Go Nias Tour

Go Nias Tour Experience the real Nias Island with us, Go Nias Tour, Your travel mate in Nias Island. Address: Jl.

Go Nias Tour is your most recommended tour operator for organizing your trip in Nias Island. Our services cover ground handling, inbound tour, activity tours (photography, cultural, underwater, fishing surfing, caving, trekking & camping). We also provide professional guides, car/motorbike rental, hotel & ticket reservations. Pendidikan No. 19A Kelurahan Ilir Gunungsitoli 22815
Mobile Phone/ WA: (+62)812-6027-4444
email : [email protected]

Tangkapan lensa beberapa wajah pengunjung dan peserta saat perhelatan   di  Slide terakhir bonus sosok dibalik Mainamolo...

Tangkapan lensa beberapa wajah pengunjung dan peserta saat perhelatan di

Slide terakhir bonus sosok dibalik Mainamolo Festival.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Tamu jauh dari Kalimantan dan Jawa TimurBapak  dari Jawa Timur dan bu  dari Kalimantan menikmati liburan bersama   selam...

Tamu jauh dari Kalimantan dan Jawa Timur

Bapak dari Jawa Timur dan bu dari Kalimantan menikmati liburan bersama selama 4 hari 3 malam di Nias untuk menjelajah Tanó Niha yang sudah lama masuk dalam wishlist mereka.

Diawali dengan menginap di homestay rumah tradisional Nias Selatan di , menyaksikan atraksi lompat batu di , menyaksikan dengan atraksi Famadaya Harimao di , , Gua Togi Ndrawa, desa Tumori di Gunungsitoli hingga Pantai Tureloto dan Pantai Pasir Merah di Nias Utara.

"Sebuah perjalanan yang sangat mengesankan dan menyenangkan" ujar bu Rahayu. Bagaimana tidak, bu Rahayu yang asli Dayak melihat banyak kemiripan budaya Nias dengan budaya asli daerahnya, serasa kembali ke tanah kelahirannya.

Terimakasih banyak telah memilih GoNiasTour untuk menemani perjalanannya, sampai jumpa lain waktu 🙏

Visit Nias Nias island with , enjoy the real Nias Island with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

10-13 April 2024 merupakan momen spesial bagi   karena mendapatkan kepercayaan mengurus perjalanan 12 orang Tamu Jepang ...

10-13 April 2024 merupakan momen spesial bagi karena mendapatkan kepercayaan mengurus perjalanan 12 orang Tamu Jepang yang merupakan petinggi perusahaan ternama yang bekerja di Indonesia.

Beberapa dari mereka adalah Presiden Direktur Bank Danamon,Direktur PT. SIKO Techno, Marketing Strategy Mitsubishi, Presdir PT. Vuteq Indonesia, Presiden Kaizen Consulting dan petinggi dari perusahaan Jepang lainnya.

Mereka menamakan groupnya sebagai Hikyo.no Kai mengeksplore keindahan Nias mulai dari mencicipi kuliner tradisional, menjelajah desa tradisional hingga menikmati wisata pantai dan bawah laut di Pulau Onolimbu Kecil sambil menikmati ikan dan gurita segar hasil tangkapan team GoNiasTour hari itu.

Tak lupa juga dalam trip ini, mereka melakukan kunjungan sosial di Panti Asuhan Alma yang mayoritas penghuninya adalah anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus.

Group tamu yang diorganized oleh PT.Horasindo Wisatanusa ini sangat senang dan menikmati perjalanannya bersama team Gonias.

Terimakasih banyak atas kepercayaannya 🙏

Visit Nias Nias island with , enjoy the real Nias Island with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

#2024 .nokai

5 guests from Japan were looking at the biggest oval traditional house in Tumori Traditional village, Gunungsitoli. They...

5 guests from Japan were looking at the biggest oval traditional house in Tumori Traditional village, Gunungsitoli.

They were amazed to to see how the ancestors of Nias could build this elevated wooden house with their simple tools and designed as earthquake proof.

This Laraga (oval) house was also mentioned as the finest vernacular traditional architecture by Alain M. Video, a Swedish researcher.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Spending 5 days 4 nights in Nias has given various incredible experiences to our 2 guests from Germany.Daniel and Dennis...

