GRAMOS: Ascent to the peak 2520 via Lake Gistova
By AnaDigit
GRAMOS: village Gramos-lake Gistova-Lake Gistova-Top 2520-Fangu-Village Gramos.
June 2021. Data collection for the mapping of hiking and mountaineering routes on the mountain, with the aim of creating a mountaineering website of Gramos and building a hiking app.
The ascent to Peak 2520 starts from the village of Gramos (Gramosta). The route we take here starts from Lefka, ascends to Lake Gistova and continues to Peak 2520.
Most of Gramos is covered by impermeable rocks. Under the caress of the glaciers, successive plateaus and basins were formed, where many small and larger lakes nest.
Along the way we will tour the large and small components of the mountain. Among millions of viola, gentian, crocus, primulae and other species of subalpine meadows, we will spot groups of daffodils and a few red Geum.
Gistova, the largest and deepest of the lakes of the Gram is located at 2350 meters. In spring, the solid masses of snow resemble fronts of permafrost.
From Gistova, we will take the ridge crest on the border with Albania. The terrain is unpredictable: slopes, snowfields, rocky ridges, petroglyphs. Unexpectedly, we reach the northern ridge of 2520 and begin the easy climb up the rocky ridge, leaving the more passable trail on the west face for another route.
After the summit, we descended through the large meadows of Fango. After shooing us away from its head, the Gramos becomes friendly again down here, welcoming us into a sparse landscape of deep silence that enhances mental hearing and insight. From the large meadow, the fairy godmothers lead us out on the long road to the village.
ΓΡΑΜΟΣ: χωριό Γράμος-λίμνη Γκιστόβα-Κορυφή 2520-Φάγκου-χωριό Γράμος.Ιούνιος 2021. Συλλογή στοιχείων για την αποτύπωση των πεζοπορικών και ορειβατικών διαδρομ...