In March 2023, I began freelance tour guiding. Somewhere in between, an old friend helped get the word out about me. In December 2023, I received my first review, and a future client helped me come up with this Instagram account and the brand name “JaeForJapan.” With the assistance of another dear friend and various facilitators, the business has been up and running all year round.
Suya, Lucky, Angela, and Jolanda, I can never stop thanking you for assisting in the kickstart of my new journey. Thank you to my family for putting up with my nonsense. Being away for three quarters of the year is no joke and very irresponsible of me. In 2025, I want to spend more time at home.
Over the past year, I have been away on tour for close to 300 days, serving over 40 families personally and many more remotely. I tried my best to meet the clients who were taken by my Chinese drivers in person, but sometimes the schedule may not permit. I’m sorry if I couldn’t meet some of you.
Bibi, my art director, thank you for everything.
Ken, Tao-san, Fu san, Ricky, Ruby, Lira, Jolanda, Virginia, Lelian, Suya, Gladys, very special thanks to you.
Aki, Sheng, Kaneyama-san, Lee, Wang, Gen-san, thank you for being indispensable business partners.
Natsumi, thank you for all the coasters, all the lovely cheesecakes, and for now being part of my fleet.
Masami, Ken-chan, Miki, Jun-san, Taki-san, Yuusuke-san, Kouhei-san, Matsumoto-san, Amano-san, thank you for always providing great food to my clients, giving them the priceless experience of Mt. Fuji and Hakone.
Chloe, Joyce, Jolanda, Dawn, Eleanor, He Fang, Angela, Josh & Eileen, Susi, Kim & Yuling, Dorothy, Helen, Sze Hei, Jen & Alwin, Lucinda, Su Yan, Sabrina, Alice, Gerlyn, Meifeng, Jamie, Ann & Kiat, Sam, Eeshi, Annabel, Weetz, Wendy, Donna, Resh & Vic, Pearlyn, Yokie, Ros, and very importantly, Gladys and Boon Siong. You all made up my 2024. Thank you for choosing JaeforJapan (like literally, not a PR slogan).
In 2025, JaeforJapan will be looking at expansion, both in scale and coverage.I look forward to showing you the beauty of Japan.
良いお年を!(Yoi Otoshi wo, have a great and Happy New Year!)
Chief Tour Oyabun (Boss)
Jae Leung