Distributor Coffee Sumatera Utara Indonesia

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Distributor Coffee Sumatera Utara Indonesia Distributor Kopi Sumatera Utara. Distributor of coffee of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. KOPI
dari Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau (Dosen di Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Licensed Q Grader, Ahli Uji Cita Rasa Kopi, Ahli Sangrai Kopi, Ahli Budidaya Kopi, Ahli Kopi) yang mempunyai sebuah Laboratorium Uji Cita Rasa Kopi (Cupping Laboratory). NILAI:
Wirausaha berbasis IPTEK dan Kualitas. PRODUK:
Saya menjual Kopi Arabica dan Robusta. Kopi Biji Mentah, Kopi Sangrai, Kopi Bubuk. Kualitas Bintang Tujuh

, Harga Terjangkau. Biji dipilih secara istimewa. Saya menjual kopi biji, sangrai dan bubuk ke seluruh kota di Indonesia dan dunia. Saya menjual kopi reguler dan juga kopi luwak. Kopi reguler terdiri dari kopi umum dan kopi spesialti. Kopi Luwak terdiri dari Kopi Luwak Reguler dan Kopi Luwak Peaberry. Arabica: Fragrance/aroma : fresh butter, spicy, nutty-like, candy like; Aftertaste: long; Taste: delicate/mild; Acidity : complex, low; Body : full. HIMBAUAN:
Manjakan diri, sayangi keluarga, dan hormati tamu dengan menyuguhkan kopi yang asli, murni, segar, harum, gurih dan sehat. PEMBELI: Kopiku dijual untuk Rumah Tangga, Individu, Penyangrai, Cafe (Kedai Kopi), Restoran, Kantor, Toko, dsb. ASAL KOPI:
Dataran Tinggi (1000-2300 m dpl) Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Dikenal juga sebagai Kopi Sumut, Kopi Batak, Kopi Mandheling. Kopi dapat juga dinamai berdasarka asal (origin) yakni Kopi Dairi/Sidikalang, Kopi Humbanghas/Lintong, Kopi Pakpak Bharat, Kopi Samosir, Kopi Simalungun, Kopi Tanah Karo, Kopi Tapanuli Selatan (Sipirok), Kopi Tapanuli Utara, dan Kopi Tobasa. Peminat dapat memesan kopi berdasarkan nama daerah asal kopi. Saya selalu menjual kopi yang lulus Uji Cita Rasa (Cupping Test). TUJUAN:
Hampir keseluruhan laba akan saya gunakan untuk memromosikan kopi dan untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan dari mutu dan jumlah produksi kopi melalui rantai nilai kopi yang kreatif. Penerima manfaat langsung diutamakan petani miskin. Penerima manfaat langsung sebanyak 9.500 petani kopi dan pengusaha kopi serta pengupas kopi, sedangkan penerima manfaat tidak langsung sebanyak beratus-ratus pedagang pengumpul, eksportir, importir dan jutaan peminum, penikmat, penggemar dan pecinta kopi termasuk Anda. KOPI ADALAH OBAT ALAMI: Manfaat meminum kopi antara lain: Meningkatkan kebahagiaan, Meningkatkan daya kognitif, Mengurangi resiko terkena kanker, Mengurangi resiko terkena diabetes, Mengurangi resiko terkena penyakit Alzheimer dan Parkinson, dan Melindungi hati dari penyakit batu empedu. JUALAN KAMI
Kami menjual :
(1). ARABICA SPECIALTY (Kopi Spesialti Arabica Aleale)
(2). ROBUSTA SPECIALTY (Kopi Spesialti Robusta Sirambumas)
(3). Kopi Luwak Regulaer Kopi Luwak DaSola, DaSola Luwak Coffee)
(4). Kopi Luwak PEABERRY (caracoli, Kopi Luwak Lanang)

