ARMY are you ready?
Senyum Ungu Indonesia Foundation X @kala.kini.nanti present “Kapan Kita Ketemu?” "우리 언제 만나요 ?" an immersive experience to celebrate BTS & Army 9th Anniversary
This charity event collaborates with @unicefindonesia to support underprivileged children Back To School
Your support today will help Senyum Ungu Indonesia Foundation & UNICEF Indonesia reach more children to ensure they can go Back To School safely for a better future
June 9 - July 10, 2022
@kala.kini.nanti immersive Art Platform at @pvjofficial
Tickets available on @gotixindonesia
& Livin' Mandiri @bankmandiri
Weekdays : (Monday - Thursday) 115k
Weekend : (Friday - Sunday) 125k
Supported by @sembilan_matahari | @pvjofficial | @gotixindonesia | @bankmandiri | @eminacosmetics
#KapanKitaKetemu #SenyumArmy #KalaKiniNanti #SembilanMatahari #artexhibitionforbts #immersiveexperience #btsarmy #btsarmyindonesia
Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama bagi Sembilan Matahari untuk menerima magang dalam periode waktu yang sama. Dulu biasanya paling banyak hanya 6-8 orang saja. Sekarang ada 22 orang dalam @nmlabinternship batch I ini.
Alasannya, kami ingin mereka mendapatkan pengalaman magang yang beda. Selain membantu proyek yang sedang berjalan, mereka punya proyek final sendiri: dari intern untuk intern.
Laskar Matahari -begitu mereka menamakan dirinya sendiri- berhasil menghantarkan eksibisi ini dalam waktu kurang dari 3 bulan. Belum sempurna, tapi patut diapresiasi setinggi-tingginya. Ibarat cuma dibekali beras tanpa tahu cara memasaknya, jadi juga nasi uduk.
Akan Mengalir menjadi penutup dari masa magang mereka, eksibisi ini masih dapat dinikmati sampai tanggal 22 Mei nanti di @kala.kini.nanti
Semoga ilmu, wawasan, omelan, deadline dan revisi selama 3 bulan ini bisa menjadi penambah amunisi kalian nanti di masa depan kalian yang secerah matahari.
"Sesungguhnya yang memakmurkan masjid Allah hanyalah orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian, serta (tetap) melaksanakan sholat, menunaikan zakat, dan tidak takut kecuali kepada Allah. Maka mudah-mudahan mereka termasuk orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk." QS. At-Taubah 9: Ayat 18
Semoga Allah SWT meringankan langkah kita, menuju tempat berjuta umat merendahkan hati dalam sujud.
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1443H.
- Keluarga Besar Sembilan Matahari -
Aerial video by @740aerialvideography
Kolaborasi Pekan Kebudayaan Daerah Jawa Barat bersama Parti Gastronomi ( @parti_gastronomi ) & Sembilan Matahari dengan tamu spesial Lazy Susan ( @onlazysusan ) untuk Pekan Kebudayaan Nasional ( @pekankebudayaannasional )
Nganteuran, Rantangan, & Ancak (Tradisi Tukar Rantang Jawa Barat)
Video lengkap bisa disaksikan di
mulai Selasa 23 November 2021
Sembilan Matahari sudah ber-"Tukar Rantang" dengan Parti Gastronomi, kamu?
Peringatan: Menonton video ini bisa membuat kamu lapar.
We can’t get over the fact of how everyone seemed to enjoy what we’ve put the greatest of our efforts and the most delicate parts of souls in. A little recap of #waveoftomorrow with our installations: #constellationneverland, immersive tunnel and interactive immersive room, also featuring other great artists works like @maikacollective @kinaradarma @modulight_ @stereoflow_id and @nonotakstudio. Don’t miss your chance to come because it ends this sunday! There are also other great artists works that we loved by @rebellionik & @aglxyco 💙 not to mention a special extraordinary performace by @sougwen tomorrow at 17:00!!
The brilliant colors you see in our works wouldn’t be possible without 3LCD projectors by @epsonindonesia.
Exhibition #waveoftomorrow #jakarta #videomappingindonesia #projectionmappingindonesia #projectionmapping #videomapping #artinstallation #cloudinstallation #stringinstallation #artinstallationindonesia
Experience the new wave of art, technology and music AHEAD of its time. *WAVE OF TOMORROW*
Nonotak | Sembilan Matahari | Maika Collective | Rebellionik | Ageless Galaxy | Kinara Darma x Modulight
Nonotak | Bradley Zero | Dan Shake | Glenn Fredly | Maliq & D'Essentials | The Groove | Potret | Barasuara | Weird Genius | Danilla | Stars & Rabbit | Yura | Double Deer Take Over | and many more!
And also don't miss insightful views about art & creativity from some inspiring speakers at our sharing sessions, everyday!
