In line with current international trends, EREL places emphasis in R&D activities relevant to hydrogen technology, simulation of atmospheric pollutant dispersion in realistic conditions, diagnostic and prognostic meteorological modelling, contribution of anthropogenic and biogenic pollutants to global warming and urban pollution, simulation of underground hydrocarbon and water reservoirs and chara
cterization of nanoporous materials for environmental (gas separations, storage of CO2 and H2) and bio-medical applications (controlled release systems, transdermal drug delivery). In parallel, EREL continues to produce and publish original methods and results in the wider area of computational fluid mechanics, with applications in pollutant dispersion, influence of meteorology and pollutant sources distribution in urban pollution, tropospheric ozone concentrations due to anthropogenic and biogenic pollutants in the Mediterranean area, turbulence simulation, transport phenomena in porous media, and flow and mass transport in multiphase systems. The high R&D performance of EREL is deduced from: (i) its wide experience in carrying out (not only as participating research organisation but also as coordinator) large scale research projects, (ii) the large number of scientific publications in international journals and conferences, (iii) the successfully accomplished contracts of service provision to Public and Private Bodies, (iv) the organisation of international conferences, (v) the participation in International networks and (vi) acting as national representative in various international organisations.