Airport Special Assistance by JAS Airport Services

Airport Special Assistance by JAS Airport Services A Premium Meet & Greet Airport Assistance in Indonesia

ASA (Airport Special Assistance) is a new service provided by JAS Airport Services, which offers premium class airport assistance. Passengers could gain more convenience at the airport with ASA integrated services: Personal Assistant, porter, luxurious car, in-ride entertainment, lounge, and immigration assistance. Airport Special Assistance is currently operating in:
Soekarno-Hatta International

Airport - Jakarta (CGK)
Juanda International Airport - Surabaya (SUB)
Ngurah Rai International Airport - Denpasar (DPS)
Changi International Airport - Singapore (SIN)

ASA covers for both arrival and departure process, personal or group handling, domestic and international flights. For your personalized detail service, please contact:
Hotline Call +6221 559-12-111
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: ASA by JAS Airport Services
Youtube: JASairportservices

Kalau gitu kalian lebih pilih yang mana? Emang sih gabisa dibandingin apalagi buat kaum mendang-mending kantung kering. ...

Kalau gitu kalian lebih pilih yang mana? Emang sih gabisa dibandingin apalagi buat kaum mendang-mending kantung kering. HeheπŸ˜…

Pesen buat kaum "mendang-mending", mending kalian book ASA yang bakal bikin traveling kamu nyaman tanpa beban!✈️

Bandara Internasional King Abdulaziz di Jeddah baru-baru ini memperkenalkan layanan transportasi gratis untuk jemaah yan...

Bandara Internasional King Abdulaziz di Jeddah baru-baru ini memperkenalkan layanan transportasi gratis untuk jemaah yang bepergian ke Masjidil Haram di Makkah dengan menggunakan shuttle yang berangkat dari Terminal 1 di bandara tersebut, sesuai dengan pengumuman di akun Twitter resmi bandara.

Untuk menggunakan layanan ini, jemaah diwajibkan mengenakan pakaian Ihram dan menunjukkan kartu identitas nasional bagi warga Saudi atau paspor bagi wisatawan asing. Keberangkatan dari bandara menuju masjid akan tersedia setiap dua jam sekali antara pukul 10 pagi hingga 10 malam, sementara keberangkatan dari masjid ke bandara akan ditawarkan setiap dua jam sekali mulai pukul 12 siang hingga 12 malam.

Nikmati layanan meet and greet di airport untuk traveling yang lebih efektif dan efisien !

Book layanan kita sekarang :
The King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah has recently introduced a complimentary shuttle transportation for pilgrims traveling to the Grand Mosque in Makkah departing from Terminal 1 at the airport, according to a Twitter announcement made by the airport.

In order to benefit from this service, pilgrims are required to wear the Ihram attire and show their national identification card for Saudi citizens or their passport for foreign visitors. Departures from the airport to the mosque will be available every two hours between 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., while departures from the mosque to the airport will be offered every two hours from 12 noon to 12 midnight.

Experience Our Personalized meet-and-greet service with our VIP concierge solution.

Waktu berbuka saat di pesawat tergantung pada jadwal penerbangan dan lokasi geografis pesawat pada saat itu. Karena wakt...

Waktu berbuka saat di pesawat tergantung pada jadwal penerbangan dan lokasi geografis pesawat pada saat itu. Karena waktu berbuka puasa di setiap tempat berbeda-beda, maka maskapai penerbangan biasanya memberikan informasi mengenai waktu berbuka di destinasi yang dituju atau di wilayah yang dilintasi.

Anggota Fatwa Dar al-Ifta Mesir Syekh Ahmad Mamduh menyampaikan waktu berbuka bagi musafir dengan pesawat adalah ketika ia sendiri melihat matahari terbenam. "Ketika terbenamnya matahari ini dilihat oleh mata musafir, maka itulah waktunya untuk berbuka puasa," ujar dia seperti dilansir Elbalad.

Waktu berbuka bagi musafir dengan pesawat adalah sampai ia melihat tenggelamnya matahari. Selama matahari tampak, maka selama itu pulalah musafir dengan pesawat harus tetap berpuasa hingga mataharinya tenggelam.

