BLANK Established by two architects, Blank is a stationery shop in Hong Kong promoting well designed stati

The choice of stationery starts with the appreciation of daily tools. Same as most of the kids, we experienced different types of stationery during childhood. Later in our career, we entered a profession that has a long history of working with different kinds of pens, rulers and drawing tools. We want to promote an attitude of picking the right tools with sensitivity in daily life. It is also an a

ttitude of seeing beauty and quality out of the mundane. All the mentioned experience suggests us to take a move and introduce alternatives to the market.

SOLD OUT   …  [ 限時優惠 I Limited Time Offer ] 訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享全港免運費 Free shipping within Hong Kong on orders of HK$380 or...


[ 限時優惠 I Limited Time Offer ]
訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享全港免運費 Free shipping within Hong Kong on orders of HK$380 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

 #母親節禮物推薦     (已停產) DULTON JAPAN 金屬夾  夾子在生活中可說是不可或缺。從散亂的文件、‬打開了的食物包裝、‬凌亂的帳單,‬簡單的一個夾子都可以幫你整理妥當‭。復古的造型更是別有趣味‭。靜靜告訴大家這款金屬夾是...



規格 - 54 x 22 x 17mm

DULTON JAPAN Galvanized Clips

Clip is a must-have item in daily life. From scattered paper, food packaged, messy bills, a simple clip helps you to keep things organized. Its vintage form makes it a pleasure to use. This is one of our best-selling clips!
Size: 54 x 22 x 17mm
Made in China

[ 限時優惠 I Limited Time Offer ]
訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享全港免運費 Free shipping within Hong Kong on orders of HK$380 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

 #母親節禮物推薦     SYURO 金屬圓罐  Syuro 的目標是造出越用越變得動人的金屬容器。在位於東京下町的廠房人手打造,經過非常費心的工序才得到如此順暢的開合。用手工翻摺而非焊接,用家可以感受物料最自然的一面。這些光亮的材料會隨...


SYURO 金屬圓罐

Syuro 的目標是造出越用越變得動人的金屬容器。在位於東京下町的廠房人手打造,經過非常費心的工序才得到如此順暢的開合。用手工翻摺而非焊接,用家可以感受物料最自然的一面。這些光亮的材料會隨著時間變得跟古董一樣柔和,並融入日常生活。圓罐可放入茶葉、咖啡豆,因材質輕巧外出隨身攜帶也很適合!

規格 - (L) Ø75 x H80mm / (S) Ø65 x H65mm

SYURO Metal Cylindrical Can

Syuro's goal is to create metal containers that become more attractive with everyday use. Hand-made in Tokyo, it takes a lot of work to get such a smooth opening and closing. By hand folding instead of welding, users can feel the most natural texture of the material. The shiny metal texture will soften over time and be incorporated into everyday life. Cylindrical cans are suitable for store tealeaves, coffee beans. It is very suitable to bring the cans with you everywhere, as they are very light in weight.

Size: (L) Ø75 x H80mm / (S) Ø65 x H65mm
Handmade in Japan

[ 限時優惠 I Limited Time Offer ]
訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享全港免運費 Free shipping within Hong Kong on orders of HK$380 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

 #母親節禮物推薦     DANZO STUDIO 地景置物盒  地景置物盒是一組可於桌面作水平排列及垂直堆疊的鋁合金系統置物盒,以丘陵、山谷、火山、瀑布、平原五種地形,藉由改變金屬上蓋之造型的設計手法,自由放置不同形式的小物件,勾畫屬於...






規格 -「丘陵」160 x 105 x 56mm / 「瀑布」160 x 105 x 50mm

DANZO STUDIO Landscape Organizers

The LANDSCAPE Organizers introduce a collection of diversified habitats specified for all tabletop gadgets and/or accessories. Function follows form, for each box lid is outfitted with a particular terrain scene. The series contains five choices of terrains; each provides unique functions for various uses.

‘Hill’ is developed for jewellery objects. Composed by 3 “hills” with different heights and diameters, the notch on the top can hold necklace, ear rings or rings. Other objects like watch and bracelet could wrap outside the “hills”, providing a storage as well as a display stage.

The cover of ‘Waterfall’ is divided into two zones with different sizes. It can hold smaller objects like keys and jewellery, also bigger objects like wallet and card holder.

