One Spirit

One Spirit One Spirit offers transformational trainings, sacred site travel and empowering retreats in Guatemala

Embodied Cacao Practitioner TrainingYour invitation to learn to hold powerful healing rituals for yourself and others, u...

Embodied Cacao Practitioner Training

Your invitation to learn to hold powerful healing rituals for yourself and others, using ceremonial Cacao as a tool for transformation & healing...

Registrations Close Today, Sunday 13th November!

We're offering this training at the price of $397 for the last time before expanding and redesigning the program for our next edition. The price for our following training will be significantly higher because of this. For those who have been on the fence and wanting to jump, now is the time!

Find out more at

Hanging out with this my lake sibling  here in Ghent, Belgium preparing for the XL Cacao ecstatic dance ritual we are co...

Hanging out with this my lake sibling here in Ghent, Belgium preparing for the XL Cacao ecstatic dance ritual we are co-creating here tomorrow. Really excited - it’s going to be super juicy…

The event is happening Thursday August 11th at 19h. Shoot me a message to sign up 🐬🐬

Cacao has a tremendous power to help us feel more present with what is, and disengage in endless mind loops related to o...

Cacao has a tremendous power to help us feel more present with what is, and disengage in endless mind loops related to our outside/relative reality. Cacao really helps bringing us back to a truth emerging from our own inner worlds, and helps guiding us gently to holding that truth sacred in life. Like this, we can create a reality that feels real and truthful to who we really are, and we can walk life with ease, excitement and grace.

Cacao Practitioner Training this August 25-28th in the Netherlands. Are you wanting to get clear and rooted in your path of purpose and joy? This is the time; tickets are selling fast. Get yours now before they run out.

The powerful shifts that happen as a result of intentional and deep work with the Cacao can sometimes be underestimated....

The powerful shifts that happen as a result of intentional and deep work with the Cacao can sometimes be underestimated. People tend to think Cacao is 'just chocolate'. Our ceremonies and trainings invite a real profound connection and consciously welcome the gentle yet puncturing healing power of this ancestral master plant. Come and nourish yourself in a natural ritual setting while deepening your connection with Cacao, so you can stand up stronger in this ever-changing world. A world that wants the power of Love, where your part is precious, unique and valuable.

Deepen Your Connection with Cacao this Summer 😍One Spirit has a bunch of juicy Cacao activities happening for you this s...

Deepen Your Connection with Cacao this Summer 😍

One Spirit has a bunch of juicy Cacao activities happening for you this summer:

LIVE Cacao Training Retreat in Holland 😍😍Soo excited to be sharing more of the Cacao medicine's amazing magic IN-PERSON ...

LIVE Cacao Training Retreat in Holland 😍😍

Soo excited to be sharing more of the Cacao medicine's amazing magic IN-PERSON together with Deva Yama. Up-level your connection with Cacao this August 25th-28th.

Find out more here:

This Sunday we are inviting you to a very special online event. Have you wanted to meet a Mayan elder and *actually* und...

This Sunday we are inviting you to a very special online event. Have you wanted to meet a Mayan elder and *actually* understand all the end-of-the-world stories from back in 2012 and how they relate to our current global challenges?

The Mayan way of seeing Life is a powerful blueprint for engaging more lovingly with everything that lives around us. Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear it from this genuine Mayan elder.

Info & Registration:

Join One Spirit for a unique peak into the vast cosmological model of the Maya, introduced by wisdom keeper Francisco Pu...

Join One Spirit for a unique peak into the vast cosmological model of the Maya, introduced by wisdom keeper Francisco Puac on Sunday May 8th

Don't miss this one-time opportunity to learn absorb ancient knowledge from this amazing and generous Mayan elder!

Watch more of our free videos on Cacao, Cosmology and Creative Living here:

Watch more of our free videos on Cacao, Cosmology and Creative Living here:

**Cacao Practitioner Training Registrations close March 13th**
A few spots still remain - sign up now!

PS: stay posted for upcoming juicy podcast on Cacao and Emotional Release :)

Really sweet to share a moment to connect and transmit thoughts and feelings about Mama Cacao with  last Monday! Re-watc...

Really sweet to share a moment to connect and transmit thoughts and feelings about Mama Cacao with last Monday! Re-watch the FB live below...

My collection of artworks connected to Cacao and the cultural-spiritual heritage of Guatemala keeps on growing: last Fri...

My collection of artworks connected to Cacao and the cultural-spiritual heritage of Guatemala keeps on growing: last Friday I was gifted this amazing mandala made by (Sean Whitehill) by my mother ...

I’m absolutely over the moon with this beautiful artwork. Not just because it was made for me specifically but also because it so accurately represents how my spirit weaves together with this land. I feel really blessed with it and will be looking to get it framed next week.