Mau traveling tanpa capek di bulan Ramadan? ASA siap buat bantu kamu selama kamu di airport!

Iftar time on the plane depends on the flight schedule and the geographical location of the aircraft at that time. Because the time of breaking the fast varies from place to place, airlines usually provide information regarding the time of breaking the fast at the destination or in the area crossed.

Member of the Egyptian Dar al-Ifta Fatwa Sheikh Ahmad Mamduh said that the time to break the fast for travelers by plane is when he himself sees the sunset. "When the sunset is seen by the eyes of travelers, then it is time to break the fast," he said as reported by Elbalad.

The time to break the fast for a traveler by plane is until he sees the sunset. As long as the sun is visible, during that time travelers with planes must remain prepared until the sun sets.

Need a convenient way to travel during Ramadan?

Book Our Service Now :

Source : Republik

Thanks for trusting ASA as your Airport Concierge Partner Ms. Rambu Piras (Dhini) - Runner Up The Voice Indonesia 2018. ...

Thanks for trusting ASA as your Airport Concierge Partner Ms. Rambu Piras (Dhini)

- Runner Up The Voice Indonesia 2018.

Have a fun and safe flight! πŸ™ŒβœˆοΈπŸ˜†

Bali memiliki beberapa pantai yang sangat indah, dan meskipun beberapa di antaranya populer dan terkenal,tapi masih bany...

Bali memiliki beberapa pantai yang sangat indah, dan meskipun beberapa di antaranya populer dan terkenal,tapi masih banyak pantai tersembunyi yang layak untuk dieksplorasi. Berikut adalah 4 pantai tersembunyi terbaik di Bali:

1. Pantai Nyang Nyang: Terletak di bagian barat daya Bali, Pantai Nyang Nyang adalah pantai yang tersembunyi dan belum banyak terjamah dengan pasir putih yang hanya dapat diakses melalui tangga yang curam.

2. Pantai Green Bowl: Pantai Green Bowl adalah tempat tersembunyi lainnya yang terletak di bagian selatan Bali. Kalian akan menemukan pantai berpasir putih yang bersih dengan air biru kehijauan.

3. Pantai Gunung Payung: Terletak di pantai timur Bali, Pantai Gunung Payung adalah permata tersembunyi yang dikelilingi oleh tebing-tebing tinggi.

4. Pantai Bias Tugel: Pantai Bias Tugel adalah pantai kecil dan tersembunyi yang terletak di bagian timur laut Bali. Pantai ini punya air yang jernih dan pasir putih yang lembut

Butuh layanan efektif waktu traveling?

Solusinya !

Bali is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world, and while some of them are popular and well-known, there are also many hidden beaches that are worth exploring. Here are four of the best hidden beaches in Bali:

1. Nyang Nyang Beach: Located in the southwestern part of Bali, Nyang Nyang Beach is a secluded and untouched stretch of white sand that's only accessible by a steep staircase.

2. Green Bowl Beach: Green Bowl Beach is another secluded spot that's tucked away in the southern part of Bali.

3. Gunung Payung Beach: Located on the eastern coast of Bali, Gunung Payung Beach is a hidden gem that's surrounded by towering cliffs.

4. Bias Tugel Beach: Bias Tugel Beach is a small and secluded beach that's located in the northeastern part of Bali. The beach itself is stunning, with crystal-clear water and soft white sand.

Need an effective way to travel?

Salah satu fakta menarik tentang adegan bandara dalam "Captain America: Civil War" adalah bahwa adegan tersebut difilmka...

Salah satu fakta menarik tentang adegan bandara dalam "Captain America: Civil War" adalah bahwa adegan tersebut difilmkan di Bandara Leipzig/Halle di Jerman. Tim produksi harus menutup sebagian besar bandara selama beberapa minggu untuk mengambil gambar adegan tersebut, yang melibatkan lebih dari 12 karakter berbeda dan membutuhkan koordinasi dan perencanaan yang ekstensif.

