Al-Waziri Ventures Ltd.

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  • Al-Waziri Ventures Ltd.

Al-Waziri Ventures Ltd. This organization is dealing with traveling and tourism. For now we are busy registering people who wish to go Hajj this year 2013.

The fare is $ 3,450.00 and in Ghana Cedis is GHC 6,849.00. You can find us in Accra Sabon Zongo or call us on 0244255559


AL-WAZIRI AL-IHFAN Hajj & Umrah Service

AL-WAZIRI AL-IHFAN provides Umrah visa to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

provides transportation services and accomadation for 3 to 5 star hotel in both Makkah and Madina.

Our provisions are based on single location which helps in efficient interdepartmental communication to ensure smooth delivery of services to our clients.

A.Full Package
These includes Umrah visa flight ticket hotel and transportation facility in both Makka and Madina $1,800 USD

B. Half Package
These includes Umrah visa, hotel and transportation facility in both Makkah and Madina $800 USD

C.Visa only
This include only Umrah, Visa $500.USD

1.Alhaji Aminu Mai Yasin 0261633212

2. Nurudeen Mr Wash 0244895856

3.Fahd Al-Amin 0247404268


-Al-waziri Ventures-
Payment of the HAJJ 2019 is in progress
We entreat all persons who wish to perform their HAJJ 2019 to pay through -Al-waziri Ventures-
Payment can be made by installments to our Banks

Call for more info
0261633212, 0244255559, 0244383032, 0244895856

We serve You Better!!!


Alwaziri Ventures Ltd has opened its tenticles , apart from Hajj and Umrah Services we wish to serve the public in acquiring plots of lands. For that matter we have plots of lands for sale in the following areas of the country: AYENASU, ABOASO-KWABRE off Kumasi -Asante Mampong road, after the toll both. And ASHALAJA off Amasaman road-Accra.
For further details call the following lines:
0246063120, 0201134333, 0244383032 and WHATSAPP on 0268073869

Office Location:

Kumasi-Aboabo No 1
Opposite Sekyedumase Bank

Accra-Sabon Zango
Near Gaskia cinema or
Lamptey Mills Sch.




Al-AMIN AL-WAZIRI is organizing UMRAH of RAMADAN 2017.

The options are:
Choose the option which suit you & AL-AMIN AL-WAZIRI is there for your satisfaction.

Anybody who has the intention of going for UMRAH of RAMADAN 2017 should make His/her PASSPORT available by 15th of SHA’ABAN at the office of AL-WAZRI ABOABO NO 1, OPPOSITE SEKYEDOMASE RURAL BANK.
There will be comfortable hotels and buses for our clients.

For more information & clarification CALL/WHATSAPP ALHAJ AL-AMIN MEI YAASIN ON 0246063120 / 0261633212 & HAJIA MAMA TJ ON 0244646623

Insha Allah you will have excellent travel, a memorable one of course.



Madina helps a person to get rid of his sins just like a furnace removes the impurities of silver. As mentioned in Sahihain, if a person eats seven Ajwa dates of Madina in his breakfast, no poison or magic will harm that person that day...
Masjid Nabawi and Masjid Quba of Madina are based on ultimate piety. The minber of Masjid Nabawi will be step to enter Paradise. The area between the minber and the Prophet's pbuh grave is one of the gardens of Paradise...
The Uhud Mountain is a mountain of Paradise and Prophet pbuh loved this mountain.
All cities were conquered by the Muslim by sword. Madina is the only city conquered by the teachings and blessings of Quran. Dajjal will not be able to enter the heart of the city of Madina...
The Prophet pbuh said Iman will return back to Madina just like the snake return back to his hole.
The Prophet pbuh said show respect to the residents of Madina. I am not only migrated to Madina but also my grave will be in Madina and i shall rise on the Day of Judgement from the city of Madina...
You should honor the rights of the residents of Madina since they are My neighbors, I shall intercede and witness for that person on the Day of Judgement.


