Started in the largest indonesian community called kaskus, the very own founder Akbari F was recorded as the first person ever to get the football jerseys from Thailand. During these years, approximately 32.254 pieces of fine quality jerseys have been sold with more than hundreds regular customers and satisfied partners. The number also meant that UberSport sold +-43 jerseys per day or 2 jerseys p
er hour which means that by the time you finished watching The Lord of The Ring, we already sold 6 jerseys. The first breakthrough happened on Dec 2010 during the infamous AFF Cup with thousands order for Indonesia National Team Jersey. However, it's the September of 2011 that holds the record as the biggest order ever received by UberSport with approximately 2500 pieces of jersey. It's also the very first time UberSport broaden its marketing area by joining twitter with the account of . It's also in the year of 2011 that UberSport took the big step to became the proud partner of FAE that happened to achieved silver medal in the UI Olympics. By the month of August 2012, UberSport did something that most people couldn't do. With more than a thousand ready stocks, UberSport brings the word "availability" in jersey business into a whole new level. UberSport also brings the press machine back in July 2012 to fulfil the player-custom name needs for ready stock jerseys. Being well known as one of the biggest online jersey shops in Indonesia, UberSport has delivered the pride of wearing your favorite jerseys to most of the cities from Sabang to Merauke leaving nothing but satisfactory on its customers. UberSport regularly updating the latest available jersey on its twitter or any other media as in instagram (UberSport) or its user-friendly websites (