Global Brands Group - RM Brands

Our experience and expertise in licensing, merchandising, publishing, newspaper syndication, promotion, and in-depth knowledge of the varied business operations of global markets provide exceptional presentation, placement and market dominance for our properties.

Jipi Japa x Peanuts 2017 Collection is now available in stores. Enjoy your summer time with Snoopy!

Jipi Japa x Peanuts 2017 Collection is now available in stores. Enjoy your summer time with Snoopy!

b+ab x Peanuts 2017 Collection is now available in stores!Surrounding with MUSIC theme, it merged three main colorways o...

b+ab x Peanuts 2017 Collection is now available in stores!
Surrounding with MUSIC theme, it merged three main colorways of red, black and white. Every single item contains music themed elements with Snoopy or Woodstock posing the lovely gestures.
This collection brings two special items for kids to make it as cozy yet chic as parent-child attires.

Darlie has just launched a limited Rilakkuma premium set in Hong Kong and Macau. The mugs are available in 3 styles!

Darlie has just launched a limited Rilakkuma premium set in Hong Kong and Macau. The mugs are available in 3 styles!

麥當勞X Rilakkuma 輕鬆小熊換購活動明天(1月12日)開始啦!快D來麥當勞帶哂佢地返屋企啦! 輕鬆小熊與好友喜慶賀新春,陪您共度暖暖佳節~~

麥當勞X Rilakkuma 輕鬆小熊換購活動明天(1月12日)開始啦!快D來麥當勞帶哂佢地返屋企啦! 輕鬆小熊與好友喜慶賀新春,陪您共度暖暖佳節~~

新鴻基地產旗下12 商場包括大埔超級城、新太陽廣場、元朗廣場及新翠商場等率先送上歐陸特色聖誕,特邀郭羨妮(Sonija)與湛淇清到尖沙咀出席新太陽廣場「柏靈頓寶寶熊聖誕世界巡遊」活動。來自英國的Paddington Bear柏靈頓寶寶熊聖誕...

新鴻基地產旗下12 商場包括大埔超級城、新太陽廣場、元朗廣場及新翠商場等率先送上歐陸特色聖誕,特邀郭羨妮(Sonija)與湛淇清到尖沙咀出席新太陽廣場「柏靈頓寶寶熊聖誕世界巡遊」活動。來自英國的Paddington Bear柏靈頓寶寶熊聖誕裝置將於以上商場展示, 商場更將推出連串消費獎賞及精彩活動打造繽紛熱鬧的聖誕節!

Paddington Bear comes to the press conference to meet celebrities and VIPs, including Sonija Kwok and Jessica Jann. This Christmas, Paddington will be appearing at Sun Hung Kai Properties’ malls (SHKP Malls) including Tai Po Mega Mall, The Sun Arcade, Yuen Long Plaza and New Jade Shopping Arcade, embarking on a journey of happiness filled with exciting activities, performances & exhibition.

大埔超級城及大埔浸信會社會服務處合辦的「柏靈頓寶寶熊™新年愛心慈善跑」發布會剛於2016年12月11日完成。是次愛心慈善跑是為有特殊學習需要的學童及其家庭提供適切及專業支援服務而籌款。參加者需要遊走大埔著名地標尋找檢查點(check poi...

大埔超級城及大埔浸信會社會服務處合辦的「柏靈頓寶寶熊™新年愛心慈善跑」發布會剛於2016年12月11日完成。是次愛心慈善跑是為有特殊學習需要的學童及其家庭提供適切及專業支援服務而籌款。參加者需要遊走大埔著名地標尋找檢查點(check point),部份地點更有特殊學習需要體驗小任務,令參加者更明白特殊學習需要的學童及其家庭的需要!報名︰

舉行時間︰下午1時-5時 (報到時間:1:00-1:30)
截止報名日 :2016年12月28日(星期三)

這個聖誕不太冷!萌趣的Rilakkuma™「輕鬆小熊™」穿上煥然一新的新裝,再一次攜同好友Korilakkuma「小白熊」及Kiiroitori「小雞」溫情來襲,為浪漫的聖誕夜倍添濃濃暖意。 六福珠寶與日本San-X及「利標品牌」旗下之霽霽...


The warm and cosy Christmas is around the corner. The cute Rilakkuma™ dresses up in new style, together with its friends Korilakkuma and Kiiroitori, are ready to enjoy the delightful festive atmosphere of this romantic Christmas.
Lukfook Jewellery, in collaboration again with San-X and the Licensing agent: RM Brands at Global Brands Group launch the latest Rilakkuma™ Collection in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.
This series features the well-loved Rilakkuma, Korilakkuma and Kiiroitori jewelleries. Bring the lovable Rilakkuma and its friends home to share the joy and fun of Christmas and a happy new year. In addition, the newly introduced baby gift set is a heart-warming present to convey your best wishes and blessings to babies.

