AD+RG Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd.

AD+RG Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd. AD+RG has extensive experience in the last twenty years in designing and executing numerous award-winning projects in Hong Kong, Mainland and South-east Asia .

Principals Bernard V. Lim and Eugene Chung attended at the M+ Opening Ceremony held recently in West Kowloon Cultural Di...

Principals Bernard V. Lim and Eugene Chung attended at the M+ Opening Ceremony held recently in West Kowloon Cultural District, to pay tribute to the architectural master of a generation, I.M.PEI - "Life is Architecture".

林雲峯總監及鐘逸昇總監獲邀出席在西九龍文化區舉行M+開幕儀式,向一代建築宗師貝聿銘致敬 - 「人生如建築」。🤠

林雲峯總監及何崇鈞總監獲邀出席在九龍塘天主教華德學校舉行,第九屆“香港國際青年論壇”與青年學生分享“可持續城市與社區”。感謝九龍塘天主教華德學校黃柏基校長邀請!Principals Bernard V. Lim and S.K. Ho we...


Principals Bernard V. Lim and S.K. Ho were invited to attend the 9th Hong Kong International Youth Forum at Kowloon Tong Bishop Walsh Catholic School to share "Sustainable Cities and Communities" with young students, thanks to principal Mr. Wong Pak Kei‘s invitation! 😀

#九龍塘天主教華德學校 #香港國際青年論壇 #學生分享會 #可持續城市與社區

HKIA Future City Vision Seminar 22.2

HKIA Future City Vision Seminar 22.2

Thanks to Manfred Yuen hosting dialogue interview at RTHK themed on ”Community Architecture“ 與建築家阮文韜對談, 大家披露不少軼事! 林雲峯總監獲...

Thanks to Manfred Yuen hosting dialogue interview at RTHK themed on ”Community Architecture“ 與建築家阮文韜對談, 大家披露不少軼事!


#市民參與 #公共建築 #漢基國際學校 #香港科學館 #美荷樓 #舊建築保育 #組裝合成法 #香港大學黃竹坑宿舍 #由下而上設計 #大師對談 #阮文韜 #林雲峯 🤩

ADRG建築設計及研究所有限公司 龍騰耀躍康建港!ADRG wishes you a Prosperous and Sustainable Year of the Dragon!  🌸🌸🌷🌷

ADRG wishes you a Prosperous and Sustainable Year of the Dragon!




Principals Bernard Lim and Eugene Chung and ADRG's architect team are pleased to involve in the Mong Kok youth hostel "Jun House" operated by the Hong Kong Youth Development Association. The construction project launch ceremony was held last year. For the proposal 23-storey building to be largely constructed using “MIC” technology, the youth hostel building will provide 90 places and is targeted to be completed in about 3.5 years. Secretary for Home Affairs and Youth Affairs Mak Mei-kuen said that the government will continue to work with non-governmental organizations and relevant stakeholders who share the same philosophy to promote youth hostel projects to inspire young people and light up their future.

"Jun House" is located at 9 Arran Street, Mong Kok. It was originally a premise held by the Rotary Club of Kowloon. The Youth Development Federation cooperates with the Rotary Club of Kowloon to develop a youth dormitory. The original building was demolished and the new youth dormitory will provide about 2900 square meters, providing 90 dormitories, all equipped with basic living facilities, and other communal facilities for young tenants to use.

#雋舍 #旺角 #香港青少年發展聯會 #民政及青年事務局 #組裝合成法 😃




On January 5, 2024, Principal Bernard Lim and Assistant Principal Ricco Chan attended the Lingnan Hub Topping-out Ceremony held by Lingnan University. Lingnan Hub is an important development project of Lingnan University for different accommodation needs of the Lingnan community. The new building is located next to the Southern Hostels of the University's main campus in Tuen Mun. It is an eight floor building and will provide 3,100 square meters of usable floor area. After completion, there will be 15 suites, 24 two-bedroom units, and 17 three-bedroom units, and "public spaces" will provide shared living and working spaces to facilitate communication between faculty and students. Close interaction also helps recruit and retain talents.

