my inability to comfortably say No or ask for help.

Any of these resonate with you? Predictably, burnout came along pretty quickly thereafter.

This, and three other principles are some of the key steps in the new Soul-Deep Confidence Adventure programme. First Masterclass on Tuesday April 5, 2022: 12.30 (60 min)

Details of the programme in the link below.

There’s still time to join. Just one place left. It will be a small, safe, confidential group of women . Women who want to allow more of their strength, resilience, beauty and wisdom into the world.

Are you one of those women? Find out below, or contact me personally here.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
T xx

I offer coaching, training and development in transformational confidence, especially relating to yo

Hello - What’s the link between self-care and self-confidence?This is one of those questions that’s not often thought ab...

Hello - What’s the link between self-care and self-confidence?
This is one of those questions that’s not often thought about. Not often considered. You might say ‘of course, it’s important’. Or you might even say there’s no correlation.
Now, I have no irrefutable evidence for the idea that self-care and self-confidence are closely linked. Simply anecdotal evidence. But in over twenty years of working with more than 2,000 women to enhance self-confidence, the area of work that made the biggest consistent difference was to initially focus on the work of inner self-care.

Sure - frothy baths, forest walking and nice chocolates. And even more vital is the inner approach to self-care.

Focussing on just four simple steps of inner self-care does wonders for your self-confidence, which naturally ripples out into all areas of your life.

And this is the central focus of my Soul-Deep Confidence Adventure, details in the link below.

We start on Tuesday April 5, 12.30, then follow on with five Wednesday sessions over the following eight weeks. As this is a new offering, the price is mad - £97 – which includes 1-1 and group coaching, and lots of other bits and bobs. All with a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely happy following module 3. What’s the risk?!

You can book one of the few places left on the link below, or if you have any questions – just contact me. I’m here to help.
With love, T xx

And hello! Just over two weeks to the start (on April 5) of the Soul Deep Confidence Adventure.I am inviting women to jo...

And hello! Just over two weeks to the start (on April 5) of the Soul Deep Confidence Adventure.

I am inviting women to join my new online community and be part of something new, fun, and inspiring for yourself and other women.

What would it be like to feel truly confident in all areas of your life? What would it be like to simply love your Enoughness?

This is a beta-test of the programme being offered at a ridiculously low price of just £97 – and you still get all the best goodies for that price: 2 x 1-1 private coaching sessions, group sessions, seven exploration modules – video, meditating, challenging, craic. Oh, and my book: Your Self-Care to Self-Confidence Workbook and Journal.

April 5 is the day we head out into our explorations, followed by seven get-togethers and 1-1’s over nine weeks.

There are just five places remaining. For support and time reasons places will be limited to between 12-16.

PM me here with any questions and to reserve your place. Or simply comment your interest below and I’ll be in touch.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon.
T xx

It would be lovely to have you join in the Adventure!T xx

It would be lovely to have you join in the Adventure!
T xx

I am inviting women to join my new online community and be part of something new, fun, and inspiring for yourself and other women.  A space for support, craic, compassion, learning and self-challenge.   If you are interested in strengthening your self-confidence and self-trust, then come on the A...

"•The Woman who has Herself•When a woman has herselfyou can enter or leave her lifeyou can flatter or judge herand she, ...

"•The Woman who has Herself•
When a woman has herself
you can enter or leave her life
you can flatter or judge her
and she, she will receive or say goodbye to you kindly
and she will thank you and understand your shadows
because she already knows hers."
[Read the rest below - incredible]

T xx

•The Woman who has Herself•

When a woman has herself
you can enter or leave her life
you can flatter or judge her
and she, she will receive or say goodbye to you kindly
and she will thank you and understand your shadows
because she already knows hers.
You probably won't tolerate it and at the same time
you want to own it and you will end up walking away
from her if you don't have the courage to respect her.
When a woman has herself
the Universe Dances at her feet, and She rises.
She becomes compassionate.
She chooses.
She is aware.
She gives and receives Love.
It is easy to recognize it.
The Woman Who Has Herself
she smiles in the sun as in the storm.
She celebrates life and understands death.
She lives and dances the processes.
She doesn't have a hue, she's a rainbow.

Author: Maria Harchanan Kaur

Artist: Sophie Wilkins Arts

On this gorgeous sunny Friday in March (at least here in N'Irn)  a gift for you.Wishing you peace, contentment and love,...

On this gorgeous sunny Friday in March (at least here in N'Irn) a gift for you.
Wishing you peace, contentment and love, with my gratitude.
And sending love to Ukraine.
Big love, T xx

This popped into my email box today - anything from Brene Brown sets my heart aglow....

This popped into my email box today - anything from Brene Brown sets my heart aglow....

One of the most valuable gifts in my life was from my mom. She taught us to never look away from pain. The lesson was simple and clear:

Thought for today.T xx

Thought for today.
T xx

Here's something for Friday .... sent to me by a colleague.  31 'make your life easier' ideas.   Simple, and so blimmin ...

Here's something for Friday .... sent to me by a colleague. 31 'make your life easier' ideas. Simple, and so blimmin obvious!
My favourites?.. learn to make your own chilli oil..set up a throway email.

How about you?
T x

If you don’t have the energy for sweeping life changes, don’t worry. A few small tweaks can add up to a big difference

I can't quite believe this is happening.... This.Awaiting final publication approval, so hopefully within next 10 days I...

I can't quite believe this is happening.... This.

Awaiting final publication approval, so hopefully within next 10 days I’ll be able to let you in on the details …..
To be honest, as I write this note, my heart is thumping in excitement and – what’s that = imposter fear???
And breathe.
To be kept in the loop about where and when it’s available, simply like or comment below, or if you’d like to head over to my website, the link is in the box below. And if you’d like to DM me here, that would also be loverley! I’ll be in touch with details.
And breathe, Trudy….

First day of any new month my mum used always wish us Rabbits Rabbits. Rabbits.With love from me to you…..

First day of any new month my mum used always wish us Rabbits Rabbits. Rabbits.
With love from me to you…..


Isn't it funny what you find when you give yourself a few minutes to go down the Rabbit Hole! And if you've seen this before, just enjoy it again.

T ###


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00




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