「柏靈頓寶寶熊TM」於大埔超級城的聖誕活動正式開始! 首站在大埔超級城的「熊抱英倫聖誕」在11月27日展開揭幕禮,誠意邀請鍾嘉欣、柏靈頓寶寶熊和新鴻基發展代表出席為主禮嘉賓。柏靈頓寶寶熊TM在佔地逾地超過1,500平方呎的場地,游走於英國地...

「柏靈頓寶寶熊TM」於大埔超級城的聖誕活動正式開始! 首站在大埔超級城的「熊抱英倫聖誕」在11月27日展開揭幕禮,誠意邀請鍾嘉欣、柏靈頓寶寶熊和新鴻基發展代表出席為主禮嘉賓。柏靈頓寶寶熊TM在佔地逾地超過1,500平方呎的場地,游走於英國地標「夢幻倫敦眼」、「奇妙大笨鐘」及「璀璨倫敦橋」,散播英倫聖誕歡欣氣氛。

而家加入香港麥當勞媽咪會, 就可以得到輕鬆小熊矽膠隔熱墊一張, 讓可愛的輕鬆小熊陪伴你每一天 :) By joining HK McDonald's Mother's Club, you will get a Rilakkuma Silic...

而家加入香港麥當勞媽咪會, 就可以得到輕鬆小熊矽膠隔熱墊一張, 讓可愛的輕鬆小熊陪伴你每一天 :)
By joining HK McDonald's Mother's Club, you will get a Rilakkuma Silicon Coaster as welcome gift, let Rilakkuma enjoy everyday with you :)

台灣高雄漢神巨蛋購物廣場周年慶今年在10 /13至11/8展開,特別與花生漫畫/史努比合作推出『SNOOPY幸福宣言』活動及SNOOPY獨家來店禮,這次週年慶在1樓廣場及館內各樓也有很多花生漫畫/史努比經典場景,把漫畫內的人物栩栩如生呈現在...

台灣高雄漢神巨蛋購物廣場周年慶今年在10 /13至11/8展開,特別與花生漫畫/史努比合作推出

7-Eleven聯同日本插畫大師加藤真治(Shinzi Katoh)推出「童話連篇竹製碗碟」,在銅鑼灣駱克道及尖沙咀金巴利道的主店有特別的佈置, 喜歡的朋友快D嚟睇下啦~~

7-Eleven聯同日本插畫大師加藤真治(Shinzi Katoh)推出「童話連篇竹製碗碟」,在銅鑼灣駱克道及尖沙咀金巴利道的主店有特別的佈置, 喜歡的朋友快D嚟睇下啦~~

Innisfree and Rilakkuma team up again last Saturday (September 24, 2016) for the third stop of GREEN BICYCLE TOUR charit...

Innisfree and Rilakkuma team up again last Saturday (September 24, 2016) for the third stop of GREEN BICYCLE TOUR charity activity at Nanjing China. It was a great chance to bike and enjoy the fresh air.

Innisfree悦诗风吟与著名卡通品牌Rilakkuma「轻松小熊」再次於2016年9月24日跨界合作举办悦诗风吟绿色自行车公益骑行活动第三站 – 南京站。让绿色小清新之风席卷全国,共建绿色城市,还每一个城市健康的空气!

We are excited to announce the launch of Peter Rabbit premium campaign at Crabtree & Evelyn Hong Kong stores!Customers c...

We are excited to announce the launch of Peter Rabbit premium campaign at Crabtree & Evelyn Hong Kong stores!
Customers can receive Peter Rabbit premium (Cosmetic Pouch, Cutlery Set, Tote Bag) upon purchase of designated amount. Let's pay a visit to Crabtree & Evelyn to meet Peter Rabbit.

7-Eleven聯同日本插畫大師加藤真治(Shinzi Katoh)推出「童話連篇竹製碗碟」,今天正式開始, 喜歡的朋友不要錯過啦~~

7-Eleven聯同日本插畫大師加藤真治(Shinzi Katoh)推出「童話連篇竹製碗碟」,今天正式開始, 喜歡的朋友不要錯過啦~~

Paddington Bear Redemption Program at Times Square starts! Purchase any kind of bags at Times Square can redeem Paddingt...

Paddington Bear Redemption Program at Times Square starts! Purchase any kind of bags at Times Square can redeem Paddington Bear gift items (tag, shopping bag & plush toy) for free.

