Cro-Andalusí - tour guide Zagreb & translator

Cro-Andalusí - tour guide Zagreb & translator Samanta Bićanić - Tour Guide for Zagreb and Croatia/ Guía turística de Zagreb y Croacia


Odbrojavamo dane do početka obilježavanja 152. obljetnice rođena naše drage Zagorke.

Za Vas smo pripremile bogat program ispunjen šetnjama, performansom, predstavom, igrom, kao i nezaobilaznim stručnim vodstvima po Memorijalnom stanu.

Ne zaboravite da se za neka događanja trebate prijaviti! ❤

Za više detalja posjetite i našu web stranicu:

Veselimo se Vašem dolasku! 🤩



The 2026 European Championships in Men's and Women's Artistic Gymnastics have been awarded to the Croatian capital Zagreb.

See you there in August 2026!

Congratulations Hrvatski gimnastički savez!


The nominations for the 2025 Oscars were announced today with a Croatian short film nominated for the first time. The film The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, directed by Nebojša Slijepčević and produced by Katarina Prpić and Danijel Pek (Antitalent), has been officially nominated for an Academ...

Simpatičan izvadak iz radnog vremena ovog simbola Karlovca. :)Otvoreni smo prvih 5 dana u tjednu većinom od 9 sati ujutr...

Simpatičan izvadak iz radnog vremena ovog simbola Karlovca. :)

Otvoreni smo 

prvih 5 dana u tjednu većinom od 9 sati ujutro pa sve do ručka oko 13 sati.

Ovdje smo i popodne od 17 sati pa sve do navečer.

Subotom smo ovdje dopodne.

Zatvoreni smo

nedjeljom, osim u slučaju da nas netko pozove.

Zatvoreni smo najčešće oko ponoći i u pauzi za ručak.

Neke dane nismo uopće ovdje, ali većina nas je ovdje non-stop,

osim kad smo negdje drugdje, ali i onda bismo trebali biti ovdje.

Ako nas nema, nazovite nas na mobitel 098 818 057.

S nama se nije teško dogovoriti da budemo tu kad nas trebate.

CHRISTMAS WHEATIn Croatia, we have a beautiful Christmas tradition of sowing the wheat in a small bowl or plate, to ask ...


In Croatia, we have a beautiful Christmas tradition of sowing the wheat in a small bowl or plate, to ask for a bountiful year to come. This tradition is of pre-Christian origin, taken over by the Christians, and it symbolises the awakening of nature after a cold and infertile winter. According to popular belief, the thickness, colour, and richness of the blades of wheat determines a plentiful harvest, or a bad one. Most people sow the wheat on December 13th, st. Lucy’s day, the saint protector of farmers, but you can also sow it today, December 4th, on st. Barbara’s day, to symbolise just a touch of spring in the middle of the winter. These days, Christmas wheat is a beautiful tradition and a lovely decoration for your home during the Advent, so whichever day you choose – or both, if you so wish – you will not go wrong, as you will have it as a decoration throughout the whole period which ends with Epiphany in January.


En Croacia tenemos una hermosa tradición navideña de sembrar el trigo en una pequeño contenedor o plato para pedir un exitoso año que viene. Es un tradición precristiana, asimilada por los cristianos, que simboliza el despertar de la naturaleza después de un invierno frio e infértil. Según las creencias populares, la densidad, el color y la calidad de las briznas determina un cosecha abundante, o una cosecha mala. La mayoría siembra el trigo el día 13 de diciembre, día de santa Lucia, la santa protectora de los agricultores, pero también se puede sembrar hoy, 4 de diciembre, día de santa Barbara, para traer un poco de primavera en medio del invierno. Estos días, el trigo navideños es mas que todo un bellísima tradición y una bonita decoración en la casa durante el Adviento. Cualquier día que decida sembrar – o en ambos, si así quiere – no se va a equivocar, porque lo tendrá como decoración durante el periodo completo que termina en enero con los Reyes Magos.

En una semana empieza el próximo mercado navideño en Zagreb, ganador del premio para el mejor mercado navideño de Europa...

