
medCroatia - the Concierge for medical travel in Croatia - works on behalf of international

Our services are primarily designed to assist these patients with language barrier while forwarding their medical inquiries directly to the doctor’s office, acquiring evaluations and specific treatment offers, scheduling appointments as well as assisting in accommodation bookings and various other related inquiries. We are the end-to-end ‘personal manager’, one that ensures a comfortable and rewarding medical trip to Croatia with a great eye on details and client satisfaction.

SPECIAL DENTAL OFFER 2014: GRATIS 4* accommodation for two during the treatmentGRATIS private airport transfer from/to m...

GRATIS 4* accommodation for two during the treatment
GRATIS private airport transfer from/to major local airports
GRATIS personalized treatment plan with cost estimates
GRATIS assistance with EU-cross-border insurance reimbursement
High quality dental implants from 440 Eur with life-long warranty!!

Find out more at:


You are planning a vacation to Croatia or any of the surrounding countries of former Yugoslavia? Let us introduce ILI Luxury Travel - the department of our travel agency specialized in crafting utterly original, unique and beyond-the-ordinary travel experiences in Croatia and the surrounding countries of former Yugoslavia :)



Berlin, 27. veljače 2014. godine – na svečanosti koja je danas organizirana u Berlinu Specijalnoj bolnici za ortopediju, kirurgiju, neurologiju i fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju Sveta Katarina svečano je uručena nagrada «The Leading Hospitals of the World» čime se hrvatska bolnica Sv. Katarina uključila u popis rijetkih europskih zdravstvenih institucija kojoj je dodijeljena ova prestižna nagrada. Nagrada se dodijeluje bolnicama za njihovu izvrsnost u raznim područjima rada prvenstveno kvaliteti pružanja usluga, stručnost kadra i dr.

Predsjedniku Upravnog vijeća bolnice Sveta Katarina prof.dr. Draganu Primorcu nagradu je uručio Dr. Ferdinand Jeute, predsjednik organizacije “The Leading Hospitals of the World”.

Organizacija “The Leading Hospitals of the World” osnovana je kao međunarodna institucija najizvrsnijih bolnica iz Njemačke, Švicarske i Nizozemske, u što su se kasnije priključile bolnice iz Azije, Latinske Amerike, Bliskog istoka, jugoistočne Europe i Rusije. Bolnice kojima se dodjeljuje nagrada moraju poslovati u skladu s iznimno zahtjevnim kriterijima koji se svake godine moraju poboljšavati i unapređivati sukladno razvoju medicinske struke. Uz to, svaka se kandidirana bolnica u postupku evaluacije, uspoređuje s u tom trenutku najboljim bolnicama u svijetu iz područja djelatnosti kandidirane bolnice, čime ovo priznanje dobiva golem značaj. O važnosti nagrade svjedoči i činjenica da Njemačka, kao jedna od zemalja s najrazvijenijim zdravstvenim sustavom do sada ima svega nekoliko bolnica koje su primile ovu prestižu nagradu i to za područje kardiokirurgije «Evangelisches und Johanniter Klinikum Niederrhein gGmbH, Klinik für Herz und Gefäßchirurgie”, Duisburg; za kardiokirurgiju i transplataciju “Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Klinik für Herz, Thorax, Transplantations und Gefäßchirurgie”, Hannover; za oftalmologiju “Sehkraft Augenzentrum Maus Köln, Laserchirurgie”, Köln i “Evangelisches und Johanniter Klinikum Niederrhein gGmbH, Klinik für Refraktive und Ophthalmochirurgie”, Duisburg; te za internu medicinu bolnica “Alexianer Krefeld GmbH Krankenhaus Maria-Hilf, Chirurgische Klinik - Klinik für Koloproktologie”, Krefeld.

Na današnjoj tiskovnoj konferenciji također je potvrđeno da bolnica Sveta Katarina zajedno sa svojim Njemačkim partnerom Vitanas kreće s pružanjem svojih usluga na tržištu Europske Unije te je potpisan Ugovor kojim bolnica Sveta Katarina postala partner u organizaciji ovogodišnjeg vodećeg europskog skupa o zdravstvu «13. Europaischer Gesundheitskongress», koji se od 30.9.-1.10.2014 održava u Münchenu, pod predsjedanjem njemačkog senatora Ulf Finka.

