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Golf Holidays Ltd. Golf Holidays Ltd. is a Hong Kong based establishment with a focus on premium golf tours in South Ea


New Year! New Start! New Page! Golf Holidays wish you all a Joyful ,HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉🎉🎉


Golf Holidays wish you a Merry Christmas 🍹🎁

春節出發「峇里島六天高球游」全團32位已經滿盈,借此向各位傳遞谢意🙏 感谢各参與的團友們支持,3月31日「日本廣島賞櫻高球樂」已開始展開招募!櫻花期間位置有限,報名從速!詳情請浏覽👇👇👇

春節出發「峇里島六天高球游」全團32位已經滿盈,借此向各位傳遞谢意🙏 感谢各参與的團友們支持,3月31日「日本廣島賞櫻高球樂」已開始展開招募!櫻花期間位置有限,報名從速!

The Bali 6 days Golf Holidays departing during Chinese New Year was fully booked. Thanks for the great supports.
The Hiroshima 6 days Sakura Viewing Golf Holidays departing on 31st March is on enrollment now. Limited seats. Please hurry!
Please see the link for details.



"Switzerland + France 14 Days Deluxe Golf Holidays" Specially planned tour in 2025.
~ Stays in Deluxe Hotels
~ Plays in Championship Courses
~ Visits the beautiful natural sceneries in Switzerland
~ enjoy the Romantic atmosphere and delicious food in France
Limited seats available!

春節峇里島六天高球樂⛳峇里島具美麗自然的峭壁和郁鬱蔥蔥的稻田,風景如畫的白沙灘,呈現一片寧静的浪漫世外桃源,富有特色的藝術工藝品,複雜雕刻的寺廟。誠邀你参與春節(初三出發) 悠游六天高球及旅游的精彩行程!詳情請浏覽👇👇👇https://sh...

峇里島具美麗自然的峭壁和郁鬱蔥蔥的稻田,風景如畫的白沙灘,呈現一片寧静的浪漫世外桃源,富有特色的藝術工藝品,複雜雕刻的寺廟。誠邀你参與春節(初三出發) 悠游六天高球及旅游的精彩行程!

春節峇里島六天高球樂⛳有「諸神之島」稱號的印尼峇厘島,以美景及優美海灘聞名於世,富挑戰性高球場,令球手回味無窮,初三啟航邀你一同揮杆及旅游共渡新歲 詳細行程請瀏瀏覽👇👇👇"Bali 6 Da...


"Bali 6 Days CNY Special"
Bali ~ The island of Gods is famous for it's beautiful romantic sceneries. There are very challenging golf courses waiting for golfers to play. Departing on the 3rd day of Chinese New Year Holidays. Hope to see you......

愉悦的時間總是白駒過隙,瞬眼間「東京、千葉高球樂」六天彈指之間已圓滿拉下帷幕。希望團友們帶回的是滿滿美好回憶💕 這次旅程的腳步雖暫歇,下一個新亮點行程「春節峇里島六天賀歲團」即將展開招募,敬希關注👀Happy times always sl...

愉悦的時間總是白駒過隙,瞬眼間「東京、千葉高球樂」六天彈指之間已圓滿拉下帷幕。希望團友們帶回的是滿滿美好回憶💕 這次旅程的腳步雖暫歇,下一個新亮點行程「春節峇里島六天賀歲團」即將展開招募,敬希關注👀
Happy times always slip away quickly. The "Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf Holidays" was completed successfully and smoothly. Hope all tour members had a wonderful memorial trip already. Our next coming up is "Bali 6 Days Chinese New Year Special". Please follow!

「東京+千葉六天高球之旅」⛳️第三場安排由著名球場設計師Pete Dye 設計的「瑪莉亞高爾夫俱樂部」這座球場有獨特的起伏球道、暗藏著沙坑、湖泊等陷阱和巨大美麗松樹林所環抱,是給球手們創造障礙,團友們無不稱贊是一個讓您感受絕佳的球場👍"To...