Fakta menarik lainnya adalah bahwa adegan bandara tersebut merupakan salah satu adegan aksi termahal yang pernah difilmkan, dengan anggaran lebih dari $250 juta. Adegan ini melibatkan penggunaan efek visual yang ekstensif dan membutuhkan bulan-bulan pekerjaan pasca-produksi untuk dihidupkan.

Ingin merasakan pengalaman berbeda di airport?

Pesan layanan kami di :

One interesting fact about the airport scene in "Captain America: Civil War" is that it was filmed at the Leipzig/Halle Airport in Germany. The production team had to shut down a large portion of the airport for several weeks to film the sequence, which involved over 12 different characters and required extensive coordination and planning.

Another interesting fact is that the airport scene was one of the most expensive action sequences ever filmed, with a reported budget of over $250 million. The scene involved extensive use of visual effects and required months of post-production work to bring to life.

Book Us Now to enjoy a whole new experience at the airport


Dubai International Airport menawarkan sleep pods yang dapat disewa per jam bagi para traveler yang ingin istirahat deng...

Dubai International Airport menawarkan sleep pods yang dapat disewa per jam bagi para traveler yang ingin istirahat dengan nyaman dan privasi. Sleep pods ini terletak di beberapa area di seluruh bandara, termasuk di Terminal 3 dekat Gerbang A1 dan B13, serta di Terminal 1 dekat Gerbang D3.

Sleep pods dirancang untuk memberikan lingkungan yang tenang dan nyaman untuk para traveler buat beristirahat dan memulihkan energi. Pod ini dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur, bantal, dan selimut, serta layar privasi dan area penyimpanan bagasi. Beberapa pod juga dilengkapi dengan televisi dan stopkontak untuk mengisi daya perangkat elektronik.

Sleep pods dapat disewa per jam, dengan periode sewa minimal dua jam. Harganya mulai dari sekitar 40 AED (sekitar $11 USD) per jam, dengan diskon tersedia untuk periode sewa yang lebih lama. Pod dapat dipesan secara online atau melalui mesin layanan mandiri di bandara.

Butuh ketenangan di bandara? Airport Special Assistance kasih kemudahan dan kenyamanan buat kamu yang s**a traveling.

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Dubai International Airport offers sleep pods that can be rented by the hour for travelers looking for a private and comfortable place to rest. The sleep pods are located in several areas throughout the airport, including in Terminal 3 near Gates A1 and B13, and in Terminal 1 near Gate D3.

The sleep pods are designed to provide a quiet and comfortable environment for travelers to rest and recharge. They are equipped with a bed, a pillow, and a blanket, as well as a privacy screen and a luggage storage area. Some pods also include a television and a power outlet for charging electronic devices.

The sleep pods can be rented by the hour, with a minimum rental period of two hours. Prices start at around 40 AED (approximately $11 USD) per hour, with discounts available for longer rental periods. The pods can be booked in advance online or through a self-service kiosk at the airport.

Book Our Service Now :

Salah satu fakta menarik tentang Microsoft Flight Simulator adalah bahwa para pengembangnya di Asobo Studio menggunakan ...

Salah satu fakta menarik tentang Microsoft Flight Simulator adalah bahwa para pengembangnya di Asobo Studio menggunakan foto-foto dan pemindaian 3D dunia nyata dari hewan-hewan untuk memenuhi dunia game dengan satwa liar, termasuk burung, sapi, bahkan gajah. Satwa liar ini bisa dilihat dari udara atau dari darat, menambah tingkat realisme pada lingkungan dalam game.

Selain itu, Microsoft Flight Simulator memiliki "Top Gun" easter egg tersembunyi yang bisa diaktifkan dengan terbang ke koordinat tertentu. Ini akan memicu misi di mana pemain harus terbang dengan pesawat tempur dan melawan skuadron pesawat musuh dalam dogfight yang mengingatkan pada film "Top Gun".

Ini juga menjadi kejutan yang menyenangkan dan tidak terduga bagi penggemar film klasik tersebut!

Mau ngerasain kejutan juga dengan layanan extraordinary di bandara? Yuk book ASA di buat kamu yang traveling ke Jakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya, Medan, dan Jogja.


