【#動物小記】 年長👵👴動物護理篇
唔經唔覺,好多動物喺公園住咗好多年並且已經踏入佢哋嘅晚年,相對於人類80-90歲左右🎉點解佢哋咁長壽?👀到底佢哋有咩養生秘訣同埋我哋嘅護理團隊提供咩特別照顧呢? 今次小編就探訪咗幾位老人家: 海豹 Peas、Rose、水豚阿May、海獅 Caddy,仲有北極狐小高,睇吓佢哋平日會做啲咩先❗️
護理員會恆常透過動物訓練令動物適應做各類體檢嘅過程,令動物盡量喺自願情況下進行抽血、照超聲波及X光檢查骨骼🦴同內臟。一旦發現身體出現問題之後,獸醫自然可以對症下藥,避免情況惡化💝 例如會為佢哋針灸,希望提升活動能力、胃口👅、血液循環,進而延緩衰老💪。另外,護理員亦會根據動物嘅身體變化同愛好,提供唔同種類嘅食物畀佢哋嘗試,確保佢哋得到足夠營養🎊至於居住環境🏡方面,會盡量減少大改動,以免因重新適應而帶來壓力。
[#OPAnimal] Geriatric 👵👴 Animal Care
Fun Fact! Many animals have lived in Ocean Park for years and are currently in their golden years - similar to human age 80-90 years old. 🎉 What do they attribute their longevity to? Let's pay a visit to these seniors: Capybara May, Sea lion Caddy, Seal Peas & Rose and Arctic Fox SiuGo, and explore their life secrets❗️
Caretakers regularly undergo training sessions with the animals to facilitate easier adaptations to physical examinations, aiming to reduce the stress during routine checkups 💝. For instance, they practice techniques such as blood sampling, hand palpation, and performing X-rays and ultrasounds to assess the animals' bones and internal organs 💪. If needed, veterina
一年一度嘅「企鵝關注日」又嚟喇✨等小編分享個企鵝小知識畀大家啦🤩! 原來企鵝嘅世界入面,小企鵝出世之後,爸爸媽媽會一齊養育小企鵝,組成一個非常有愛嘅家庭🏡👨👩👧👦
呢幾個月係企鵝🐧嘅繁殖期🥚,一齊睇吓公園入面嘅企鵝家庭近況啦🥰 企鵝爸爸同媽媽係一月初生咗小企鵝,喺爸爸媽媽同奶爸奶媽嘅細心照顧之下,小企鵝已經成長到200克重,見到佢哋肥嘟嘟長大,真係非常幸福可愛啊😍
[#OPAnimalConservation] Penguin Awareness Day🐧!
Today is the annual Penguin Awareness Day✨ Let me share a little fun fact about penguins to you all! In the penguin world, a pair of couples will raise their babies together, building a warm family. 🏡👨👩👧👦
It’s penguin breeding season now, let’s peep into the interesting lives of the penguins family at Ocean Park!! One of our Rockhopper families has given birth to their baby in early January, under the scrupulous care by its parents and caretakers, it has grown up to 200g arleady!! We arevery happy to share this precious moment to you all😍
However, wild penguins in the Antarctica are facing climate change🌊, poor management of fisheries🐟, reduction of food etc.⚡️ A suitable nesting place becomes rare, and baby penguins are struggling to survive. 💪Let’s support local food and take public transports🚈 to reduce carbon emissions, so that wild penguins can live healthily and happily ever after🖖!
