Kellec Networking & Electrical

Kellec Networking & Electrical Our projects. American Holidays, Fonua, Fonfix, Digi Com, Software Support. Advance Systems. Allianz, KSN.Downer int. Niteline. Cubic Telecom. SHS Bray.

Todays project. A network rebuild and tidy up for ATC Bray. Work in progress, we’ve still got to install some new kit. N...

Todays project. A network rebuild and tidy up for ATC Bray. Work in progress, we’ve still got to install some new kit. New switch and server on the way.

Today’s project. Removing the old server, UPS. Strip down and repatch of the network and installing the router aNd firew...

Today’s project. Removing the old server, UPS.
Strip down and repatch of the network and installing the router a
Nd firewall into the cabinet.

A nice little challenge.

This weekend’s project for Conaty foods. Strip out and rebuild the network. Install new switches. Move firewall and rout...

This weekend’s project for Conaty foods. Strip out and rebuild the network. Install new switches. Move firewall and routers.
Remove old server and move the new servers.
An enjoyable challenge.

Install of a new 42U cabinet and rebuild of the fibre and LAN network.

Install of a new 42U cabinet and rebuild of the fibre and LAN network.

A nice Saturday project.

A nice Saturday project.

DairyGlen. Comms and server area tidy up. New POE switch installed.

DairyGlen. Comms and server area tidy up.
New POE switch installed.

Another challenge.

Another challenge.

Today’s project, for Mike Murphy Insurance. Install a new larger and deeper comms cab, install the new switches, cable m...

Today’s project, for Mike Murphy Insurance. Install a new larger and deeper comms cab, install the new switches, cable management and re patch. Also a strip out of the main comms cab redundant kit.

Today’s project. Not an easy one as this was a live upgrade !! nothing like a challenge.

Today’s project. Not an easy one as this was a live upgrade !! nothing like a challenge.

Today’s project. Haydon Chartered. Coms cab 1, Re- patched and tidied up. Coms cab 2, Old servers and redundant kit remo...

Today’s project. Haydon Chartered. Coms cab 1, Re- patched and tidied up.
Coms cab 2, Old servers and redundant kit removed, new server and switch installed.

Today’s project for Mc Cambridge Bread.  Coms tidy up. Server tidy up, router and firewall moved into a secure cabinet.

Today’s project for Mc Cambridge Bread.
Coms tidy up. Server tidy up, router and firewall moved into a secure cabinet.


Kapilarna vlaga karakteristična je za stare objekte građene bez temelja i vodonepropusnih materijala. 🏚

Ako se ne ukloni iz zidova na vrijeme, kroz određeno vrijeme uzrokuje raslojavanje i uništavanje materijala zidova. 💦

PROsystem djeluje na temelju elektroosmoze i uspješno se upotrebljava za rješavanje kapilarne vlage već godinama. 🏠

Ovaj sistem eliminacije je iznimno brz i efikasan, a prvi efekti mogu biti vidljivi već nekoliko dana nakon instalacije sustava. ✅

Više o PROsystemu pročitajte na našoj web stranici ili nas kontaktirajte: 🔍
📩 [email protected]
☎ 01 388 77 99

Graystones Golf Club.Comms area tidy up.

Graystones Golf Club.
Comms area tidy up.

This weekend’s project for Finol Oil. Move the noisy server to the dry store room, install a 12u wall mounted cab and re...

This weekend’s project for Finol Oil. Move the noisy server to the dry store room, install a 12u wall mounted cab and re patch using colour coding patch leads.

Harmony Timber Project. Cabinet 1 all set up and ready in the admin building. Production buildings 1&2 also completed wi...

Harmony Timber Project.
Cabinet 1 all set up and ready in the admin building.
Production buildings 1&2 also completed with their fibre links installed and tested.

A nice little project today. Upgrading an office to a Ubiquity WiFi and switch network.

A nice little project today. Upgrading an office to a Ubiquity WiFi and switch network.

Mounttown Community Facility. Comms cabinet upgrade & tidy up. Very challenging with the size of the comms room. I enjoy...

Mounttown Community Facility.

Comms cabinet upgrade & tidy up.

Very challenging with the size of the comms room.
I enjoyed the challenge.
Delighted with the results.

Nothing like working over the holidays. The Photos show part 2 of a complete strip down. Removal of old switches, Instal...

Nothing like working over the holidays.
The Photos show part 2 of a complete strip down.
Removal of old switches, Install of new switches and cable management.
I say part 2 as part 1 was removing the old phone network, and servers.
Still work in progress, but we are nearly there.

Today’s tidy up project for, Dolphin House Community Center. Rilito.

Today’s tidy up project for, Dolphin House Community Center. Rilito.

Capillary moisture most often occurs in older buildings that are built without foundations or waterproof materials. Over...

Capillary moisture most often occurs in older buildings that are built without foundations or waterproof materials. Over time, it causes the appearance of fungus, and eventually, stratification and destruction of the wall material occur. Therefore, it is necessary to react to the first signs and take care of drying the walls. 🏠

PROsystem operates based on electroosmosis and has been used successfully to dry capillary moisture for years. This elimination system is extremely fast and efficient, and the first effects can be seen as early as a few days after the system is installed. ✅

Read more about PROsystem on our website or contact us: 🔍
📩 [email protected] for installations in Ireland.