In the meantime I’m also wanting to keep you all posted that and myself will be hosting a free Cacao Practitioner Call this Friday 25th February, open to all who are interested in getting to know more of what I do.

We will be guiding you through a few key foundational pieces of what it means to journey, work and play with Cacao as a plant teacher. We'll also guide you through a meditation to create a deeper inner connection with Cacao and open doorways to cosmic knowledge. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about our upcoming 6-week Embodied Cacao Practitioner Training program. All info to sign up in comments.

Wishing you all a lovely day!

❤ ❤ ❤

Join our Free Cacao Introduction Call this Friday! We're proud to be offering another transformational 6-week Cacao trai...

Join our Free Cacao Introduction Call this Friday! We're proud to be offering another transformational 6-week Cacao training on March 13th. Sign up to our free Cacao Intro Call on February 25th now and find out all about Cacao, the training and the facilitators

Are you wanting to get a solid understanding of Cacao as a plant teacher, and how she can help you create community and ...

Are you wanting to get a solid understanding of Cacao as a plant teacher, and how she can help you create community and healing for yourself and others? This March, I‘m guiding my next online Cacao Practitioner Training where we‘ll create a group space of transformation, and embodiment and integration of YOUR medicine. Under the care of the Cacao medicine. Sign up this month and get a free 60-minute Mayan astrology reading from me as a gift to support you in this training!

I've had a few beautiful live sessions about our Embodied Cacao Practitioner Training yesterday. Find lots of insights a...

I've had a few beautiful live sessions about our Embodied Cacao Practitioner Training yesterday. Find lots of insights about Cacao and how we work with it in the Cacao PT Intro call (with co-facilitator Reva Wild) and in the live interview I did with Francesca Gentille. Find both videos here:

**Registrations close Saturday 2nd October**
Sign up today and get a FREE Mayan astrology reading with Shadi.

Link in my profile

Getting ready to go live on Facebook and talk Chocolate (yes real chocolate as in Cacao medicine) with  in 30 mins...Don...

Getting ready to go live on Facebook and talk Chocolate (yes real chocolate as in Cacao medicine) with in 30 mins...

Don’t miss out!!

**Join our Free Cacao Introduction Session on September 29th**One Spirit is offering you a time to connect to the Cacao ...

**Join our Free Cacao Introduction Session on September 29th**

One Spirit is offering you a time to connect to the Cacao Spirit in sacred space, tomorrow Wednesday September 29th, guided by myself and co-facilitator Reva Wild, during our free 50-minute Cacao Practitioner Training Intro Session. Get to embody your connection to the Cacao plant teacher while learning about its heritage and use + ask any questions you have about out upcoming 5-week embodied Cacao PT program. Sign up at

Hey everyone - my next Cacao Practitioner Training program in English will be starting October 10th.Registrations close ...

Hey everyone - my next Cacao Practitioner Training program in English will be starting October 10th.

Registrations close October 1st and I’m hosting a free 50-minute introductory call next Wednesday 29th September especially for those one who’d love to find out more about how I work and what they can expect.

This training aims to offer all Cacao enthusiasts and facilitators (to be) powerful tools to journey in sacred ways with the Cacao medicine teacher, with respect, connection and care.

Find out more about the training and register for the free zoom call through the website address in my profile! Hope to see you then :)

**Free New Cacao eBook + Your Cacao Training Discount**Find out more about our upcoming 5-week Cacao Practitioner Traini...

**Free New Cacao eBook + Your Cacao Training Discount**

Find out more about our upcoming 5-week Cacao Practitioner Training referral program AND get your hands on our newly re-written Cacao eBook now!

New Cacao Practitioner Training Coming Up! 😚Join us on a fun and transformative 5-week immersive journey into Cacao Ritu...

New Cacao Practitioner Training Coming Up! 😚

Join us on a fun and transformative 5-week immersive journey into Cacao Ritual, led by Cacao facilitator and Mayan cosmology wisdom keeper Shadi Henau

Loving that we're able to come together in person again...

Loving that we're able to come together in person again...

The rainy season in Guatemala is always such a potent time. When the first drops of rain start to drip on the Earth, usu...

The rainy season in Guatemala is always such a potent time. When the first drops of rain start to drip on the Earth, usually mid-afternoon, you can start to hear her sing if you listen well enough. It offers a divine moment of silence, of that voidy space of timelessness when two people who are in love finally decide to take the leap and kiss each other. It’s the sky blessing the mother Earth with the precious elixir of life, so that the alchemy of Sun, Earth, Water and Air can start to take place and grow new life. It truly is a powerful moment when the rain starts to fall.

