Cro-Andalusí - tour guide Zagreb & translator

Cro-Andalusí - tour guide Zagreb & translator Samanta Bićanić - Tour Guide for Zagreb and Croatia/ Guía turística de Zagreb y Croacia

Danas sam imala čast upoznati našeg slavnog putnika avanturista i putopisca, Davora Rostuhara, i pogledati projekciju nj...

Danas sam imala čast upoznati našeg slavnog putnika avanturista i putopisca, Davora Rostuhara, i pogledati projekciju njegovog dokumentarnog filma "Lovci sakupljači" u VR projekciji na otvorenom. Projekciju na otvorenom možete pogledati tijekom ovog vikenda na Europskom trgu u Zagrebu, a nakon toga u VR kinu KEK. Cijena projekcije je 10 eura.

Nemojte propustiti! :)

Today I had the honour to meet our famous traveler adventurer and writer, Davor Rostuhar, and watch his documentary "Hunters-Gatherers" in a open-air VR show. The open-air VR shows are available this weekend at the European Square in Zagreb, and after that in VR Cinema KEK. The price of the show is 10 euro. Available in English.

Don't miss out! 😁

If you happen to visit Opatija, check out the temporary exhibition "UNESCO Intangible World Heritage in Croatia" located...

If you happen to visit Opatija, check out the temporary exhibition "UNESCO Intangible World Heritage in Croatia" located in Croatian Museum of Tourism in Villa Angiolina. The exhibition is available until July 9. The posters are in Croatian with an English translation provided on the side of each poster.

Si por a caso esté en Opatija, visita la exposición temporaria "El patrimonio inmaterial de la UNESCO en Croacia" que toma lugar en el Museo de Turismo en Croacia en la Villa Angiolina. La exposición está disponible hasta el 9 de julio. Los textos están escritos en croata pero al lado de cada cartel hay la traducción en inglés.

Greetings from my favourite spot in Zagreb! 🥰🥰Saludos desde mi punto favorito en Zagreb. 🥰🥰

Greetings from my favourite spot in Zagreb! 🥰🥰
Saludos desde mi punto favorito en Zagreb. 🥰🥰

Beautiful fairytale-like Rastoke/ Hermosa aldea Rastoke de cuentos de hadas. 🤩🤩🤩

Beautiful fairytale-like Rastoke/ Hermosa aldea Rastoke de cuentos de hadas. 🤩🤩🤩


La hermosa Andrea Quiroga Yankovic bailando el Caporal, el baile tradicional de Bolivia, como parte de la charla sobre en Hrvatsko-hispansko društvo en Zagreb, Croacia.


It is no secret Croatians love their food. There is usually no need to wait for special occasions for an impressive feast. Christmas is a special time though. For Croatians, the big day in the Christmas period is “Badnji Dan” (Christmas Eve Day) and “Badnja Večer” (Christmas Eve night). The...

La corta presentación sobre Croacia y las frases básicas de croata que hice en colaboración con IVEJM. Si te interesa ap...

La corta presentación sobre Croacia y las frases básicas de croata que hice en colaboración con IVEJM. Si te interesa aprender el idioma croata o mejorar tu nivel, síguenos y únete a nuestras clases. ☺️☺️

¡Únete a nuestro equipo y comienza tu viaje aprendiendo el idioma croata!

Službena najava konačno je tu! Vraća nam se jedno od najljepših godišnjih događanja u Zagrebu, ove godine mrvicu kasnije...

Službena najava konačno je tu! Vraća nam se jedno od najljepših godišnjih događanja u Zagrebu, ove godine mrvicu kasnije i u malo promijenjenom izdanju. Gornji grad (srednjovjekovni dio) ove godine odmara iz sigurnosih razloga jer je pun građevinskih radova, ali zato su nam odlučili urediti park Ribnjak i nove pješačke zone. Baš se veselim! 🤩🤩

The official announcement is finally here! The famous Christmas Market is back in town, but this year a little later and slightly changed. The Upper Town (the Medieval pary of town) is full of post-earthquake construction work so the organisers decided to let it rest for security reasons. Instead we are getting the beautiful park Ribnjak and the newly opened pedestrian areas. Can't wait! 🤩🤩