第三場安排由著名球場設計師Pete Dye 設計的「瑪莉亞高爾夫俱樂部」這座球場有獨特的起伏球道、暗藏著沙坑、湖泊等陷阱和巨大美麗松樹林所環抱,是給球手們創造障礙,團友們無不稱贊是一個讓您感受絕佳的球場👍
"Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf Holidays"
The 3rd round was arranged to play at a Pete Dye design course - PGM Maria Links. It's a very challenging course with rolling fairways, deep bunkers and large lakes surrounded by tall trees. All guests love this course a lot.👍

東京+千葉六天高球樂⛳次場安排隊員暢打「総成高尔夫球場」它被評為全關東地區具代表性的名門優質森林球場。總面積132萬平方米,分為東、南、西三個場,舉辦過日本專業高爾夫公開賽等諸多大型賽事。"Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf...

"Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf Holidays"⛳
Second round was arranged to play at the PGM Sohsei Golf Club. It's has 27 holes decided into East, South and West courses and is one of the most representing forest golf courses in East Japan. It's also the venue of many major golf tournaments in Japan.


"Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf Holidays"⛳
The first round was arranged to play at The Golf Club Ryugasaki which is the top 100 golf courses in Japan. It was the host of Japan Championship, The Japan Open and many big tournaments. Beautiful tall trees, tricky bunkers, rolling fairways and scary ponds make this golf course a very challenging course.


"Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf Holidays"
We arrived Narita Airport in the afternoon. Within half an hour's time, we were sitting a Japanese restaurant at 24th floor over looking the beautiful sunset and night view of Chiba. While enjoying the delicious wagyu beef, we can also select over 70 different kinds of drinks! All 33 of us were extremely happy and half drunk!

東京+千葉六天高球樂⛳10月是日本最佳打球及美食季節,今天團友們都懷著興奮心情準備享受六天愜意旅程的開啟。我們揀選風景秀麗的頂级優質球場,讓團友們挑戰及享受打球樂趣,精彩片段將會沿途為大家報導,敬希關注!"Tokyo + Chiba 6 d...

"Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Golf Holidays"
October is the best golf and gourmet seasons in Japan. Today, all the tour members are very excited and look forward to wonderful trip to begin. We have selected top class golf courses with nice sceneries for our members to challenge and enjoy. Highlights of the trip will be posted. Please follow!


月餅香甜🥮,茶香裊裊☕,明月高懸,月滿人圓樂無邊, 『高富假期』祝大家中秋節快樂,福運連連!
Tasty moon cake + fragrant tea + bright full moon in the sky 「Golf Holidays」wish everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival with All the Best!

最後3席🧑‍🦳🧑‍🦱👱10 月的日本天氣最為舒適宜人,正是打高球的好季節。也是一年之中最多美味食材的產季! 柿子、蘋果、葡萄、日本梨 ,蜜瓜等正是盛產期的水果。「千葉、東京六天高球豪華團」安排暢打千葉最優質的球場,東京住宿購物市中心五星酒店...

10 月的日本天氣最為舒適宜人,正是打高球的好季節。也是一年之中最多美味食材的產季! 柿子、蘋果、葡萄、日本梨 ,蜜瓜等正是盛產期的水果。「千葉、東京六天高球豪華團」安排暢打千葉最優質的球場,東京住宿購物市中心五星酒店,詳情請瀏覽👇👇👇

Last 3 Seats!
October is the best season for golfing in Japan. It's also the best season for many different kinds of fruits. "Tokyo + Chiba 6 days Deluxe Golf Holidays" will arrange to play at the best golf courses in Chiba and stay in a 5 star hotel in down town Tokyo. Please see the link above.