Harga wajar. Silahkan hubungi kami. CARA TRANSAKSI
Transfer ke rekening saya. Setelah transfer, beritahukan saya via SMS atau email atau Facebook bahwa sudah ditrasfer, lalu saya menyiapkan kopi bubuk yang dipesan. Kopi dikirim paling lambat dalam 3 hari setelah pembayaran dan pemberitahuan. Tiba maksimum 5 hari kerja (untuk kota-kota besar). CATATAN
1. Kopi yang saya produksi selalu dalam keadaan segar sebab bila ada pesanan, barulah kopi saya sangrai, lalu saya kirim.
2. Daya tahan kopi bubuk 60 hari bila dirawat dengan baik. Simpan dalam kotak/wadah/ruang gelap untuk menghindari oksidasi oleh cahaya lampu atau sinar matahari. Bila terkena cahaya/sinar, kopi bubuk akan mengalami oksidasi yang kemudian merusak mutu kopi. Plastik/bungkusan harus tetap tertutup rapat agar aroma tetap terpelihara. Jauhkan wadah dari bebauan dan dari air. Tempatkan wadah pada tempat kering dan tidak panas.
3. Cara seduhan:
Cara meyeduh pada prinsinya tergantung kepada selera si peminum. Cara berikut dapat dipertimbangkan.
- Isi gelas dengan kopi bubuk dengan dosis sesuai dengan kemampuan/kebutuhan tubuh si peminum. Di Eropah/USA biasanya 10-12 gram (2.5-3 sendok makan penuh) kopi bubuk ARABICA per 160-180ml air (1 gelas atau 1 cangkir).
- Tuang air sangat panas. Gunakan air mendidih yang sudah dinginkan sebentar 1-2 menit. Bisa juga langsung menggunakan air panas dari termos atau dispenser asalkan temperaturnya 85-97 oC. Tuangkan air tersebut secara berputar dan pelahan sehingga terjadi aliran air dalam gelas, dan seluruh bubuk terbasahi. Bisa juga sambil diaduk dengan perlahan dengan sendok.
- Lalu biarkan larutan tenang selama 3 menit.
- Kemudian pecahkan kerak yang ada di atas permukaan larutan dengan sendok sambil menggoyang kerak dengan cara menyentuhkan bahagian belakang sendok berkeling 10 kali. Tunggu sebentar. Terlihat sebahagian kerak akan jatuh ke dalam larutan, sebahagian lagi masih tertinggal di atas permukaan larutan. Lapisan tipis seperti berbuih dan berwarna coklat/cerah yang tertinggal dipermukaan tersebut keluarkan/buang dari gelas dengan menggunakan sendok.
- Lalu, bila Anda suka kopi saring, inilah saatnya Anda menyaring dengan menggunakan kertas saring.
- Lalu, bagi peminum kopi MANIS, inilah saatnya memasukkan gula, lalu mengocoknya. Salam. Terima kasih. Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau
- Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan
- Pemilik dari Goldenways Coffee (Pedagang dan Penyangrai Kopi)
- Licensed Q Grader, Ahli Uji Cita Rasa Kopi, Ahli Sangrai Kopi, Ahli Kopi
- Anggota Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), Amerika Serikat.
- Anggota Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI).
- HP: 0812-606-2016.
- PIN BlackBerry : 28C72DDE
- Skype: sabam.malau43
- Email: [email protected]
- Alamat: Jalan Karya Rakyat 33-A, Kelurahan Sei Agul, Medan 20117, Provinsi Sumatera Utara.
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/drsabammalau
- Website :
www. goldenwayscoffee . com;
www. batakcoffee. com
www. northsumateracoffeeforum . com



