With an extensive track record in Cote D’ivoire and Mali, we are looking to replicate the same experience here in Ghana. Our proven methods of pest control are approved and certified by the Environmental Protection Company (EPA). We aim to ensure pest free communities by the following methods over a period of time:
FUMIGATION: This method of control completely fills an area with gaseous pesticide
or fumigants in order to suffocate or poison the pests within. This is often utilized for control of pests in buildings, and also known as “structural fumigation”. RAT CONTROL: It is known that rats and mice have adapted to survive and thrive in our human environment. Rodent population will continue to increase in conditions that allow easy access to food and shelter. In order to deal with this intrusion of their infestation, sanitation efforts in conjunction with rodent proofing spread over a consistent period of time reduce or completely eliminate these conditions. DISINFESTATION: This refers to the action of extermination. These pests are detrimental to both humans and plants. Elimination of such contaminants is implemented by fogging the home and surrounding area, and additionally spraying a colorless, and odorless insecticide on all the walls. Consequently ensuring that mosquitoes, ants, termites, larvae etc. can be potentially restrained or totally eradicated.