Prophet Muhammad S.A.W made a supplication at the time of His migration from Makkah. He said, O Allah, You have brought me out of your most beloved city. Please take me to your favorite city in the world. Allah granted his dua and He migrated to Madinah Munawwarah. Hence Madina is the best city in the world. Note that the prophet chose to return to Madina to live rest of his life even after the conquest of Makkah..
Whenever the Prophet pbuh used to reach near Madina during a journey, he used to somewhat speed up and used to remove his cover from his face to let the soothing air of Madina embrace his face. He said that even the dust of Madina has healing effect...
That is another name of Madina is Shafah or healer of disease.
He pbuh instructed his companions to wish for death in Madina since He will be the intercessor and witness on the day of Judgement for those buried in Madina...
Caliph Omer used to make dua, O Allah, make me a martyr and make me die in city of Your Prophet pbuh. Allah his both his both wishes...
prophet Muhammad pbuh made His dua, O Allah, Ibrahim is your worshiper and friend. He made supplication for the peace and prosperity of the residents of Makkah. I am your worshipper and Prophet too. I request You to double Your blessings for the residents of Madina as compared to Makkah.
please make our weighing and measuring of various items full of blessings too.


Salat al-Jumu’ah is a congregational prayer performed on Friday and which replaces the Dhuhr prayer. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘Friday prayer’. It consists of a sermon (khutba) given by the imam after which he will lead the people in 2 rakahs...
Salatul Jumu’ah is an obligation upon every free, adult, sane, resident Muslim man who has the ability to attend the salah and does not have a valid excuse to miss it...
Allah says in the interpretation of the meaning: “O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if they but knew!” (Surah Al-Juma, 62:9)..
It can be found from the sunnah, that the Prophet Muhammad (sa) explained that it is not fard for the women to go jummuah and are therefore excluded from the ayat above.
Salatul Jumu’ah, is not obligatory on Women and children...
The Messenger of Allah said while talking about the merits of Friday, “There is a time on Friday at which a Muslim, while he or she is performing prayer and is supplicating,
will be granted whatever he or she is supplicating for.” And the Prophet indicated with his hand that this period of time is very short. [Bukhari & Muslim]...


Al-waziri Ventures Hajj and Umrah service.
Salaam Family;
It has been confirmed from the Prophet S.A.W in hadiths of al-Bukhari and Muslim that Islam is biult upon five.
1. Testimony that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
2. Establishment of prayer (SALAT)
3. Giving Zakah
4. Fasting Ramadhan
5. Hajj (pilgrimage) to the Sacred House of Allah..
Thus, it is clear to us that Hajj is among the pillars of Islam and that whenever a person has the ability, his Islam is not complete he performs Hajj.
However, Hajj is not required except once a life a time. After Allah had made Hajj an obligation,
a man asked the Prophet S.A.W, It is every year, O messenger of Allah?" He replied, Hajj is once,and for who does more it is voluntary."
(Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and an-Nasa'i - Saheeh)..
The Hajj must be purely for Allah alone, and not for showing off or gaining a reputation. Allah, the Exalted said a hadith qudsi:
"I am the most self-sufficient of partners, needing no partnership. If one does a deed for Me and for another [simultaneously], I abandon him and his partnership,"
(Muslim and Ibn Majah)..
In adddition, the Hajj should be performed according to the way taught by Allah's Messenger S.A.W..
Therefore we advice our brothers and sisters who intends to perform Hajj not to travel until they have learned how the Prophet S.A.W did it, so they can comply with the other of Allah's Messenger S.A.W and this teaching is always done by Al-waziri Ventures every year before the take off to Hajj...
Al-waziri : Together we serve you better.
0261633212 ... 0262996666 ... 0244383032 ... 0244646623
Whatsapp 0247404268.


ﺑﺴﻢ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ..
SURAH 2. Al-Baqarah..
197. The Hajj (pilgrimage) is (in) the well-known (lunar year) months (i.e the 10th month, 11th month and the first ten days of 12th of the Islamic calendar, i.e. two months and ten days). So whosoever intends to perform Hajj therein (by assuming Ihram), then he should not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commit sin, not dispute unjustly during the Hajj. And whatever good you do, (be sure Allah knows it). And take a provision (with you for the journey), but the best provision is At-Taqwa (piety, righteousness). So fear Me, O men of under-standing!..
198. There is no sin on you if you seek the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage by trading). Then when you leave Arafat, remember Allah (by glorifying His praises, i.e prayers and invocations) at Al-Mash'ar-il-Haram. And remember Him (by invoking Alah for all good). as He has guides you, and verily, you we're, before, of those who we're astray...
199. Then depart from the place whence all the people depart and ask Allah for his Forgiveness. Truly, Allah is off-Forgiving, Most Merciful