The game's developers at Asobo Studio used real-world photos and 3D scans of animals to populate the world with wildlife, including birds, cows, and even elephants. These animals can be seen from the air or on the ground, adding an extra level of realism to the game's environments.

Additionally, Microsoft Flight Simulator has a hidden "Top Gun" easter egg that can be activated by flying over a specific set of coordinates. This will trigger a mission where the player must fly a fighter jet and take on a squadron of enemy planes in a dogfight reminiscent of the movie "Top Gun." It's a fun and unexpected surprise for fans of the classic film!

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"Lights, Camera, Action! 🎬🍿 Our Movie Night Pick Is Here!"1. The Terminal (2004) - Film yang menceritakan tentang seoran...

"Lights, Camera, Action! 🎬🍿 Our Movie Night Pick Is Here!"

1. The Terminal (2004) - Film yang menceritakan tentang seorang pria yang terjebak di bandara dan harus tinggal di sana selama berbulan-bulan karena situasinya yang rumit.

2. Up in the Air (2009) - Film tentang seorang konsultan perusahaan yang bekerja di bandara dan harus menghadapi berbagai konflik yang terjadi dalam hidupnya.

3. Catch Me If You Can (2002) - Film yang diadaptasi dari kisah nyata Frank Abagnale Jr. yang berhasil menjadi seorang pilot maskapai dan melakukan kecurangan dengan mengaku sebagai seorang dokter dan pengacara.

4. Love Actually (2003) - Film komedi romantis yang memiliki banyak cerita yang berkisah tentang kehidupan di bandara dan salah satunya tentang pasangan yang bertemu di bandara dan jatuh cinta.

5. Die Hard 2 (1990) - Film aksi yang mengisahkan tentang John McClane (Bruce Willis) yang harus melawan teroris yang telah mengambil alih sebuah bandara dan mengancam akan menabrakkan pesawat ke gedung-gedung jika tuntutan mereka tidak dipenuhi.
1. The Terminal (2004) - A man (Tom Hanks) becomes stranded in an airport terminal when he is denied entry into the United States and must live there until his situation is resolved.

2. Up in the Air (2009) - A corporate downsizing expert (George Clooney) travels around the country, spending more time in airports and airplanes than at home.

3. Catch Me If You Can (2002) - Based on the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio), a con artist who successfully impersonated an airline pilot and used his skills to commit fraud.

4. Love Actually (2003) - A romantic comedy that features a number of storylines, including one about a couple who meet at the airport and fall in love.

5. Die Hard 2 (1990) - In this action thriller, John McClane (Bruce Willis) must fight a group of terrorists who have taken over an airport and are threatening to crash planes unless their demands are met.

1. Cari tiket pesawat dan akomodasi pada saat low season: Harga tiket pesawat dan hotel bisa jauh lebih murah pada saat ...

1. Cari tiket pesawat dan akomodasi pada saat low season: Harga tiket pesawat dan hotel bisa jauh lebih murah pada saat low season, di mana jumlah turis yang datang ke destinasi tersebut lebih sedikit.

2. Gunakan maskapai penerbangan budget: Maskapai penerbangan budget seringkali menawarkan tarif yang lebih murah daripada maskapai penerbangan tradisional, tetapi perlu diingat bahwa Anda mungkin harus membayar ekstra untuk barang bawaan yang ingin dimasukkan.

3. Gunakan transportasi lokal: Menggunakan transportasi umum atau berjalan kaki bisa menjadi cara yang murah dan nyaman untuk menjelajahi kota baru.

4. Makan seperti penduduk lokal: Makan di restoran atau pasar makanan lokal bisa menjadi cara yang bagus untuk menghemat uang saat mencicipi kuliner khas daerah.

5. Menginap di hostel atau homestay: Hostel dan homestay seringkali lebih murah daripada hotel dan bisa memberikan pengalaman perjalanan yang lebih otentik.

Jangan lupa cek website buat dapet pengalaman menarik dan tidak terlupakan selama ada di airport saat kamu pergi traveling


1. Book flights and accommodations during off-peak seasons: Prices for flights and hotels can be much cheaper during the off-peak season when there are fewer tourists.