Stimulated by my need of fund to help poor farmers of coffee as well as to share the best, most tasty and healthy coffee which I always drink, I sell coffee to all over the world. The profit will be used to increase welfare (income) of coffee farmers through creative coffee value chain program by implementing pro-environmental and sustainable quality and quantity of coffee production and processing system. The activities will be in form of empowerment, training, field school, and facilitating. In due time (in 2-3 years), the program will stimulate the coffee growers of villages to establish cooperatives which builds the hulling and roasting facilities. This will increase their income higher than ever. Goldenways Coffee will be the buyer of these grean beans. Direct beneficieries will be 9,500 coffee farmers. The Goldenways Coffee is a sicence, technology and quality-based enterprise. It’s motto is Pamper yourself, dear family, and respect guests to the right, pure, fragrant, tasty and healthy coffee. Seven Star Quality, Affordable Price. Customers first, delivery on time. Goldenways Coffee has been registered at the United States Food and Drugs Administration (U.S. FDA) since 27 December 2012. We sell Arabica Coffee, Robusta Coffee and Luwak Coffee.. Trade name is ALEALE, SIRAMBUMAS and Luwak DASola Specialty Coffee. The origin of coffee bean is highland (1000-2300 m above sea level) of mountain forestry area of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Known generally as Sumut Coffee, Batak Coffee, or Mandheling Coffee. Based on regencies, specificly known also as Dairi/Sidikalang Coffee, Humbanghas/Lintong Coffee, Pakpak Bharat Coffee, Samosir Coffee, Simalungun Coffee, Tanah Karo Coffee, Tapanuli Selatan Coffee, Tapanuli Utara Coffee, and Tobasa Coffee. ALEALE is a specialty coffee of Arabica type. ALEALE is sold in form of Roasted Bean and Ground (Powder) Coffee. ALEALE has Fragrance/aroma: fresh butter, spicy, nutty-like and candy-like; Aftertaste: long; Taste: delicate/mild; Acidity : complex, low; Body : full. Legal Certificates have been awardet to my coffee. Certificate Numbers issued by Health Department of Medan Government are P-IRT No.3.10.1275.01.383, P-IRT No.3.10.1275.03.383, P-IRT No.6.10.1275.05.383 and P-IRT No.6.10.1275.07.383. The Testing Laboratory of the Institute for Industrial Research and Sandardization of Industrial Ministry Office of Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia proves that coffee I produce is healthy (Certificate Number 00483). ALEALE made of specialty green bean that passes the cupping test. PRICE is affordable. Contact us. SIRAMBUMAS is specialty roasted and ground (powder) made of specialty green bean of Robusta Coffee. Legal Certificates have been awarded to SIRAMBUMAS. Certificate Numbers issued by Health Department of Medan Government are P-IRT No.3.10.1275.02.383; P-IRT No.6.10.1275.04.383; P-IRT No.6.10.1275.06.383, and P-IRT No.6.10.1275.08.383. The certificate number issued by Research and Standardization Industry Body of Government is 00483. The origin of coffee bean is highland (1000-2300 m asl) of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. LUWAK Coffee DaSola is a true, pure, tasty, fragrant and healthy luwak coffee. What is Luwak Coffee? You must have ever heard Luwak Coffee or Civet Coffee or Kopi Luwak. You also must have ever drunk it, otherwise try to drink it. What is Kopi Luwak? Kopi Luwak is Indonesian word. Translation is Luwak Coffee or Civet Coffee. How is it produced? Animal called civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites) eat the red coffee fruits for fleshy part of fruit (mesocarp), and then swallow it. In the civet stomach, enzyme penetrate the coffee bean in order to make peptide shorter and to free amino acids. The shape of coffee bean is maintened. The coffee beans come out the civet stomach in form of compact aggregation, not in each bean separately. These aggregate will then be gathered by people, washed, dried under sunligt, roasted and made in form of powder (ground coffee). Fragrance/aroma: jack fruit-like and candy-like; Aftertaste: long; Taste: delicate/mild; Acidity : complex, low; Body : full. PEABERRY Luwak Coffee is peaberry that produced by civet (luwak). Peaberry is very special not only because it was produced rarely at coffee plant but also because it has been selected carefully. Normally, one cherry develops two halves bean which form are flat. However, sometimes one cherry develops only one bean which is oval or pea-shaped. This is called Peaberry. From my experience, only around 4% of all beans harvested are Peaberry (Caracole). Worker has to select peaberries carefully from lots of civet coffee bean. It makes peaberry civet has optimal quality. In roasting, peaberry has more chance to receive optimal roast because it rolls on roasting chamber. In flavor and taste, does peaberry civet coffee has its own interesting attributes? My answer : Yes. You need to drink it, and find the answer. How do I provide my civet coffee? I buy compact aggregation from coffee farmers from Mountain Area (1000-2300 m above sea level) of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This way of buying can then ensure me that I receive pure (100%) civet coffee. Then, I wash, dry and hull it, and conduct cupping test at my Cupping Laboratory. What do I sell and What is the price? I sell Natural Wild Luwak Coffee. Pure 100% luwak coffee. Regular Luwak Coffee as well as PEABERRY Luwak Coffee. I sell green bean, roasted bean and powder. I myself roast the green bean. I sell to all cities of all countries. Price is affordable:

