Breaking news!
A pair of Black-winged stilt showed up at my lake!!
If the weather will be a bit better I try to photograph them.
We had very strong wind today. On the fields we could not see more than 300 meters because there were many dust in the air. Later I had a call from my Friend…
Múlt héten többször bejelentkeztem élő közvetítéssel a ragadozómadaras lesemből, ahol személyesen sikerült átélnem egy hóvihart a pusztán. A nap folyamán készítettem néhány rövidebb videót is a fotózás mellett, amelyekből most egy kis filmet készítettünk nektek! Fogadjátok szeretettel!
Today I went to visit my Raptor hide. During the day I saw cca 10 Common Buzzards, 4 Imperial Eagles, 1 Saker, 2 Ravens and a few crows. This short video shows how the birds feed at the feeding place. The videos were taken by my Canon 7DmkII with 500mm F4
Kezd alakulni a mutatvány :)
Beech marten
I work on a new photo oportunity. What do you think about the Beech marten photography?