In terms of architectural features, Lingnan Hub will adopt natural lighting and ventilation for the building and interior design. Solar panels will be installed on the roof top, to support the lighting and air-conditioning systems of the building. This will not only encourage Lingnan people to save energy and enhance awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development.

#嶺南大學 #屯門 #嶺南大學校園未來發展藍圖

華潤置地「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎CR Land Young Professional Design Award Congratulations to 1st Prize Winner Professional Group專業組...

華潤置地「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎CR Land Young Professional Design Award
Congratulations to 1st Prize Winner Professional Group專業組冠軍 - Team Leader Larry Tsoi of AG 隊長:蔡暉建筑師
Team Members: James, Llywelyn Wai-loong, Lam Cho Hei, Justin, Law Chun Wai, Yiu Kam Po
Supporting Members: Chan Ka Yi, Tam Sze Ching, Wong Kai Wai

華潤置地「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎頒獎CR Land Young Professional Design Award Ceremony 是次盛大青年專業設計大獎頒獎典禮5日在港舉行,共頒發20個獎項予得獎者。獲得四家大學及四個專...

華潤置地「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎頒獎CR Land Young Professional Design Award Ceremony


獲得專業組首名的作品由建築師蔡暉帶領的AG青年設計團隊, 其設計概念源於在發展與保育之間取得平衡,著重建築與地區的聯繫,獲得評審團高度評價。該作品規劃的選址位於元朗洲頭,考量了候鳥遷徙等自然因素,謀求人和自然共存發展,建構集生產、生活、工作、社區及旅遊於一體的空間。整體建築構想打破傳統香港裙樓和塔樓的設計,以不同層次及多元用途規劃,重新構想未來的生活模式,創造多功能的公共空間。

ADRG completed very nice Block E Redevelopment for MunSang College, Kowloon Tong a few years ago, and our friendship las...

ADRG completed very nice Block E Redevelopment for MunSang College, Kowloon Tong a few years ago, and our friendship lasts years after years 感謝民生書院邀請,合作超越十載!

Don’t miss great chance !

Don’t miss great chance !

祝願 Mid Autumn Blessings

祝願 Mid Autumn Blessings

Thanks to visit from Housing Authority Members to HKU Wong Chuk Hang Students Village IV    #黃竹坑港大學生宿舍  #房委會

Thanks to visit from Housing Authority Members to HKU Wong Chuk Hang Students Village IV
#黃竹坑港大學生宿舍 #房委會

「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎 - 分享研討會19.9Young Professional Design Award - Sharing Seminar 19 Sep

「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎 - 分享研討會19.9
Young Professional Design Award - Sharing Seminar 19 Sep


「潤心建設。築創未來」青年專業設計大獎 - 分享研討會19.9
Young Professional Design Award - Sharing Seminar 19 Sep

AD+RG has extensive experience in the last twenty years in designing and executing numerous award-wi

ADRG非常榮幸地擔任顧問,出席了由華潤置地(海外)有限公司主辦的重要盛事——「潤心建設 ‧ 築創未來」青年專業設計大獎簡介啟動典禮!是次設計大獎啟動開幕典禮是一個讓各界人士和業界精英聚集一堂的盛會,包括支持機構; 香港建築師學會,香港園境...

ADRG非常榮幸地擔任顧問,出席了由華潤置地(海外)有限公司主辦的重要盛事——「潤心建設 ‧ 築創未來」青年專業設計大獎簡介啟動典禮!

是次設計大獎啟動開幕典禮是一個讓各界人士和業界精英聚集一堂的盛會,包括支持機構; 香港建築師學會,香港園境師學會,香港規劃師學會,香港城市設計學會,香港中文大學建築學院,香港城市大學建築學及土木工程學系,香港珠海學院建築學系和香港大學建築學院。




#啟動開幕典禮 #建築設計 #可持續發展 #青年專業設計大獎 #潤心建設築創未來 #北部都會規劃

As the award consultant ADRG attended the Launching Event for "Building with Imaginations, Envisioning the Future" Young Professional Design Award organized by China Resources Land (Overseas) Limited today!

