Tudor Rose Workplace Wellbeing Consultancy

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Tudor Rose Workplace Wellbeing Consultancy Award winning Workplace Wellbeing (WW) Advisor, Master WW Consult., concierge, Voc. Rehab. Coach I do understand what it’s like to have such issues.

My WHY my story

Supporting others to reach their potential is a passion, and the spark to Tudor Rose Workplace Wellbeing Consultancy being emerging. Born with Spina Bifida, having shared lived experiences in common with many clients, around discrimination, employers lack of understanding, while also being a practical and resourceful person, makes me the ideal person to champion bridging the gap

between health and work, and to inspire others. Whatever health or disability issues you face, a way to move forward is there, and can be found. Whatever gets in employers way, solutions are not as difficult as you might think, to give you the confidence to tap into and utilise such a talent pool. With my solution focused approach, along with my skill set and professional background I can support you through your needs and concerns. Through my own personal example, my life experience, I feel well equipped to empower you to have the same ‘can do’ solution focused approach, to balancing your health and work. We may have to think a little more creatively than many, but there is always a way you can do. In championing bridging the gap between health and work, empowering business owner, employees and jobseekers with health and disability issues, and advising businesses to be health and disability confident is key. Business owners, employees, corporate and jobseekers, let us assist you to focus on your core business. To showcase a ‘can do’, benefits attitude. Through finding creative solutions, addressing health or disability issues, that are getting in the way. Tudor Rose gives me the flexibility to work when and where I can, and want to, and to do something I am passionate about and love. Many people have busy business and work lives, and on top of that, have to cope with health or disability issues. I understand the concerns of businesses, I’ve been at the other side. Clients are encouraged by my example and advice. Every day and every client is very different, which makes for varied, enjoyable, and fulfilling work. It is a joy when you see a solution work, clients overwhelm, stress or concerns reduce significantly or disappear, and employers see benefits. Huge thanks have to go to my partner, for me now being able to live my passion through Tudor Rose. Encouraging me to ‘go for it’, and be a continued fantastic support.

Have you ever been asked a question that made you reflect on your life and the things you have achieved?I have. The ques...

Have you ever been asked a question that made you reflect on your life and the things you have achieved?

I have. The question was, what makes your business unique?

Here are some of the things that make my business unique.

I have shared lived experience with many of our coaching clients, of the challenges, of balancing a physical disability with work and career goals. Empathy with others, different but similar experiences. Over 30 years of experience supporting others socially, in education, training and work.

I have a passion for empowering others to reach their potential, overcome challenges, and grow. Working with young adults with learning difficulties, educationalists in school to central government, and as a teaching assistant, and having two grown-up adopted children, I can show empathy and inspire change in the workplace, through my own example and experience.

I am on a mission, to be a change-maker in the workplace around true inclusion. To empower others, despite any health condition or disability, to feel confident they can communicate their needs to focus fully and perform at their best, and that their needs will be met, to perform and have opportunities, on an equal basis to others.

I offer solutions which focus across inclusion as a whole, on a strategic perspective, rather than providing a solution focused on a single area.

“Want to, can do, will do.” “I wouldn’t change it for the world”.

What makes your business or workplace unique? Let me know in the comments 👇🏼

September is Su***de Prevention Month. Understanding and listening can make a difference. Let's change the narrative and...

September is Su***de Prevention Month.

Understanding and listening can make a difference.

Let's change the narrative and encourage open and honest discussions.

Let's raise awareness and show compassion for those struggling.

Let's come together to save lives and help those in need.

In organisations that have an 'open door' culture, people feel more confident to welcome communication from colleagues on any personal or difficult issues, and everyone feels psychologically safe in bringing issues and concerns to a colleague they like and trust for support.

Share with us how your workplace is doing/could do this.

We want to spread the word of good practice for the benefit of every workplace and its people.