2. Use budget airlines: Budget airlines often offer cheaper fares than traditional airlines, but keep in mind that you may have to pay extra for things like checked baggage, seat selection, and meals.

3. Use local transportation: Using public transportation or walking can be a cheap and convenient way to get around a new city.

4. Eat like a local: Eating at local restaurants or food markets can be a great way to save money on food while experiencing the local cuisine.

5. Stay in hostels or homestays: Hostels and homestays are often cheaper than hotels and can provide a more authentic travel experience.

Get ready to experience the best deals of the season with ASA exciting offering on a wide range of products and services and don’t forget to visit our website at

Pulau Sokotra dikenal karena keanekaragaman hayatinya yang unik. Terdapat sekitar 700 spesies tumbuhan dan hewan endemik...

Pulau Sokotra dikenal karena keanekaragaman hayatinya yang unik. Terdapat sekitar 700 spesies tumbuhan dan hewan endemik yang hanya ditemukan di pulau ini, termasuk pohon dragon blood dan burung sokotra.

Pulau Sokotra juga sering disebut sebagai "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean" karena keanekaragaman hayatinya yang unik dan terjaga dengan baik. Pulau ini diakui sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO sejak tahun 2008.

Walapun punya pemandangan dan ekosistem alam yang indah, pulau Sokotra ternyata tidak banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Penyebab utamanya karena akses ke pulau yang terbatas, dan masalah keamanan di daerah sekitarnya. Di pulau Sokotra, banyak juga bangunan tradisional yang terbuat dari batu pasir merah, termasuk benteng-benteng bersejarah yang dibangun pada masa lalu.

Tertarik buat pergi ke pulau sokotra? Yuk pakai ASA yang siap nge-assist selama kamu di Bandara!


The island of Socotra is known for its unique diversity of life. There are around 700 species of endemic plants and animals that can only be found on this island, including the dragon blood tree and the Socotra bird. Socotra Island is also often referred to as the "Galapagos of the Indian Ocean" because of its unique and well-preserved diversity of life. The island has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008.

Despite having beautiful natural scenery and ecosystems, Socotra Island is not widely visited by tourists. The main reason is due to limited access to the island and security issues in the surrounding areas. On Socotra Island, there are many traditional buildings made of red sandstone, including historic forts built in the past.

Interested in visiting Socotra Island? Book ASA to assist you for your travel convenient at the airport!


"In this sea of hearts, yours shines like a star,
Guiding me to love, where we both are.
forever my valentine, my love will not fade,
together our hearts beat, in perfect serenade."

Happy Valentine's Day to you! May your day be filled with love, laughter, and endless joy. Whether you're spending it with someone special or surrounded by loved ones, remember that love is always in the air, and cherish this day to the fullest. πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’—

Pada tanggal 1 Agustus, girl group K-pop New Jeans merilis mini album self-titled mereka. Menurut Hanteo (2022), Grup ya...

Pada tanggal 1 Agustus, girl group K-pop New Jeans merilis mini album self-titled mereka. Menurut Hanteo (2022), Grup yang beranggotakan Haerin, Minji, Hyein, Danielle, dan Hanni ini berhasil menjual 262.815 eksemplar pada hari pertama peluncurannya. Mengingat mereka baru saja debut, ini adalah angka yang fantastis bagi artis K-Pop mana pun.

Selain itu, New Jeans menjadi mini album debut pertama oleh girl group yang terjual lebih dari 200.000 kopi pada hari pertama. Selain itu, mereka juga menyandang gelar album minggu debut girl grup terlaris ke-3 di Hanteo Chart. Walaupun mereka terbilang grup baru, mereka sudah bisa bersinar dengan Pencapaian mereka.


On August 1, newly formed K-pop girl group NewJeans released their self-titled mini album. According to Hanteo (2022), NewJeans sold their 262,815 copies on the first day of launch. Considering they just debuted, it is really impressive number for any korean artist.

Additionally, New Jeans became the first debut album K-pop girl band groupto sell over 200,000 copies on their first day. Furthermore, they also held the title of 3rd best-selling girl group debut week albumin Hanteo. This Newly formed K-Pop group NewJeans could be a living testimony to this. Despite being the newest group, they already shine at their best. The result of all their effort is the record numbers they have already achieved.

