
Agritour WHAT WE DO
• We visit farms
• Attract people to visit agricultural operations
• Increase Income of farmers
•Educate And Entertain Visitors

For the youth

For the youth

This is not a home garden. Its actually a carrot farm. I am starting a community carrot farm project on Sept. 1st where ...

This is not a home garden. Its actually a carrot farm. I am starting a community carrot farm project on Sept. 1st where people invest thier money and take returns after 4 months. 1 month for land preparation and 3 months for maturity. If you buy carrots in large quanties, i have a great deal for you in December. We have chosen this path and we will triumph together.
I have had alot people asking for assistance on how to grow carrots. I do post some videos on tiktok. From Sept 1st, everything that happens on the field will be posted there for education and trainning purposes. By nana yaw

Ghana's biggest banana plantation, Golden Exotics Limited at Asutsuare in the Greater Accra Region, produces and exports...

Ghana's biggest banana plantation, Golden Exotics Limited at Asutsuare in the Greater Accra Region, produces and exports over 50,000 tonnes of bananas annually.

The company also has a plantation devoted to pineapples and harvests over 10,000 tons per year. The irrigated farm sits on 8,600 hectares of land and employs 3,000 workers.


Watch this space

Its possible this way when you concentrate on building  the soil instead of engaging in " mining agriculture."Kontomire ...

Its possible this way when you concentrate on building the soil instead of engaging in " mining agriculture."

Kontomire taller than 'person'

Africa is blessed and you wouldnt appreciate it until you move outside Ghana to appreciate my point.
Building healthy soil to feed healthy people.
Kwabena Agyapong Paa Tommy


Any thing Agric


Why Is Farming Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

Are you starting a farming project because of the hype you see on social media or you’ve done the necessary research?

With regards to farming social media has had a huge influence on people embarking on projects which are then abandoned due to a number factors and what was deemed to be easy is something else on the ground .

Farming is not a quick cash venture, be ready to take this journey!
When ever starting a new business line or product line . Please do your research.Visiting farmers with experience in this field will be extremely helpful

You may begin by consulting various experts who provide that service.

So you have an idea and can see what your budget will allow you !
Others will tell you start small but what is small? You are starting a business and not a hobby. Start with viability and work your way up !
1. Assess the risks involved and find ways you will manage the risks.
2. If you don’t have the resources don’t strain yourself and the crops/animals because you cannot afford to manage them.
3. Remember this is an investment so you will need to be ready to finance your project from start to finish. With the initial cost being higher.
4. Be trainable , get your workers trained especially the ones who will play a major role.
5. Be ready to experience a few challenges, cause they are going to come !
6. Be ready to market your goods it’s easy to produce and when your product is ready for sale you have no clue how to sell it where it’s sold !
7. Even if you make losses analyze what went wrong and which parts should be corrected .

In every business there a number of loop holes which I’ll be able to explain soon !

Happy weekend and please don’t follow hype on social media , be sure of why you want to start a particular business !

How to Decide What to Grow: Here is what to consider. Farm Planning Here are some factors to consider when deciding whic...

How to Decide What to Grow: Here is what to consider.

Farm Planning

Here are some factors to consider when deciding which crops will give you the best return on your investment (ROI):

1. Your Space/ Land

If you have a very small space, don't grow crops that take a long time to mature and harvest or take up a lot of space. Focus instead on quick growing crops (60 days or less), that do not require a lot of space. Crops like beans, lettuce, tomatoes (indeterminate type) and herbs are great for small spaces. If you have plenty of space and there is demand in your market then you should consider growing crops that require a lot of space like pumpkins or butternuts.

2. Total Yields of the Crop

Consider how much yield the crop you plan to grow produces at one time or after multiple cuttings. Does the crop consistently produce high yields? Some examples of crops that produce how yields are spinach, butternuts, and tomatoes. Crops like beans that can be planted in succession (plant now and plant again later) so you can harvest them at different times in the season. If you have a large farm you can grow more long season crops that have a high demand e.g potatoes and then make your money on the volume.

3. Time to Harvest

It's important to understand how long it takes to grow a specific crop type. If you plant late e.g maize, pick a variety of the crop with short days to maturity to avoid problems later in the season. Certain crops e.g. potatoes, onions, and garlic take a long time to grow. If you have a large land area they are good storage crops to grow. If you don't have a lot of land or space, grow r**e and lettuce instead because you can harvest them multiple times (long harvest) in the same space of time you are growing a long season crop e.g onion.