LegacyIt's finished, did you watch and enjoy it? As the curtain closes on the   what will be its   and impact on inclusi...


It's finished, did you watch and enjoy it? As the curtain closes on the what will be its and impact on inclusion in wider society moving forward❓🤔

Just like in the Olympics we watched amazing feats of sporting excellence, something out of the reach of most of us dear mortals, able bodied or not. Everyone got behind the athletes, enjoyed the TV coverage and much was done in Paris around . I found myself, unusually, touched watching the closing ceremony. Praising the *messages in the closing speeches from Tony Estanguet French canoeist and Andrew Parsons IOC.

⭐1.3b disabled people worldwide,
⭐Inclusion revolution,
⭐free from barriers to perform at their best,
⭐strength in difference,
⭐time for you and society to make a difference,
⭐must be followed by acceptance and action,
⭐we all have a collective responsibility to use the momentum of the Paralympics to make the world around us more inclusive,
⭐enable and empower people to excel, out of the world of sport, ⭐diversity and difference should unite us.

Progress in sport and wider society has certainly been made in my lifetime, but there is, more still we could all do towards a fully inclusive world and opportunities for everyone.

We play our small part towards inclusive workplaces, with our professional and lived experience and insight. We work with, clients to find strategies just right for them, gaining the confidence to overcome barriers around inclusion at work. We get it, a way forward can be found. Clients take a chance on new strategies to reach their work, life goals.

Our clients say "Jeepers, it's crazy actually how much I've improved on the adhd front. I realise this because this last week I've had a taste again of how I used to be, due to the extra pressure… but I have the tools… Thanks, and what a difference it's made”.

Let's have a chat to discover how we could help you reach your gold in the workplace.

It's nearly the weekend! And   Losing yourself in a book is a great way to  , so why not get a cuppa and give yourself a...

It's nearly the weekend! And

Losing yourself in a book is a great way to , so why not get a cuppa and give yourself a moment, to have a good read this weekend.

What books would you recommend? It could be for our business development or personal pleasure. Fact or fiction. For adults or kids.

Here's one I currently have on the go, from a local literature festival, a great place to discover new authors.

Contributing to  🤝, can benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. Feeling a sense of purpose and  , improving mood, s...

Contributing to 🤝, can benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. Feeling a sense of purpose and , improving mood, self-esteem and happiness. While we contribute to such social issues as reducing poverty, improving education and health.

It can also bring people together from different teams and support an organisations social responsibility and community links. Your limited company can pay less tax when it gives money to a charity too!

Why not get some people together for a fund raising activity, or to volunteer for a local charity. You could have a charity of the year for your workplace. Here at Tudor Rose we give to a children's charity and support the local community cafe and team of go to experts are busy with lots of their own activities too.

The autumn and coming festive months are a great time to get involved in some charitable activity. We'd love to hear about the charitable work you are doing and the plans you have. Share in the comments below👇.

In the UK in 2022 there were 6,588 registered deaths where su***de was recorded as the cause. ⚠️Su***de in England and W...

In the UK in 2022 there were 6,588 registered deaths where su***de was recorded as the cause.

⚠️Su***de in England and Wales is 3 x more common among men.
⚠️This gender gap has increased over time.
⚠️The risk is usually highest among 45 and 54 year olds.
⚠️Triggers include deprivation with the highest rates being in the north east and Yorkshire and Humberside. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7749/
⚠️Su***de rates are higher amongst men aged 25 to 44 and 45 to 64. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/near-to-real-time-suspected-su***de-surveillance-nrtsss-for-england/statistical-report-near-to-real-time-suspected-su***de-surveillance-nrtsss-for-england-for-the-15-months-to-august-2023
⚠️The construction industry continues to have one of the highest su***de rates among professions. The rate among male construction workers 75% higher than men in the general population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
⚠️The su***de risk is 76% amongst female doctors, compared with the general population. According to an analysis of evidence from 20 countries, published in the BMJ.