Spending 5 days 4 nights in Nias has given various incredible experiences to our 2 guests from Germany.

Daniel and Dennis enjoyed their trip by visiting traditional villages, surfing and snorkeling as well as capturing amazing sunsets and sunrise.

Nice weather, good food and friendly people mentioned by them.

Thank you very much for visiting Nias Island. We look forward to welcome you again.

📷 by & .yafagea

Visit Nias Nias island with , enjoy the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Tiket Pesawat Mahal? Mau ke Medan nggak dapat tiket? Dengan Rp. 900,000/orang Anda Bisa ke Medan Bersama Go Nias Tour da...

Tiket Pesawat Mahal? Mau ke Medan nggak dapat tiket?

Dengan Rp. 900,000/orang Anda Bisa ke Medan Bersama Go Nias Tour dalam waktu 5 Jam. (Bisa juga rute Medan-Gunungsitoli)

Biaya sudah termasuk:
- Transport dari Gunungsitoli-Bandara Binaka
- Tiket Pesawat Gunungsitoli-Sibisa (Parapat)
- Bagasi 10kg
- Transfer by Mobil Avanza dari Parapat ke Siantar
- Makan 1x di Mie Pangsit Awai Siantar
- Tiket Kereta Api dari Siantar Menuju Medan (AC) .
- *yang dari Nias, ada kesempatan buat singgah/jalan2 di kebun binatang Siantar dan Beli Roti Ganda

Keberangkatan setiap Senin & Kamis (2x seminggu).

Buat anda yang ingin terbang murah ke Medan, silakan hubungi kami di WA: 0812-6027-4444.

- kami juga melayani penjualan tiket pesawat domestik dan internasional.

You will never know when and how you capture your best moment of  , but with   you will get the guidance on where and ho...

You will never know when and how you capture your best moment of , but with you will get the guidance on where and how to have it.

A beautiful sunset captured on Asu Island, West Nias with our beloved guests. It was really an amazing moment and experience.

Visit Nias Nias island with , enjoy the sea, sand and sun with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


4 hours Trekking in GunungsitoliWhen you are around Gunungsitoli and want to enjoy the nature, taking our trekking tour ...

4 hours Trekking in Gunungsitoli

When you are around Gunungsitoli and want to enjoy the nature, taking our trekking tour would be a good option.

Visiting the waterfall of Baho Ndra through the tropical forest and enjoying the fresh local foods served in , feeding the fish and chickens can be enjoyable, and you can end your trip by walking up to the traditional houses of Dahana.

Our 2 guests from England who stay at spend their half day to join this route and guides by to enjoy the other side of Nias Island.

Thank you for spending your valuable time with us.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the beauty of the nature with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

Brian, Solo Traveler dari AmerikaJam menunjukkan hampir pukul 12 tengah malam ketika pesan dari Brian masuk ke WA Gonias...

Brian, Solo Traveler dari Amerika

Jam menunjukkan hampir pukul 12 tengah malam ketika pesan dari Brian masuk ke WA Gonias, menyatakan keinginanannya untuk berwisata ke Pulau Nias.

Brian tertarik untuk mengeksplor budaya Nias sehingga kami suggest rute ke Situs Megalitik Tetegewo, Desa tradisional Bawomataluo dan , Hilinawalo Mazino, Desa Tumori dan Museum Pusaka Nias.

Brian langsung tertarik dan memesan tiket pesawat untuk besoknya ke Nias.

Brian sangat menikmati perjalanannya selama 3 hari 2 malam. Satu malam menginap di rumah adat yang sudah dijadikan Homestay di Hilinawalö Fau serta satu malam menginap di sebelum kembali keesokan harinya.

Terimakasih sudah melakukan perjalanan di Nias bersama

Visit Nias Nias island with , enjoy the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Bu Juli dan 15 keluarga besarnya dari Medan ini sudah merencanakan untuk wisata ke Pulau Nias sejak tahun 2021 yang lalu...

Bu Juli dan 15 keluarga besarnya dari Medan ini sudah merencanakan untuk wisata ke Pulau Nias sejak tahun 2021 yang lalu, namun akibat pandemi maka baru bisa terwujud di bulan February tahun 2024 ini.

Sebuah perjalanan panjang menuju Nias bersama keluarga selama 7 hari 6 malam menjelajah dari utara, barat, selatan hingga timur Nias.