4. Market Price and Crop Price Trends

What is the price of the crop? Pay attention to price trends for the crop to see if you can grow and supply it when demand is high, but supply is low. Check the MoFA site for updates on market prices. Certain times of the year you will find a market glut in crops like tomatoes and maize and it becomes a race to the bottom. If your crops can be stored such as maize and pepper, and you can afford to do it, store them well and then sell them later when prices are better.

5. Crop's Shelf Life and Storage

If the crop has a short shelf life e.g. tomatoes and r**e, make sure you can sell it quickly. Are you close enough to market or have reliable transportation or storage? Can you sell to a volume buyer who can move a lot of your product for you? If not then you should focus on crops with a good shelf life that you can take your time to market.

6. Popularity of the Crop

Consider focusing on crops that people already like and eat on a regular basis. While you may sell some exotics at a high price ask yourself if you can sell enough of them to be profitable. They are just not that many people locally you are going to convince to buy and eat certain vegetables such as radishes. Let's be honest. They are just not popular. Food is emotional and people tend to stay pretty close to what they are used to eating. As an emerging farmer focus on growing crops that people actually eat, want and use e.g. beans, cabbage, maize and pepper Also, understand what size and varieties people prefer. If the crop has multiple uses that is always an added bonus. (e.g soy can be used for food and feed). If you do decide to grow exotics make sure you can sell them.

7. Your Budget

You need to make sure you can afford the production costs of the crop you are growing. Certain crops have high production costs (seed, fertiliser, labour, irrigation etc) and are very expensive to produce without external funding. If you can grow them under a good contract then look into that. If you can't afford the production costs then consider instead growing crops with lower production costs such as sweet potatoes or beans.You will avoid getting into debt,and with beans, you have the added bonus of replenishing your soil!

8. Access to Water

Does your area get a lot of rain? How much rain? If you don't have a lot of water on your farm, focus on growing drought tolerant crops such as small grains e.g sorghum and millet or drought tolerant vegetables such as beans, okra or hot peppers. These crops can thrive even with restricted water.

9. Soil Type & Fertility

Assess your soil to see what you can grows best in your soil. If you clay soils you will need to amend with compost it if you want to grow carrots. Carrots prefer loose, sandy soils. Test your soil for your soil pH. Most vegetables require a soil pH of about 7.

Here are warm season crops you can grow in Africa:



Soybeans, maize



Capsicum (Green, Red and Yellow, Peppers)











Herbs (e.g. Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, Basil)



Small Grains (e.g. Sorghum, Millet )


Pick a seed variety that is good for warm weather to avoid problems

Keep a notebook or spreadsheet with good records throughout the growing season and evaluate how this went. Note down: what grew well, what sold well, what didn't work so well and use it to make decisions for the next year


Is snail farming profitable in Ghana?

In Ghana, snail farming has become a very lucrative business due to its high demand and high nutritional protein content, as both private and government agencies are encouraging the younger population to explore the domestic and international market.

In 1994 due to high demand for snails, Ghana exported about 620 kilograms and 1,050 kilograms of snails to the Netherlands and the United States (US), which contributed highly to their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) index.

Market Opportunities for Snail Farming in Ghana in 2020
A country like France has been importing snails, adding value to them, and then export to other European countries such as Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Denmark or to North America.

Other identified potential markets include Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Sweden, and South Africa getting their major suppliers from Greece, Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, Thailand, and China.

How profitable is Snail farming in Ghana 2020
Although grossly underrated, the market opportunity for snail farming in Ghana is huge.

Presently, in terms of cost and time, snail farming is a low-risk business and very profitable.

snails are a huge part of the diet in many parts of Ghana, although they are not always affordable and available all year round. So therefore If you rear snail in commercial quantity, hotels, and fast-food restaurants will be your regular customers.

Farmers are currently bagging in millions from snail farming. The prices of raw, matured snails in Ghana go for $1 (5.8 ghana cedis) or $2 (9.2 ghana cedis) depending on the size. However, the annual demand for snail in Ghana cannot be overemphasized.

The snail export industry is flourishing. The USA imports more than $4million worth of snails annually from all over the world, including Ghana




To explain further, snail farming is also like every other agricultural farming aspect in terms of establishment, you can invest as big as you wish, the bigger amount you invested, the faster and bigger your harvest.

The only difference is that, you can start snail farming with very small capital (As little as Gh20. with a very strong passion, dedication , patience and knowledge, you can grow to a commercial farm within few years Which can not happen in many other livestock farming.

Secondly, you can invest in snail farming as much as your capacity can carry for a commercial farming.

