Which private jet are we flying today?
#flyapertus #flyprivate #apertus #avgeek #guesswhat #bombardier #gulfstream #citation #hawker #airbus #boeing #justforfun
Nifty Premier 1 arriving Aviapages.com event in Bern. Wanna check it out? Let us know!
#apertus #flyapertus #apertusexperience #privatejetexperience #jetcharter #privetejet #flyprivate #bizjet #privatejetcharter #aviapagesswissprivatejetsshow
View of Hong Kong International Airport from a private jet departure.
#privatejetflight #takeoff #flightdeparture #flyapertus #apertus #hkia #exclusiveexperience #bizjetflight #avgeek #bizjet #privatejet #uhnwilifestyle
Once again, many thanks for attending Apertus Aviation first ever Appreciation Evening. We all had a wonderful time together!
Exhibiting Partners:
HondaJet, IWC Schaffhausen, List Sotheby's International Realty Hong Kong
#aviation #partners #sothebys #iwc #exhibiting #appreciation #apertus #luxurybrand #luxurytravel #privatejets #businessjets
3 best looking “Rear-ends” from Macau Air Show 2019!
#airshow #macau #apertus #privatejets #privatejetcharter #privateplanes #businessjets #bizav #avgeeks
APERTUS Aviation ready for #ebace2019. Meet you at Stand #71!
EBACE - European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition
#apertus #aviation #luxurytravel #charter #privatejet #luxury #ebace19 #ebace
The Ultimate VIP Travel Experience for the World Cup Final
Airbus ACJ319 – Ultimate Comfort and Luxury
Custom designed - 18 Seats with bedroom
Preferential parking and slot ready for Moscow
In Asia, ready for World Cup Final 2018
#acj #privatejet #apertus #worldcup #worldcupfinal #worldcup2018