【日光+東京六天高球樂】⛳️窗間過馬,轉眼間六天快樂時間己過。  腳步雖停,願開心過程能留在團友們的回憶中。  感謝老天爺眷顧,太陽伯伯一路上伴著我們團隊走。 享受舒適的天氣暢打漂亮的球場,願這趟旅程能帶給30位團友們帶著歡樂的心情回程!6...

窗間過馬,轉眼間六天快樂時間己過。 腳步雖停,願開心過程能留在團友們的回憶中。 感謝老天爺眷顧,太陽伯伯一路上伴著我們團隊走。 享受舒適的天氣暢打漂亮的球場,願這趟旅程能帶給30位團友們帶著歡樂的心情回程!
6 days happy times slipped away quickly. Although our steps was stopped, I hope that wonderful memories will nail in every members heart. We were very lucky that uncle Sun accompanied us during the whole journey. Enjoy comfortable weather and play beautiful courses. I hope this trip will bring happiness to all 30 group members.

【日光+東京六天高球樂】⛳️今天晴空萬裡,惠風和暢,太陽公公把一切都鍍上色彩,團友們都鬥志昂揚地等待揮桿景色美得令人心闊神怡的「威望球會」球場會所豪華大氣,果嶺被形狀不一的沙坑及湖泊圍繞著,給球手增添一定的難度及樂趣 !【Nikko + T...

今天晴空萬裡,惠風和暢,太陽公公把一切都鍍上色彩,團友們都鬥志昂揚地等待揮桿景色美得令人心闊神怡的「威望球會」球場會所豪華大氣,果嶺被形狀不一的沙坑及湖泊圍繞著,給球手增添一定的難度及樂趣 !
【Nikko + Tokyo 6-day Golf Holidays】⛳️
Today the sky is clear, the wind is gentle, and the sun paints everything with colors. All our group members are all eager to play at the beautiful Prestige Country Club. The golf course clubhouse is luxurious and grand. The greens are surrounded by bunkers and lakes of different shapes which add a certain degree of difficulty and fun to the golfers!

【日光+東京六天高球樂】⛳️今早天陰但帶點藍,微風輕吹,氣溫27度,團友們內心卻充滿了愉悅向“日光西場”宣戰,球場自然環境極佳,錯落不定的沙坑,兩旁老樹矗立, 風景優美得令人心曠神怡,大家都樂在其中🏌‍♂️【Nikko+Tokyo Six ...

今早天陰但帶點藍,微風輕吹,氣溫27度,團友們內心卻充滿了愉悅向“日光西場”宣戰,球場自然環境極佳,錯落不定的沙坑,兩旁老樹矗立, 風景優美得令人心曠神怡,大家都樂在其中🏌‍♂️
【Nikko+Tokyo Six Days Golf Holidays】⛳️
This morning the sky was overcast but still has a little blue with a gentle breeze and a temperature of 27 degrees. The group members were full of joy and declared war on the "Sunshine West Course". The natural environment of this course is excellent with scattered bunkers and old trees planted on both sides. The scenery was so beautiful that everyone enjoyed it.


颱風過後,天空變得格外明朗,清新的空氣充滿了整個日光山,陽光透過雲層,灑在草地上,煥發著生機。今天揮桿東場,它出自小羅伯特瓊斯之手,球場風景秀麗,球道蜿蜒高低起伏,老樹林木青翠隨著季節色彩多變,兩旁錯綜複雜的樹林增加了發球的難度,它曾作為女子 日巡資格賽的比賽場地🏆
【Nikko + Tokyo Six-Day Golf Fun】⛳️
After the typhoon, the sky became exceptionally clear with lovely fresh air at Sunhills. The sun shines through the clouds and made the grass looks more lively. Today we played at the East Course, which was designed by Robert Jones Jr. The course has beautiful scenery with wind and rolling fairways. The intricate tall trees on both sides increase the difficulty of teeing off. It was once the venue for the Women's Japan Tour Qualifying Tournament🏆


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00


+852 2541 7090


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