There are many outside of and work related that can drive people to suicidal thoughts (more on those in future posts). These can include:

deprivation - which has reportedly the highest rates in the north east and Yorkshire and Humberside. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7749/

This highlights that there is an ongoing need for all workplaces to look after the psychological well-being of their people, and include su***de prevention in their wellbeing plans.

So how can we open up at work about how we are feeling?

​💛 Side by side conversations - especially where work is full on or outdoors, chat while walking to a tea break, lunch, another meeting, around a site.
​💛 Quizzes - lunchtime or a Friday afternoon, have some fun. finding out what we already know about mental health and su***de
​💛 Tea-point check-ins - just ask someone "How are you today?", and ask again.
​💛 Has your workplace got a well-being champion/mental health first aider, someone that everyone likes and trusts; someone people feel comfortable chatting to?
​💛 The industry and their well-being initiative continue to develop a well-being movement, best practice, welfare and well-being delivery and improvement.
​💛 Put in place wellbeing programmes that encourage holistic wellness cultures.

We help clients, and individuals with our coaching and workplaces with our well-being strategy training, to address such issues as su***de, bespoke to their needs. If you would welcome a chat on how we might support you, please get in touch for a free chat.


Hello SeptemberWell my August ended with a bang. A Beth Neilson Chapman concert on Friday and a country music festival a...

Hello September

Well my August ended with a bang. A Beth Neilson Chapman concert on Friday and a country music festival and night away on Saturday!

September, the month where we see the changing seasons from summer to autumn. With shorter days and longer nights, cooler temperatures, the leaves falling from the trees. Squirrels hiding nuts and acorns, birds flying to warmer climes. The kids getting back to school and the mornings a bit more hectic. You may even be looking forward to going off to warmer climes for a break.

If you've already had a look back on on your summer, hopefully full of positivity, keep it going. You could make a video or scrapbook to collect your summer memories. Or a journal to record the summer memories and autumn plans you are looking forward to.

If you haven't had a summer review yet, why not make some time this week to and make exciting for the autumn. Think personal, health, work, wellbeing.

Have a great September moving forward with your plans. It won't be long until the darker nights light up with bonfire, Halloween, and dare we mention, Christmas. Before then we have a new client we are looking forward to supporting with strategies to better manager their work with their health, an Autumn Wellbeing workshop (let us know in the comments below👇 with a YES, if you'd like to hear more) and a sound project. On that note, what sounds make you feel calm and relaxed, and your heart rate and breathing slower? Any sound 🎶, from anywhere, nothing is too odd 😉.

It's good from time to time to give our world a review - life, work, health, relaxation. So as many have returned from h...

It's good from time to time to give our world a review - life, work, health, relaxation. So as many have returned from holiday, kids return to school, college, uni, autumn is on the way, what better time do have a review.

Here's a snapshot of some of the things in my review:

Remote working in Penrith and Northern Ireland (getting to use many libraries)
Outdoor swimming x 3
Weekly swim
Birthday activities - weekends away, kayaking, steam boat etc. and more to come
Ballet show performance and contemporary dance summer share performance
Discovered Leeds waterfront
Ran a Stress Buster Workshop
Shared a Did You Know (Access to Work knowledge)
Procurement workshop
Dragonboat festival
Article for NHS publication
New customers and enquiries to follow up
New shoes and exploring potential foot surgery
1st project for our CIC Inclusive Matrix delivered and funding application in

New clients,
New networks,
Health plan with nutritionist
Kayak canal trip (another birthday do!)
Autumn Wellbeing workshop
Developing wellbeing sound project

What can you look back on with a smile and forwards with excitement in your world?

Another summer spectacle of sporting excellence is here! The Paris Paralympics 2024. So here's a little more of what you...

Another summer spectacle of sporting excellence is here! The Paris Paralympics 2024. So here's a little more of what you can expect to see.