Shipping. We send through Air Cargo TO YOUR HOME at YOUR COUNTRY. How is Packing? Green bean, rosted bean or powder will be put in plastic sealed in in Aluminum Foil. One pack contains 250 gram. How to buy? Put your order by sending me an e-mail to my e-mail address [email protected]. Then, I will send to you my account number. After you pay, I will send the coffee through Post Office. Who am I? I am Dr. Sabam Malau, lecturer of Agriculture Faculty of University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia. Member of Theological Commission of Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) Church. Doctor (PhD) from Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany. Owner of Goldenways Coffee. Licensed Q Grader (Certificate issued by Coffee Quality Institute, USA, and SCAA, USA), Roaster, Agronomist, and Coffee Expert who has Cupping Laboratory. Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum. Member of Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Member of Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI). Coffee Consultant. Director of Center for Agriculture and Regional Development at HKBP Nommensen University. Member of Research Council of North Sumatera. Chairman of Agriculture Extension Commitee of Pakpak Bharat Regency, Indonesia. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) presented Certificate of Appreciation on 12 January 2011 for outstanding service to the USAID-AMARTA program in Indonesia, signed by CoP Dr. William Levine and Deputy CoP Mark Birnbaum. Awarded as Champion of the Community Entrepreneurship Challenge 2010, sponsored by Arthur Guinness Fund, organized by British Council Indonesia, signed by Mr. Keith Davies Country Director of British Council Indonesia. I really appreciate you all to have read this letter and to buy coffee from me, and disseminate this coffee information to your friends and networks. Kind regards,

Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau
- Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture ofUniversitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan.
- Owner of Goldenways Coffee (Coffee Trader and Roaster).
- Licensed Q Grader, Ahli Uji Cita Rasa Kopi, Ahli Sangrai Kopi, Ahli Kopi
- Member of Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), USA.
- Member of Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI).
- HP: 0812-606-2016.
- PIN BlackBerry : 28C72DDE
- Skype: sabam.malau43
- Email: [email protected]
- Address: Jalan Karya Rakyat 33-A, Medan 20117, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/drsabammalau
- Website :
www. com

- MINIMUM ORDER for EXPORT is 1 kg. It will be sended through Air Cargo. Buy 21 kg, then TOTAL shipping cost is around US$ 325-425, and buy less than 2 kg then the shipping cost is around 60-100 per kg which depends on your country. SENDING through Air Cargo TO YOUR HOME at YOUR COUNTRY.

- Mindestbestellmenge fuer Export is 1 kg. Es wird durch Air Cargo gesendet werden. Kaufen 21 kg, dann TOTAL Versandkosten betraeg rund US$ 325-425, und kaufen weniger als 2 kg dann die Versandkosten ist etwa US$ 60-100 pro kg, die abhaengig von Ihrem Land. Senden durch Air cargo zu Ihrem Hause in Ihrem Landes. Der Gewind wind verwendet, um Kaffeebauern zu helfen.

- Minimum order voor export is 1 kg. Het zal worden gestuurd via Air Cargo. Koop 21 kg, dan total verschepen kosten is ongeveer US$ 325-425, und kopen minder dan 2 kg dan is de het verschepen kosten is ongeveer US $ 60 tot 100 per kg, wat afhankelijk is van uw land. Verzenden via Air Cargo bij u thuis op UW LAND. Der winstzal woden gebruikt om koffieboeren te helfen.