Period: 14 Sep – 16 Oct, 2016
Time: 10am -10pm
Venue: 6/F Redemption Counter, Times Square, Causeway Bay

For more info, please check Times Square official site and Facebook:



7-Eleven聯同日本插畫大師加藤真治(Shinzi Katoh)推出「童話連篇竹製碗碟」,下星期三開始(9月21日)喺7-Eleven有得換喇!

7-Eleven聯同日本插畫大師加藤真治(Shinzi Katoh)推出「童話連篇竹製碗碟」,下星期三開始(9月21日)喺7-Eleven有得換喇!

【 Snoopy × Catalog首個聯乘系列誕生】本地時尚潮流名所Catalog今季破天荒找來永恆的寵兒Snoopy作首度聯乘,打造出具高度玩味性的全新秋冬女裝系列,甚有驚喜!而配合全新系列之誕生,雙方更推出Catalog × Snoo...

【 Snoopy × Catalog首個聯乘系列誕生】
本地時尚潮流名所Catalog今季破天荒找來永恆的寵兒Snoopy作首度聯乘,打造出具高度玩味性的全新秋冬女裝系列,甚有驚喜!而配合全新系列之誕生,雙方更推出Catalog × Snoopy 自訂索袋限定活動。

Canon partnered with the much-loved Rilakkuma to inspire creativity among all social media users. This initiative aims t...

Canon partnered with the much-loved Rilakkuma to inspire creativity among all social media users. This initiative aims to spur users to incorporate the ToyTravel (Nui-Dori) trend artistically in their photography through the launch of a special edition EOS M10 box set, bundled with a limited edition 24cm Rilakkuma plush toy.

For more info, please check out:
Canon’s official Facebook:
Canon’s official Instagram:
Youtube video:

凡於聖安娜餅屋各分店惠顧產品滿指定金額, 即可換購到”輕鬆小熊”杯1個, 有”輕鬆小熊”、”小白熊” 和 “小雞” 共3款, 換完即止. Fans們不要錯過喔!Rilakkuma premium with Saint Honore Cake...

凡於聖安娜餅屋各分店惠顧產品滿指定金額, 即可換購到”輕鬆小熊”杯1個, 有”輕鬆小熊”、”小白熊” 和 “小雞” 共3款, 換完即止. Fans們不要錯過喔!
Rilakkuma premium with Saint Honore Cake Shop - From now on, you can redeem Rilakkuma , Korilakkuma and Kiiroitori big face Cups at Saint Honore Cake shop, fans don't miss out!

Rilakkuma 將在今星期日現身太古城中心和大家見面!

Rilakkuma 將在今星期日現身太古城中心和大家見面!

【☀同 Rilakkuma 一齊過愉快週末☀】
仲諗緊今個週末去沙灘曬靚啲、去餐廳食好啲、定去買多啲?放假想輕鬆,一於搵埋 Rilakkuma 啦!1米7高嘅超萌巨型 Rilakkuma 真身將會喺今個星期日現身太古城中心,等你同佢親密合照!❤

📣只要你喺7月22日至24日嚟到位於太古城中心嘅 Canon Wonderland ,透過指定經銷商( )購買EOS M系列數碼相機,就可以換領攝影券一張,憑券即可同 Rilakkuma 親身合照!

-----親親 Rilakkuma-----
🔷攝影券名額:20名 (先到先得,換完即止)

Innisfree has collaborated with Rilakkuma to conduct the second stop of GREEN BICYCLE TOUR charity activity at Ku***ng C...

Innisfree has collaborated with Rilakkuma to conduct the second stop of GREEN BICYCLE TOUR charity activity at Ku***ng China on June 25, 2016. More Green Bicycle tour will be coming in the other cities of China. Let’s ride the bike, living a healthy and environmental friendly life!

innisfree悦诗风吟与著名卡通品牌Rilakkuma「轻松小熊」在2016年6月25日跨界合作举办悦诗风吟绿色自行车公益骑行活动第二站 - 昆明站。之后, 还将陆续在武汉、南京等城市与大家见面,让绿色小清新之风席卷全国,与越来越多的的朋友们携手一起传递健康环保的生活理念,共建绿色城市,还每一个城市健康的空气!

Canon EOS M10 x Rilakkuma™ 孖公仔遊世界

Canon EOS M10 x Rilakkuma™ 孖公仔遊世界

佳能與大受歡迎的輕鬆小熊(Rilakkuma™)聯乘合作,將 玩具旅攝這種有趣的文化融入日常生活中,為拍攝加添玩味。 即日起購買任何EOS M10鏡頭套裝,即可獲贈24cm旅攝版輕鬆小熊毛公仔。佳能網上商店更推出限量EOS M10 x Rilakkuma™旅攝版輕鬆小熊Boxset,特別配上精...


9/F, LiFung Tower, 888 Cheung Sha Wan Road Kowloon


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