See you at
The Tribrata, Grand Ballroom, Dharmawangsa
19-28 October 2018
Get your ticket now
#thecosmictree #artbali by @nmworld
Its roots expand beyond reaches of the earth. Its stem pierces through the world of human affairs, its branches reach high up to the domain of the Gods, upholding the firmament of the heavens and all the cosmic beings. Its form as whole, creates mystic phenomenon that lifts the spirits of its dwellers. This project is a form of our connection to the ancient mythology of the Balinese Banyan Tree, where its sacredness is a place that emits strong spiritual energy of the gods and goddesses. It symbolizes unity and power, growing at the centre of the universe that encompasses all realms of existence. Taking a step beyond myth in this year’s, to inspire and to provoke emotions, altering the tangible into an auditory and visual experience for the human senses.
The installation consists of a group of floating artificial clouds and strings in a simulated environment with natural occurrences among the center stillness of an artificial tree. We combine the tangible handcrafted installation with visuals and sounds to explore the intangible aspects of the human emotions.
#TanahLight derived from a collaborative idea between @NMworld @eka_wiryastuti (Tabanan’s regent), and @putujayapos (a creative worker in Tabanan). This project was an effort to trigger Tanah Lot’s Tourism Management and Tabanan’s District Government in order to increase visitor number after Mount Agung’s eruption that took place a while ago which resulted in the slumped of Bali’s tourism section.
Tanah Lot is famous for its landscape and sunset sky beauty, Batu Bolong Temple, and their attractions and shows, but most of them can only be enjoyed in certain time of day, hence less tourist at the evening. From this point of view, we designed a new attraction that compliments the iconic natural landscape of Tanah Lot with beautiful colors and lights so the busy tourist hours can carry on into the night.
Sembilan Matahari proposed Tanah Light as a concept of harmonization between tradition and modern visual in the form of a collective installation work, consisting of #lightart and #videomapping that responds the peculiarity of Tanah Lot’s natural curves to make it glow and stands out at night. The park on the cliff’s edge, the uniqueness of Batu Bolong and its sand, and its exotic sunset sky are the inspirations for the technology and creativity involved.
#videomapping #artinstallation #treeinstallation #artinstallationindonesia #videomappingindonesia #tanahlight #sembilanmatahari #nmworld
TODAY marks the 73rd anniversary of Indonesia’s independence day. TOGETHER, we shall unite and unleash our strength and #energyofasia. @asiangames2018 @bankbri_id @epsonindonesia
#ASIANGAMES2018 #energyofasia #sukseskanasiangames #sembilanmatahari #immersivecinema #projectionmapping #videomapping #videomappingindonesia #audiovisual #bandung #nmworld #artinstallation #tvc #ads #jakarta #palembang #bandung #indonesia #BRIAsianGames
Menangkan hadiah 500 ribu rupiah dan produk Epson dengan share foto dan video terbaik menggunakan #TanahLight #TanahLotArtandCulture dan follow dan mention ke @NMworld @EpsonIndonesia @Tanahlotid
Share your best photos and videos for a chance to win 500k Rupiah and Epson product by using #TanahLight #TanahLotArtandCulture and by following and mention to @NMworld @EpsonIndonesia @Tanahlotid
#lomba #lombafoto #lombavideo
Video mapping menjadi sesuatu yang tidak lepas dari Epson. 20 April ini Epson mendukung event #VideoMapping Tanah Lot dalam rangkaian acara Tanah Lot Art & Culture Weekend Event 2018. Tentu saja akan jadi momen spesial untuk Anda yang akhir pekan ini berada di sekitar Tanah Lot. Event ini akan berlangsung hingga 22 April.
#EpsonMappingTanahLot #TanahLot #tanahlotbali
#projectionmapping #EpsonProjectors #WonderfulIndonesia
Menangkan hadiah 500 ribu rupiah dan produk Epson dengan share foto dan video terbaik menggunakan #TanahLight #TanahLotArtandCulture dan follow dan mention ke @NMworld @EpsonIndonesia @Tanahlotid
Share your best photos and videos for a chance to win 500k Rupiah and Epson product by using #TanahLight #TanahLotArtandCulture and by following and mention to @NMworld @EpsonIndonesia @Tanahlotid
#lomba #lombafoto #lombavideo
Video mapping menjadi sesuatu yang tidak lepas dari Epson. 20 April ini Epson mendukung event #VideoMapping Tanah Lot dalam rangkaian acara Tanah Lot Art & Culture Weekend Event 2018. Tentu saja akan jadi momen spesial untuk Anda yang akhir pekan ini berada di sekitar Tanah Lot. Event ini akan berlangsung hingga 22 April.
#EpsonMappingTanahLot #TanahLot #tanahlotbali
#projectionmapping #EpsonProjectors #WonderfulIndonesia
TANAH LIGHT_Sneak preview 1.0
An after sunset illuminated garden of Tanah Lot. A collective of #experimental #light and #projectionmapping installations by @nmworld.
Proudly brought to you by @eka_wiryastuti @putujayapos @epsonindonesia @tanahlotbali