The Opening Ceremony for "Building with Imaginations, Envisioning the Future" was attended by guests from government and supporting organizations such as the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners, The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, The City University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture, Hong Kong Chu Hai College; and Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong.

The award aligns with National 14th Five-Year Plan and recognizes talent and promotes the development of young professionals in Hong Kong. We aim to collect the visions of the youths for Hong Kong's future, provide planning and design concepts for the Northern Metropolis for Hong Kong SAR Government's reference, and achieve sustainable development for Hong Kong's future.

We believe that design is not just about space, but also an art that carries dreams and lifestyles. Therefore, we are committed to creating unique and aesthetically valuable architectural designs and planning, with due considerations for environment, resource planning, innovation, transport infrastructure and sustainability commitments.

This award welcomes professionals aged 45 or below, students or graduates to participate. The registration deadline for the event will be on October 6, 2023, and submission by noon on November 3, 2023. For more information about the event, please visit the website

香港大學黃竹坑(MiC應用)學生宿舍接近竣工!     dentHostels

香港大學黃竹坑(MiC應用)學生宿舍接近竣工! dentHostels


我們很榮幸,ADRG最近在「亞洲教育環境設計獎頒獎典禮」(AEEDA)中獲多個表揚奬項!這是對我們團隊努力工作和創意設計的肯定,我們將繼續致力於為教育環境帶來創新、功能性和美學設計。謝謝!We are delighted that ADRG...


We are delighted that ADRG has received multiple awards at the Asia Education Environment Design Awards (AEEDA) held recently in Shanghai! This is a recognition of our team's hard work and creative designs. We will continue to strive for innovation, functionality, and aesthetic design in educational environments. Thank you!

林總監很榮幸能夠代表ADRG的建築師團隊參加「香港測量師學會- 工料測量組」周年晚宴。這是一個難得的機會,我們有幸能夠與這個行業的專業好友共聚一堂,進行深入的交流和學習。感謝學會會長黃國良測量師的邀請,對我們的專業互動發展有著重要的啓發作用...

林總監很榮幸能夠代表ADRG的建築師團隊參加「香港測量師學會- 工料測量組」周年晚宴。這是一個難得的機會,我們有幸能夠與這個行業的專業好友共聚一堂,進行深入的交流和學習。感謝學會會長黃國良測量師的邀請,對我們的專業互動發展有著重要的啓發作用。

We are honored to represent ADRG at the " Hong Kong Institute of Surveyor - Quantity Surveying Group " Annual Dinner. This was a joyful opportunity for us to gather and engage with industry professionals, fostering exchange and learning. We extend our gratitude to the Institute President Sr Paul Wong for inviting us and believe that this event will have a significant impact on our professional collaboration.


九龍塘天主教華德學校13年前遷入延文禮士道新校舍, ADRG感恩擔任項目建築師。今天慶祝創校60周年校慶開放日。在王伯基校長帶領下,成績斐然,有幸見證了學生家長校友老師共融愉快的一刻!So blessed to wi...

九龍塘天主教華德學校13年前遷入延文禮士道新校舍, ADRG感恩擔任項目建築師。今天慶祝創校60周年校慶開放日。在王伯基校長帶領下,成績斐然,有幸見證了學生家長校友老師共融愉快的一刻!
So blessed to witness achievements and joy of 60th Anniversary of Kowloon Tong Bishop Walsh Catholic School at new campus designed by ADRG 13 years ago !


Merry Christmas from ADRG🎄🎄聖誕愉快平安

感謝何永賢房屋局長聯同黃偉綸財政司副司長、劉俊傑常任秘書長(工務)今早蒞臨視察香港大學黃竹坑學生宿舍的MiC(組裝合成法)所應用的先進技術 - 針對環保、減少建築工地廢料、創新預製技術(包括BIM)運用、高科...