Hogwarts Legacy" bakal rilis nih dengan mengusung tema dunia sihir Harry Potter. Game ini di develop oleh Avalanche Soft...

Hogwarts Legacy" bakal rilis nih dengan mengusung tema dunia sihir Harry Potter.

Game ini di develop oleh Avalanche Software dan diterbitkan oleh Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
Apa aja sih fitur yang bakal ditawarin di game ini?

1. Eksplorasi Dunia Sihir: kamu bisa melakukan eksplorasi kastil Hogwarts yang luas dan ikonik beserta pekarangannya, serta menjelajahi Hutan Terlarang dan desa Hogsmeade.

2. Bisa Customize Character: Kamu bisa membuat karakter mereka sendiri dan memilih rumah, mantra, dan kemampuan mereka sendiri.

3. Pemain Bisa Pelajarin Sihir: Kamu bisa mempelajari dan menguasai spell sihir dari dunia Harry Potter, termasuk mantra terkenal seperti "Expecto Patronum" dan mantra-mantra original khusus di game ini.

4. Dunia Open World yang bakal luas dan dinamis: Kamu juga bakal mengalami dunia sihir yang hidup dan berkesan yang bakal dipenuhi sama makhluk biasa, karakter, dan makhluk ajaib.

Mau merasakan langsung experience mainnya? Tenang aja, game ini bakal rilis sebentar lagi tanggal 10 Februari 2023.


"Hogwarts Legacy" is an upcoming action role-playing video game set in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. It is being developed by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

β€’ Features of the game include:

1. Explore the wizarding world: Players can explore the vast and iconic Hogwarts castle and its grounds, as well as venture into the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade village.

2. Create your own character: Players can create their own character and choose their own house, spells, and abilities.

3. Learn magic: Players can learn and master magic spells from the world of Harry Potter, including both well-known spells like "Expecto Patronum" and original spells created for the game.

4. Dynamic open-world environment: Players will experience a living, breathing wizarding world filled with creatures, characters, and magical creatures.

Happy chinese new year 2023. Its the year of the rabbit!Wishing you four seasons of peace and a flourishing year🧧

Happy chinese new year 2023. Its the year of the rabbit!
Wishing you four seasons of peace and a flourishing year🧧

The Mont Saint-Michel is a beautiful, awe-inspiring sight to behold. If you're planning on visiting, here are a few thin...

The Mont Saint-Michel is a beautiful, awe-inspiring sight to behold. If you're planning on visiting, here are a few things you should know first:⁣
1. The Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This means that special preservation rules apply. Please be sure to respect these rules while you are there.β£πŸš­πŸ“΅
2. The Mont Saint-Michel is tidal. This means that the level of the water changes with the tides. The best time to visit is when the tide is high, as the island is then more accessible.⁣ 🏝🌊
3. Mont Saint-Michel is a popular tourist destination. This means that it can be quite crowded during peak season. Try to visit during off-peak times if you can.⁣ 🧳✈️
If you're planning on visiting Mont Saint-Michel, be sure to check out these tips first! ⁣

It's not just a day to remember the fallen heroes, it's a day to reflect on what we can do to make this world a better p...

It's not just a day to remember the fallen heroes, it's a day to reflect on what we can do to make this world a better place. ⁣
Wishing all Indonesians a happy Hari Pahlawan! Let's celebrate our independence and remember all those who have fought for us!⁣

The INFJ personality type is drawn to all sorts of destinations, both big and small. Whether it's a bustling city or a q...

The INFJ personality type is drawn to all sorts of destinations, both big and small. Whether it's a bustling city or a quaint small town, INFJs are always interested in exploring new places and learning about different cultures. They are also interested in understanding the people and the systems that make these places run. INFJs are natural explorers and diplomats, and they are always looking to broaden their horizons.⁣
The world is a big place, and there's so much to see. So, if you think you are an INFJ, it's time to explore. Pack your bags, visit our website and book us now!⁣


Soekarno-Hatta International Airport


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