六弦雅鈙 Guitar Connection - Hong Kong

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  • 六弦雅鈙 Guitar Connection - Hong Kong

六弦雅鈙 Guitar Connection - Hong Kong Guitar Connection (HK) Even one has a chance to play on-stage the lack of on-stage experience warrants a disappointed performance.

大多數喜愛彈結他的朋友 ,大概都有這個相同的經驗,就是有時候把手上的樂曲都練好了,偏偏就找不到與人分享一下的表演機會 。舉辨一場表演會,必得大費周章,煩氣死人 ! 長期在這困局下成長 ,不須多久 ,練琴的拼勁都變得可有可無。相反有些朋友真的踏上台板,正要發揮一下在家裏彈得十全十美的樂曲時,由於缺乏演奏經驗,表演往往差強人意,所謂“身經百戰”要彈百場音樂會談何容易。
六絃雅鈙 的成立就是為了每月提供一個練習演奏的平台,從以提高結他愛好者的興趣及演奏水平,無論水平高低,只要你熱愛彈奏結他,歡迎你隨時參加我們每月的鈙會,有關活動資料可瀏覽以下網 業: http://www.guitarconnection.net

Most of our amateur guitar players do suffer a common problem; we spend a great deal

of effort to practice our favourite pieces, but rarely have suitable occasions to perform our music and share our experience with other guitar music lovers. It is almost impossible for an individual to have a personal guitar recital, as it requires tremendous time, resources and encouragement to organize. Without an opportunity of going onto the stage for performance, we may lose our patience and stimulant for continuous practice and further improvement. The Guitar Connection (Hong Kong) is established to provide a regular platform for amateur guitarists to play on-stage, without the burden of organizing recitals. The Guitar Connection (Hong Kong) welcomes and encourages all guitarists and lovers, regardless of skill level, to play their favourite pieces and share their experience with others. Our free and open atmosphere imposes little limitation on what guitar music that you can play. We believe that our level of appreciation to the guitar music will be enhanced and our capability of playing the instrument will be improved through the regular performance in the Guitar Connection (Hong Kong).


日期 : 2017年8月26曰 (星期六 )
時間 : 下午6:30至9:00
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 26/Aug/2017 (SAT)
Time: 18:30 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


日期 : 2017年7月29曰 (星期六 )
時間 : 下午6:30至9:00
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 29/Jul/2017 (SAT)
Time: 18:30 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


日期 : 2016年11月26曰 (星期六 )
時間 : 下午6:30至9:00
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 26/Nov/2016 (SAT)
Time: 18:30 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2016年7月31曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午5:30至8:30
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 31/July/2016 (SUN)
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2016年5月29曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午5:30至8:30
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 29/May/2016 (SUN)
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2016年4月10曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午5:30至8:30
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 10/April/2016 (SUN)
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2016年02月28曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午5:30至8:30
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 28/February/2016 (SUN)
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年11月29曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午5:30至8:30
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 29/November/2015 (SUN)
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年11月01曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午五時至八時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 01/November/2015 (SUN)
Time: 17:00 - 20:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年9月20曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午五時至八時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 20/September/2015 (SUN)
Time: 17:00 - 20:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)

http://tr.anpasia.com/track?t=c&mid=2748721&uid=2029799&&&http%3A%2F%2Fwww.muse.hku.hk%2F%23bachThe Humanistic Bach人文 ‧ ...


The Humanistic Bach
人文 ‧ 巴赫

2 Sept 2015 (Wed) 6pm
Venue: HKU (room on campus to be announced)

FREE ADMISSION. Registration Required:

Public Lecture 公開講座

An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Among Three Humanities Scholars
on the Humanistic Elements of J. S. Bach’s Compositions


(In Cantonese and Putonghua 粵語及普通話主講)

Speakers 講者:
Prof. Chan Hing-yan 陳慶恩教授
-2013 香港藝術發展獎「年度最佳藝術家獎」(音樂) 得主
Prof. Leo Ou-fan Lee 李歐梵教授
-2015 香港書展年度作家
Prof. Henry Shiu 邵頌雄教授

For ages 6+
Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes
Guests are advised to arrive punctually. No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.