Size: ‘Hill’ 160 x 105 x 56mm / ‘Waterfall’ 160 x 105 x 50mm
Made in Taiwan

[ 限時優惠 I Limited Time Offer ]
訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享全港免運費 Free shipping within Hong Kong on orders of HK$380 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店 #桌面整理

 #世界地球日     KATAMAKU 卡片套  Katamaku‭ ‬由兩位日本兩位建築師創立‭‬。‭作爲建築師‭,‭他們接觸到一種塑料薄膜‭,‭通場用在東京巨蛋或者其他大型體育場館的屋頂之上‭。  這種薄膜高密度‭、‭‬防水防風‭、‭...



Katamaku‭ ‬由兩位日本兩位建築師創立‭‬。‭作爲建築師‭,‭他們接觸到一種塑料薄膜‭,‭通場用在東京巨蛋或者其他大型體育場館的屋頂之上‭。

這種薄膜高密度‭、‭‬防水防風‭、‭強韌又耐磨‭,‭非常適合用在屋頂上‭。‭不過在施工時‭,‭由於要依建築剪裁成特別形狀‭,‭造成施工後留下大量剩餘材料‭。‭於是兩位建築師用這些本來會被廢棄的材料‭,‭造成一系列的產品‭。Katamaku‭ ‬的製作過程中不用任何針線或膠水‭‬。‭ 每個產品都是以摺紙的方式並加上準確的入榫設計而成‭‬。‭除了貫徹品牌簡約的造型以外,‭‬也達到提倡環保的初衷‭。


規格 - 95 x 60 x 9mm


Katamaku is established by two Japanese architects. As architects they got in touch with a plastic film, which is usually used on the roof of stadiums such as Tokyo Dome.

This film is applied on the roof because of its unique properties: high density, water and wind proofing, strong and long lasting. However, a lot of leftover is produced from cutting them to fit the shape of the roof. The two architects make use of these residual materials to produce a series of products. During the manufacturing process of Katamaku, no thread or glue is applied. Each product is made by folding and tenoning. Other than achieving a minimal style, it also fulfill the original goal of being environmental friendly.

Light in weight, this pass case is convenient when taking or storing name cards. One can access the cards inside by gently pushing the name card upwards, the gesture is both easy and elegant.

Size: 95 x 60 x 9mm
Made in Japan

[ 限時優惠 I Limited Time Offer ]
訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享全港免運費 Free shipping within Hong Kong on orders of HK$380 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

喜歡黃銅物品的你們要注意啊!我們已經把幾款黃銅小物上架,數量十分有限啊!而且今天是復活節限時優惠的最後一天!   Those of you who like brass items should pay attention! We have...


Those of you who like brass items should pay attention! We have put several brass items online, the available quantity is very limited! And today is the last day of the Easter holiday exclusive offer!

[ 復活節限時優惠 I Easter Holiday Exclusive Offer I 04.15-18]
1. 全港免運費 (不限最低消費金額) Free shipping within Hong Kong (no minimum spending is required),
2. 訂單金額滿港幣$400或以上,可享額外9折優惠 Get 10% off on orders of HK$400 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

SHINWA 直角尺  角尺主要的用途是測量兩邊是否成直角‭,‭在做模型或繪圖時常會用到‭。‭這款尺寸較小,也比較輕便的不鏽鋼角尺,更容易在小角落裡使用和方便攜帶‭。‭‬ 規格 - 105 x 55 x 1.2mm 日本製造    SHIN...


規格 - 105 x 55 x 1.2mm


This is a tool for checking if two edges are forming a right angle, usually being used in model making or drafting. This small, and also lighter stainless steel set square, fits well at small corners and easy to carry around.
Size: 105 x 55 x 1.2mm
Made in Japan

[ 復活節限時優惠 I Easter Holiday Exclusive Offer I 04.15-18]
1. 全港免運費 (不限最低消費金額) Free shipping within Hong Kong (no minimum spending is required),
2. 訂單金額滿港幣$400或以上,可享額外9折優惠 Get 10% off on orders of HK$400 or above.