Specijalna bolnica Sveta Katarina europski je centar izvrsnosti za suvremenu dijagnostiku, kirurgiju kralježnice s liječenjem boli (pain management), te sportsku medicinu s najmodernijom dijagnostičkom, terapeutskom i rehabilitacijskom infrastrukturom. Specifičnost bolnice leži u njezinom konceptu stručno-tehničke jedinstvenosti gdje se multidisciplinarnim pristupom omogućuje na jednome mjestu vrhunska dijagnostika, najbolji terapijsko-terapijski postupak i individualno pripremljena rehabilitacija.

Bolnica je nastavna baza Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu, Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku i Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a velike mogućnosti u razvoju svog zdravstvenog sustava prepoznalo je i Sveučilište o Bocvani, kao jedno od vodećih afričkih sveučilišta, te je bolnicu Sveta Katarina odabralo kao instituciju u kojoj će se educirati njihovi stručnjaci.

Bolnica razvija suradnju s vodećim europskim, američkim i izraelskim klinikama i stručnjacima, a za područje minimalno-invanzivne kirurgije kralježnice razvijena je suradnja sa stručnjacima iz SAD-a (Caroline's Pain Institute). Djelatnici anesteziološkog tima aktivno surađuju s europskim (ESA; European Society of Anaesthesiology) i američkim (IARS; International Anesthesia Research Society) udruženjem anesteziologa. Suradna ustanova Specijalne bolnice Sveta Katarina za djelatnost radiologije je privatna austrijska dijagnostička klinika »Diagnostikum« (Beč, Graz), a bolnica Sveta Katarina jedina je ustanova u Hrvatskoj koja je uključena u program Europskog društva muskuloskeletne radiologije za standardizaciju i primjenu jedinstvenih protokola MR pregleda. Bolnica konstantno razvija suradnju sa stručnjacima i znanstvenicima vodećih inozemnih ortopedskih klinika što je garancija uvođenja najviših standarda i najnovijih metoda i protokola u ortopediji, posebice iz područja kao što je stanična, molekularna i regenerativna ortopedija te tkivni inženjering. Važnu znanstvenu suradnju ortopedi bolnice Sv. Katarina imaju i s vodećom svjetskom ustanovom za napredna istraživanja u ortopediji (Center for Advanced Orthopaedic Studies) Sveučilišta Harvard u Bostonu.

Veliki potencijal Specijalne bolnice Sveta Katarina, prepoznala je i Europska Komisija, koja joj je u sklopu Sedmoga okvirnog programa (FP7), dodijelila zajedno s partnerima iz Hrvatske 17 milijuna kuna bespovratnih sredstava iz EU fondova za projekt razvoja novih dijagnostičkih i terapeutskih postupaka kod bolesnika sa križoboljom, a u kojem sudjeluju i znanstvenici iz Velike Britanije, Francuske, Njemačke, Italije, Nizozemske, Belgije i SAD-a.

U samo dvije godine postojanja Specijalna bolnica Sveta Katarina postala je središnje mjesto za liječenje vrhunskih hrvatskih sportaša iz gotovo svih sportova, te je već sada službena zdravstvena ustanova nekoliko velikih hrvatskih sportskih klubova: NK Hajduka, GNK Dinama, RNK Splita, NK Slavena Belupo, NK Istra 1961, NK Lokomotiva, RK Podravka, KHL Medveščak, a liječnici ove zdravstvene ustanove su voditelji ili članovi medicinskih timova Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora, i niza sportskih saveza. Mnogi poznati sportaši i osvajači svjetskih odličja i natjecanja obavljali su pretrage i liječili su se u Bolnici Sveta Katarina, poput Ivice Olića, Nike Kranjčara, Blanke Vlašić, Janice i Ivice Kostelića, Mirka Filipovića, Ivana Balića, Davora Vugrineca, Sammira, Igora Bišćana, Primoža Kozmusa, ali i mnoge druge poznate osobe iz javnog života poput Halida Bešlića, Tonya Cetinskog, Žuži Jelinek i dr.

Good morning world! Croatia is finally covered with snow :)

Good morning world! Croatia is finally covered with snow :)

You don't qualify for laser surgery? Well, that doesn't mean you still have to deal with tedious eyeglasses and contacts...

You don't qualify for laser surgery? Well, that doesn't mean you still have to deal with tedious eyeglasses and contacts. Laser surgery isn’t the only solution – your prescription can be solved with LENS IMPLANTS in the specialized hospital for ophtalmology 'Svjetlost', with locations in Zagreb, Split, Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

Contact us for a therapy plan.

Good morning from picturesque Rovinj! :)

Good morning from picturesque Rovinj! :)

The popular CARNIVAL IN RIJEKA is the perfect opportunity to combine your dental travel with unique travel experiences i...

The popular CARNIVAL IN RIJEKA is the perfect opportunity to combine your dental travel with unique travel experiences in this charming Croatian town on the Adriatic coast.

