It was very important for the Olmecas, Aztecs and Mayas. They used it as money because of its high value, as medicine because of its healing properties, and as offering to the gods and the death in certain rituals. They toasted it, grinded it and consumed it as a drink "xocoatl" mixed with local ingredients; like vanillia, different types of chillis or flowers. It was after the Spanish conquest, w
ith all the exchange of products between America and Europe, when the chocolate was born. Milk replaced water and sugar was added. Once it arrived to Spain, it spread really fast all over Europe. There, the industry allowed to change its form and solid chocolate was born. European countries like Belguim, Switzerland, France and Italy became masters of chocolate. In the meantime in Mexico, chocolate was still made following ancestral traditions, remaining culturally important for Mexican people. Consuming Mexican artisanal chocolate allows us a unique experience full of traditions, while we honor the culture that witnessed its birth and we open a path for it in the international market.