EWUDZI Ventures Limited is a Construction firm established and registered to commence business in November,2005 (copies of documentation attached for ease of reference) by a young experience professionals with requisite engineering knowledge, involved in general Building and Civil as well as Water Engineering works. Our operation is dated back from 2003 to date however; the company was duly regi
stered in August, 2005 and renewed in March 2010 with registration number CA – 19,611
The company has a competent team of construction professionals who supervise the ex*****on of its projects, mostly spread in the administrative district of Ghana. Furthermore, the company is well equipped in the ex*****on of contracts and is in the process of augmenting its fleet of vehicles and construction equipments (attached is the equipments listing). The company since its establishment has undertaken a number of projects as a main contractor and also as a sub-contractor for a number of public and private institutions respectively. Most of the projects executed are Government funded projects and include the construction of Box culverts, Dormitory, Classrooms, Roads, Routine maintenance works and building projects. A catalogue of some of the projects executed and their financial value ranges between One Hundred Thousand Ghana cedis to One Million Ghana cedis (Gh¢ 100,000.00 - Gh¢ 1,000,000.00). The company is financially sound, credit worthy with support from its bankers and other financial companies like National Investment Bank, Ghana Growth Fund LTD.