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

[ 復活節限時優惠 I 04.15-18]   疫情中的假期安坐家中亦可以到我們的網店購物,我們推出復活節限時優惠 ~~  1. 全港免運費 (不限最低消費金額) 2. 訂單金額滿港幣$400或以上,可享額外9折優惠 限時4月15-18日優...

[ 復活節限時優惠 I 04.15-18]

疫情中的假期安坐家中亦可以到我們的網店購物,我們推出復活節限時優惠 ~~
1. 全港免運費 (不限最低消費金額)
2. 訂單金額滿港幣$400或以上,可享額外9折優惠
把握時機 ~~
請Like Post 及分享 ~~

[ Easter Holiday Exclusive Offer I 04.15-18]

During the Easter holiday, we would like to offer the following deals for your stay-at-home online shopping,
1. Free shipping within Hong Kong (no minimum spend is required),
2. Get 10% off on orders of HK$400 or above.
The deals are only available on April 15-18! Don’t miss it!
Please like this post and share!

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

SHINWA 鋼尺  這款 Shinwa 的鋼尺取得了 Japanese industrial standards 一級尺認證,比一般的間尺更精準。其獨特的翻尾設計絕對是它受歡迎的原因,只要按下鋼尺就會微翹,方便從桌面上拿取。經過霧面處理後...


這款 Shinwa 的鋼尺取得了 Japanese industrial standards 一級尺認證,比一般的間尺更精準。其獨特的翻尾設計絕對是它受歡迎的原因,只要按下鋼尺就會微翹,方便從桌面上拿取。經過霧面處理後鋼材的反光減低,而大型的字體讓讀取刻度時都非常方便。
備有10 / 15 / 30 cm以供選擇。
規格 - 125 / 175 x 15 x 0.5mm / 335 x 25 x 1mm

SHINWA Steel Ruler

The Shinwa steel rulers achieve grade 1 Japanese industrial standards certificate, providing a more precise measurement. The unique flipping design at the end allow user to pick it up easily, which makes it very favourable.
You can choose 10 / 15 / 30cm to fit your uses.
Size: 125 / 175 x 15 x 0.5mm / 335 x 25 x 1mm
Made in Japan

限時免運費 (訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上)
Limited time offer of free shipping (when you spend HK$380 or above)

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

FUEKI 建築用超硬芯2.0mm鉛芯筆  本來設計於建築工地使用‭‬,‭這款鉛芯筆‭‬配上堅硬的鉛芯時甚至可以在木材和混凝土上書寫‭。‭以黃銅製成的筆桿使得這款鉛芯筆相當耐用‭,‭沉穩的手感亦有別於一般塑料製的產品‭。不要忘記加購專屬的鉛...

FUEKI 建築用超硬芯2.0mm鉛芯筆

規格 - 140 x Φ9mm

FUEKI Architectural Mechanical Pencil 2.0mm ‘Choukoushin’

Originally designed for using in construction sites, this mechanical pencil can be used on wood or concrete when extra hard lead is applied. (‘Choukoushin’ means strong, hard to break, and resistant to water and high temperature.) With a pen shaft made with brass, this mechanical pencil is durable, and offers a steady feeling which is different from other plastic products. Don’t forget to put the ‘Choukoushin’ lead refill in your cart too!
Size: 140 x Φ9mm
Made in Japan

限時免運費 (訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上)
Limited time offer of free shipping (when you spend HK$380 or above)

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

Dulton 金屬釘書機  這款訂書機的「側臉」讓人聯想到俏皮的狗。可愛的造型並沒有影響它的實用性,金屬機身確保它是日常生活中一件可靠的工具,也為你的辦公桌帶來一點趣味。 (用10號書釘) 規格 - 119 x 55 x 15mm 中國製造...

Dulton 金屬釘書機

規格 - 119 x 55 x 15mm

Dulton metal stapler

The side of this stapler resembles the face of a cute dog. Such cuteness does not affects its pracitcality. The metal body ensures it is a reliable tool for daily use, and offers a break to your working table.
(Uses no.10 staples)
Size: 119 x 55 x 15mm
Made in China

限時免運費 (訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上)
Limited time offer of free shipping (when you spend HK$380 or above)

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

重要通告 I Important Notice  如果你們這幾天有在我們的網店瀏覽或購物,可能已經估到我們想宣佈的限時優惠就是 - 訂單金額滿港幣$380或以上,可享香港免運費。記住,這是限時優惠啊!把握時機!  If you have b...

