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The best feeling when planning a boat vacation is finally setting sail from the marina. Isn't it? ⛵️😇To pick a boat for ...

The best feeling when planning a boat vacation is finally setting sail from the marina. Isn't it? ⛵️😇
To pick a boat for your dream vacation, follow the link to our real-time website:
or contact us directly:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681

Das beste Gefühl beim Planen eines Bootsurlaubs ist es, endlich aus dem Yachthafen auszulaufen. Oder? ⛵️😇
Um ein Boot für Ihren Traumurlaub auszuwählen, folgen Sie dem Link zu unserer Echtzeit-Website:
oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681

Who do you always want to be on a boat with and never get bored of  ? Tag that person and remind them that this summer i...

Who do you always want to be on a boat with and never get bored of ? Tag that person and remind them that this summer it's their turn to book an unforgettable cruise with Instant Sailing! 😉⛴️☀️⚓️
👉To pick a boat for your dream vacation, follow the link to our real-time website: 🌐
or contact us directly:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681
Mit wem möchtest du immer auf einem Boot sein und nie genug vom Segeln bekommen? Markiere diese Person und erinnere sie daran, dass es diesen Sommer an ihr ist, eine unvergessliche Kreuzfahrt mit Instant Sailing zu buchen! 😉⛴️☀️⚓️
👉Um ein Boot für Ihren Traumurlaub auszuwählen, folgen Sie dem Link zu unserer Echtzeit-Website: 🌐
oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681

What wind do you love sailing the Adriatic coast with the most? 💨⛵️  Is it the invigorating   with its epic waves? ❄️  M...

What wind do you love sailing the Adriatic coast with the most? 💨⛵️ Is it the invigorating with its epic waves? ❄️ Maybe the warm and sunny Sirocco bringing those summer vibes? ☀️ Or perhaps the refreshing for a perfectly pleasant sail?
Mit welchem Wind segelst du am liebsten die Adriaküste entlang? 💨⛵️ Ist es die belebende mit ihren epischen Wellen? ❄️ Vielleicht der warme und sonnige , der Sommerstimmung bringt? ☀️ Oder doch der erfrischende Maestral für eine perfekte Segelfahrt?

📍Marina Jezera, located in the small fishing village of Jezera on the island of Murter, is one of our bases.⚓️ It is sit...

📍Marina Jezera, located in the small fishing village of Jezera on the island of Murter, is one of our bases.⚓️ It is situated in a natural harbor close to a number of beaches and islets that surround Murter. The marina is open all year round and offers a gas station, boat service, laundry and a restaurant with a pool. ️⛽️⛱
📍Marina Jezera im kleinen Fischerdorf Jezera auf der Insel Murter ist eine unserer Basen.⚓️ Sie liegt in einem natürlichen Hafen in der Nähe einer Reihe von Stränden und Inseln, die Murter umgeben. Die Marina ist ganzjährig geöffnet und bietet eine Tankstelle, einen Bootsservice, eine Wäscherei und ein Restaurant mit Pool. ️⛽️⛱

Sun, sea, and your dream yacht - in seconds! ⚓Our yacht booking platform lets you find available boats for your desired ...

Sun, sea, and your dream yacht - in seconds! ⚓

Our yacht booking platform lets you find available boats for your desired date and destination in just a few seconds. Real-time prices and availability make finding your perfect yacht adventure a breeze.
Sonne, Meer und dein Traumboot – in Sekundenschnelle! ⚓

Mit unserer Yachtcharter-Plattform findest du in wenigen Sekunden verfügbare Boote für dein Wunschdatum und -revier. Echtzeitpreise und Verfügbarkeiten machen die Suche nach deinem perfekten Yacht-Abenteuer zum Kinderspiel.

Pick date and sailing destination. Our yacht booking platform will get you all of the available boats within a couple of seconds with real-time prices and availability for the chosen period. Renting your favourite yacht has never been easier. For our more experienced users, we have multiple filters....

We are always happy to hear from our guests.💙 Here's what Martjin & Tanja wrote to us:"The Dutch weather was to cold and...