Don't be deceived, If you want to make thousands of cedis on snail farming as soon as possible, You have to invest or start with thousands of cedis.

Now sit back and think of how scallable you want your snail farming project to look like or the total capital you can afford to put on for a start.

---You can start in a small scale that will cost you between Gh 50 and above.
-- Tires, drums, basket etc
--- 30pcs point of lay.

--- A small scale that will cost you between GH200 and above.
--- wooden pen
--- 60pcs breeder snails.

--- A medium scale that will cost you between Gh500 and above.
--- Mini snail green house
--- 300pcs breeder snails.

--- And a large scale or commercial snail farming that will cost you between Gh10k and above.
--- comercial snail GREEN HOUSE Construction
--- 1500pcs
-- 100kg.

From the above analysis, you should be able to state the category that your pocket will be able to carry conveniently, and grow from there.

For more info
Contact other farmers who are already into snail farming.


Ready for ur consumption place ur order


What does it cost to start a farm in Ghana?

Farm ownership, in view of economic conditions, may be a speculative

For those who plan to buy, it is well to remember the general rule of business that the more money invested the larger is the income, and vice versa.

The price paid for land, buildings, and equipment, if buying a developed farm, is perhaps the key in determining whether the venture. will be a success. If bought at inflated prices, the carrying charges plus taxes might lead to failure in the end even if crop yields were high for a number of years. A sharp decline in prices would make it difficult to meet mortgage payments and loans, bringing a loss of the entire investment.

The amount of capital required to get started as a farm operator depends on the kind of farming.

Truck or vegetable farming does not take much land, but the relatively few acres must be rich. Usually they cost as much as a general farm several times as large. A truck farm may be most desirable near a town or city where the crops can be sold as soon as they are ready. Such a farm is a highly specialized business, but often quite profitable.

Poultry farming is one of the most common and successful types of farming near the urban centers of Ghana. If you plan to sell eggs, wholesale, it will take from 1,000 to 2,000 hens to keep a family fully employed; if, re tail, only 1,000 to 1,500 hens will be necessary. It may take just as much labor, however, to manage the smaller as the larger flock.

Since the poultryman usually buys all or most of his feed, only a small land is required. Investment in buildings and equipment—brooder houses, laying pens, perhaps an incubator—is rather high.

Dairying is one of the most dependable types of farming. A satisfactory setup for a family farm is fifteen to twenty cows and a minimum of 1 to 10 acres of good land for the production of pasture, hay, and other feed for the stock. The starting capital required in the North, outside of land and buildings, is from Gh4,500 to Gh6,000

Wheat, rice, maize etc farming takes a good deal of land. Many of the rice farms run about 1 to more acres of land

Diversified farming usually involves a mixture of cash crops and livestock. Its chief advantages are: (1) the risk is reduced by not banking mainly on one money crop and (2) it spreads the working time of the family. There are many possible combinations in this type of farming

Part-time farming. Many men who are not interested in full-time farming may wish to engage in subsistence or part-time farming

Organic Gardener, GH.


How do you select a farm?

After carefully weighing the pros and cons of farming versus other occupations and deciding in favor of the former, you are ready to consider the questions: Shall I buy or rent a farm? Where shall I farm? What kind of farming shall I undertake?

wise choice takes many factors into account. To begin with, you should not buy or rent a farm unless you have had real experience in farming. You are almost certainly doomed to disappointment and failure if you undertake so complex a business without some experience on a good farm, under the guidance of a man who is a successful farmer. If you have had no experience, you should start a farming career as a hired man. After that you may be in a position to manage your own farm

Mary experienced farmers stress the desirability of starting in as a tenant rather than purchaser. It is unwise to plunge into farming as an owner-operator until you have tried yourself out and know whether you like farming as a business, whether you can make a success of it, and whether you have chosen the kind of farming and location you want.

The region selected should be familiar, if possible. It is also helpful to settle where your family is known.

For example, the northern region is a renowned dairy environment, and a dairy farmer probably has a much better chance of success there than in an area where such farming is comparatively rare. Similarly, if you prefer poultry farming, a region known for successful commercial poultry farming should be chosen.

Do not select a type of farming that is unfamiliar to the region. The chances are that the soil or climate is unfavorable and that the odds are against success.

In selecting a farm don’t be guided solely by interested parties, such as a real-estate developer or land agent seeking a fee or a seller anxious to get rid of his property. One should inquire fully into the past record of the farm, its yields, operating expenses, profits, and so on. Advice can usually be freely obtained from such well-informed and disinterested sources as agricultural agents. State extension services, agricultural colleges, and the various farm organizations can help on broader questions.

