Relax in cozy and beautifully decorated Apartment BeBe*** and make your stay in Zagreb memorable.
Parking is always available and it takes approximately 10 minutes to the city center of Zagreb (by car or public transport - bus no. 234 and/or 243).
Apartment BeBe is close to Zagreb Hippodrome and Zagreb Fair (10 minutes walking distance) and nearby the following locations/venues:
* Arena Centar shopping mall (with largest cinema in Zagreb, including IMAX cinema)
* sports/concert hall Arena Zagreb
* Golf&Country Club Zagreb
* Museum of Contemporary Art
* Avenue Mall
* lakes Bundek and Jarun
Opustite se u ugodnom i lijepo uređenom Apartmanu BeBe*** i učinite svoj boravak u Zagrebu nezaboravnim.
Parking je uvijek dostupan, a do centra Zagreba ste za 10 minuta (autom ili javnim prijevozom - autobus br. 234 i/ili 243).
Apartman BeBe nalazi se u blizini Zagrebačkog Hipodroma i Zagrebačkog Velesajma (10 minuta hoda) te sljedećih lokacija:
* Arena Centar
* sportska /koncertna dvorana Arena Zagreb
* Golf&Country Club Zagreb
* Muzej suvremene umjetnosti
* Avenue Mall
* jezera Bundek i Jarun
Studio Apartman BeBe