The sports - Archery, Artistic Gymnastics, Artistic Swimming, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Basketball 3x3, Beach Volleyball, Boxing, Breaking, Canoe Slalom/Sprint, Cycling BMX Freestyle/Racing Mountain/Road/Track, Diving, Equestrian, Fencing, Football, Golf, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Marathon, Swimming, Modern Pentathlon, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Rowing, Rugby Sevens, Sailing, Shooting, Skateboarding, Climbing, Surfing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Trampoline, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling.

We all know that EVERYONE is unique, that is no different across the disabled community. No two people with the same medical condition have the same physical limitations, impairment (whereas those who are physically fully able bodied, are more or less on the same base level). So that is where classification comes in.

Classification - Athletes in the same category have similar physical functional abilities (movement, coordination and balance). So you will see athletes with different impairments allocated the same classification and compete against each another. The sport's initial e.g. S for swimming, followed by a number. The lower the figure, the greater the impairment, mostly.

Most of us can only dream of having an Olympic level of sporting excellence. Enjoy, learn, raise your awareness as you go and if you're lucky enough to have tickets, you'll love the atmosphere, if what I experienced in London is anything to go by.

A spotlight on travel problems experienced by the disabled travellers has been shone again. The Paralympic Games begins ...

A spotlight on travel problems experienced by the disabled travellers has been shone again. The Paralympic Games begins on Wednesday and today we hear in the media of the Paralympian Tanni Grey-Thompson experiencing problems with train travel. This sadly still remains a real problem for many disabled travellers, across all means of transport.

Here is a snapshot of just my personal lived experiences and I have the benefit of being able to walk, as well as use a wheelchair when I know I will be walking too far for me:


- Not having assistance off a train I had to travel to the next station then back again;

- missed a train but I was on the platform. I couldn't board the train as the platform ramps didn't fit the train and the guard wouldn't allow the train to depart late;

- waited 45 minutes for wheelchair to assist me from the platform to station exit;

- baggage in the wheelchair space and rude passenger when I asked it to be moved.


- Assistance is not person centred, rather organisation centred;

- asked to wait, with everyone else who has requested assistance in a signed seating area (the 'cattle-pen'' as I infuriately refer to it), to board on mass first or last (often with ambulift vehicle);

- another passenger observed in my, wheelchair, after disembarking;

- not able, even when requested, to board as a toddler can with their pushchair (me and wheelchair to plane steps and walk up the steps);

- not able to just prebook seats online if when I ticked assistance (just for the sake of my wheelchair in my case);

- when seat is booked for me, it's the middle by the widow. Furthest from loo and exit ("so I don't hold up others" I was rudely told by the elder aged lady traveller in the aisle seat).


- With wheelchair I've been refused on as no room - only one maybe two spaces. From a busy city!

- instructions are standard on notices and from drivers, of where and how to place wheelchair (vertical backwards) when horizontal (not blocking passage) is often better with hills.

On the positive though;


- Fellow travellers can be so helpful, asking if I'm waiting for assistance and alerting someone;

- assistance staff are friendly and understanding of the systemic communication and staffing problems;

- I'm able with planning and communication to get to London, Edinburgh etc. independently;

- I find the booking assistance system is much quicker and easier (communication on though is still a problem!);

- Eurostar and travel abroad has for me run very smoothly, and able to book and travel the same as anyone else (requesting assistance as necessary).


- Travelling when I couldn't walk, the assistance of the plane chair ran smoothly, here and abroad;

- quicker through passport control;

- useful when you can't speak or even read the language (China).


- Bus drivers are generally much more helpful and willing.

On the whole, I sometimes dread the hassle of travel as many do, but it's the extra stress over and above this. While it is my personal choice to travel and not drive, I get H&S plays apart, the worse though is, that with a disability you cannot just spontaneously travel and book the same as anyone else, and as others in the public eye have made public, the risks of expensive mobility aides, wheelchairs going missing or being damaged is so scary. It would be like an able bodied person getting to their holiday destination without their legs.