Organic Gardener GH.
Credit David

I wrote about Agriculture Machine hiring as a business and I think it is a brilliant idea.Not just will you make money o...

I wrote about Agriculture Machine hiring as a business and I think it is a brilliant idea.
Not just will you make money off it, you will be helping farmers to reduce the stress in farming especially crop production.
Machines such as tiller, tractor, spray drone, harvester, seeder and planter, plough, thresher , name it can be hired by farmers.
Do you know of any such businesses?
Or is anyone planing on venturing into it?

Tomotoe farming of late is becoming quite defficult and challenging in opened fliedAs much as the weather conditions not...

Tomotoe farming of late is becoming quite defficult and challenging in opened flied

As much as the weather conditions not helping, our seed sellers to are part of the problem. They import to us varieties which are not favourable to our weather conditions. Not everyone can do greenhousing oh.

Even with the greenhousing, alot had been left in the bush. Anyway that's a different subject matter.

Some years back, one tomato plant will produce more fruits. But now more flowers less fruit. In some cases only one fruit on a plant.

With the poor seeds sold to us,, how can the ordinary farmer make Profit?

John Dumelo's Midyear Cabbage review: Cabbage takes 2.5-3 months to harvest… can harvest about 3000-5000 heads per ...

John Dumelo's Midyear Cabbage review: Cabbage takes 2.5-3 months to harvest… can harvest about 3000-5000 heads per acre depending on the spacing. Each head can be sold for about 6gh($1) depending on the season. Let do this together

NTANDO TURNS R389 (Gh159) INTO A MULTIMILLION RAND BUSINESSMeet Ntando Thusini  from Pinetown, owner and founder of Elit...


Meet Ntando Thusini from Pinetown, owner and founder of Elite Crop, the woman who used the money meant to fix her hair to start her farming business.

When her husband gave her R389.00 to go fix her hair, Ntando used the money to buy seeds to start a garden in her big backyard. She planted broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, and spinach. She sold her vegetables to members of her community. Soon Pick'n'Pay started buying peppers from her business.

Two years after starting her gardening, her company called Elite Crop, now supply vegetables to shops around Durban. SHE ALSO EXPORTS dried vegetable products such as herbs and tomato powder to Dubai. Her company NOW EMPLOYS 40 workers and she is expanding her farming business inorder to meet the growing demand for her garden produce.

The money for Bone straight, Brazilian hair, Peruvian, big makeup, iphone etc can be your start up capital, yet we cry there are no jobs in the country.

CABBAGE FARMINGHave you thought of Cabbage farming?Did you know a head of cabbage is selling @ GH1.5 on average from the...


Have you thought of Cabbage farming?

Did you know a head of cabbage is selling @ GH1.5 on average from the farms?

Did you know it takes about 3 months to grow
spacing is 40cm apart meaning 100x100 field can take upto 40,000 cabbage heads.

Meaning with determination and seriousness in 3months you will have atleast close to Gh60K

Within 4 days after transplanting: you apply your fertilizer.

21 days after transplanting, you apply your fertilizer

35 days after transplanting – repeat top dressing – Veg Top 24 x 2.5 grams per plant 25kg of fertilizer

49 days after transplanting – repeat top dressing – Veg Top 24 x 2.5 grams per plant 25kg of fertilizer

63 days after transplanting – repeat top dressing – Veg Top 24 x 2.5 grams per plant 25kg fertilizer

77 days after transplanting – repeat top dressing – Veg Top 24 x 2.5 grams per plant 25kg fertilizer. Place fertilizer 3cm deep, 5cm away from the plant followed by irrigation to prevent scorching.

For seedlings or seeds call/whatsapp 0244276770. It's pre order. We are opened for discussion

You can join our whatsapp training and mentoring group by sending a WhatsApp message expressing your internet.

Note: member participation requires a payment of Gh10 before allow to join.

Be inspired to start something for yourself today. Don't sing the song " there are no jobs"

Thinking of going into agriculture then this are the areas u can look at IdeasIn Ghana1. Cucumber FarmingCucumber is a v...

Thinking of going into agriculture then this are the areas u can look at IdeasIn Ghana

1. Cucumber Farming

Cucumber is a vegetable which is worldwide consumed and have lots of health benefits.

This is one of the profitable farming that can yield good result if done well. Cucumber are consumed very well in Ghana and it is very high in Demand which will give a Go ahead signal. This business should not be taken as jokes because if taken serious you will see your investments multiplying.

