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Keraton Yogyakarta Indonesia (Yogyakarta) or often referred to as Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is located in the hea...

Keraton Yogyakarta Indonesia (Yogyakarta) or often referred to as Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is located in the heart of the province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), Indonesia. Because his place is in the midst of Yogyakarta, where as in take a straight line between Mount Merapi and South Sea, the Palace became the Centre of the two. The Palace or the Royal Kraton Yogyakarta is the last of all the kingdoms in Java.

When the Kingdom of hindu-Buddhist ends later at the first Islamic Kingdom continue with Demak, and then standing in the Kingdom of Mataram islam like the other ones in the pitch by Sultan Agung and then running Sultan of Yogyakarta and appears erected by Sultan Hamengku Bowono i. up to now, the Palace of Yogyakarta culture that still holds a very awesome.

That's culture is called Gamelan, Gamelan is a traditional music in a holelife of Kraton, If you visit Kraton Yogyakarta, you may play this Gamelan as you want, and B&B Travel will accompany your legend Travel.... 👌

Tugu Malioboro ini mempunyai nama lain Tugu Golong Gilig atau Tugu Pal Putih merupakan penanda batas utara kota tua Yogy...

Tugu Malioboro ini mempunyai nama lain Tugu Golong Gilig atau Tugu Pal Putih merupakan penanda batas utara kota tua Yogya. Tugu Yogya bukanlah tugu sembarang, tapi tugu Yogya ini adalah tugu yang memiliki mitos yang sangat bersejarah dan sejuta misteri di dalamnya, sehingga menjadi salah satu keistimewaan yang dimiliki kota Yogya.

Tugu Yogya dibangun pada tahun 1755 oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, pendiri kraton Yogyakarta yang mempunyai nilai simbolis dan merupakan garis yang bersifat magis menghubungkan Laut Selatan, Kraton Yogya dan Gunung Merapi.

Pada saat awal berdirinya, bangunan ini secara tegas menggambarkan Manunggaling Kawula Gusti, semangat persatuan rakyat dan penguasa untuk melawan penjajahan.Semangat persatuan atau yang disebut golong gilig itu tergambar jelas pada bangunan tugu, tiangnya berbentuk gilig (silinder) dan puncaknya berbentuk golong (bulat), hingga akhirnya dinamakan Tugu Golong-Gilig.Keberadaan Tugu ini juga sebagai patokan arah ketika Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I pada waktu itu melakukan meditasi, yang menghadap puncak gunung Merapi. Bangunan Tugu Jogja saat awal dibangun berbentuk tiang silinder yang mengerucut ke atas, sementara bagian dasarnya berupa pagar yang melingkar, sedangkan bagian puncaknya berbentuk bulat. Ketinggian bangunan tugu golong gilig ini pada awalnya mencapai 25 meter

Kondisi Tugu Yogya ini berubah total pada 10 Juni 1867, di mana saat itu terjadi bencana alam gempa bumi besar yang mengguncang Yogyakarta, yang membuat bangunan tugu runtuh. Runtuhnya tugu karena gempa inilah yang membuat keadaan dalam kondisi transisi karena makna persatuan benar-benar tak tercermin pada bangunan tugu.

Pengen lihat Tugu Ini langsung? dan bisa berfoto dibawahnya?
Ayo agendakan liburan anda ke Jogja, B&B Travel dengan senang hati melayani dan menfasilitasi traveling anda selama di Jogja...

The Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was built in the 8th and 9th ...

The Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was built in the 8th and 9th centuries AD during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty. The monument is located in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part of Central Java, at the centre of the island of Java, Indonesia.
The main temple is a stupa built in three tiers around a hill which was a natural centre: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,520 m2. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.
The vertical division of Borobudur Temple into base, body, and superstructure perfectly accords with the conception of the Universe in Buddhist cosmology. It is believed that the universe is divided into three superimposing spheres, kamadhatu, rupadhatu, and arupadhatu, representing respectively the sphere of desires where we are bound to our desires, the sphere of forms where we abandon our desires but are still bound to name and form, and the sphere of formlessness where there is no longer either name or form. At Borobudur Temple, the kamadhatu is represented by the base, the rupadhatu by the five square terraces, and the arupadhatu by the three circular platforms as well as the big stupa. The whole structure shows a unique blending of the very central ideas of ancestor worship, related to the idea of a terraced mountain, combined with the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana.
The Temple should also be seen as an outstanding dynastic monument of the Syailendra Dynasty that ruled Java for around five centuries until the 10th century.

Are you corious with Borobudur Temple and The Buddiest Statue? Please visit Indonesia then go to Yogyakarta, B&B Travel will accompany your traveling....👌

Pantai Greweng yang menawan, wisata alam malam pilihan sahabat B&B kali ini sungguh menakjubkan, menikmati malam dengan ...

Pantai Greweng yang menawan, wisata alam malam pilihan sahabat B&B kali ini sungguh menakjubkan, menikmati malam dengan payung bintang gemintang dan iringan suara desir ombak, cukup mujarab untuk melapas penat!

B&B Travel, Nyaman dalam perjalanan 🚘, Senang saat liburan 👌


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