- Commande minimum pour l'expotation est de 1 kg. Il vous sera envoye par fret aerien. Acheter 21 kg, puis les frais de port TOTAL est de US$ 325-425, et achter moins de 2 kg puis le cout d'expedition est d'environ US$ 60-100 par kg, ce qui depende votre pays. Envoi par fret aerien a votre maison a VOTRE PAYS. Le benefice sera utilise pour aider les producteurs de cafe.

- Pedido mínimo para la exportación es 1 kg. Se mandó a través de carga aérea. Comprar 21 kg, costo total del envío es de alrededor de 325-425 dólares EE.UU., y comprar menos de 2 kg, entonces el costo de envío es de alrededor de 60-100 kg por lo que depende de su país. Enviando a través de carga aérea a su hogar en SU PAÍS. El beneficio será utilizado para ayudar a los productores de café.

- Мінімальне замовлення на експорт 1 кг. Він буде відіслано через вантажних авіаперевезень. Купити 21 кг, то загальна вартість доставки складає близько US $ 325-425, і купити менше 2 кг, то вартість доставки складає близько 60-100 за кг, в залежності від вашої країни. ВІДПРАВКА через Air Cargo для вашого будинку в вашій країні.

Прибуток буде використовуватися, щоб допомогти фермерам кави.

- ORDINE MINIMO per l'esportazione è di 1 kg. Sarà inviato tramite Air Cargo. Compra 21 kg, quindi il costo di trasporto totale è di circa US $ 325-425, e acquistare a meno di 2 kg quindi il costo di trasporto è di circa 60-100 kg per che dipende dal vostro paese. Invio tramite Air Cargo a casa tua con VOSTRO PAESE. L'utile sarà utilizzato per aiutare i coltivatori di caffè.

- 出口最低订购量为1千克。这将是sended通过空运货物。购买21公斤,当时的总运输成本是325-425美元左右,买不到2公斤的运输成本是每公斤约60-100取决于您所在的国家或地区。在您所在的国家通过空运货物发送到您的主页。


- 輸出のための最低の順序は1キロです。これは、航空貨物にsendedを通してされます。 21キロを購入し、総郵送費用はUS $325から425程度であり、その後郵送料はあなたの国に依存して60から100キロあたりの周り未満で2キロを購入。あなたの国であなたの家に航空貨物を介して送信する。


- 수출 최소 주문은 1 kg입니다. 이 항공화물을 통해 sended 될 것입니다. 21kg를 구입 한 후 TOTAL 배송 비용은 US $ 325-425 주위 후 배송 비용은 국가에 따라 달라집니다 60-100 당 kg 주위 미만 2kg을 구입. 귀하의 국가에서 홈으로 항공화물을 통해 보내는 중입니다.

이익은 커피 농부들을 돕기 위해 사용됩니다.

- Pedido mínimo para exportação é de 1 kg. Será sended através de carga aérea. Comprar 21 kg, então o custo de transporte total é de cerca de EUA $ 325-425, e comprar menos de 2 kg, então o custo de transporte é de cerca de 60-100 kg por que depende do seu país. Envio através de carga aérea a sua casa em SEU PAÍS. O lucro será usado para ajudar os produtores de café.
- Минимальный заказ на экспорт 1 кг. Он будет отослано через грузовых авиаперевозок. Купить 21 кг, то общая стоимость доставки составляет около US $ 325-425, и купить менее 2 кг, то стоимость доставки составляет около 60-100 за кг, в зависимости от вашей страны. ОТПРАВКА через Air Cargo для вашего дома в вашей стране.

Прибыль будет использоваться, чтобы помочь фермерам кофе.

- GORCHYMYN LEIAF gyfer ALLFORIO yw 1 kg. Bydd yn cael ei sended trwy Air Cargo. Prynu 21 kg, yna cost llongau CYFANSWM yw tua US $ 325-425, ac yn prynu llai na 2 kg yna bydd y gost llongau tua 60-100 kg fesul sy'n dibynnu ar eich gwlad. ANFON trwy Cargo Aer I EICH CARTREF EICH GWLAD yn. Bydd yr elw yn cael ei ddefnyddio i helpu ffermwyr coffi.