¡El anuncio official ya está aquí! El famoso Mercado navideño vuelve a nuestra ciudad, pero esta vez un poco más tarde y con algunos cambios. La Ciudad Alta (la parte medieval), llena de obra de construción después del terremoto, este año no esta incluida en la oferta por razones de seguridad. Pero, tenemos el hermoso parque Ribnjak y las nuevas zonas peatonales. Qué emoción! 🤩🤩

A display and a statue dedicated to the great James Joyce who lived in P**a and worked as an English teacher.  **a

A display and a statue dedicated to the great James Joyce who lived in P**a and worked as an English teacher. **a

Motovun as seen through the eyes of its children. / Motovun como la ven sus niños. 💗💗💗

Motovun as seen through the eyes of its children. / Motovun como la ven sus niños. 💗💗💗

I love  , but I'd love to wake up to this every day! 🤩🤩💗

I love , but I'd love to wake up to this every day! 🤩🤩💗

Fine dining, local wine and a million dollar view

Fine dining, local wine and a million dollar view

A happy and colourful image of a new car(e)-free street in the historical centre of Zagreb 🥳🥳🤩🤩💗💗💗

A happy and colourful image of a new car(e)-free street in the historical centre of Zagreb 🥳🥳🤩🤩💗💗💗


By Ana K. I had been holidaying in Croatia from the US for over a decade, only missing one year out of 12. With family there, and the fact that I adore the place, I made a concentrated effort to go as much as I can. I have visited during a number of different months - for Easter in April, also in

Tu sam laterna plinskaveć starinska.Poda mnom još je Matoš stajaoi nad tim gradom zdvajao i kleo.Snijeg je po njegovom r...

Tu sam laterna plinska
već starinska.
Poda mnom još je Matoš stajao
i nad tim gradom zdvajao i kleo.
Snijeg je po njegovom raglanu meo.
Često bi kunuć nestao u noći,
a ja bih se tiho smješkala
jer znala sam: on će opet doći
i dugo stajati tu
tako da mu se katkada cipele već
primrzle tu.

A jutrom kada bih se smreškala
i uglasla -
poda mnom grad bi ležao crven i tih;
tad nisam znala da l' zora krvari po brijegu
ili je to Matoš izgubio stih po stih
na snijegu.

Na to je došao rat.
Cio dan su iz grada glazbe ječale.
Kako su tužno među mojim staklima zvečale
Babe sa Griča poda mnom su stajale,
suze brisale i zdvajale
i prema Italiji zurile.

I mnoge koji poda mnom su bili
nisam nikad više vidjela.
Sada im štakor prolazi kroz grudi.
Tada sam se prvi put zastidjela ljudi.

A nakon rata
mnogo je debele gospode poda mnom prošlo
tustoga i crvenoga vrata,
ali i lica na kojima spava glad.
Da, mnogo je toga novoga došlo
u taj grad,
pa znam i mene će netko da makne;
i kad me se ruka montera takne
zabrenčat ću još zadnji put muklo.
Tad znajte: to moje je staro i pošteno srce
za Gričem puklo.

Tu sam laterna plinska,
starinska, starinska.

Vjekoslav Majer: Plinska laterna na Griču

Paseando por Zagreb y celebrando la grande Marija Jurić Zagorka con tres uruguayos y un estadounidense. 🥰🥰

Paseando por Zagreb y celebrando la grande Marija Jurić Zagorka con tres uruguayos y un estadounidense. 🥰🥰

Festival of Lights Zagreb 2023 🤩🤩🤩

Festival of Lights Zagreb 2023 🤩🤩🤩

Celebrando Día Internacional del Guía de Turismo con mi hermosa amiga y compañera de trabajo Tu Guía En Croacia  💗💗💗Cele...

Celebrando Día Internacional del Guía de Turismo con mi hermosa amiga y compañera de trabajo Tu Guía En Croacia 💗💗💗

Celebrating International Tourist Guide Day with my beautiful friend and colleague Tu Guía en Croacia. 💗💗💗

How would you like to meet famous historical figures and protagonists from your favourite books in person and exchange a...