We are always happy to hear from our guests.💙
Here's what Martjin & Tanja wrote to us:

"The Dutch weather was to cold and wet for our spring vacation. So we booked a flight to Kos, Greece to sail.🇬🇷

Our friends at Instant Sailing helped to arrange a sailboat to charter from Kos Marina.

After a warm welcome and thorough check-in at the local base we set sail in a very nice Elan 384 impression.

Aegean sea provides for some adventurous sailing. The wind blows on average 4 to 5 bft from the north west. Catabatic winds and venturi effects from the islands mean it is not always very predictable. So this means hands-on active sailing! We had great fun (especially downwind 😉)!

The sun was shining all days, and the water is beautifully clear. We anchored out in protected bays on most nights and explored 4 of the Dodecanese islands in 10 days. The Greek nature, waters, friendliness and of course the food made this a super wonderful holiday!

Thanks Tonka & Instant Sailing, the chartering was carefree and very well arranged.

The Elan was a dream to sail!"

Martijn & Tanja
Es freut uns immer, wenn sich unsere Gäste bei uns melden.💙
Hier, was uns Martjin & Tanja geschrieben haben:

Das niederländische Wetter war für unseren Frühlingsurlaub zu kalt und nass. Also haben wir einen Flug nach Kos, Griechenland gebucht, um zu segeln.🇬🇷

Unsere Freunde von Instant Sailing haben uns geholfen, ein Segelboot in der Kos Marina zu chartern. Nach einem herzlichen Empfang und gründlichem Check-in in der örtlichen Basis sind wir in einer sehr schönen Elan 384 Impression in See gestochen.

Die Ägäis bietet Abenteuerliches Segeln. Der Wind weht im Durchschnitt mit 4 bis 5 Bft aus Nordwesten. Fallwinde und Venturi-Effekte der Inseln sorgen dafür, dass er nicht immer gut vorhersehbar ist. Das bedeutet also aktives Segeln! Wir hatten viel Spaß (besonders in Lee😉 )!

Die Sonne schien den ganzen Tag und das Wasser ist wunderschön klar. In den meisten Nächten haben wir in geschützten Buchten geankert und in 10 Tagen 4 der Dodekanes-Inseln erkundet. Die griechische Natur, das Wasser, die Freundlichkeit und natürlich das Essen machten dies zu einem super schönen Urlaub!

Danke Tonka & Instant Sailing, die Charterung war unbeschwert und sehr gut organisiert.

Die Elan war ein Traum zum Segeln!

Martijn & Tanja

Our lovely Franziska sent off our new guests on the start of their "sea adventure". 🌊  Wishing them fair winds and a won...

Our lovely Franziska sent off our new guests on the start of their "sea adventure". 🌊
Wishing them fair winds and a wonderful vacation! ⛵️☀️
To pick a boat for your dream vacation, follow the link to our real-time website:
or contact us directly:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681
Unsere liebe Franziska hat unsere neuen Gäste zum Beginn ihres "Meeresabenteuers" verabschiedet.🌊 Wir wünschen ihnen viel Wind und einen schönen Urlaub! ⛵️☀️
Um ein Boot für Ihren Traumurlaub auszuwählen, folgen Sie dem Link zu unserer Echtzeit-Website:
oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 99 365 8159

It's the time when we enjoy desserts with  .🍓😋 If you're sailing along the Dalmatian coast in the spring, then you need ...