- Tá ORDÚ IS LÚ do ONNMHAIRIÚ 1 kg. Beidh sé sended trí lasta Aeir. Ceannaigh 21 kg, ansin tá costas loingseoireachta IOMLÁN timpeall US $ 325-425, agus a cheannach níos lú ná 2 kg ansin tá an costas loingseoireachta ar fud 60-100 kg in aghaidh an atá ag brath ar do thír féin. SEOLTA trí Lasta Aeir LE DO BHAILE ag DO TÍR. Beidh an brabús a úsáid chun cabhrú le feirmeoirí caife.

- Minimum Order til útflutnings er 1 kg. Það verður sended í Air Cargo. Kaupa 21 kg, þá er alger flutningskostnað um US $ 325-425, og kaupa minna en 2 kg þá er Shipping kostnaður í kringum 60-100 á kg sem byggist á þínu landi. Senda í gegnum Cargo Air heim í þínu landi. Hagnaður verður notað til að hjálpa kaffi bændum.

- Minimum Ordinis pro EXAGOGA est I kg. Erit sended per Air Cargo. Buy XXI kg, tunc TOTAL shipping sumptus est circa US $ 325-425, et emite minus quam II kg tunc shipping sumptus est circa 60-100 per kg quae dependet patriam. MISSIO per Air Cargo UT VESTRI HOME ad patriam. Utilitas erit solebant adiuuare coffee agricolis.

- Minimum for eksport er 1 kg. Det vil bli sended gjennom Air Cargo. Kjøp 21 kg, så TOTAL frakt kostnaden er rundt US $ 325-425, og kjøpe mindre enn 2 kg da shipping kostnaden er rundt 60-100 per kg som avhenger av landet. SENDE gjennom Air Cargo til ditt hjem på ditt land. Overskuddet vil bli brukt til å hjelpe kaffebønder.

- Minsta order för export är 1 kg. Det kommer att sended genom Air Cargo. Köp 21 kg, TOTAL fraktkostnad är ungefär US $ 325-425, och köpa mindre än 2 kg då fraktkostnaden är ca 60-100 per kg som beror på ditt land. SKICKA genom Air Cargo till ditt hem i ditt land. Resultatet kommer att användas för att hjälpa kaffeodlare.

- Minimum bestelling vir uitvoer is 1 kg. Dit sal sended word deur die Air Cargo. Koop 21 kg, dan TOTAAL gestuur koste is ongeveer US $ 325-425, en minder as 2 kg koop dan is die gestuur koste is ongeveer 60-100 per kg wat hang af van jou land. Stuur deur Air Cargo na jou huis op jou land. Die wins sal gebruik word om koffie boere te help.


Happy Birthday Bapak ke_63
16 Sept 1959- 16 Sept 2022.
Happy bersama istri, putra dan putriku.
Banyak berkat Tuhan kepada saya dan kami. Thanks God.

Happy Birthday Bapak ke_6316 Sept 1959- 16 Sept 2022.Happy bersama istri, putra dan putriku. Banyak berkat Tuhan kepada ...

Happy Birthday Bapak ke_63
16 Sept 1959- 16 Sept 2022.
Happy bersama istri, putra dan putriku.
Banyak berkat Tuhan kepada saya dan kami. Thanks God.


Lyodra Ginting tampil di Dubai Expo.


Berita terkini: Hebat harga kopi di pasar dunia. Breaking news: Great price of coffee in the world market.Saya sahabat Anda,Prof. Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau


Breaking News: Kasus Covid-19 melonjak 400%. Breaking News: Covid-19 cases jumped 400%.Prof. Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau


Salam sehat.


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Dokter Aher berkata bahwa kita bisa terinfeksi covid-19 karena 7 titik lemah dan 7 titik lengah ini.Salam sehat.****Doctor Aher said that we can be infected...


LTH (BSF): Cara terAMAN terhindar dari HAMA pada PENETASAN TELUR dan PEMELIHARAAN LARVA Lalat Tentara Hitam (LTH).Terima kasih atas kebaikan hati Anda semua ...



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