【#新春動態貼圖大放送 🧧 ️】海洋公園動物大使為大家送上新年祝福🫶🏻
【#新春動態貼圖大放送 🧧 ️】海洋公園動物大使為大家送上新年祝福🫶🏻
👉🏻下載動態貼圖傳送門 / Click入bio link都得🔗:https://hkoceanpark.com/4g8h2WN
[#LunarNewYearWhatsAppStickersGiveaway🧧] Ocean Park’s Animal Ambassadors send their New Year blessings to everyone 🫶🏻
🥳With the Lunar New Year just around the corner, Ocean Park has a special gift for everyone🎁: Ocean Park’s Animal Ambassadors Lunar New Year WhatsApp Stickers🤗! Alongside giant panda Ying Ying, Le Le, An An, Ke Ke, and the panda cub twins 🐼, this time we've also brought in red panda, arctic fox, penguin, and "Fat Ball", the puffer fish😍! Let these adorable Ocean Park animal ambassadors wish you and your loved ones a Happy Lunar New Year🙌🏻!
🤩Share these cute stickers to spread New Year greetings in the sweetest way possible㊗!
👉🏻Download Link/ Click the link in bio🔗: https://hkoceanpark.com/4g8h2WN
#hkoceanpark #hkpanda #giantpanda #HKPandaCubsTwins #YingYing #LeLe #AnAn #KeKe #海洋公園 #香港大熊貓 #龍鳳胎大熊貓 #家姐 #細佬 #大熊貓盈盈 #大熊貓樂樂 #大熊貓安安 #大熊貓可可 #動態貼圖
【#大熊貓直播】✨大派熊貓福利 🐼 隨時隨地睇熊貓無難度!
[#PandaLive] ✨Good News for Panda Fans! 🐼 Watch Pandas Anytime, Anywhere!
😍 Always wanted to visit An An and Ke Ke but don’t have time to visit the Park every day? We’ve got great news for you!
🤩 From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, you can now enjoy a free live stream of the pandas on the Ocean Park website! Whether you want to watch them playing or enjoying their meals, it’s all just a click away. Don’t miss their most adorable moments!
☺️ More panda friends will be joining the live stream soon to meet everyone online. Stay tuned for the latest updates and surprises! 🥰
🕰️ Live broadcast time: Daily from 10 am to 7 pm
👉🏻 Click the link to watch the panda live stream: https://hkoceanpark.com/4hikHm0
*The live broadcast schedule will follow the opening hours of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures and will only be accessible within Hong Kong. Please note that the timetable is subject to adjustment based on actual venue conditions
#hkoceanpark #hkpanda #giantpanda #AnAn #KeKe #live #海洋公園 #香港大熊貓 #大
【#大熊貓貼圖大放送 🐼】安安可可為大家送上2025第一份禮物🎁
🐼見到大家都咁鍾意我哋嘅熊貓WhatsApp Stickers,所以...第四回嚟喇💥!今次係霸氣安同甜可嘅主場😏!表情得意又趣怪😍,呢一系列嘅萬用stickers一定係大家日常最愛啊✨!
👉🏻下載動態貼圖傳送門 / Click入bio link都得🔗:https://hkoceanpark.com/4h38ZeV
[#PandaStickerGiveaway🐼] First gift of 2025 from An An and Ke Ke! 🎁
🐼 Since everyone loves our panda WhatsApp stickers so much, here is the fourth edition! This set features many wonderful stickers of Boss An An and lovely Ke Ke 😏. Filled with funny expressions 😍, this is sure to become a favorite set for everyone to use in their daily conversations ✨!
👉🏻Download Link/ Click the link in bio🔗: https://hkoceanpark.com/4h38ZeV
#hkoceanpark #hkpanda #giantpanda #AnAn #KeKe #海洋公園 #香港大熊貓 #大熊貓安安 #大熊貓可可 #動態貼圖
[#OPAnimal] Since An An and Ke Ke made their grand debut on December 8, we’ve been thrilled to receive countless adorable snapshots from you all! Sleeping, eating, strolling, rolling around—every moment of their lively and endearing daily lives has been captured beautifully 😊.
