Hinman Family Gardens and Guesthouses

Hinman Family Gardens and Guesthouses In my younger years, I worked in five countries and traveled to around 30, gathering many recipes.

Once children watch food grow and taste it straight from a plant, and marvel at the wonder of nature, parents might find it easier to get those veggies into their children's diet. I am a licensed School Psychologist and online Statistics and Psychology instructor during the early mornings and late evenings, gardener by day, and full time mom of four children. Now, I blend cuisines from what grows

seasonally in my garden so that my family can be the best versions of themselves. My children have inspired me to build garden spaces where children can play, explore, sample fresh fruits and vegetables, and get dirty. As my children grow older, I would like to share the space with parents and their children. I seem driven to share my knowledge in growing health food and preparing it with others in hope that all of our children will grow up to create healthier environments.



Henry made a little project sharing how we made our pasta sauce -

Henry made a little project sharing how we made our pasta sauce -

Check out this Logo designed by Emily Hinman.

We had a fun afternoon yesterday giving our first garden tours. We hope others will join on Wednesday from 16 - 18. Than...

We had a fun afternoon yesterday giving our first garden tours. We hope others will join on Wednesday from 16 - 18. Thank-you to Jutka for bringing her syrups, jams, and teas. They will also be available on Wednesday.

https://hetretorszag.hu/porta/egyel-zoldseget-a-hinmanokkal/„2017-ben költözött Ispánkra a Hinman család, azóta kiterjed...


„2017-ben költözött Ispánkra a Hinman család, azóta kiterjedt zöldséges, gyümölcsös és virágos kerteket építettünk, hogy a gyerekeknek legyen hol játszaniuk és felfedezhessék, mi segít nekik megőrizni egészségüket. Folyamatosan tanuljuk, hogyan termeljük meg saját élelmiszereinket, és szeretnénk megosztani tapasztalatainkat másokkal is, akik maguk szeretnék előállítani élelmiszereiket. Körbe lehet járni a kertet, a szezonális zöldségeket és gyümölcsöket közvetlenül a fákról, növényekről lehet megkóstolni, és a látogatók azt is megtippelhetik, hányféle zöldséget tartalmaz a Hinman házi paradicsomszósz. A látogatóknak lehetőségük lesz házi termékeinkből vásárolni.”

aug. 12-én (hétfőn) és aug. 14-én (szerdán) 16:00-18:00 óráig

"The Hinman family moved to Ispánk in 2017, and since then we have built extensive vegetable, fruit and flower gardens so that the children have a place to play and discover what helps them maintain their health. We are constantly learning how to grow our own food and want to share our experience with others who want to grow their own food. You can walk around the garden, taste seasonal vegetables and fruits directly from the trees and plants, and visitors can also guess how many types of vegetables are included in Hinman's homemade tomato sauce. Visitors will have the opportunity to buy our homemade products."

Can be visited:
Aug. 12 (Monday) and Aug. On the 14th (Wednesday) from 16:00 to 18:00

Take a walk through the house!

Take a walk through the house!

One never knows what one will find in the tall grasses of early spring

One never knows what one will find in the tall grasses of early spring


20 Keleti Utca





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A Vállalkozás Elérése

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