-Al-waziri Ventures-
Payment of the HAJJ 2016 is in progress
We entreat all persons who wish to perform their HAJJ 2016 to pay through -Al-waziri Ventures-
Payment can be made by installments
The amount is GHC11,900.00 or 3,450.00 US DOLLARS for the HAJJ and GHC100.00 for the BAGS.
Items needed by pilgrims are as follows:
1. Valid biometric passport
2. 12 copies of passport pictures
3. Vaccination Card
4. Money for Ram..
All pilgrims who registered with -Al-waziri Ventures- shall receive the following.
1. Manasikal Hajj (Upon registration)
2. Free transport to HAJJ VILLAGE (ACCRA) from KUMASI
3. Free training on how to perform Hajj successfully...
For any enquiry you can call the following numbers.
1. Alhaji Murtala Waziri ... Accra ... 0244255559
2. Hajj Al-amin Al-arab MaiYasin ... Kumasi ... 0261633212
3. Hajia Mama T.J ... 0244646623
4. Alhaji Nobody ... Obuasi ... 0204186326 / 0243216403
5. Barhama Yakubu ... Prang / Yeji / Ejura / ... 0245929441 / 0208464984...
Whatsapp : 0261633212 / 0247404268..
Al-waziri : Together we serve you better!


ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ﻭﺭﺣﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﻞ ﻭﺑﺮﻛﺔﻩ
A saurara.
Al-waziri (Hajj and Umrah Services) ta fara talla (campaign) zuwa ga Jama'a ta wadanda suke niya zuwa ga Hajji wanna shekaran ta dubu biyu da goma sha shida wato 2016...
Na farko, za ka/ki iya fara biya kudin ka da kadan kadan a wurin mu a cikin kudin kasan mu Cedis ko kuwa Dollars...
bayan ka register a wajan mu zamu baka wani Littafi mai suna MINASIQAL HAJJ, koyar war aikin Hajji ne aciki tun farko har karshe. ..
kuma zamu ajiye mota daga nan kumasi zuwa Accra ba tareda ka biya ko sisi ba, sabida haka idan Allah ya kaimu ranan tafiyan, zamu hadu babban masallacin Jummah na kumasi sai mu dau hanya izuwa Accra (Hajj village).........SHAWARA...
Shawara zuwa ga mutanen da zasu je Hajji wanna shekaran, ku gaugata yin Passport saboda kar a samu wata matsala, za ka/ki iya samu Passport da sauri ne a nan wajan mu Al-waziri Ventures.......
zaka iya samun Office mu a Kumasi, Aboabo number 1, muna kallon wani banki mai suna Sekyedomase Rural bank.
a wajan zaka samu Alhaji Aminu MaiYasin.
ko ka kira shi akan wannan lambobin
0246063120, 0261633212...
ko kuwa zaka iya samun mu a Accra, Sabon zongo, abbosey okai gaskiya junction. muna kallon lamtey mills school.
a wajan zaka samu Alhaji Murtala waziri
ko ka kirashi a kan wannan lambobin
0262996666, 0244255559..
ko kuwa zaka iya samun a obusai a Zongo High street, kusada KenKen to KenKen youth Parliament.
a wajan zaka samu Hajia Mama TJ
ko ka kirata a kan wannan lambobin
0244646623, 0208012030..
ko kuwa a wadannan wuraren: Atebubu, Prang, Sawaba and Yeji
zaka samu Alhaji Barhama Yakubu
ko ka kirashi a kan wannan lambobin
0245929441, 0208464984..
ko kuwa zaka same mu a Babban masalcin Jumma ta kumasi a Al-haroun Ventures.
a wajan zaka samu Alhaji Hussein wofa
ko ka kirashi a kan wannan lambobin
0244383032, 0264383032..
idan kana son karin bayani ne ... zaka iya aiko muna sako a kan WhatsApp akan wanna lamban 0247404268...
Al-waziri : Together we serve you better.


ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ﻭﺭﺣﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﻞ ﻭﺑﺮﻛﺔﻩ
Al-waziri (HAJJ & UMRAH SERVICES) has started it 2016 Hajj campaign/process, to those who are willing to go to Hajj with us this year In Shaa Allah Al-Waziri offer the simplest, easiest and convenient for our pilgrims across the nation...
Firstly you can start paying your part payment / installment with us at the moment with any amount and in any currency such as cedis, dollars e.t.c..
Once you register with us you'll be given MINASIQAL HAJJ (HAJJ GUIDANCE) at the moment for free, it helps one to know more about the do and undo in Hajj...
And In Shaa Allah we'll be providing free buses (transport) for our pilgrims across the nation from kumasi to the Hajj village this year, so you can kindly join us in kumasi in anywhere you are across the nation before the take off............SPECIAL ADVICE...
all the pilgrims that are willing to go to hajj in 2016 should register for their biometric passport as soon as possible in order to avoid any delay and you can get your biometric passport with Al-waziri Ventures you'll get as fast as possible In Shaa Allah...
You can locate us in Kumasi at aboabo Number 1, opposite sekyedoamse rural bank along side BP shell. Hajj Al-amin Al-arab MaiYAsin
Tel: 0246063120, 0261633212..
In Accra Sabon zongo, abbossey okai gaskiya bust stop opposite lamprey mills school. Alhaji Murtala Waziri
Tel: 0262996666, 0244255559..
In obuasi Zongo High street, near KenKen to KenKen youth Parliament. Hajia Mama TJ
Tel: 0244646623, 0208012030..
In Atebubu, Prang, Sawaba and Yeji you can contact Barhama Yakubu
Tel: 0245929441, 0208464984
At the kumasi central mosque, you can contact Alhaji Hussein wofa on,
Tel: 0244383032, 0264383032......
For more information you can WhatsApp or call our general secretary Al-amin Jr MaiYasin Zu'izzin on 0247404268...
Al-waziri: together we serve you better


Al-wazirir ventures is announcing to the general public that it has plots of lands for sale to the general public, at ATIMATIM-MAASE.
Interesting people should contact the following number:
0246063120, 0261633212
0244998396, 0269388116..
you can also get more information on our WHATSAPP NUMBER,
Together we serve you better.


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuhu
The Management of Al-waziri is welcoming back all its pilgrims that went to hajj this year (2015) back home safely ... we thank Almighty Allah for a successful journey and back home safely as well.
and we are also sympathyzing with the family of those who lost their lives in 2015 Hajj ... though that is how Allah S.W.A planned it and may He S.W.A grant them Jannatil Firdaus bija'i Rasulullah S.A.W.
at the same time we are congratulating the Hajj board chairman ALHAJI ABDUL RAUF TANKO for the great work he has done and insha Allah he will do more than that years ahead.
and to our great national chief imam DR. SHEIKH OSMAN NUHU SHARUBUTU may he live long and continue the good work he is doing to ISLAM and the NATION ... Aameen!
God bless our homeland GHANA.
Al-waziri : Together we serve you better!


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Al-waziri is inviting all it pilgrims and the general Muslims across the nation to ANNUAL SEMINAL HAJJ GUIDE/TEACHINGS.
you'll be thought exactly how to perform the Hajj from where it begins to where it ends.
Insah ALLAH it will take place on thursday (20/08/2015) at the Kumasi Central Mosque.
All are co-ordially invited.
Al-waziri : Together we serve you better.


Everybody who is intended to go to HAjj 2015 should come and register with us ... For special teachings of Hajj and Umrah, come and register with us and visit the ancient house as Alahji/Hajia..........
Al-waziri has opened its door for payment in installment, so rush now and make arrangement for your payment..........
Dear Brothers and Sisters in ISLAM
The Hajj package for 2015 is out..........
USD : 3,450 dollars
Ghana Cedis : 11,900.00
valid Ghanaian Passport and 12 passport pictures..........
you can make your Hajj payment to any of the Al-waziri branches accross Ghana.
(.) Alhaji Murtala Waziri - Accra Sabon Zongo
tel: 0244255559/0262996666
(.) Alhaji Aminu MaiYasin - Kumasi Aboabo No 1, Opposite sekyedomase rural bank
tel: 0261633212/0246063120
(.) Sheikh Abdul-wadudu Ciesssey, Zaeemul Harkatil Tijjaniyya
tel: 0244142427
(.) Hajia Mama T.J Enterprise, Adum kumasi opposite Railway Police station or Sepe junction, kumasi
tel: 0244646623/0208012030
(.) Alhaji Hussaini Offa, Kumasi central mosque
tel: 0244383032/0264383032
(.) Alhaji Nasiru mamman mai keke, Bawku central Mosque, Bawku
tel: 0264086841
(.) Alhaji Yussif Nobody, Obuasi
tel: 0204186326/0233216403/0270216403
(.) Alhaji Musah Dan Bala, Asawasi market, kumasi central mosque
tel: 0244149257/0266116629
(.)Mallam Ibrahim Bulunkuma, Koforidua
tel: 0244531898..
Al-waziri : Together we serve you better