Over the years yes we have had progress, but for the UK especially there is still a lot of progress to be made. WITH the real experts of lived experience themselves. This goes for many aspects such as work too. Just ask any community of people what they, need!

Image of the oldest steamboat operating on Windermere. White, open sides, green canopy

When a curved ball disrupts our plans what do you do?Today we had a power cut (not due back on 'til 6pm) thanks to storm...

When a curved ball disrupts our plans what do you do?

Today we had a power cut (not due back on 'til 6pm) thanks to storm Lilian 🍃 🌪, so planned work took a back seat and plan b was in action with plenty of things to get on with. I could quite easily be a health issues disrupting our plans too.

Such disruption are not always easy to cope with. Having to change plans unexpectedly could cause a degree of anxiety. Workplaces can be supportive though by being proactive.

When they are aware of something like power cuts, travel disruptions etc., they can let colleagues know, that this is out of our control, can't be helped etc. That it's okay for us to to do y, instead of planned x.

If it is health related we can be proactive ourselves, by letting our manager know, agreeing a plan and being proactive in having handover notes in place for such incidents.

Keep safe in the wind. 🍃 🌪

We're back in business again now. 😊

Congratulations, the wait is over and the GCSE, BTEC etc. results are here. Whatever grade, this is just the beginning o...

Congratulations, the wait is over and the GCSE, BTEC etc. results are here.

Whatever grade, this is just the beginning of a positive future ahead. Whether you, a family member, friend or colleague remember, there are many routes and opportunities to embrace ahead in reaching education, career, life dreams.

Believe in your potential and we here at Tudor Rose wish everyone the very best in whatever the future holds.

A' levels, I have non, GCSEs I have only 1 O' level gained age 17. Post 18 I gained A' level equivalent vocational qualifications in business. As a mature student I gained an BA (Hons) degree, have worked full-time in the public sector, had a family, and am now a business owner. Oh, did I not say, I went to 'special' secondary education (with a physical disability that was the way it was for me in those days!), where we were given minimal academic education and not to exam level. I was lucky to have family, lecturers, managers who believed in my potential along the way (some not so too), so embrace the support and faith in you, wherever that comes from.

Have you heard of S.O.F.A?I remembered hearing of this some time ago when I was listening to Bill Bailey talking about i...

Have you heard of S.O.F.A?

I remembered hearing of this some time ago when I was listening to Bill Bailey talking about it on the radio this morning.

Here's a brief explanation of what it's all about.

S.O.F.A. stands for Sit On Fitness Apparatus and is a campaign by We Are Undefeatable a collective movement who support people with a range of long-term health conditions. Their purpose is to support and encourage finding ways to be active in a way that works for you and your health condition.

The idea behind S.O.F.A. is that you can start getting active from the comfort of your living room using routines designed to suit your capabilities. Like many of us are used to doing already, working with mobility of health limitations.

Find out more here

Join Bill Bailey has he shows you how you can get moving from your living room with your very own Sit On Fitness Apparatus - or S.O.F.A!

Research has found that "half of jobseekers with complex disabilities don’t feel they get the support and equipment they...

Research has found that "half of jobseekers with complex disabilities don’t feel they get the support and equipment they need to look for work.

We agree that many people "would love the opportunity to work, yet struggle with the multitude of which prevent disabled people from finding employment." https://www.bigissue.com/opinion/disabled-people-work-benefits-welfare-toxic-conversation/?

With our lived and professional experience, we have helped many employees to identify and secure the support they require, and have provided awareness training to managers and leaders. These are both vital steps in removing the recruitment and retention barriers to employment. There is far more that needs addressing than just focussing on 'work shy disabled jobseekers'.

What would be your top three things to enable disabled people to access and retain work?