2. Turkey Farming

Many farmers are into commercial turkey farming in Ghana. Although it requires huge investment but it has a ROI (Return Of Investment). Before you venture into turkey farming you have to consider your choice of breeds, and this business requires a careful and proper planning.

3. Plantain Farming

Plantain Farming is one of the best agricultural business ideas and opportunities in Ghana. This type of farming have more profit potentials than other farming’s. It is very much possible to start a plantain farm on a plot of land. You can start with little capital. All you got to do is: land preparation, buying of plantain suckers which you will plant, weeding, clearing and harvesting. Ghanaian’s don’t joke with plantains.

4. Quail Farming

Quail farming is a part of poultry farming which involves the rearing quail birds and for the purpose of egg & meat production. Quail farming is a very lucrative Agriculture in Ghana, It requires low investment, the risks are very minor to compare with other livestock farming And it have a high return of investment. Do a very good market research before venturing into this business.

5. Mushroom Farming

Mushroom farming is one of the farming business that requires low investment (Is not capital intensive) and the requirements are very simple. People are really making money from this venture because the demand is high in markets. You can decide to start small scale, medium scale or large scale.

6. Poultry Farming

Poultry Farming is the most profitable and popular Agriculture business one can start in Ghana. The demand for chickens and eggs are very high which makes this business the best. It requires a very good market research and a good business plan.

7. Rice Farming

If you are looking for an agriculture business to invest your money, You should consider rice business. There is a great demand and huge opportunities for Ghanaian’s, investors and entrepreneurs on Rice farming business opportunities.

8. Goat Farming

Goat farming involves rearing of different breeds of goats for various purposes like: Goat meat, dairy production etc. Goat farming business is very lucrative as it is widely consumed in Ghana.

9.Watermelon Farming

Lists of Agricultural investment opportunities in Ghana will not be complete without Watermelon farming. Watermelon has lots of benefits and uses. Watermelon production is one of the best crop cultivations, it should also be considered when planning to start an agriculture business.

10. Fish Farming

Thousands of Ghanaian’s venture into agriculture yearly, and out of 100%, 30% invest in fish farming. The demand of catfish, tilapia and salmon is very high in Ghana. This is a lucrative venture.

11. Oil Palm Plantation

Oil Palm Tree Plantation is the most profitable plantation in Ghana and other African countries. Every part of it is useful and majority of food are been cooked with palm oil. That is why Oil Palm Plantation is a great agriculture business idea.

12. Pig Farming

Pig farming business is also known as piggery. Pig farming is expanding very fast in Ghana and pig meat is very high in demand. Pig can give birth to 5-26 piglets, that’s big cash!!!

13. Maize Farming

Maize farming is thought to be nonprofitable. Maize farming is very profitable and it should be done commercially for profit. It also requires a careful and detailed planning to avoid great loss because Maize crops needs proper care.

14. Animal Feed Production

This business is capital intensive but irrespective of that, It is very profitable and lucrative. Poultry Needs feed, Fish Needs Feed, Quails Needs feed and other livestock’s needs feed. That is why Animal feed production is a great agricultural business. Invest now!!!

15. Cassava Production

Cassava products are use on a daily basis and consumed by 90% of households in Ghana. So if you are looking for agricultural business idea, then cassava farming will be our suggestion.

Other Agriculture Business Ideas And Opportunities In Ghana:

16. Grass cutter Farming

17. Snail Farming

18. Pawpaw Farming

19. Pepper Farming

20. Sheep Farming

21. Rabbit Farming

22. Vegetable Farming

23. Cocoa Farming

24. Yam Farming

25. Tomato Farming etc

Lets talk about how you can make good use your small space at home for gardening. Do a vertical gardening with old drums...

Lets talk about how you can make good use your small space at home for gardening. Do a vertical gardening with old drums. This is self fertilizing. The pipe in the middle is a worm composter. put organic food waste in the pipe and let the worms do the magic.


Planting time follow as for all update on rice farming


Aqua culture is so beautiful



The joy of every farmer. Good yields, fresh and big.Hitting the market soon

The joy of every farmer. Good yields, fresh and big.

Hitting the market soon

Save the world

Save the world

For good health so organic

For good health so organic

Note it not only Birds that enjoy fruits

Note it not only Birds that enjoy fruits

Nature is so beautiful

Nature is so beautiful

A pig farm with 1 acre of land around it with 40 pigs at hand on a land close to the roadside for sale

A pig farm with 1 acre of land around it with 40 pigs at hand on a land close to the roadside for sale







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