It is a sunnah act for the pilgrim to stand following the stoning of each of the small and medium pillars, face the Qiblah, raise his hands and supplicate with any duaa that comes to mind. Without troubling anybody or without pushing anybody.
However, after the stoning of the large pillar (jamratul-aqabah), he should not stop and supplicate...
Whoever intends to hasten his departure after two days should stone the three pillars soon. Then he should leave Mina before sunset. If the sun sets and he is still i Mina, he should remain and spend a third night there, performing rami the follwing day.


These days begin with eve of the 11th of Dhul-Hijjah.
After performing tawaf al-ifadhah on the Day of Sacrifice (the 10th), the pilgrim should return to Mina to spend the nights that precede the three days of tashreeq, or at least two of the nights for those who plan to leave after two days. This is in accordance with the words of Allah, The Exalted:
Q: 2:203
"And remember Allah during [specific] numbered days. Then whoever hastens [his departure] ion two days - there is no sin upon him; and whoever delays [until the third] - there is no sin upon him - for him who fears Allah. And fear Allah and know that unto Him you will be returned."..
During these three days one should:
(.)Stone the three pillars after the decline of the sun from its meridian on each of the days he is staying at Mina.
(.)Say "Allahu akbar" with each pebble thrown.
(.) Mention and praise Allah often and supplicate abundantly.
(.) Remain calm and serene.
(.)Avoid pushing, quarreling and disputing.


Tawaf al-ifadha is among the pillars of hajj without which hajj is incomplete. ..
After stoning the large pillar on Wed morning, the Pilgrim goes to Makkah to do seven circuit of tawaf al-ifadhah. After that he does seven trip of sai if his hajj is one of tamattu, or if he did not perform sa'i after tawaf al-qudum in qiran or ifrad. It is permissible to delay tawaf al-ifadhah, even past the days of Mina (tashreeq) and upon his return to Makkah after stoning the pillars...
Once the Pilgrim has completed rawaf al-ifadhah he/she is freed from all the restrictions of ihram, including marital in*******se.


,Sahih Al-Bukhari - 13. Friday Prayer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Narrated Abu Said:I testify that Allah's Apostle said, "The taking of a bath on Friday is compulsory for every male Muslim who has attained the age of puberty and (also) the cleaning of his teeth with Siwak, and the using of perfume if it is available.

hajj with ease

hajj with ease


This is the Day of sacrifice and also the first day of the blessed Eed al-Adhha.
For Muslims in any part of the earth and for the pilgrims, the blessed Eed al-A?ha is an especially joyful day wherein they rejoice in Allah's favor to them and sacrifice their animals, seeking nearness to Him.
The pilgrims begin the takbeer for Eed after stoning the large pillar, saying,
" , Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illAllah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahil-hamd."
Among the errors committed by pilgrimd during the rami (stoning) are:
(.) The belief of someone that they are actually stoning devils, which lead them to angrily curse and insult those devils. In fact, the rami is only for the remembrance of Allah.
(.) Throwing large stones or even sandals or piece of wood, and this is the kind of excess prohibited by the Prophet S.A.w.
(.) Pushing or fighting near the pillars in order to come near for the rami, which is a grave misdeed. The pilgrim has an obligation to treat his brothers gently.
He should be certain that he is throwing the pebbles into the proper place, which is within the circular wall, whether or not they hit the pillar.
(.) Throwing all of the pebbles at once, which actually count as only one throw. The correct way is to throw one pebble after another while saying,"Allahu akbar" with each one.
When the pilgrim has stone the large pillar (jamratul aqabah) and shaved or cut his hair, he is partially released from ihram and can wear his regular clothes.
He/she s then freed from all the restrictions of ihram excwpt marital in*******se...
Alwaziri : Together we serve you better!



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