Sekalipun ada beberapa yang sudah berusia lanjut (80-85 tahun) dan harus pakai kursi Roda, namun tak menyurutkan semangat mereka untuk menikmati keindahan Pulau Nias.

Terimakasih banyak sudah menggunakan jasa dalam mengurus perjalanannya selama di Pulau Nias, senang bisa menunjukkan tempat-tempat terbaik yang kami miliki di Pulau Nias.

Visit Nias Nias island with , enjoy sea, sand and sun with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Yaahowu! Buat yang ingin melakukan perjalanan, Go Nias Tour melayani pemesanan: Tiket Pesawat, Tiket Kapal, Kamar Hotel,...


Buat yang ingin melakukan perjalanan, Go Nias Tour melayani pemesanan: Tiket Pesawat, Tiket Kapal, Kamar Hotel, dan Tiket Kereta Api.

Kami juga melayani pembayaran Tagihan Listrik/Token, Internet/Pulsa, BPJS dan PDAM.

Sekarang semuanya lebih mudah dan harga dijamin terjangkau.

Silakan hubungi kami di WA: 0812-6027-4444 untuk pemesanan.


Salam Damai dari Situs Megalitik Lahusa Satua, Nias Selatan

Ada yang baru neh di Gua Tögi Ndrawa. Buat kamu yang ingin menikmati wisata alam sekaligus menyaksikan situs bersejarah,...

Ada yang baru neh di Gua Tögi Ndrawa.

Buat kamu yang ingin menikmati wisata alam sekaligus menyaksikan situs bersejarah, datanglah ke Gua Tögi Ndrawa yang menurut para arkeolog Pernah Dihuni 12,000 Tahun Lalu

Sekarang, anda nggak perlu gelap-gelapan di dalam gua karena pemerintah desanya telah memasang penerangan lampu untuk menambah kenyamanan pengunjung.

Gua ini sangat eksotis dengan stalagmit dan stalaktik yang ada di dinding guanya. Para pengunjung juga bisa naik ke puncak gua melalui tangga spiral yang menuju lubang berbentuk daun di atas atap gua .
Bila anda sedang berada di Kota Gunungsitoli jangan lewatkan untuk berkunjung ke gua ini, hanya butuh waktu 20 menit dari pusat kota. Lokasinya di desa Lelewonu Nikootanö.

Ayo berwisata ke Pulau Nias dan nikmati Nias sesungguhnya bersama .
Untuk info dan reservasi, silakan hubungi:
📲/WA (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧 [email protected]
🌐 www.goniastour.com

Helendramatua, the old public shower in the traditional village of  aged more than a hundred year which was used by the ...

Helendramatua, the old public shower in the traditional village of aged more than a hundred year which was used by the king and the warriors in the past.

Nowadays, some old peoplebfrom the village said that this shower may heal some sickness and also re-energized those who take a shower here.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the beauty of the nature with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

Thank you November! Our other guests from France, Monsieur Phillipe Abel and his wife visited Nias Island for a 4 day an...

Thank you November!

Our other guests from France, Monsieur Phillipe Abel and his wife visited Nias Island for a 4 day and 3 Night tour, hosted by our partner .

Nias is incredible and will always provide amazing experiences to those who seek for age-old history of diverse cultures and megalith from the past.

Thank you for visiting us in Nias Island and for choosing in organizing your tour around Nias Island.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Karl & Esther didn't have any idea where to go and what to do in Nias Island at the first time they arrived, since they ...

Karl & Esther didn't have any idea where to go and what to do in Nias Island at the first time they arrived, since they flew from Switzerland to Nias without booking a tour.

They then called us through the staff of the lodge where they stay and made an appointment to meet to discuss the possible program they may engage in Nias.

We set a meeting in a restaurant nearby their lodge and found out that they were interested in cultural tour and offered a 3 days 2 nights tour to them to witness the megaliths and traditional villages around Nias.

Esther as an anthropologist was very enthusiastic in doing the tour and started it on the next day. The explore the whole area of Nias from Megalith of Bitaha Olayama and Hiligoe, Tundrumbaho and Lahusa Satua, and traditional villages of Tumori, Onolimbu, Hilisimaetano, Orahili, Bawomataluo, Hilinawalö Fau and Hilinawalö Mazinö.