Recently, a kind netizen shared a video of An An “shaking his head.” To ease everyone’s curiosity, we immediately consulted our care team 🎤! They explained that since their arrival, An An and Ke Ke have been under 24-hour behavioral observation 📝, with close collaboration between our team and mainland giant panda experts. Based on daily physiological data 📒—such as weight gain and physical development—both pandas are thriving 💪. Our veterinarians and animal care team confirmed that An An and Ke Ke are psychologically and behaviorally healthy. Occasional behaviors, like head-shaking, are
[#PandaWondersAnIlluminatedJourney] 🐼 Ocean Park's Brand New Immersive Interactive Experience 🎍
🤩Embark on a brand new immersive interactive experience - Panda Wonders: An Illuminated Journey 🎍 that has arrived at the park! In addition to meeting the adorable pandas An An, Ke Ke, and Le Le, or watching the live streams of the Elder Sister and Little Brother, you can also immerse yourself in an amazing journey for a fantastical exploration of giant pandas
🎞️ Visit the video to discover what Panda Wonders: An Illuminated Journey has to offer!
🌟 Let's meet at the park! https://hkoceanpark.com/3BX8l3q
🥺 Don't have time to visit but still want to see the pandas? Check out An An and Ke Ke's live stream on the park's website now! ✌🏻https://pandalive.oceanpark.com.hk/en/
#hkoceanpark #PandaWondersAnIlluminatedJourney #海洋公園 #大熊貓竹夢之旅 #沉浸式互動體驗 #打卡 #香港熊貓
唔知咁多位熊貓粉有冇諗過隨時隨地都可以見到安安可可呢🐼🐼機會嚟啦!由即日起至2025年3月17日,只要親臨海洋公園「香港賽馬會四川奇珍館」,即可以免費下載大熊貓安安同可可嘅動畫*手機八達通卡面^! 大家只需準備好八達通App ➕ iPhone或Apple Watch上嘅八達通,打開相機scan個QR code即可下載「場館限定」大熊貓動畫*卡面!而且八達通App嘅卡面上仲會有安安、可可做出趣致搞怪姿勢嘅動畫, 包括有可可變身、安安搶奪可可「寶座」嘅畫面,為你嘅手機注入可愛活力,係咪好吸引呢? 嚟緊仲會有盈盈、樂樂、家姐同細佬版卡面推出,敬請期待!
小編都已經download好啦🥳各位契爸契媽,快啲嚟公園探大熊貓兼免費領取新卡面啦!(呢個教學只適用於IOS version, Android version版面可能有輕微分別)
^自選八達通卡面功能只適用於八達通在iPhone及Apple Watch,及Android版八達通的成人及個人八達通,並不適用於長者及Citi八達通卡在iPhone。
[#OPNews] 🐼 Venue-exclusive! Giant Pandas of Ocean Park Emerged on Digital Octopus Card?! ✨
Hi Panda Fans! 🐼🐼 Have you ever imagined being able to meet An An and Ke Ke whenever and wherever you want? Now’s your chance! Visitors to Ocean Park Hong Kong can download animated* card images^ featuring the Giant Pandas “An An” and “Ke Ke” for free, exclusively at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures, from now until 17 March 2025.
With the Octopus App on iPhone or Apple Watch, you can easily download these “venue-exclusive” Giant Panda card images using the QR code function on the App. Once downloaded, you’ll be able to see adorable animations of An An and Ke Ke
[#OPAnimal] We wish you a Merry Christmas~🔔" It's that time of the year again for the happiest holiday! 🥳 Ocean Park wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! 🎉
In addition to our celebrations, the animals in the Park also want to join in the festivities! 🥰
🎞️ Head over to watch the special activities they have planned for this Christmas!
How is everyone celebrating Christmas? Leave a comment and let us know! ✨When you visit the park, besides visiting our pandas 🐼, remember to explore our other animal buddies too~ 😘
#hkoceanpark #OPAnimal #Christmas #海洋公園 #威威ZINE #動物小記 #聖誕節
[#WondrousWinterGala] Experience a Festive 🐼-Themed Christmas
Looking to make your Christmas holiday extra special 🎅? Instead of the usual movies and dinners, why not opt for a 🐼-themed Christmas this year!