This year the Carnival in Rijeka will last almost two months - from January 17th until March 4th. It will be marked with colorful parades, delightful local culinary and a variety of cheerful events. Join and feel the Croatian mask madness!!

Happy Holidays from medCroatia!

Happy Holidays from medCroatia!




Treating cancer, anorexia nervosa, osteoporosis, asthma, arthritis, with cannabis oil and medical ma*****na

SPECIAL OFFER in RIJEKA - 50% DISCOUNT: 1) treatment plan + implant Duravit B & B Dental System € 299 instead of € 600.2...


1) treatment plan + implant Duravit B & B Dental System € 299 instead of € 600.

2) treatment plan + scaling + fluoride teeth polishing + whitening 129 € instead of 260 €.

3) treatment plan + scaling + fluoride teeth polishing + 5 fillings 179 € instead of 360 €.

For details please contact us at [email protected]

Life is not merely being alive, but being well. Keep your health good. Good morning from sunny Croatia :) Das Leben ist ...

Life is not merely being alive, but being well. Keep your health good.
Good morning from sunny Croatia :)

Das Leben ist nicht nur am Leben zu sein, sondern sich in eigenem Körper wohl zu fühlen. Halten Sie Ihre Gesundheit im Griff.
Guten Morgen aus sonnigen Kroatien :)

Liebe Facebook Freunde,unsere Website ist jetzt auch auf Deutsch verfügbar und Sie können sich viel ausführlicher über a...

Liebe Facebook Freunde,
unsere Website ist jetzt auch auf Deutsch verfügbar und Sie können sich viel ausführlicher über alle verschiedenen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten in Kroatien informieren.

Unser Team steht Ihnen jederzeit für Anfragen gerne und unverbindlich zur Verfügung. :)

medCroatia – der Concierge für medizinische Reisen in Kroatien – arbeitet im Auftrag internationaler Patienten, die nach einfachen, günstigen und vor allem sicheren medizinischen Behandlungen in Kroatien suchen. Unsere kostenlose Dienstleistungen wurden in erster Linie gestaltet um diese Patienten b...


Canadian researchers find a simple cure for cancer, but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested. Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It...


Academy Award winner Angelia Jolie announced that she has had a double mastectomy. Even the possibility was enough to provoke actress Angelia Jolie to go to any length to prevent cancer down the road. In an op-ed published in the New York Times, the Academy Award winner announced that she had a


Stem cell transplant surgery has enabled Hannah Warren, who was born without a trachea, to breathe comfortable and respond to doctors and nurses. Some might call it a miracle. Others say it’s a trachea made of plastic fibers mixed with stem cells. A two-year-old girl knows only that it is

SONDERANGEBOTE nur bis zum 1. Juli!-399 Eur statt 600 Eur für ein DURAVIT IMPLANTAT mit 10 Jahre Garantie! Der Preis bei...

SONDERANGEBOTE nur bis zum 1. Juli!
-399 Eur statt 600 Eur für ein DURAVIT IMPLANTAT mit 10 Jahre Garantie! Der Preis beinhaltet Zahnfleischformer, Widerlager, Abdruck des Kiefers, Anästhesie, Röntgenaufnahme.
-180 Eur für 5 Zahnfüllungen.
-Kostenloser Therapieplan auch für jede andere zahnärztliche Behandlung möglich.

SPECIAL OFFERS only until July 1st!!!
-399 Eur instead of 600 Eur for a DURAVIT IMPLANT with 10 yr guarantee! Price also includes gingiva former, abutment, prints, anesthesia, radiography.
-only 180 Eur for 5 dental fillings.
-GRATIS personal therapy plan for any other dental treatment.

Sie haben Ihren Urlaub in Kroatien schon gebucht? Warum nicht das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen verbinden und zugleich vo...

Sie haben Ihren Urlaub in Kroatien schon gebucht? Warum nicht das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen verbinden und zugleich von unserem Spezialangebot beim Zahnarzt profitieren:

You have already booked your holidays in Croatia? Why not combining the pleasant with the useful and taking the advantage of our dental special offer:

Dear friends, Please consider taking a moment of your time to share our page with your friends. THANK YOU! :)

Dear friends,
Please consider taking a moment of your time to share our page with your friends. THANK YOU! :)

MedCroatia's services are designed to assist international patients with language barrier while forwarding their medical inquiries directly to the doctor's office, acquiring evaluations and specific treatment offers, scheduling appointments as well as assisting in accommodation bookings and various…

Do you sometimes avoid showing your legs because you have spider veins — those small clusters of red, blue or purple vei...