It was a great pleasure for us to show them around the enjoy the real Nias Island. Surprisingly, they extended their stay in Lagundri for 2 nights.

Thank you for choosing in organizing your tour around Nias Island.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com



Tundrumbaho Megalith Carl and Esther from Switzerland

The young warriors from Bawomataluo traditional village are waiting their turn to perform the war dance when welcoming t...

The young warriors from Bawomataluo traditional village are waiting their turn to perform the war dance when welcoming the guests in their village.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Half Day Trekking in GunungsitoliIf you wait for your flight on the next day and have a vacant half day in Gunungsitoli,...

Half Day Trekking in Gunungsitoli

If you wait for your flight on the next day and have a vacant half day in Gunungsitoli, doing a half day trekking with will be worth to try.

You can do trekking through the tropical forest, enjoying the fresh coconut juice and feeding the fish at as well as eating the foods with the local products.

After lunch, you also can feel the freshness of Baho Ndra Waterfall which is only 5 minutes walk from the Baho Farm. Don't forget to stop by at Dahana Traditional Village with old traditional houses and menhirs as the heritage of Niassan ancestors from the past.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the beauty of the nature with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

Hombo Batu di Hilinawalö MazinöTahu gak kalau masing-masing desa tradisional di Nias Selatan itu dulunya memiliki atraks...

Hombo Batu di Hilinawalö Mazinö

Tahu gak kalau masing-masing desa tradisional di Nias Selatan itu dulunya memiliki atraksi hombo Batu, namun seiring dengan waktu beberapa desa tidak melakoninya lagi. Tinggal beberapa desa lagi yang masih aktif.

Salah satu desa yang bisa dikunjungi yang menawarkan atraksi Lompat Batu adalah Desa Hilinawalö Mazinö yang lokasinya bisa dijangkau 30 menit dari jalan Utama (sebelum Puncak Genasi).

Keunikan desa Hilinawalö Mazinö ini adalah adanya Omo Sebua (Rumah Raja) yang masih utuh dengan atap rumbia yang masih dipertahankan.

Hombo Batu dulunya merupakan ajang latihan bagi para prajurit muda sebelum pergi berperang, sekarang bisa disaksikan dibeberapa desa tradisional di Nias Selatan.

📌 Desa Hilinawalö Mazinö

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


We had a fun spearfishing trip with our Japanese guests and brought home Monster GT, Grouper, Job Fish, Mangrove Jack, Y...

We had a fun spearfishing trip with our Japanese guests and brought home Monster GT, Grouper, Job Fish, Mangrove Jack, Yellow Snapper, midnight snapper and Sweet Lips.

So happy to be with them on their third trip to Nias Island.

Let's go spearfishing with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62)812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

Our valuable guest Martine from Paris visited Nias Island for 5 days and was interested on culture especially the tradit...

Our valuable guest Martine from Paris visited Nias Island for 5 days and was interested on culture especially the traditional costumes of Nias Island.

Visiting traditional villages, museum, megalithic sites and meeting local people gave her a deep understanding about Nias ancestors' culture in the past.

Martine, a volunteer of a museum in France found us from an international tour website and confirmed her coming to explore Nias Island last month.

Thank you for entrusting your trip with , we look forward to welcoming you again in Nias Island.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


The Warriors' faceThese warriors can be said as the legends of the war dance from Bawömataluo. There were hundreds of wa...

The Warriors' face

These warriors can be said as the legends of the war dance from Bawömataluo. There were hundreds of war dances they had performed either in their village or outside.

The first slide is considered as the oldest warrior from the village with his unique face.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


TBS Sparkle, Inc. Crews from Japan spent their 3 days in Nias for making a short movie entitled "Windows of the World".T...

TBS Sparkle, Inc. Crews from Japan spent their 3 days in Nias for making a short movie entitled "Windows of the World".

The documentary will play about the historical buildings in Indonesia located in Berastagi, Jakarta, Bukit Tinggi, Semarang and South Nias.

The King House in Bawomataluo is one of the historical buildings listed on their program where they interviewed and filmed the daily life of the descendants of the King from Bawomataluo.

Special thanks to PT. Eizou Dua Inspirasi and Triturajaya Tour which sent our valuable guests to Nias Island.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Chris and Tanya, the guests from England supposed to come to Nias Island last 2020, but they had to reschedule it due to...