Kapilarna vlaga najčešće se javlja kod starijih građevina koje su građene bez temelja ili bez vodonepropusnih materijala. S vremenom uzrokuje pojavu gljivica, a u konačnici dolazi do raslojavanja i uništavanja materijala zidova. Zbog toga je neophodno reagirati već kod prvih znakova i pobrinuti se za isušivanje zidova. 🏠

PROsystem djeluje na temelju elektroosmoze i uspješno se upotrebljava za rješavanje kapilarne vlage već godinama. Ovaj sistem eliminacije je iznimno brz i efikasan, a prvi efekti mogu biti vidljivi već nekoliko dana nakon instalacije sustava. ✅

Više o PROsystemu pročitajte na našoj web stranici ili nas kontaktirajte: 🔍
📩 [email protected]
☎ 01 388 77 99

Contact for projects in Ireland.

Contact [email protected] for projects in Ireland.

Uklanjanje gljivica i plijesni sa zidova raznim kemijskim sredstvima je učinkovito kratkoročno, no bez isušivanja zidova od kapilarne vlage posljedice će se vrlo brzo ponovno vratiti te će na dugoročno doći do raslojavanja i uništavanja materijala zidova. 💦

Zbog toga je neophodno već kod prvih znakova pobrinuti se za isušivanje vlage iz zidova i spriječiti degradiranje građevine. 🏠

PROsystem sustav je uređaj koji djeluje bez građevinskih radova, jednostavno se postavlja i troši minimalno energije. Promjene su vidljive već nakon nekoliko dana, a osim što isušuje zidove dugoročno spriječava povratak vlage. ✅

Više o PROsystemu pročitajte na našoj web stranici ili nas kontaktirajte: 🔍
📩 [email protected]
☎ 01 388 77 99

Protect your property from degradation caused by capillary moisture in the walls with the PROsystem. ✅Capillary moisture...

Protect your property from degradation caused by capillary moisture in the walls with the PROsystem. ✅

Capillary moisture in the walls causes a number of consequences that destroy the materials of the walls and disrupt the aesthetics of the space. It is essential to take care of its drying and protect the building. 🏠

PROsystem works quickly and efficiently and protects the walls in the long run! If the factors influencing the drying course are favorable, the changes are visible after only a few days. 💦

Read more about PROsystem on our website or contact
[email protected]. In Ireland.

Zaštitite svoju imovinu od degradiranja koje uzrokuje kapilarna vlaga u zidovima pomoću uređaja PROsystem. ✅

Kapilarna vlaga u zidovima uzrokuje niz posljedica koje uništavaju materijale zidova i narušavaju estetiku prostora. Od iznimne je važnosti pobrinuti se za njeno isušivanje i zaštititi građevinu. 🏠

PROsystem djeluje brzo i efikasno te štiti zidove dugoročno! Ako su faktori koji utječu na tijek isušivanja povoljni, promjene su vidljive već nakon nekoliko dana. 💦

Više o PROsystemu pročitajte na našoj web stranici ili nas kontaktirajte: 🔍
📩 [email protected]
☎ 01 388 77 99

Contact in Ireland for more information.

Contact [email protected] in Ireland for more information.

Plijesan na zidovima pojavljuje se uslijed dugotrajnog prisustva kapilarne vlage. Prvi znakovi koji upućuju na njeno prisustvo su vlažne mrlje na zidovima, a nakon njih pojavljuje se i plijesan te može doći do uništavanja materijala zidova. 💦

PROsystem je najbolja zaštita građevine od kapilarne vlage. Zahvaljujući inovativnoj tehnologiji koja djeluje na temelju elektroosmoze i mijenja smjer kretanja prema tlu, ne zahtijeva građevinske radove i jednostavno se instalira. Rezultati su vidljivi već nakon nekoliko tjedana! ✅

Više o PROsystemu pročitajte na našoj web stranici ili nas kontaktirajte: 🔍
📩 [email protected]
☎ 01 388 77 99


Dugotrajno prisustvo kapilarne vlage u zidovima za posljedicu ima uništavanje i raslojavanje materijala te konstantno degradiranje građevine i smanjenje njene materijalne vrijednosti. Kako bi zaštitili građevinu od propadanja neophodno je pobrinuti se za isušivanje vlage. 💦🏠

Najučinkovitiji način za rješavanje problema i dugotrajnu zaštitu od vlage je uređaj PROsystem, koji se jednostavno instalira na građevinu i ne zahtijeva građevinske radove. Djeluje odašiljanjem pulsnih valova u zidove i mijenjanjem smjera kretanja vlage natrag ka tlu. ✅

Više o PROsystemu pročitajte na našoj web stranici ili nas kontaktirajte: 🔍
📩 [email protected]
☎ 01 388 77 99

Today’s project for Nutgrove Enterprise Center.

Today’s project for Nutgrove Enterprise Center.

Nourish. New HQ. Set up and ready for plug and play.

Nourish. New HQ. Set up and ready for plug and play.

Some before and after photos from today’s project for ECI Lighting. Strip down and rebuild of the comms cab and install ...

Some before and after photos from today’s project for ECI Lighting. Strip down and rebuild of the comms cab and install of the new server.


Kapilarna vlaga penje se kroz zidove iz tla i njena dugotrajna prisutnost u zidovima uništava materijale zidova. Zbog toga je vrlo bitno što prije reagirati na prve znakove pojave vlage u zidovima i pobrinuti se za sprečavanje njenih štetnih utjecaja. 💧

Znakovi koji upućuju na kapilarnu vlagu su:
🔹 Raslojavanje, otpadanje i uništavanje zidova
🔹 Pojava vlažnih mrlja na zidovima, soli, nitrata i plijesni na njihovoj površini
🔹 Neugodan miris vlage u prostoru

PROsystem je efikasno i brzo rješenje za isušivanje zidova. Djeluje na temelju elektroosmoze, odašilje pulsne valove u zidove te smanjuje površinsku napetost molekula vode, odnosno mijenja smjer kretanja čestica vode prema negativno nabijenom tlu. ✅

Više o PROsystem-u saznajte na našoj web stranici: 🔍




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