The following letter has been sent to Ministers, Prime Ministers of all European country. We hope they will support our project,
Dear ,
Sorry for disturbing You, but we had a serious reason for writing this letter.
In Europe, approximately 80 millions of disabled people live. We know that their life is also important, because there are actions to improve their circumstances of life. Admit for ourselves, there are further things to do in this case. Our project was born in favor of them.
We have been struggling to create a recreational center in the European Union, which would serve the active relaxation of disabled people.
In spite of that all the state of EU has been making actions in favor of injured people, the last six years, unfortunately, have showed us that we still are less tolerant and recipient. In these six years we have experienced feelings in their case, that sometimes people prefer to apply the principals of Sparta, and it shakes us deeply.
Since 2009 we have negotiated with financier, investors but this center remained a dream. To make it real it should be enough to be given 0,16 Euro by that 80 million injured people each, which is equal with 12,5 million Euros. As known these numbers, it is sad that it has not been worth for any bankers, investors to give 0,16 Euro for a disabled person.
With this letter we turn to You whether our project could be realized with cooperation of countries. If we see 28 European countries, only 500 thousands Euros come from state to state. This is only a drop in the ocean in terms of each country’s budget. But the ocean was formed from such drops.
The project is about to create a base, where disabled people are located in the center. During relaxation all visitors could dive, sail with well trained staff. We would like to provide them opportunities which are axiomatic to healthy people now. Unfortunately nobody thinks, from healthy people, how the life looks different from a wheelchair.
Location has not been mentioned yet, which doesn't mean that this issue was not associated with particular care. Before we started to find investors, the task had been the selection of location. We had to find a place, where the average number of sunny days are 300 or above it, has easy accessibility from anywhere of Europe, sea reaches 20 Celsius soon, its flow is below of 1 m/s and last but not at least sea provides attraction either in the deep or near to the center. The right place has become on shore of Tyrrhenian and Ligur.ian.
We ask You to consider our plan and support the active relaxation of disabled people. To make this plan real we have launched a collecting on website https://www.indiegogo.com/explore?filter_title=establish+a+dive. All regarding information and this letter will be published on our facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Handicap-Diving-Center/1034799483201163?ref=bookmarks. We want everybody to see that with the power of community, injured people could get possibilities for enjoying active relaxation.
We thank you your supporting help.
Lajos Szabó
[email protected]
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