Chris and Tanya, the guests from England supposed to come to Nias Island last 2020, but they had to reschedule it due to the covid which didn't allow people to travel across countries.

After delaying for 3 years, finally they were able to make their trip to Nias Island as a part of their journey to visit Indonesia for 3 months.

Spending 4 days and 3 nights in Nias made them able to explore the traditional villages, megalithic sites and also museum. They had a chance also to meet Father Johannes Hammerle, the founder of Nias Heritage Museum.

This trip is hosted by our partner Tari Travel from Sulawesi.

Thank you for traveling to Nias Island with us. Yaahowu.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the magnificent culture with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


Membawa Kru TV Film Dokumenter Van Imhoff tahun 2016 yang lalu memberikan kesempatan baho   untuk terhubung dengan para ...

Membawa Kru TV Film Dokumenter Van Imhoff tahun 2016 yang lalu memberikan kesempatan baho untuk terhubung dengan para wisatawan/ peneliti yang tertarik dengan tenggelamnya kapal Van Imhoff Belanda yang membawa Internir asal Jerman.

Salah satunya Adalah Maaike Peneliti dari Netherlands Institute For Military History (NIMH) yang datang ke Nias bersama suaminya bulan Maret 2023 yang lalu.

Saat mereka ke Nias, dengan menggunakan jasa mereka menyusuri jejak kapal Van Imhoff di Pulau Nias.

Hasil penelitian mereka ini dipublikasikan di website mereka dengan memberikan rekomendasi Travel Go Nias Tour sebagai pemandu bagi para calon wisatawan di Pulau Nias nantinya.

Dalam publikasinya, Maaike mengulas dengan baik tempat-tempat bersejarah yang mereka kunjungi di Pulau Nias.

Link publikasi mereka bisa dilihat di sini: https://www.van-imhoff.com/een-bezoek-aan-nias/ (Ada pilihan bahasa di sudut kanan atas).

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the real Nias Island with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com

Half Day Tour: Hiking and Learning Local Wisdom at the Baho Farm & Education Center Salah satu alternatif wisata yang ka...

Half Day Tour: Hiking and Learning Local Wisdom at the Baho Farm & Education Center

Salah satu alternatif wisata yang kami tawarkan kepada para tamu yang datang ke Pulau Nias adalah hiking dan wisata alam di Air Terjun Baho Ndra serta mengunjungi Baho Farm.

Mendaki bukit Simanaere sejauh -/+ 1,5 km diantara hutan yang masih asri, menyusuri sungai dan tiba di Baho Farm untuk menikmati suguhan Kelapa muda serta belajar Manaku (membuat Sagu) dan dilanjutkan berenang ke air Terjun Baho Ndra yang sejuk.

Sepulang berenang menikmati pisang goreng dan sagu yang dipetik dan dibuat langsung di Baho Farm menjadi sensasi tersendiri.

Jika ingin menikmati masakan kampung, bisa menikmati Ayam atau bebek panggang hasil ternak di Baho Farm.

Pastinya akan membuat tour menjadi sangat menarik dan benar-benar menyatu dengan alam.

2 orang wisatawan asal Amerika menikmati wisata alamnya ke Baho Farm.

Visit Nias Nias island with , explore the beauty of the nature with us.

For more info and inquiries :
📱/WA: (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧: [email protected]
🌐: www.goniastour.com


The closing ceremony of Mainamolo Festival 2023

Mr. & Mr. Gonnord dari Perancis menikmati perjalanan 4 hari 3 malamnya di Pulau Nias, mengeksplor kekayaan budaya yang t...

Mr. & Mr. Gonnord dari Perancis menikmati perjalanan 4 hari 3 malamnya di Pulau Nias, mengeksplor kekayaan budaya yang tersebar di Nias.

Nias menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata mereka dari seluruh rangkaian perjalanan mereka yang dihost oleh Bali Authentique.

Terimakasih telah melakukan perjalanan berdama kami.

Ayo berwisata ke Pulau Nias dan nikmati Nias sesungguhnya bersama .
Untuk info dan reservasi, silakan hubungi:
📲/WA (+62) 812-602-744-44
📧 [email protected]
🌐 www.goniastour.com



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