It's the time when we enjoy desserts with .🍓😋 If you're sailing along the Dalmatian coast in the spring, then you need to know that Vrgorac strawberries are the most famous and delicious. Namely, the production of strawberries in Vrgorac dates back to the 1970s, and according to the data from the Association, there are around 1,400,000 strawberry plants in that area. The yield varies from 600,000 to 800,000 kg depending on the year and weather conditions.
🧑‍🍳That's why today we're sharing a simple recipe with Vrgorac strawberries that you can prepare even when the boat is rocking and you don't feel like spending too much time in the boat's kitchen. Blend fresh Vrgorac strawberries with milk, vanilla, a bit of yogurt or sweet cream, and add some fresh mint leaves. Serve this amazingly delicious frappe with whipped cream or ice cubes and enjoy the spring flavors of this Dalmatian fruit.
Es ist die Zeit, in der wir Desserts mit genießen.🍓😍 Wenn Sie im Frühling entlang der dalmatinischen Küste segeln, dann sollten Sie wissen, dass die Vrgorac-Erdbeeren die berühmtesten und köstlichsten sind. Die Erdbeerproduktion in Vrgorac geht nämlich auf die 1970er Jahre zurück, und laut den Daten des Verbands der Vrgorac-Erdbeeren gibt es in diesem Gebiet etwa 1.400.000 Erdbeer-Pflanzen. Der Ertrag variiert je nach Jahr und Wetterbedingungen von 600.000 bis 800.000 kg.
🧑‍🍳Aus diesem Grund teilen wir heute ein einfaches Rezept mit Vrgorac-Erdbeeren mit, das Sie auch dann zubereiten können, wenn das Boot schwankt und Sie keine Lust haben, viel Zeit in der Bordküche zu verbringen. Mixen Sie frische Vrgorac-Erdbeeren mit Milch, Vanille, etwas Joghurt oder süßer Sahne und fügen Sie einige frische Minzblätter hinzu. Servieren Sie diesen erstaunlich leckeren Frappé mit Schlagsahne oder Eiswürfeln und genießen Sie die Frühlingsaromen dieses dalmatinischen Obsts.


This is a short video review of the Kornati Cup Regatta held last week. We sailed through the stunning Kornati archipelago route: Biograd-Sali-Biogad-Žut-Biograd.⛵️🧭
Diest is eine kurze Videoübersicht über die Kornati Cup Regatta die letzte Woche stattgefunden hat. Wir segelten entlag der atemberaubenden Kornati Archipelag Rute: Biograd-Sali-Biograd-Žut-Biograd.⛵️🧭

The office is buzzing with energy today, and we can already tell we're going to need a few extra cups of coffee.☕This is...

The office is buzzing with energy today, and we can already tell we're going to need a few extra cups of coffee.☕This is the time of year when we receive the most emails from you, and our Franziska, Marija and Tonka are working hard to respond to all of your inquiries.👩‍💻
To pick a boat for your dream vacation, follow the link to our real-time website:
or contact us directly:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681
Im Büro herrscht heute Hochbetrieb, und wir spüren schon jetzt, dass wir heute ein paar zusätzliche Tassen Kaffee brauchen werden.☕ Dies ist die Jahreszeit, in der wir die meisten E-Mails von Ihnen erhalten, und unsere Franziska, Marija und Tonka arbeiten fleißig daran, alle Ihre Anfragen zu beantworten. 👩‍💻
Um ein Boot für Ihren Traumurlaub auszuwählen, folgen Sie dem Link zu unserer Echtzeit-Website:
oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 99 365 8159

Today is the City of Split's Day and the feast of  , the city's patron saint. The rich program of the Sudamja manifestat...

Today is the City of Split's Day and the feast of , the city's patron saint. The rich program of the Sudamja manifestations, which began in late April and featured over 60 events, culminates . The central sacral part of the celebration includes a traditional procession and a holy mass. The procession starts at 10 am in front of the Cathedral of Saint Duje. If you are near Split today, this is a traditional celebration worth visiting. ⛪️🎊
Heute ist der Tag der Stadt Split und das Fest des Heiligen Duje, des Schutzpatrons der Stadt. Das reichhaltige Programm der Sudamja-Veranstaltungen, das Ende April begann und über 60 Veranstaltungen umfasste, findet heute seinen Höhepunkt. Der zentrale sakrale Teil der Feierlichkeiten umfasst eine traditionelle und eine heilige Messe. Die Prozession beginnt um 10 Uhr vor der Kathedrale des Heiligen Duje. Wenn Sie heute in der Nähe von Split sind, ist dies ein traditionelles Fest, das Sie unbedingt besuchen sollten. ⛪️🎊


This is what a spring weekend looks like in the Biograd marina... While some eagerly await to set sail from the marina, others are preparing to return home and are already planning their next sail along the . ⛵️🌞
👉To pick a boat for your dream vacation, follow the link to our real-time website: 🌐
or contact us directly:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681

So sieht ein Frühlingswochenende im Hafen von Biograd aus... Während einige ungeduldig darauf warten, aus dem Hafen auszulaufen, bereiten sich andere darauf vor, nach Hause zurückzukehren und planen bereits ihre nächste Segelfahrt entlang der dalmatinischen Küste. ⛵️🌞
👉Um ein Boot für Ihren Traumurlaub auszuwählen, folgen Sie dem Link zu unserer Echtzeit-Website: 🌐
oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt:
📧[email protected]
📲+385 95 802 8681


One of the events our team attends every year is Booking Manager Summit in Zagreb.