At Ocean Park, not only can you meet and snap photos 📸 with the new giant panda members An An and Ke Ke, but you can also take photos with the Panda Claus Tree 🎄, meet the lovably “Giant” Panda Pals, and enjoy the delightful Panda Laser Delight photo spots. Make sure to explore the all-new immersive fantasy world 🎍 Panda Wonders: An Illuminated Journey! Immerse yourself in the Christmas atmosphere 🥳!
Grab your tickets now and invite your friends to join you at Winter Wonderland Park for a festive celebration with pandas! Let’s have a 🐼 Christmas together! https://hkoceanpark.com/3BKDR4L
#OceanPark #WondrousWinterGala2024 #CelebratingtheFirstChristmaswithAnAnandKeKe #FuzzyandWarmHugs #WarmHugsSurpriseParty #海洋公園 #玩轉冬日園2024 #熊抱滿滿驚喜 #與安安可可過第一個聖誕 #毛茸茸又暖笠笠 #暖笠笠驚喜派對
同安安可可過第一個聖誕,預埋你㗎喇🙌!快啲買飛過嚟玩轉冬日園,熊抱滿滿驚喜!😍 https://hkoceanpark.com/3DqjpGQ
[#WondrousWinterGala] ‘Tis the Season for Panda Joy! 🐼
This winter season ☃️, Ocean Park is delighted to introduce some adorable new members 🎊!
Giant pandas An An and Ke Ke are celebrating their first Christmas in the park, and they have a host of surprises lined up as a special “welcome gift” for all visitors 💝! Explore the new immersive fantasy world 🎍🐼 Panda Wonders: An Illuminated Journey, meet the lovably “Giant” Panda Pals, and enjoy the charming Panda Laser Delight, among other exciting photo spots. Join in the festive cheer and celebrate Christmas together 🎉!
Celebrate the first Christmas with An An and Ke Ke and be part of the magic 🙌! Hurry and get your tickets to experience a Wondrous Winter Gala full of heartwarming panda surprises! 😍 https://hkoceanpark.com/3WcDiYD
#OceanPark #WondrousWinterGala2024 #HeartwarmingPandaSurprise #CelebratingtheFirstChristmaswithAnAnandKeKe #FuzzyandWarmHugs #WarmHugsSurpriseParty #海洋公園 #玩轉冬日園2024 #熊抱滿滿驚喜 #與安安可可過第一個聖誕 #毛茸茸又暖笠笠 #暖笠笠驚喜派對
【#玩轉冬日園】直擊暖笠笠驚喜派對 #熊貓篇🐼
【#玩轉冬日園】直擊暖笠笠驚喜派對 #熊貓篇🐼
大熊貓「竹」夢之旅 📍海濱樂園廣場
至萌「大」熊貓 📍海濱樂園廣場
「熊」踪處處打卡點 📍海濱樂園廣場
大熊貓萌趣投影 📍南朗山「海馬」地標
天黑後,萌爆大熊貓嘅卡通圖案將會投影喺南朗山上,而呢個「熊貓山」係期間限定㗎,鍾意熊貓嘅你 must 睇!
[#WondrousWinterGala] Exclusive Coverage of The Winter Gala Surprises #PandaEdition🐼
When we mention warm hug parties, how could we forget the furry giant pandas? 🐼 This winter, their adorable figures can be found in every corner of the park 🎉! Let our tour guide lead you to find them~
Panda Wonders: An Illuminated Journey 📍Waterfront Plaza
Each step brings a surprise! Follow the panda paw prints and interact with the pandas hidden in the bamboo forest and flower bushes for an immersive experience! Finally, head to the “Panda Funsnap” where you can closely interact with AR pandas, take photos together, and capture precious memories 👭🐼👬~
“Giant” Panda Pals 📍Waterfront Plaza
Meet the new members, An An and Ke Ke, who have transformed i