Presented by
Cultural Management Team, HKU

Supported by
Department of Music, HKU
Endowment Funds for Music & Fine Arts, HKU

A Dialogue Between Maestro Shao-Chia Lü and Prof. Chan Hing-yan 臺灣愛樂音樂總監呂紹嘉與香港作曲家陳慶恩的音樂對談

http://www.muse.hku.hk/ http://www.muse.hku.hk/images/programme_colloquium.jpgRethinking the Performing Tradition of Bac...


Rethinking the Performing Tradition of Bach's Violin Ciaccona

16 Sept 2015 (Wed) 5pm
Venue: Seminar Room 11.01, 11/F Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU

FREE ADMISSION. Registration Required:

Research Colloquium
(In English)
Prof. Raymond Erickson
Professor Emeritus of Music
Queens College and The Graduate Center
The City University of New York

The conventional way of performing Bach’s Ciaccona for unaccompanied violin (established in the late 19th century) has little historical basis, for it was/is not based on an understanding of baroque dance. In addition, at the time the tradition was established, knowledge of baroque instruments, of baroque playing techniques, and of the tempo implication of baroque meter signatures was also essentially lost. Although the work is an amalgam of various national style traits, an examination of the music reveals that Bach’s Ciaccona most closely adheres to the model of the French theatrical passacaille, which leads to a conception and interpretation of the work radically different from longstanding tradition. To support the analysis the presentation will be supplemented with a video of a performance that also incorporates baroque dance, thereby underscoring the danceable quality of the music.

Raymond Erickson (Professor Emeritus of Music, Queens College and The Graduate Center, The City University of New York) continues to have a dual career as scholar and performer. As scholar (Ph.D., Yale) he has published books in the varied fields of computer applications in music, medieval music theory, Schubert, and Bach; his research has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the National Humanities Center. As harpsichordist and pianist he has concertized internationally: in 2014 he played the first major solo harpsichord recitals in Wuhan and Beijing. Moreover, he has introduced improvisations as a regular feature of his performances. In recent decades his teaching (also at Rutgers University and Juilliard) has focused on historical performance; in 2010 he established “Rethinking Bach: A Performers’ Workshop” that since 2014 is resident at Tokai University (Shonan), Japan.

Presented by
Cultural Management Team, HKU
Department of Music, HKU

Speaker: Prof. Raymond Erickson Professor Emeritus of Music Queens College and The Graduate Center The City University of New York


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年8月30曰 (星期曰 )
時間 : 下午五時至八時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 30/August/2015 (SUN)
Time: 17:00 - 20:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年7月25曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 25/July/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年6月27曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 27/June/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年5月30曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 30/May/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)



Part 3 of a lovely video shot by the luthier's son, Giovanni Tacchi, chronicling the stages of a guitar being made by the Andrea Tacchi for Guitar Salon International.…



Part 2 of a lovely video shot by the luthier's son, Giovanni Tacchi, chronicling the stages of a guitar being made by the Andrea Tacchi for Guitar Salon International.…



Part 1 of a lovely video shot by the luthier's son, Giovanni Tacchi, chronicling the stages of a guitar being made by the Andrea Tacchi for Guitar Salon International.…



The event is postponed to 2nd May 2015 from 25th April 2015.

Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年5月2曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 2/May/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年4月25曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 25/Apr/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:
日期 : 2015年3月28曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00
Date: 28/Mar/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:

日期 : 2015年3月7曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00

Date: 7/Mar/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)


Please be advised that the next Guitar Connection gathering will be convened as follows:

日期 : 2015年1月31曰 (星期六)
時間 : 下午六時至九時
地點 : 九龍油麻地德興街12號, 興富中心1007室
票價 : HK$30.00 (門票收益全數撥歸 Guitar Music 經費)
長者、傷健人士及學生優惠票價 : HK$15.00

Date: 31/Jan/2015 (SAT)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Venue: Room 1007, Rightful Center, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, HK.
Ticket: HK$30. (All revenue will be transferred to Guitar Music for its operations)
HK$15.0 for seniors, students and disables.
(Tickets will be sold at the venue, or call 24211559 for further information)




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