With the island's inbound travel rebounding quickly, it's great to again concentrate on welcoming our overseas visitors to Bali Gita.
In doing so, many changes experienced during the pandemic period won't be forgotten; particularly the resident expatriate families and groups whose long-term rentals sustained the villa and staff during this difficult period.
Additionally, the past 2+ years have allowed the staff and local contractors to carry out often less visible maintenance jobs that would otherwise have been difficult to schedule. That's giving a more thorough result, even though at times it's seemed painfully slow.
Rethatching the 5 major roofs has been the biggest, most visible, and frequently frustrating job due to a pair of longer and heavier than usual rainy seasons. That's caused consequential problems at times as eg a stripped-off roof allowed an unexpected downpour to pe*****te an interior 😫 Nonetheless, we expect shortly to finish the sole remaining building - by the end of May.😀