After Starmer was told he must 'get a grip of workshy Britain', Sense calls for change in media rhetoric to protect disabled people

Did you know that Dame Judi Dench has been known to participate in rude embroidery? And you can't miss Tom Daley's knitt...

Did you know that Dame Judi Dench has been known to participate in rude embroidery? And you can't miss Tom Daley's knitted creations over the years

Well, they know what's good for them in terms of keeping .

Researchers are now saying interests could be an important tool for improving public health in general, according to a recent article in The Guardian.

Dr Helen Keyes goes on to say “It’s quite an affordable, accessible and ultimately popular thing for people to do. And that’s key. You’re not going to be shoving something down people’s throats that they don’t want to do.”

The results of the research indicate that people who engaged in some kind of creative pursuit had higher ratings for happiness, life satisfaction despite other known factors that usually impact this negatively.

While the overall impact may only be small, on a national level the increase could be significant.

Personally, I love arts and crafts and have participated in lots of different activities over the years and find it so relaxing and good for my mental . Always looking out for new things to try.

What's your favourite art or craft activity? Let me know in the comments, and if you have any recommendations I'd love to hear them.🎨🖌️🧶

Congratulations to you all receiving exam results today. Whether you, a family member, friend or colleague, have achieve...

Congratulations to you all receiving exam results today.

Whether you, a family member, friend or colleague, have achieved as expected or not, remember, this is just the beginning of a positive future ahead.

Whatever your next step in education, training or work, there are many routes and opportunities to embrace ahead in reaching your education, career, life dreams. Believe in your potential and we here at Tudor rose wish you all the very best in whatever you do next.

A' levels, I have non, GCSEs I have only 1 O' level gained age 17.
Post 18 I gained A' level equivalent vocational qualifications in business. As a mature student I gained an BA (Hons) degree, have worked full-time in the public sector, had a family, and am now a business owner. Oh, did I not say, I went to 'special' secondary education (with a physical disability that was the way it was for me in those days!), where we were given minimal academic education and not to exam level.

Did you know that 57% of all working days in the UK lost to sickness are estimated to be mental health-related? Or that ...

Did you know that 57% of all working days in the UK lost to sickness are estimated to be mental health-related? Or that there are 5.53 million disabled people employed in the UK, according to recent data?

And with the cost of poor mental health estimated at £1,652 per employee, per year in the UK, it’s clear this is a real issue.

So what can we do to support team members with health issues?

💛 Consider reasonable adjustments to the working environment, such as small changes to lighting, furniture or heating.

💛 Look at the provision of additional rest breaks or quiet areas for working.

💛 Create a healthy work culture and increase awareness of mental health within the business to show that you take employees and their mental health seriously

💛 Ask if any of your staff are interested in training to be a Mental Health First Aider or being on a company wellbeing group.

💛 Consider each health case individually, and listen to the individual in order to support them in the best way possible.

If you would like to find out more about navigating this area of your business get in touch.

As we close the curtains on the   amazing show of *sporting excellence, even to be selected is beyond the realms of most...

As we close the curtains on the amazing show of *sporting excellence, even to be selected is beyond the realms of most of us, what have been your favourite moments, favourite athlete?

If you haven't had enough, there is more, on 28th August we look forward to the https://www.paralympic.org/ https://paralympics.org.uk/ beginning 28th August.

Did you know, that the first sport clubs for the deaf were already in existence in 1888 in Berlin? Then after World War II it grew to assist war veterans and civilians rehabilitation who had been injured. In 1944 the British Government invited Dr. Ludwig Guttmann to open a spinal injuries centre at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Rehabilitation sport in time evolved to competitive sport and the paralympic games we know today. See the links above to explore the paralympic games further.

*Sparked by wondering what constitutes a sport in terms of the Olympic games, I've been doing some research😉. Apparently Olympics is an ancient panhellenic (of or relating to all Greece or all the Greeks) festival held every four years made up of contests of sports (an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment), music and literature, with the victor's prize a crown of wild olive. Now you know and can make a more informed judgement on what whether your favourite should be included in the Olympics and given air time for us to enjoy.

