The Right Way?
There is a time and a place for recoil pads, for heavy loads or a lot of cartridges being shot in a short period of time when clay shooting, or a physical infirmity (as in my case) but sometimes there is no substitute for a stock to be lengthened with a well fitted wooden extension, perhaps for game shooting on a stunning English, Italian or Belgian gun. A Silvers pad or ebonite extension just doesn’t make the grade, well, in my opinion anyway.
The gun shown in the first two pictures is a gorgeous Browning D4G, but unfortunately, at some point in its life, somebody was of the same mind set as me but without the requisite skills or know-how to carry out the job to the standard this gun so richly deserves.
The first picture shows the colour and finish discrepancy between the extension and the original stock while the second picture shows how it was fitted…. with “decking screws” then chequered with what must have been a blunt hacksaw blade.
When the gun’s owner from NI arrived, we had a chat and decided to undertake a complete re-finish and re-chequer while matching an extension to the gun and enriching the colour.
Pictures three and four show the results!
I hope you agree that the finished result is a vast improvement over the original? If not, I had better hang up my apron 😊
Now, I know I am going to get a flood of messages from gunsmiths all over the world wanting to know how I enhanced the grain to match, but asking me that question is like me asking a barrel blacker “what’s in your blacking solution?” Guess what, they will never tell you!
All I will say is, the secret came from my father who was trained as a cabinet maker in his youth (back in the 1930’s) then passed on to me.