How would you like to meet famous historical figures and protagonists from your favourite books in person and exchange a few words with them?

Last weekend, 18th and 19th February, Zagreb City Museum organised a wonderful exhibition called "Live Images", in which we had the opportunity to meet famous people like Hungarian-Croatian king Bela IV (13th century), who gave Gradec, one of Zagreb's Medieval towns, the title of a free royal town; August Šenoa, one of the most famous Croatian writers and the author of the first Croatian historical novel, The Goldsmith's Treasure (available in English); and Kontesa Nera, one of the most famous book characters in Croatian literature, among others.

The concept of "living history" has proven a success all over the world and Zagreb has been keeping with the trend for years, giving its citizens as well as its visitors a unique opportunity to learn tidbits from its history in an interesting way.

¿Te interesaría conocer famosas personas históricas y personajes de tus libros favoritos y tener la oportunidad de charlar un rato con ellos?

La semana pasada, el 18 y 19 de febrero, El Museo de la Ciudad de Zagreb organizó la maravillos exposición "Imagenes vivas" en las que pudimos conocer las personas famosas como el rey úngaro-croata Bela IV, quien otorgó al pueblo Gradec, uno de los pueblos medievales de Zagreb, el estatus de la ciudad real libre; August Šenoa (Shenoa), uno de los escritores croatas más famosos y el autor de la primera novela histórica croata El tesoro del orfebre (disponible en español); tal como la Kontesa Nera, una de las protagonistas más famosas en la literatura croata, entre otros.

El concepto de la historia viviente ha sido un éxito en el nivel mundial y Zagreb lo incluyó en su oferta cultural hace años dando a sus ciudadanos y sus visitantes una oportunidad única para aprender su historia de una manera muy inreresante.


Odlukom Sektora za promet Gradskog ureda za obnovu, izgradnju, prostorno uređenje, graditeljstvo, komunalne poslove i promet trajno je ukinuto stajalište za turističke autobuse u Palmotićevoj te parkiralište u Vončininoj ulici. Sektor za promet turističkim autobusima dao je na raspolaganje 3 ...

La semana pasada tuve el honor de servir como interprete en la conferencia organizada por la Sociedad Hispano Croata en ...

La semana pasada tuve el honor de servir como interprete en la conferencia organizada por la Sociedad Hispano Croata en Zagreb en la que Su Excelencia Cristian Streeter, el embajador de la República Chile habló sobre 30 años de buenísimas relaciones diplomáticas entre Chile y Croacia. Además de ser una conferencia muy interesante, para mi era una experiencia única y una muestra del desarrollo personal y el esfuerzo que he hecho para llegar a donde estoy hoy.

Fenomenales Montse Cortés y Eduardo Cortés en la sala de conciertos Vatroslav Lisinski en Zagreb cantando en el 10. Fest...

Fenomenales Montse Cortés y Eduardo Cortés en la sala de conciertos Vatroslav Lisinski en Zagreb cantando en el 10. Festival de Flamenco en Zagreb: Homenaje al cante jondo

Great opportunity and excuse to visit Zagreb. 😁😁😁

Great opportunity and excuse to visit Zagreb. 😁😁😁

Vanilla-Oreo and Nutella-Cherry doughnuts. Can't wait to dive into this!! 🤩🤩🤩

Vanilla-Oreo and Nutella-Cherry doughnuts. Can't wait to dive into this!! 🤩🤩🤩


The Croatian capital Zagreb has been was named one of the best cities in Europe to be single in. Global travel site Big 7 Travel has officially released its annual list of 'The 50 Best Cities In Europe For Single People 2022' with Zagreb included on the list. “Zagreb might be home to the unusual M...

No words needed. 🤩🤩🤩

No words needed. 🤩🤩🤩

One of the most beautiful group photos ever!! Una de las más hermosas fotos de grupo que se ha hecho. 🥰🥰🥰

One of the most beautiful group photos ever!! Una de las más hermosas fotos de grupo que se ha hecho. 🥰🥰🥰




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