We see it as great opportunity to meet with the colleagues from our industry, to learn from respective speakers, participate various workshops and to mingle with dear friends and partners 🥂

Today   team visited 1st edition of   at   in Seget.Congratulations for organizing such a nice event that really showed ...

Today team visited 1st edition of at in Seget.
Congratulations for organizing such a nice event that really showed attention for details 🥳

It was nice to see the familiar faces, friends and partners.

Wish you all a successful start of the season 2024! Hope it will be a good one ⛵️

Always a pleasure to see our dear friends and partners from Booking Manager 🥰

Always a pleasure to see our dear friends and partners from Booking Manager 🥰

Over the 20 years on the market we are honoured to be trusted by over 5000 agents across the globe. The partnerships and frienships built along the way are an endless source of inspiration to constantly improve. Instant Sailing

What else to say than THANK YOU to all our dear friends/clients for a wonderful year! 🎉We wish you, your friends and fam...

What else to say than THANK YOU to all our dear friends/clients for a wonderful year! 🎉

We wish you, your friends and family all the best in 2023 with many more sea miles under your feet!

More photos from   Thank you, we had a great time 🥳

More photos from
Thank you, we had a great time 🥳

In the past 3 days we attended the B2B conference organized by  .We learned new things, met with a number of people from...

In the past 3 days we attended the B2B conference organized by .

We learned new things, met with a number of people from and participated in a productive agency panel 👏

See you all next year 😉

Ždrelac bridge - better safe than sorry, sailors⛵❗️The sea passage between the islands Ugljan and Pašman is the closest ...

Ždrelac bridge - better safe than sorry, sailors⛵❗️

The sea passage between the islands Ugljan and Pašman is the closest way from the Zadar area to Kornati or many other islands in the Zadar archipelago.

But there is a catch. The bridge connecting these two islands has proven to be quite an obstacle over the years. Although reconstructed in 2009 (56 m wide and approximately 5m deep) the height of the bridge (16,5 m) is still an issue.
So do not ignore the warning signs and misjudge the height of the bridge or you might get stuck under the bridge and cause severe damage to your boat like many unfortunate sailors did over the past years.
You should also be aware of very powerful currents in the Ždrelac passage.

Otherwise, the landscape surrounding Ždrelac passage is quite beautiful and as long as your boat is not too high you will enjoy sailing through this "marine highway" as we fondly called it.

To pick a boat for your dream vacation follow the link to our real-time website
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 63

It's summertime and you dear clients are having the best of times on your boat ⛵☀️🌊Beautiful boat, perfect bay, brillian...

It's summertime and you dear clients are having the best of times on your boat ⛵☀️🌊

Beautiful boat, perfect bay, brilliant sun, cricket orchestra and all those shades of's as good as it gets!

We are glad to see you take pleasure in your time on board and thank you for sharing.

To pick a boat for your summer vacation follow the link to our real-time website
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630

Vrgada, a serene green island with golden beaches ⛵💙Vrgada is a small island half way between Zadar and Šibenik or the i...

Vrgada, a serene green island with golden beaches ⛵💙

Vrgada is a small island half way between Zadar and Šibenik or the islands Pašman and Murter.

The island is quiet, covered in pine woods, and you can really relax and leave all your worries behind you. Vrgada is famous for its golden sandy beaches and that one pine tree that almost floats in the air.
Other than amazing beaches, there are many small islets surrounding Vrgada so you will really love sailing here.

On the southern side of the island you can find a beautiful bay and anchorage Kranje, while on the opposite northern side lies another anchorage in the largest bay on the island.