Do you sometimes avoid showing your legs because you have spider veins — those small clusters of red, blue or purple veins that appear on the thighs, calves and ankles? Well, you are not alone. It’s estimated that at least half of all women are bothered by this unpleasant cosmetic problem.

A common method of treating spider veins in the legs and ankles is with sclerotherapy, whereby sclerosing solution is injected into each affected vein, causing the vein to collapse and fade from view.

Sclerotherapy requires no anesthesia and is usually performed in an outpatient setting. Two or more sessions, each lasting less than an hour, are usually required to obtain optimal results.

If you would like to eliminate your spider veins and improve your appearance, contact us and we will forward your request to our cosmetic surgeon who will evaluate your condition, make recommendations and provide cost estimates :)

After a successful medical treatment in Croatia, why not enjoying your recovery on the picturesque Adriatic coast, explo...

After a successful medical treatment in Croatia, why not enjoying your recovery on the picturesque Adriatic coast, exploring the rich cultural heritage or simply just indulging yourself in the wonderful spa relaxation with complete focus on your well-being??

medCroatia's in-depth local knowledge and international expertise offer a wide range of custom made travel services and advisory - always keeping ahead our client's top interests, preferences and desires.

Traveling is art, and we design artistic moments :)

Do you suffer from back pain, rheumatism, arthritis or any other mobility issue? The beautiful Croatian coast and the wo...

Do you suffer from back pain, rheumatism, arthritis or any other mobility issue?

The beautiful Croatian coast and the woodsy interior are sprinkled with thermal and mineral water springs - once favorite destinations of the Romans - today renowned health and spa centers offering highest level of expertise on various curative treatments.

GOOD MORNING WORLD! The sun is finally out in Croatia :)Enjoy your coffee and have a wonderful day!

GOOD MORNING WORLD! The sun is finally out in Croatia :)
Enjoy your coffee and have a wonderful day!

Don't just spring clean your house. Spring clean your mind, body, and spirit too :)

Don't just spring clean your house.
Spring clean your mind, body, and spirit too :)

Now that we're into the Spring season, why not clean your body as well as your home? This is the perfect time of year to give your health a boost, and prepare

If you can’t meet the expenses of a needed medical procedure in your country, we offer support by choosing Croatia's mos...

If you can’t meet the expenses of a needed medical procedure in your country, we offer support by choosing Croatia's most reputed hospitals & clinics that provide world-class medical care, at savings of up to 80% compared to prices in Germany, France, Italy, UK...

Rejuvenation is a hit! And so is the LASER LIPOSUCTION in body shaping (also called Smartlipo) - less traumatic, less br...

Rejuvenation is a hit! And so is the LASER LIPOSUCTION in body shaping (also called Smartlipo) - less traumatic, less bruising, quicker recovery. Below we provide FAQ for all of you with interest in it.

LASER LIPOSUCTION in Croatia is conducted by a highly praised cosmetic surgeon with a 'World's top 100 cosmetic surgeons' recognition and world wide lectures held on Laser Assisted Surgery and Facial Rejuvenation. Contact us for details and inquiries!!!!! :)

What is Laser Liposuction? Laser Liposuction is a variation of liposuction where two important distinctions from traditional liposuction occur. The first is the use of local (tumescent) anesthesia. This method of anesthesia provides the safest course and greatly minimizes potential risk. The second…


NOW IN CROATIA!!! STEM CELLS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY METHOD OF INCREASING, IMPROVING AND CREATING OF DENTAL BONE. Also known as the "regenerative dentistry" it uses own stem cells to regenerate and rejuvenate damaged tooth bone (as a result of a trauma, illness or old age), thus creating one solid and quality foundation suitable for implant installation.

Our Medical Travel Concierge Services also include: Accommodation bookings, Chauffeur, Personal Cook, Exclusive tour gui...

Our Medical Travel Concierge Services also include:
Accommodation bookings, Chauffeur, Personal Cook, Exclusive tour guides, Local networking, Car rental service, Medical es**rt and many more...

medCroatia operates within the following medical areas: AESTHETIC PROCEDURES, DENTISTRY, DERMATOLOGY, EYE CARE and MEDIC...

medCroatia operates within the following medical areas:


Welcome to medCroatia!
As your 'Concierge' for medical travel to Croatia we aim to assist international patients with language barrier, medical inquiries, acquiring evaluations from our network doctors and much more. Our great attention to detail and personal approach to each patient ensures a comfortable, safe and rewarding medical trip to Croatia. Feel free to contact us :)




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