Whether old school business cards or QR codes are your thing, do you carry yours with you?No we don't and shouldn't for ...

Whether old school business cards or QR codes are your thing, do you carry yours with you?

No we don't and shouldn't for our be working 24/7, but just recently when I've been out and about I've been asked for, or could have done with having mine with me.

As self-employed, business owners, entrepreneurs, we are often alert to an opportunity, even when off duty. You never know where you might find your next big business deal 😉.

Do you work from home all or part of the week? As well as offering book borrowing and browsing, our libraries are a grea...

Do you work from home all or part of the week? As well as offering book borrowing and browsing, our libraries are a great, free, place to work. As I've recently discovered.

One of the freedoms of being self-employed for me, is that I can work around life and non work commitments, including health appointments and it gives me choices of where to work (around clients needs).

Currently I get to work from a library part of the week. I can zoom, network, join online webinars and get some focused work done. Without the working from home distractions! At times I get to hear local group activity about. My favourite so far is baby/toddler book singalong. Starting their library interest young.

Gone are the silent libraries though, so I need to remember earphones (forgot them today🙄), unless your library has booths.

Did you know that for those of us who are lucky enough to be able to work remotely, from home or flexibly, many libraries have:

Booths you can work in.
Free internet access.
Computer and printing facilities.
Bring your own laptop areas.
Local research information (leaflets and local knowledge of the friendly and helpful staff). Great for widening networks 😉.

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Network hubs also provide free specialist support to entrepreneurs, start-ups, self-employed and small business owners too.

Being a frequent user of this library, for a while at least, it seemed only right to join, so I have.

It isn't for everyone. but why not give your local library a try for working from, even if just for a change of scenery. As a bonus, it's a great help to keep them open too

We're half way through the Olympics, what's been your favourite sport to watch so far?Mine have been the rowing, kayakin...

We're half way through the Olympics, what's been your favourite sport to watch so far?

Mine have been the rowing, kayaking, triathlon and sailing. Years of training, building up to team selection, a few moments or hours and the chance of a medal.

Parallels with life in a way. Years of training while growing up, getting your chosen job or career and lifestyle, putting in the hours and years to reach the reward you desire.

We all know it isn't as easy as it sounds. Many hurdles to conquer along the way. Whether it's a competition, a lifestyle, work or career, it's a journey to be sure and real success come from within. Being happy with how far we have come and our achievement, whatever that might be.

Ready for athletics week? Enjoy.

You may have picked up that I have this year joined two dance classes. One for wheelchair users, the other mainstream. Y...

You may have picked up that I have this year joined two dance classes. One for wheelchair users, the other mainstream. Yesterday I received an email - "Welcome to the Academy of Northern Ballet. We look forward to welcoming you to our 24-25 adult classes." I'm in 🎉💃 ! Starting in Sept.

So excited and pleased to have been accepted into this mainstream class, as a part-time wheelchair user (needed for this with my appalling balance 🙄).

As our motto says 'Want to, can do, will do'. If you don't ask you don't get 😉.

Is there something you have always wanted to do, that also supports your wellbeing, as the creative arts do? You may feel it is out of reach, unobtainable, inaccessible. Go on, just ask. You never know what showing an interest will bring, And once in, we can play a big role in moving inclusion forward.

Fellow dancers in one class, find the wheelchair a little more challenging than others, but the class as a whole, including the teacher, are so welcoming and see me with my wheelchair as a positive for their (and my own) creative development. Inclusion translates to the workplace too. If you'd like to learn more about how wellbeing programmes can support inclusion in your team, get in touch for a chat.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 12:30
13:30 - 18:30
Thursday 08:30 - 12:30
13:30 - 18:30
Friday 08:30 - 12:30
13:30 - 18:30


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