You can also enjoy a walk through a small Mediterranean village and taste local cuisine in a few taverns on the island.

Follow us for more lovely sailing destinations 💙

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 63

Enjoy Zadar, an urban city with 3 000 years of interesting history ⛵😍The old city lies on a peninsula and it is surround...

Enjoy Zadar, an urban city with 3 000 years of interesting history ⛵😍

The old city lies on a peninsula and it is surrounded with long walls that are now
a beloved promenade for both locals and tourists and also under UNESCO protection.

Zadar thrived under the Roman Empire when the famous Forum Romanum was built. Once, a center of public life, closed from three sides, magnificent two-story portico with colonnades.
Today, unfortunately due to the strong earthquake in the 6th century only the original pavement and the stairs are still standing, along with two Roman columns , one of which is still in its original place.

Over ancient Roman ruins, under the reign and influence of many ancient cultures a new city was built, but Roman remains are intertwined all over the city, as you can witness while you walk by the city streets, squares, palaces or churches like the famous church of St Donat.

We only scratched the surface of interesting sights to visit while sailing near Zadar so stay tuned for more in our upcoming posts 🔜

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 63

Murter is a small island with a large list of places to visit. ⛵👌🏻Betina is considered to be one of the most beautiful p...

Murter is a small island with a large list of places to visit. ⛵👌🏻

Betina is considered to be one of the most beautiful places in the Adriatic with charming old houses and streets paved with pebbles from the sea. It is also one of the last havens of wooden shipbuilding in Europe and they are very proud of Gajeta of Betina, the ship dating from the 18th century.

Sail around many small islands in Murter archipelago and enjoy beautiful sandy or pebbly beaches like Slanica, Podvrške or Kosirina with crystal sea and turquoise shades. Colentum is the first archeological beach famous for Roman remains and Murter swing.

Other than enjoying small island town charm and lovely places to sail you can visit the Garden Resort in Tisno and be a part of many music festivals and events that take place throughout almost the whole summer.

Follow us for more lovely sailing destinations 💙

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 63

We are proud to announce that we scored the highest credit rating - AAA for the year 2022 📈🏆To clarify the importance of...

We are proud to announce that we scored the highest credit rating - AAA for the year 2022 📈🏆

To clarify the importance of this rating we will quote the part of the rating explanation:

"Companies rated AAA are characterized by impeccable solvency and business efficiency. This rating is an unambiguous confirmation of the company's stability and quality of business and has been designated as a reliable and ideal business partner"

In addition to the highest credit rating, we are also proud owners of the Yacht-Pool Charterfairtrag certificate for the year 2022.

These recognitions are the result of hard work and highly committed staff that are there for our clients during every step of the booking process and sailing vacation.

To learn more about us visit our real-time website:
or contact us directly:
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630

Come to Dugi Otok and admire the paradise ⛵💙The title of the post is a rough translation of a verse from a Croatian song...

Come to Dugi Otok and admire the paradise ⛵💙

The title of the post is a rough translation of a verse from a Croatian song about Dugi Otok and it sums everything up quite nicely.

Other than the turquoise beaches we wrote about in our last post you should sail to Telašćica bay. It is the safest and largest natural port of the Adriatic with many small islands and high cliffs.

Next, jump into the deep blue Dragon's eye, a natural pool between the rocks or enter Golubinka, an underwater cave with emerald and turquoise waters and have a swim in the adorable Brbinjšćica bay.

Don't forget Veli Rat lighthouse and its beautiful swing. Bring some diving gear 'cause there is an amazing shipwreck to check out.

Follow us for more lovely sailing destinations 💙

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your paradise vacation.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 63

Tropical vibes on Dugi Otok near Zadar 🏖⛵💙Don't you just love it when the sand is white and the sea is so turquoise that...

Tropical vibes on Dugi Otok near Zadar 🏖⛵💙

Don't you just love it when the sand is white and the sea is so turquoise that you can't stop admiring it?

You can experience this amazing vibes if you sail to Dugi Otok and two beaches that it hides on its south side, Sakarun and Veli žal.
White rocks, white pebbles, white sand, stunning turquoise waters and hot summer sun is all you need for a perfect day at sea.