重要通告 I Important Notice

如果你們這幾天有在我們的網店瀏覽或購物,可能已經估到我們想宣佈的限時優惠就是 -

If you have browsed or shopped at our online shop these few days, you may know that we would like to announce a limited time offer as -
FREE SHIPPING WITHIN HONG KONG when you spend HK$380 or above. Please be noted that this is a limited time offer! Don’t miss it!

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

靜靜雞話俾大家知今個星期我哋有嘢宣布! We will announced something important this week!  —-  (已停產)  Mitsubishi n.460 証券用原子筆  這枝橙色筆桿,充滿復古味道的...

We will announced something important this week!


Mitsubishi n.460 証券用原子筆

規格 - 169 x 7 x 9mm

Mitsubishi n.460 Security Ballpen

Orange pen shaft with a retro outlook, this pen uses a knock top system to reveal the tip and offers a very smooth writing experience with oil base ink. With a thin pen shaft and light in weight, this pen is easy to carry around and supports continous writing without too much burden.
Size: 169 x 7 x 9mm
Made in Japan

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

Penco 比例尺  由鋁材製造並配上各種顏色,這款比例尺具功能性的同時也賞心悅目。甚麼是比例尺? 通常建築及工程圖紙的尺寸都比實際小,比例尺提供多種比例刻度便於繪圖和測量。 規格 - 169 x 7 x 9mm 台灣製造   Penco ...

Penco 比例尺

由鋁材製造並配上各種顏色,這款比例尺具功能性的同時也賞心悅目。甚麼是比例尺? 通常建築及工程圖紙的尺寸都比實際小,比例尺提供多種比例刻度便於繪圖和測量。
規格 - 169 x 7 x 9mm

Penco Drafting Scale

Made with aluminium and anodized with different bold colors, this scale ruler is functional and at the same time a joy to use.
What is a scale ruler? The scale of architectural and technical drawings are often smaller than life-size, a scale ruler offers multiple scales of proportional lengths to facilitate drafting and measuring.
Size: 169 x 7 x 9mm
Made in Taiwan

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

mirikeshi 橡皮擦  由日本東北藝術工科大學名譽教授馬場 雄二設計的mirikeshi橡皮擦曾得到日本 2010 年的 good design award。其功能上的需要給予它與別不同的形狀。mirikeshi橡皮擦的邊緣具有5種不...

mirikeshi 橡皮擦

由日本東北藝術工科大學名譽教授馬場 雄二設計的mirikeshi橡皮擦曾得到日本 2010 年的 good design award。其功能上的需要給予它與別不同的形狀。mirikeshi橡皮擦的邊緣具有5種不同的寬度(6 / 5 / 4 / 3毫米/尖角)
規格 - 50 x Φ22mm

mirikeshi Eraser

Designed by professor Yuji Baba at Tohoku University of Art and Design, the mirikeshi eraser won the Good Design Award in Japan in 2010. The edge of the eraser has 5 different widths to fit different needs and purposes.
Size: 55 x Φ22mm
Made in Japan

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#文具 #香港文具店 #香港小店

石墨筆 HB / 2B  整枝筆都由石墨製作而成,外面只有薄薄一層的透明漆保護。 這樣只要一枝筆就可以有細膩的筆觸和大片的色塊兩種效果。 沒有了木材的筆桿, 這樣的設計減少了對樹木的需求。 規格 - 146 x Φ7mm 奧地利製造   C...

石墨筆 HB / 2B

整枝筆都由石墨製作而成,外面只有薄薄一層的透明漆保護。 這樣只要一枝筆就可以有細膩的筆觸和大片的色塊兩種效果。 沒有了木材的筆桿, 這樣的設計減少了對樹木的需求。
規格 - 146 x Φ7mm

Cretacolor Monolith Graphite Pencil HB / 2B

Made with solid graphite and wrapped in a thin layer of lacquer coating. With a single pencil, you can create fine and broad strokes. Without a conventional wood body, this design helps to reduce the need of wood.
Size: 146 x Φ7mm
Made in Austria

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      …           #文具  #香港文具店  #香港小店

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