I often sit still and listen for a while to the first drops of rain, feeling the foreplay of earth and sky. Sometimes they take a long time, sometimes it starts pouring vigorously straight after. The ‘sexual’ life force energy that lives in everything becomes a friend when one lives in nature. The play of the animals and the interconnectedness of all things become tangible. You may have experienced this on nature walks or in your own garden. Life itself flows wildly through the animals, the plants and the soil, as they are in constant interaction and their ‘play’ is how the beautiful interconnected creation grows, (re)cycles, (re)births.

Plants are living beings just like everything else in creation, they have an awareness, purpose, connections with other plants and beings, and they have specific conditions in which they thrive. Plants have a spirit and a physical form, just like we humans are both soul and body. During my Cacao rituals and courses we are guided by the Cacao’s spirit. And when I talk about the Cacao spirit, I mean the spiritual-energetic being that decided to create a physical from, the Cacao tree. This spirit is the one that works together with us in the unseen realms, the one that goes into interaction with our soul and spirit, and how we can experience the healing of the plant teacher in our conscious and subconscious.

Cacao, just like any other plant, has its preferences and ways. And it *loves* wet and humid areas that are messy and warm. It loves the rainy season here in Guatemala. It likes a wild and hot environment.
Cacao is a plant that is hard to cultivate. It has tiny and intricate flowers that can only be pollinated by midges. The midges thrive in messy places with lots of disintegrating organic matter, and for that reason Cacao does not really do well in manicured monocultures. It is not a plant that is easy to domesticate, and also the strains of Cacao that offer a stronger psychoactive effect are even harder to cultivate and are more prone to plagues. Cacao wants to be in a diverse and interconnected environment.

You may have heard the saying of ‘As above, so below. As below, so above.’ Above and below are symbolic for spirit and matter. As a result, a bunch of these qualities of the Cacao plant are also qualities of its spirit. The idea is that the physical manifestation of the plant is a result of its spirit wanting to incarnate. For anyone journeying with Cacao as a plant teacher, I always recommend understanding this concept so that the ritual drinking of Cacao can be accompanied by an acknowledgment of the spirit being that came here to play with us. Whether that then becomes a formal invocation or just a moment of inner acknowledgment and respect for the plant and its spirit, depends on how a practitioner decides to go about things. The knowing that the spirit is there, and consciously opening up a conversation and interaction with the spirit is key to allowing the medicine to offer you portals of healing, transformation and play.

Every ritual is, in and of itself, a portal to receive and offer energy and to play and connect with spirit. If you want to know more about what ritual can do for you, and how Cacao can truly show up as a medicine for you in life, let me know! I have another Cacao Practitioner Program coming up in May, and if you feel ready to up-level your connection with Cacao and want to absorb the necessary knowledge and tools to create inspired rituals with her, this course is for you!

We’ve had an amazing group of people jump into more juicy connection with their own medicine and with their highest purpose and excitement just last March. We’re super excited to now be opening registrations for the next course starting May 23rd.

Find out about the training, and get lots more Cacao info and materials on my website

Do you feel like jumping into the depths of your inner power, and would you like to do that with the kind and loving ass...

Do you feel like jumping into the depths of your inner power, and would you like to do that with the kind and loving assistance of Cacao? Cacao is such a versatile and adaptive plant teacher; it has tremendous potential to guide you deeply through transformation into the Heart’s power and at the same time it won’t force you to do anything. Cacao has a unique way of *supporting* you in your own unique path of reclaiming connection to Spirit and Earth, Soul and Body.

Here’s some feedback we’ve received from our previous Cacao Practitioner Training:

“Cacao is a beautiful medicine to work with. Way stronger then I initially anticipated. I feel honored to have received so many wonderful instructions in this course.”

Find out all about our upcoming training in May in the comments 💖💖💖 ***Photo credit: Amu Je on Unsplash***

I love sharing pictures of this amazing lake I now call home... This is such a power spot on earth, carrying a spirit th...

I love sharing pictures of this amazing lake I now call home... This is such a power spot on earth, carrying a spirit that is both ‘in-your-face’ as well as soothing. Offering potent connection to the land’s wisdom and also pushing people to step up.
What I don’t often share about is the fact that the vulnerable ecosystem (lake Atitlán has no outlet and lots of drainage from surrounding mountains with agriculture and pretty dense population) is actually quite challenged and polluted.
Wash off from steep ‘conventional’ agricultures using chemical fertilizer, and a lack of grey water management in many villages around the lake have a major impact on this mountain lake’s water and forest health...
Except for that, the impact of tourism (lots of washing of sheets, dishes, transport) also has a significant impact.
The EOCA foundation has a running contest for a $30.000 grant supporting various ecology conservation projects and I want to ask for your support in voting for the Lake Atitlán project that is a part of the contest...
Your help means a lot, and voting only takes less than a minute... Sending appreciation and gratitude, the lake really needs it...






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