Follow us for more lovely sailing destinations 💙

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for a boat that can take you to little pieces of heaven like these.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630

A little detour before or after sailing in Istria ⛵👌🏻Through our few previous posts we described the thrill and the litt...

A little detour before or after sailing in Istria ⛵👌🏻

Through our few previous posts we described the thrill and the little part of all the beautiful places you can visit if you choose Istria as your sailing destination.

On your way to, or on your way back from your sailing trip we advise to take a little detour and visit the interior, the heart itself, of the Istrian peninsula. You can reach all destinations within an hour ride, or often less, depending on places you chose to visit. The choice is between amazing trails with woods, rivers or waterfalls or charming small cities.

Visit Hum the smallest city in the world, Motovun the city on the hill, Grožnjan the city of artists and others. Stone streets, interesting details and delightful food offer will amaze you around each corner.

Try truffles, the amazing mushrooms Istria is so famous for. You can try truffles in various combinations like dishes with meat, pasta or eggs, in desserts, in your drinks or even chocolate or popcorn.

In the end you will enjoy the ride itself. Avoid the highway and use smaller local roads that are surrounded with greenery and full of interesting sideways that will lead you to the next great location.

Follow us for more lovely sailing destinations 💙

It's getting hot in Croatia and you can definitely swim now so take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630

Beautiful Rovinj 😍⛵The Rovinj archipelago includes 22 islets and the city itself lies on a peninsula that once was an is...

Beautiful Rovinj 😍⛵

The Rovinj archipelago includes 22 islets and the city itself lies on a peninsula that once was an island.

The first thing you'll probably notice is the bell tower of St. Euphemia that guards over the city of Rovinj.

The further you explore you will discover some amazing details like buildings built just above the edge of the sea, romantic old streets, interesting shops and bars situated on the rocks by the sea where you can soak up the sun and have an amazing time.

Explore and enjoy the city and the sea surrounding it while you sail. Follow us for more lovely sailing destinations 💙

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630

P**a and Brijuni islands 😍⛵️P**a is the largest city in Istria. It's very famous for its Roman heritage, especially the ...

P**a and Brijuni islands 😍⛵️

P**a is the largest city in Istria. It's very famous for its Roman heritage, especially the amphitheater called the Arena of P**a. It was built at the same time as the Colosseum in Rome.
Other than that P**a is very rich in culture and art and it hosts interesting events like concerts, exhibitions or festivals and many of them are held right at the Arena.

If cliffs and caves are your thing don't miss Seagull's Rocks where a beautiful underwater cave just waits to be explored.

Sail a bit north from P**a and you will discover National park Brijuni. It counts 14 beautiful islands with amazing sights to visit like the safari park and Roman and Byzantine remains. You can also try out different activities like diving, cycling or golfing.

🔜Just a small tip, when sailing in Istria don't forget the truffles or the wine and discover as many beautiful Istrian towns as you can. We'll write about some of them soon so stay tuned...

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630

Time for a beach bar, sailors 🍻🍹🥤🥙When sailing around Istrian Cape Kamenjak (read more in our previous post) you might w...

Time for a beach bar, sailors 🍻🍹🥤🥙

When sailing around Istrian Cape Kamenjak (read more in our previous post) you might want to relax in one of many beach bars. The one you shouldn't miss is the Safari bar.

Walking into the Safari bar, just above Mala Kolumbarica beach is truly a special experience. Deep shade made of trees, plants and reed sticks no summer heath can pierce through, unique tables made of wood or stone and old sailors' tools, lanterns or ropes hanging around like decoration.

Have a good laugh and take a ride on a wooden merry-go-around or a slide made of ropes and don't forget to take a picture on the famous Istrian Bali swing.

Maybe, the most beautiful thing is the story behind the Safari bar. The owner and his family started building it many years ago and slowly shaped it into the famous attraction that it is today.

At the bar you'll find cold refreshments and fast food. We recommend Sangria!

We are not leaving beautiful Istria yet, so stay tuned...

Meanwhile take a peak at our real-time website and look for an ideal boat for your vacation.
or contact us directly
📧 [email protected]
📞 +385 91 5424 630



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