En una semana empieza el próximo mercado navideño en Zagreb, ganador del premio para el mejor mercado navideño de Europa tres años consecutivos. ¡Que Zagreb sea tu próximo destino de escapada urbana!

Only a week left until the next Christmas Market in Zagreb, selected as the best European Christmas Market three years in a row. Make Zagreb your next city break destination! :)


Zagreb is increasingly becoming a year-round tourist destination, as confirmed by the October results from the Zagreb Tourist Board. The Croatian capital recorded a significant increase in tourist arrivals and overnight stays, with 12% more tourists visiting in October compared to the same period l

Nakon par godina razvijanja i postpandemijskog oporavka poslovanja, ove sam godine odlučila izraditi mrežnu stranicu, ko...

Nakon par godina razvijanja i postpandemijskog oporavka poslovanja, ove sam godine odlučila izraditi mrežnu stranicu, koja na atraktivan i sažet način daje sve važne informacije o mom životnom i poslovnom putu, kao i o uslugama koje nudim. Sve informacije dostupne su na hrvatskom, engleskom i španjolskom jeziku. Vrlo sam ponosna na ovo postignuće i, ovim putem, želim zahvaliti Kristijanu Vrlaziću iz Coolta na pomoći u ostvarenju ovog projekta.
I am happy and proud to announce that, after a few years of building and post-pandemic rebuilding of my business, I have decided to invest into a webpage. With its attractive and concise design, the page provides the information about my life and business paths, as well as all the services I offer. All the information is available in Croatian, English and Spanish. I would like to thank Kristijan Vrlazić from Coolt for making this happen. Check it out! :)
Me da mucha alegría y orgullo anunciar que, después de un par de años de desarrollo y recuperación postpandémica de mi negocio, este año decidí crear mi página web. Con su diseño atractivo y conciso, la página otorga toda la información importante sobre mi educación, mi vida laboral y los servicios que ofrezco, disponible en croata, ingles y español. Quiero agradecer a Kristijan Vrlazić de Coolt por hacer este proyecto realidad. Echale un vistazo! :)

Samanta Bićanić - Tourist guide of Zagreb and translator of Croatian, English and Spanish. CONTACT: [email protected]


Maksimir Park, which is the oldest public park in the Croatian capital Zagreb, is celebrating its 230th anniversary. Maksimir Park was the first large public park in South-Eastern Europe and was opened in 1794 under the initiative of the man for whom it was named, Bishop Maksimilijan Vrhovac of Zagr

Danas sam imala čast upoznati našeg slavnog putnika avanturista i putopisca, Davora Rostuhara, i pogledati projekciju nj...

Danas sam imala čast upoznati našeg slavnog putnika avanturista i putopisca, Davora Rostuhara, i pogledati projekciju njegovog dokumentarnog filma "Lovci sakupljači" u VR projekciji na otvorenom. Projekciju na otvorenom možete pogledati tijekom ovog vikenda na Europskom trgu u Zagrebu, a nakon toga u VR kinu KEK. Cijena projekcije je 10 eura.

Nemojte propustiti! :)

Today I had the honour to meet our famous traveler adventurer and writer, Davor Rostuhar, and watch his documentary "Hunters-Gatherers" in a open-air VR show. The open-air VR shows are available this weekend at the European Square in Zagreb, and after that in VR Cinema KEK. The price of the show is 10 euro. Available in English.

Don't miss out! 😁

If you happen to visit Opatija, check out the temporary exhibition "UNESCO Intangible World Heritage in Croatia" located...

If you happen to visit Opatija, check out the temporary exhibition "UNESCO Intangible World Heritage in Croatia" located in Croatian Museum of Tourism in Villa Angiolina. The exhibition is available until July 9. The posters are in Croatian with an English translation provided on the side of each poster.

Si por a caso esté en Opatija, visita la exposición temporaria "El patrimonio inmaterial de la UNESCO en Croacia" que toma lugar en el Museo de Turismo en Croacia en la Villa Angiolina. La exposición está disponible hasta el 9 de julio. Los textos están escritos en croata pero al lado de cada cartel hay la traducción en inglés.




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