感謝何永賢房屋局長聯同黃偉綸財政司副司長、劉俊傑常任秘書長(工務)今早蒞臨視察香港大學黃竹坑學生宿舍的MiC(組裝合成法)所應用的先進技術 - 針對環保、減少建築工地廢料、創新預製技術(包括BIM)運用、高科技達成高質素監察、廠製優質裝修等等嶄新建築技術。項目將於明年中落成,能夠比傳統建築工序加快了六至九個月!



Professional design practice specialising in sustainable and innovative design of institutional, residential, healthcare and commercial buildings, urban redevelopment and more

ADRG is honoured to be architect of the hostel under construction at Wong Chuk Hang employing MiC and other innovative t...

ADRG is honoured to be architect of the hostel under construction at Wong Chuk Hang employing MiC and other innovative techniques. 

【港大獲陳廷驊基金會捐款一億元 成立以佛學價值爲本之住宿學院🧘‍♂️🫂】

港大獲陳廷驊基金會捐贈港幣一億元成立「陳廷驊學院 」,是港大首間以慈悲爲本的住宿學院,推動佛學價值和理念。學院將為年青人提供體驗佛學理念的網絡與平台,分享佛學的義理與教導,啓迪人心,實現陳廷驊基金會「推動以慈悲為本的價值、共建慈悲社會」的願景。


港大校長張翔教授對基金會深表謝意:「大學由衷感謝基金會慷慨支持,成立陳廷驊學院, 讓港大的舍堂文化,更為豐富多元。大學於二十多年前成立了佛學研究中心,成就卓越;如今陳廷驊學院的成立,將更深廣地向年輕學子傳揚慈悲為本的理念,傳承佛學的人文價值。」

HKU will establish the D. H. Chen College (陳廷驊學院) dedicated to sharing compassionate-based values and philosophy rooted in Buddhism with a generous donation of HK$100M from The D. H. Chen Foundation.

Embracing the Foundation’s aim of building a compassionate society and promoting compassion-based values, this College will create a focal point for young people to explore and experience the Buddhist values of compassion, selflessness, peace and mindfulness.

The College is scheduled to open in September 2023 in Wong Chuk Hang, providing 300 hostel places for local as well as international undergraduate students. Special features include a college hall for high tables and large scale events, a meditation room and outdoor gardens with serene zen spaces for quiet and mindfulness activities.

#香港大學 #港大 #陳廷驊 #陳廷驊基金會 #陳廷驊學院 #佛 #佛學 #慈悲 #住宿學院 #黃竹坑



Professional design practice specialising in sustainable and innovative design of institutional, residential, healthcare and commercial buildings, urban redevelopment and more

香港大學 蒲飛路校園發展計劃公共行人通道改善方案網上工作坊(由ADRG策劃)Community Workshop on Pedestrian Connectivity for the Pokfield Campus Development,...

香港大學 蒲飛路校園發展計劃公共行人通道改善方案網上工作坊(由ADRG策劃)
Community Workshop on Pedestrian Connectivity for the Pokfield Campus Development, The University of Hong Kong (ADRG was responsible)

We are hiring Architectural Assistant (Year-Out)!! Join our team!Requirements:•Candidate should have BA(AS) Degree or BS...

We are hiring Architectural Assistant (Year-Out)!! Join our team!

•Candidate should have BA(AS) Degree or BSSc (AS) Degree
•Successful candidates will involve in Hong Kong projects
•Opportunity to do outstanding design for interesting local projects

Interested candidates are invited to apply with full resume stating qualifications, academic background, working experience, selected portfolio, contact telephone number, e-mail contacts and available start date to:

AD+RG Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd.
10/F, Lee Garden Six, 111 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
E-mail: [email protected]
The email should not exceed 10MB
(All personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only)

Professional design practice specialising in sustainable and innovative design of institutional, residential, healthcare and commercial buildings, urban redevelopment and more


10/F, Lee Garden Six, 111 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay


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